Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1618219-Woodsmen
by maggie
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Teen · #1618219
Danny finds out her new friends are cursed by her great great aunt who is dead.
part 2 of chapter 1

“Danny wait up, hey I didn’t think they were ever going to leave you alone especially Luca.” Ethan said catching up to me on the steps.
“So then you were watching me?” I asked.
“Actually I wanted to see if they could tell.” He lost me there.
“What are you talking about, tell what?”
“I wanted to see if they could tell if you were a witch.” I stopped him in his place cutting him off.
“Listen no one knows okay and I want to keep it that way, please.” I hated that someone had this secret to hang over my head but “Hopefully” he would keep it a secret.
“I knew I was right I’m never wrong, can I ask why you don’t want anyone to know?” Was he serious because I could think of a few reasons?
“Ethan please, I just want to be a normal girl here, I just want to be Danny.” We were in front of Mr. Porter’s class now.
“So plain Danny do you think that’s possible?” Good question did I.
“I don’t know but I can try.” Who was I kidding I stand out like pink on black.
“Well good luck with that but I think Nate suspects something.” He was right and I knew it.
“I know but maybe I can put him off for awhile.”
“I dought it.” he said leading me to what would be our team station from what Ethan said.
The classroom started to fill up and with each new face, Ethan would introduce me so that I wouldn’t be watched like a caged animal. I had asked him why he was doing that and he told me it was so I didn’t feel awkward let everyone know you and just get it over with. When Mr. Porter came in, he introduced himself to me.
“So you must be Danny?” He said laying his paperwork down at our table. Right away, I could smell Vervain on Mr. Porter, usually you wouldn’t be able to determine the smell unless you were familiar with the herb having to use it for my brother who liked to roughhouse with the neighbors pit bulls I was. We never told our parents about his cuts because we knew they would completely freak out. You could hardly tell he had cuts thanks to the fast healing properties in the vervain.
“Yeah, hi it’s nice to meet you Mr. Porter.” There was something about him but I wasn’t sure what it was.
“Feel free to call me Caleb, all my students do.” He said with a smile and went up to start class. That’s when I saw him the guy from photo class, was he in this class too.
“You two are cutting it close don’t you think? You two and that’s when I saw her. This girl was the exact opposite of me. Her hair was in an up do mine was in a ponytail she had her nails done I was lucky if I still had my nails I had a tendency to bite them when they showed signs of growth. This girl was wearing a red print dress with ballet flats my mother would love me to dress like her; I could finally put all those dresses she bought me to use.
“Sorry Caleb but Aiden was helping me with my books.” Aiden, so this was Luca, Fallon and Nate’s’ friend, this was the guy who I had bumped into. Now I had a name to go with those mysterious grey eyes, which had held me captive to them. Aiden who had a girlfriend draped on his arm.
“Don’t worry their not going out.” Was I that obvious I couldn’t have been?
“What do I care if their together?” I’m such a bad liar.
“Okay so it was my imagination that you couldn’t take your eyes off of Aiden and Alexis.”
“So that’s her name, Alexis?” Okay so maybe I was a little curious but not jealous.
“Keep saying that and maybe it will come true.” Ethan said as I smiled at him playfully.
“Sit down and let’s get class started. I want everyone to pair up into partners because for today we are going to be doing some fieldwork on mushrooms, so grab your partner and the field kits I laid out at the back table for you and then will head out.
“Partner?” Like Ethan really needed to ask but I was glad he did.
“Sure I’ll grab the kit.” I told Ethan, I need an excuse to get away from seeing Aiden with Alexis. The kit was filled with the usual gloves tweezers magnifying glass baggies for samples and a reference guide along with a couple of other things I’m sure are going to be useful.
“Hey you’re the girl from this morning right?” I turned to a familiar voice. It was Aiden grabbing his and Alexis’ kit.
“Yeah hi I’m Danny.” I said turning my attention back to the table.
