Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1618684-THANKSGIVING--WISHES
Rated: E · Poetry · Contest Entry · #1618684
Written for Sherri Gibson's Coloring The World Contest

There is something to be said about Thanksgiving wishes,
one is that it would be great to get some help with the dishes!
Of course all the fixings require an array of pots and pans too.
Just where they all come from, we haven't got even a clue!

It starts with a breakfast of pancakes and scrambled eggs
while the children fuss over who gets the wishbone and legs.
Pa likes his wild rice stuffing and Gram wants the pies done
so they can be devoured and enjoyed by each and everyone.

Sweet potatoes and homemade bread are always a must
while the little ones make turkey tracks in the pie crust.
Everyone has a hand in making the Thanksgiving dinner;
Aunt Em's thanksgiving wishes are that she was thinner!

Gram looks forward to having all the family here at home
but she remembers the old and the folks who are alone.
She packs a basket and little Johnny takes it with pride
for the elderly neighbors next door and he hurries outside.

Seated at the table, they clasp hands and say a prayer
to keep watching over all the families with His loving care.
They thank God for all He has blessed them with today,
and to bless all of the young soldiers who are so far away.

Pa tells them of the many families who can't be together,
who wait and pray for peace in the world to last forever.
He tells of the homeless souls who live out on the street
as little Johnny gets impatient, wanting something to eat.

Gram says "Amen" and passes the potatoes and gravy
to her grandson Joe who is home on leave from the Navy.
Spirits rise and the chatter turns lighter as they begin
to enjoy the great dinner that is set there before them.

When all is said and done and the last of Gram's pie
is long gone, we hear sounds of Pa's burp and Ma's sigh.
She thinks of the overwhelming task of all the dishes,
then remembering it is all part of her thanksgiving wishes.



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