“I’m Aiden.” He said coming around the other side of the table so we were facing each other.
“Yeah I know I’m friends with Lily and Tessa they said I would be having class with you but of course I didn’t know your name or who you were until now.” I sounded like I was rambling. I could tell he noticed too because he was just staring at me not saying anything.
“Your eyes…” That was all he said was my eyes.
“Yeah there turquoise.” I hope that that’s what he was trying to get out. I looked at where Ethan was waiting for me; he was mouthing something I couldn’t understand.
“I’ve never seen eyes like that before are they contacts? I got that a lot but why would someone want turquoise eyes.
“No there mine, what about yours I’ve never met anyone with grey eyes.”
They were eerie but hypnotizing at the same time.
“Well now you have, listen Danny if you need a partner you can join me and Alexis.” What and be a third wheel no thanks.
“Thanks for the offer but I have a partner.” Ethan was my partner I wasn’t going to abandon him when he helped me this morning.
“Oh yeah who?” He asked looking around the class to all the paired up partners except for one person who was waiting at his desk looking our way.
“His names Ethan.” Why was he looking at Ethan like that as if he did something to him?
“So what he’s your friend because if he is you need to know he’s no ones friend and you should get a new partner.” Who was this guy with his beautiful mysterious eyes his stupid perfect smile and his girlfriend.
“Listen thanks for the heads up but I’m sure I’m better off as his partner instead of yours and your girlfriends so do me a favor and mined your business.” Ethan didn’t disserve to be talked about behind his back or anyone for that matter. I grabbed the kit and walked to where Ethan was waiting for me, he knew I was upset I wasn’t good at hiding my emotions and as of lately they were on full blast.
“What’s wrong?” I couldn’t tell him what Aiden had just told me.
“It’s nothing just a little headache but I’m good let’s go.” I told him grabbing his hand and dragged him out the door.
“Okay so I want you guys to find different types of mushrooms with your partners but before I let you go I taped off how far I want you to go so don’t think about passing the caution tape. I’m giving you forty-five minutes and then it’s back to class and don’t try and pull anything I’m going to be watching you guys now go to it.” Caleb handed us each a compass and let us free to the woods.
“So where should we start?” Ethan asked turning in circles with the compass in his hand. When I looked at him his aura was bright blue, he was happy.
“Actually you seem comfortable here; maybe you should lead the way.” When I turned and looked around, I couldn’t see anyone’s aura except for Ethan, Aiden and Caleb and they were a bright blue color, I wonder why I could only see theirs and no one else’s. That was strange for me because if I wanted to see someone’s aura I would concentrate on them but now it was just Ethan, Aiden, and Caleb’s I wasn’t even looking for them.
“Why did you say that?” He had the same look on his face as before when I was talking about feeling pain.
“Do you know Aiden well?” I was asking because Aiden hadn’t taken his eyes off us.
“Yeah I guess I know him a little bit. Now are you going to answer my question?” He handed me a baggie when he saw me kneel down to look at a mushroom patch near some rocks.
“What question was that?” I said inspecting the mushroom.
“Well Dorothy I don’t know how about are you a good witch or a bad witch?” I spun around and bumped into Ethan sending us falling to the ground he was standing closer then I thought.
“I thought that was going to be our secret.” I said pulling him to our feet hoping no one had seen us.
“Alright Ethan way to bag the new girl.” I heard someone shout a distance away from us. When I looked to see who said it, Aiden was looking at what just happened, his fist were at his sides.
“Great that’s all I need. I thought that was going to be our secret?” I said brushing the dirt off me.
“Danny it’ll be old news besides were friends I’ll make it go away trust me. Now about the other thing no ones around, they didn’t hear me.” We continued to walk looking for mushrooms but so far, all we were finding were the same kind.
“Danny what aren’t you telling me?” I should tell him he’s helped me so much but how would it sound. Oh nothing its just I feel drawn to the woods and to Aiden and oh yeah I have this weird feeling that someone’s watching me listening to me constantly that’s all I couldn’t tell him that he would think I was a complete freak if he already didn’t think that of me. I should tell him something, we were passing a log so I sat down I decided to tell him he should know how much of a freak I am if he was going to be my friend.
“Okay so you know how I could hear voices well I could feel pain but it wasn’t coming from the voices I was hearing the pain was coming from a women, she’s in so much pain it was like everything she was feeling I was feeling too.” The look on his face was confusing did he know something I didn’t know was he hiding something also.
“Is there something you’re not telling me?” I caught him in a trap and he knew it.
“Okay so there’s this story along time ago there was this boy and girl who were in love and the boys father found out. He gave the boy a choice his family or the woman he loved.”
“Did he pick the girl?” It seemed simple so why did it sound complicated.
“Well the thing is the girl was a witch. The boy knew she was a witch and it didn’t matter he loved her but his father was an important man well respected and the girls family was nothing just poor scum to the boys father. One day while the boy was out in these very woods with his love he asked her to marry him and she agreed but they both knew his father would be a problem, the boy arrange for the girl to meet him the next day in the woods where they would then runaway together. He told his father he chose the girl his dad ordered him to rethink and when the boy refused his father disowned him but the boy didn’t care he was happy to start a new life with only one person, so the next day they met and were ambushed by the boys father and some villagers. When the boy asked how they knew where they were, they threw his best friend on the ground in front of him. His friend was beaten and bloodied almost on his deathbed.”
“Wait why did they beat his friend up?”
“Danny just let me finish. They beat up his friend to get the location of the meeting, so the man told his son to either come home or watch his future bride burn like the witch she was. The boy begged his father to let them both go but his father grew angry and ordered the men to hold his son down and tie the girl to one of these very trees. They bound her so tight the rope was cutting her skin she begged them to stop but they wouldn’t. That wasn’t the worst part the boys’ father ordered the men to whip the girl with branches from the tree she was trapped to and of course they did after all he was important they didn’t want to disappoint him. Her screams filled the woods as the boy watched until the girl was on her last breathe he ran to her and tried to untie her but the ropes were so pushed into her skin by then that they were a part of her.”
“That’s so disgusting why would anybody do that, because she was a witch. I’m sorry it’s just disgusting how some people can treat each other.” Ethan pulled me into him and held me I know he didn’t want to upset me but I wasn’t expecting to hear a story like this and if it’s true I can’t even think about it.
“Danny I can stop if you want me to?” Ethan asked rubbing my back to comfort me.
“No I need to hear this.” I did need to hear this I don’t know why but I did.
“If you’re sure?” I couldn’t speak so I just nodded.
“Okay, the boy pleaded for help but no one would come to help him and the girl knew why and knew that she wasn’t going to leave the woods alive so she told the boy she would always love him and would always be with him. The boy held onto her until his father ordered him to move and when the boy saw his father holding a hunting knife he blocked his father from her but his father was use to getting what he wanted and it didn’t matter who was in his way even if it was his son.”
“Wait what are you saying, he stabbed his son?” It took a few seconds before Ethan started talking again.
“I told you he didn’t care who got in his way, but he didn’t want to kill his son so he stabbed him in his arm, the boy lived but the knife went strait through the girls’ heart.”
“So she died instantly?” I asked. Ethan stood up and turned to face me he looked reluctant; he didn’t want to tell me something. But I waited until he was ready to tell me.
“See that’s the thing Danny she didn’t die right away she cursed them.” Ethan said running his hands through his hair.
“What do you mean cursed?” Ethan came back to sit next to me on the log.
“It seems she was keeping something from the boy she had started getting into dark magic and she had learned a few things but she was still new. So she told them that she’d take from them what they took from her and that along with themselves their decedents would be bound to her and the woods that her blood runs trough now. When the boy asked why she was doing this, she told him this way, their souls would die together.
“But I thought she loved him.” Why would she curse someone she loved?
“She did love him that’s why she did it they planned to be together for the rest of their lives so she wanted to be sure that they would be.”
“By cursing him?”
“She wanted to be with him forever and cursing him was the only way she knew how but it back fired they were never together completely he and the others became Woodsmen.”
“Woodsmen?” I couldn’t understand that.”
“They became protectors of the woods, in a way they were trapped like she was not free to leave completely.” I know it was hard for him to explain but I needed to know I just haven’t figured out why.
“So what does that have to do with the voices I’ve been hearing?” We were almost to the clearing where we were to meet up with the rest of the class.
“They’re the screams of the cursed ones their trapped here and when they died their decedents took their places At least that’s what the rumors say and the souls of those who were cursed roam these woods begging for help and forgiveness. It never comes for them because it never came for that girl.” Ethan looked upset I wondered if there really were Woodsmen if the rumors were true.
“Thank you for telling me that story.” I told him, even though it seemed to bother him to tell me.
“You were bound to find out sooner or later, here give me the kit I’ll carry it, it must be heavy for you?” It was obvious he wanted to change the subject because we only found six mushrooms and they weren’t heavy at all.
“Your right it’s really heavy these six mushrooms are hurting my little arms.” I gave him a face.
“Ethan you do know I can do things by myself I don’t need someone to always help me.” He grabbed the kit from me anyways and started laughing.
“Danny you don’t always have to be so tough were friends and friends help each other out.” I was glad he said we were friends I needed to hear that from him I would at least have one friend who knew I was a witch.
“Alright class back to the room and put your findings on my desk with you and your partners’ names on and tomorrow we will be dissecting your mushrooms.” Caleb said ushering us back taking a head count to make sure no one was missing. Back in class, I couldn’t help notice Aiden was giving Ethan the evil eye, what was their story something was going on there but I wasn’t going to meddle in their business.
“Hey you know you never answered my question?” He said sitting at the corner of the lab table where I was sitting waiting for the bell to ring so I could be free of this day.
“What question was that?” I honestly couldn’t remember his question.
“Are you a good witch or a bad witch?” I don’t know what came over me I lost it and was laughing which got Ethan laughing we were complete idiots I needed to laugh I had so much pent up in me I needed to release it.
“Will you two please shut up I’m trying to talk.” Alexis yelled at us. I couldn’t believe I was that loud I could feel the blush covering my face. Ethan didn’t care though.
“Alexis calm down we’re just laughing.” The look on her face was priceless the queen was taken down a notch how dare anyone speak to her like that. Aiden on the other hand just stared at me it got to me was he mad at me for turning is offer down because I told him to mind his business or because I was laughing either way I couldn’t understand why he looked mad.
“So?” Ethan asked me when he turned his attention back to me. I knew what the question he was asking. The bell rang; yes, I was free for now.
“I’m a Wicca, a good earth witch, now are you going to tell me what you are?” I asked picking up my bag while he was still sitting on the table.
“What do you mean?” He knew what I meant but it was clear I was not going to find out at least not yet.
“Fine I get it, tell me when you’re ready?” I told him walking out of class.
“There’s nothing to tell.” I couldn’t believe it when I herd him screaming after me.
Still in Mr. Porter’s class:
“What was so funny?” Aiden asked Ethan as he was grabbing his things.
“Nothing just something said between friends.’ Ethan knew it was pissing Aiden off and he enjoyed it, he rarely had moments like this having something over his cousin. From the minute Aiden walked into class Ethan knew they knew each other and Danny chose Ethan over Aiden he was loving this moment.
“So you two are friends then?” Ethan asked coming to stand near his cousin.
“Why does it make you mad that she chose me over you?” He knew what he wanted to do to Aiden and he was accomplishing it.
“Shit Ethan this isn’t a competition.” Aiden raised his voice at Ethan their relationship was strained over the years until they only talked to each other through other people. This was the first conversation if that’s what you would call it in over three years.
“I’m not fighting with you especially over Danny we’re friends and you’re not going to change that.” As of lately Ethan only had aquatints losing most of his friends when his father left him and his mother alone.
“I just want to make it clear that I’m going to make sure you don’t hurt her.” Their hatred for each other had grown into uncertainties between each other.
“Good because I’m going to be doing the same with you.” Ethan told Aiden leaving him alone in class.
It was three ten and I just received a text from my mom letting me know she’d be here in ten minutes so I found a tree and sat out of the suns light.
“Hey you still here I figured you’d be long gone?” Ethan said coming to meet me.
“Yeah well my mom is running late but she’ll be here in ten.” He gave me his hand helping me to my feet.
“What no car, I always thought you Cali girls all have cars?” He obviously hadn’t been to California because not every girl had a car out there.
“Yeah well I’m the only stupid one who let their brother borrow hers.”
“That’s pretty sweet of you to do that for your brother.” I looked at him; sweet it was crazy of me if he knew my brother.
“So do you want a ride?” Now who was being the sweet one.
“No thanks I’m just going to wait.” We were friends but I didn’t know him that good.
“Okay well I’ll see you tomorrow and here call me whenever and if (you know what) starts to act up, doesn’t matter what time just call.” He handed me a piece of paper with his number on and walked away from me smiling. Five more minutes and I would be home, I still had some unpacking to do.
Squirt hey I’m glad I caught you before you left.” Luca trudged over to me with Nate behind him.
“Hey guys what’s up?” I was going to be nice even if Nate looked upset with me for whatever reason.
“So did you meet Aiden and Caleb?” When he asked me, Nate focused his attention on me.
“Yeah Caleb seems real nice I liked his class and I made a good friend in there.” Luca interrupted me before I could finish.
“I knew you and Aiden would hit it off.” Was he crazy Aiden he was to pushy.
“No, I meant Ethan he’s great I had fun talking to him and besides Ayden’s’ ear was being chewed off by his girlfriend Alexis, I mean we talked for like a second but I don’t think I want to be friends someone like that.” The look they gave me when I mentioned Ethan was unreadable what everyone’s deal with Ethan anyways. I noticed my mom pull in line for the pickup line.
“That’s my ride guys, I’ll see you tomorrow bye.” I told them and got into my moms car.
Still on the school lawn:
“What did she mean by somebody like that?” Nate asked not sure what just happened.
“Since when did Aiden and Alexis start dating?” Luca told Nate as they both went back into the school to Caleb’s Classroom. Inside Aiden, Fallon and Caleb were waiting for them.
“Where were you guys?’ Fallon asked hopping onto one of the lab tables in front.
“I had to say bye to squirt.” Luca told them as he jumped onto one of the tables to the back sending one of the beakers falling to the ground but before it could break Fallon grabbed it in time.
“Fallon not in public, and who’s squirt?” Asked Aiden who was clearing the tables for Caleb. Everyone except Aiden and Caleb looked at each other.
“Who is it?” Aiden asked this time stopping what he was doing.
“Squirt is Danny and I guess she’s okay with Luca calling her that because she didn’t seem to mind at lunch.” Nate told him aware of what was coming next.
“You ate lunch with her?” Aiden asked.
“Well yeah she’s Lily and Tessa’s’ friend and mine all of ours actually.” Luca said with a full smile.
“Well not all of us from what she just told us, her and Ethan are becoming good friends and the impression you made was well, there’s no nice way to put this but I don’t think she likes you.” Nate told him.
“Or your girlfriend.” Luca added.
“Ugh Alexis is not my girlfriend and as to Danny she never left Ethan’s side.” Aiden said walking back and forth.
“Well I did see you talking to her by the kits, what happened there?” Caleb was always optimistic about everything.
“Nothing happened okay lets just forget about it.” The others knew how Aiden felt towards Ethan and how he blamed Ethan’s father for leaving with Aiden’s mother. No one knew how to act around one another and when it came time to choose sides Ethan made the decision for them, completely cutting himself out of their lives, well not completely anyways. About three years ago Aiden came home from school and found a note from his mother saying that she didn’t love him or his father any longer and that she was leaving and starting over with Ethan’s’ father and Ethan found the same note saying that his father didn’t love him anymore and he was leaving with Aiden’s’ mother. It was a mess fights between both boys and tears between both parents.
“Ethan is part of us we will not cut him out of this do you understand?” If there was one thing, every one of them knew it was that they were all each other had and they needed each other no matter how they felt. They all nodded their agreement.
“Can I ask who we‘re suppose to keep an I out for, I mean how does Terrence even know someone is coming and who is it supposed to be?” Luca said tossing cotton balls in the trash bin.
“I’m not sure who it is other and Terrence has his methods of knowing things that others don’t. As for keeping an eye open we are not asking you we’re telling all of you understood?” Caleb said in a tone that said he didn’t want to hear another word about it.
“I thought we were meeting everyone in the woods?” Asked Fallon who was sifting through the baggies of mushrooms on Caleb’s desk?
“We were but Terrence and I decided that we try a different approach to things for awhile.” They all knew why every decision that was made had to have Ethan and Aiden taken into account but they also knew being Woodsmen meant that their lives were bound together and to the woods and to Alisa the young witch who cursed them.
“Hey I found Ethan and Danny’s’ mushrooms, there big suckers.” Fallon said lifting the baggie for everyone to see.
“I was impressed as well the firsts of that size that I’ve seen.” Caleb said beaming at how well two of his students did.
“Big deal, I mean come on she had one of us helping her.” Aiden’s’ face was covered with frustration.
“So then who was helping Alexis because it says here you were and if memory serves me right your one of us.” Fallon laughed holding up Aiden’s’ baggie that had one very small mushroom in it. Everyone started to laugh at that.
“Enjoy your stupid jokes I’m going to patrol.” Aiden told them and left them in the classroom and headed to the woods where they patrolled making sure Alisa wasn’t doing anything to hurt anyone or her minions the Owls.
At Danny’s’ house:
“So mija how was your day?” My dad asked he was in the kitchen getting dinner ready.
“It was good I made some friends, oh and I talked with Uncle Benny.” I was so tired even if I wanted to tell them what really happened I don’t think I had the strength too.
“I know Benny called around lunch.” Oh man I knew Benny wouldn’t keep our promise I’m dead.
“Yeah he said he was going to call, so what did he say?” That I should be grounded forever I thought to myself.
“He said you offered to watch Kenny and Samantha, that was nice of you mija.” My dad told me when he kissed me on my forehead.
“Well I figured they need a break once in awhile, so do you need any help?” I asked munching on a carrot.
“No, you go get some rest, se meda muy fregata.” He was right I did look worn out.
“Are you sure Appa, I could help with something?” I don’t know where I got it from but I’ve always called my dad appa and it just stuck with him.
“Honey listen to your father and go rest.” I gave them both a kiss went upstairs to relax.
I guess I was tired because the next thing I saw when I woke up was a pitch-black sky with the moon for its only light. I checked the alarm on my nightstand and couldn’t believe it was already twelve fifteen. I needed to grab a bite to eat, I hadn’t had anything since lunch and even then, I really didn’t eat. When I got to the kitchen, my dad had left a plate for me in the fridge. My dad was the cook and was the reason we moved to Union, in less then a week he was opening a diner. He said he always planned to move back but we were always too busy but now that Tony was in college, he could open his dream. My mom was fine with it she already had a job with a small firm in town she was a lawyer. As for me, well I had no choice I couldn’t tell them, no this is what they’ve always wanted. When I finished I washed up and did my homework and crashed again.
© Copyright 2009 maggie (maggiebecerra at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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