Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1618216-Woodsmen
by maggie
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Teen · #1618216
Danny finds out her new friends are cursed by her great great aunt who is dead.
My Unwelcome Welcome

My mom offered to take me to school today. I knew this could only mean one thing, and it was even more evident when she parked in the school parking lot instead of just dropping me off. My parents were not like other parents; I mean they have a normal marriage and a normal life. They are completely open about everything and wouldn’t judge you about who you are. It’s not as if they had a choice concerning me. I’m a witch. I guess they have an open mind mostly for my benefit. My life is complicated enough with moving to a new place and starting over at a new school, but try doing all this and trying to hide who you really are from all your friends. It gets hard after awhile, sometimes I just want to shout who I am and get it out there so I don’t have to worry about hiding it. My mom turned to face me.
“Honey I know how hard this must be for you but I promise you, you’ll make friends fast.” My mom took a deep breath. I knew what was coming.
“Danny maybe its best if you keep you being a witch a secret.” I knew she was right.
“Mom do you really think I’m going to run around telling people that I’m a freak.” I new I was being harsh, but I was tired of hiding who I was.
“Honey your not a freak, your father and I just want you to be happy.” My parents have always been supportive; it’s just sometimes it gets to be too much for me.
“Danny your father and I don’t want you to be upset with us that we made this decision without you or your brother.” My brother Tony and I knew our parents were regretting not letting us have a say in moving. Tony was completely fine with it, he didn’t have to move, he was in his third year of college, settling into a new apartment. I would be the one moving to a new place, a new home and a new school. I would be the one who would have to start over again. My parents wanted this, they even offered to pay for a new wardrobe and hairstyle. But that wouldn’t change who I was or how I was feeling, they told me to keep the money in case I change my mind. We moved to Union, Connecticut from Los Angeles, California. My dad grew up here and when he went away to college to California he met my mom, they were married and stayed there. It wasn’t until recently that my dad told us about his dream to open a diner in Union, he‘s always loved the small hometown feeling. My mom was all for it, she had lined up a job in a small law firm and it was just waiting for her to start, it would be a big pay cut but it didn’t matter to her. My Uncle Benny lived here too, well he wasn’t really my Uncle he is my dads’ best friend from childhood.
“Mom, honestly I’m fine with it.” I was a good liar.
“Besides it’ll be good to make a fresh start.” God I sucked at this.
She gave me a hug goodbye, which I wished could have lasted a little longer.
“Well I guess I better get this over with.” I told her with as much enthusiasm as I had in me.
“Oh honey have a great day, I’ll pick you up after school.”
I still could not believe my brother Tony got our parents to let him use my car. In the last two years Tony has wrecked his own car three times, his excuse was (“Hey it’s not my fault the stupid thing ran out in front of me.”) that would have been fine, except I don’t think a tree, a fence and my favorite a wall could jump out in front of him. I watched my mom leave me alone to figure out my new surroundings.
“Breathe Danny, it’s just another school.” I told myself.
I started to head up the steps of my new school, of Mason High, when a group of freakishly high-spirited cheerleaders bombarded me.
“Hi I’m Kristy.” Said a red headed cheerleader, who I could only assume was the captain from the huge “C” on her gold and brown jacket.
“I’m Mary.” Said a shorter blonde-haired girl.
“I’m Tina and this is my twin sister Lisa.” Said a tall blonde pointing to a tall brunette.
“I would never have guessed you two were twins. “ I said sarcastically.
“We get that all the time.” Beamed Lisa.
“Hi I’m Cecelia or C.C for my friends.” Said the last of the pompom brigade.
“We just wanted to W-E-L-C-O-M-E Y-O-U to Mason High Home of The Fighting Owls.”
I was speechless, were they seriously welcoming me with a cheer and in front of half the school. All I could think of was how was I going to kill them, but then my moms voice popped in my head.
(“Danny play nice, their being polite.”) I cleared my throat.
“Hi I’m Danny.” I said in my sweetest tone I could conjure up,
“Oh we know we make it a point to know everyone.” Tina said.
“Yeah, that way we know how much spirit to spread around school.” said Lisa
“Okay.” Were these girls serious? Kristy handed me a flyer.
“What’s this?” I asked them, hoping it wasn’t what I thought it was.
“We would like to extend an invitation for you to join our spirit squad.” Said a way to happy Kristy.
“Thanks but no thanks. I’m not the spirit squad type.” I told them as I tried to make my way up the school steps, but Kristy and C.C cut me off.
“Nonsense everyone is squad material, isn’t that right Nikki?” Kristy asked a girl sitting on the school steps. Nikki had brown shoulder length hair with these funky blonde streaks in it, her style looked like a mix between victorian and punk.
“Bite me you pompom freaks.” Nikki said.
I couldn’t help but laugh. This has to be a dream, no a nightmare, because there was no way this could actually be happening.
“Nikki, that’s it.” C.C screamed in a high-pitched squeal.
“You are so uninvited from joining our squad.”
With her hand on her chest, Nikki began to plead to them.
“I’m sorry, please let me have one more try and I promise I’ll spirit this whole school.”
I couldn’t help but laugh again. I guess these girls were not familiar with sarcasm.
“Okay we forgive you, you can have another chance.” said Kristy.
Rolling her eyes, Nikki got up and grabbed her things.
“Whatever, later new girl.” She told me as she disappeared into the school. I was left alone to deal with these girls by myself. I turned to face the squad.
“Listen it was real nice of you to offer, but I’m really not interested.”
Okay that was easy I thought, now I can leave. I was mistaken; when I tried to make my way up the steps, again I had a hand around my arm.
“Come on Danny…..” Mary was interrupted.
“Shoo be gone evil spirits, she said she’s not interested.” Said a girl’s voice from behind me. I was shocked that they all scattered at her voice. When I turned to see who it was there were two girls standing behind me with grins on both their faces.
“Hi I’m Tessa.” said one of the girls. She looked about 5’4 with long brown hair that was hidden under a knitted black cap. Every single piece of her clothing matched.
“Hi I’m Lily.” Lily was beautiful, she was full figured with golden blonde hair that was pulled into a side ponytail that let her long curls fall down the side of her face. Lily looked Old Hollywood, especially with her vintage navy blue dress.
“What was that all about?” I asked them.
“They try and recruit everyone.” Tessa said.
“No, I mean them running away like that.” I asked them again.
They both started to laugh.
“Oh that.” Lily began to say.
“Last year at the last football game of the season, Tessa wrote in permanent marker that they sucked on their cheer underwear, so when they did their flips everyone saw it. After that everyone kept telling them they sucked all the way up until school ended.” Lily finished.
“Besides it got them off my back about joining them. Just try to ignore them.” Said Tessa
“I’ll try to remember that.” I told them.
“So what’s your name?” Lily asked.
“Oh sorry, my names Danny.” I told them.
“So, Danny do you need any help finding your classes?” Tessa asked coming to stand next to me.
“Actually, yeah if you guys don’t mind.” I could already tell that these girls were going to make moving here better for me.
“Of course, we can’t have our new friend looking like a dork on her first day.” They each grabbed a hold of my arms and we went to look for my classes.
Meanwhile near the school gym…
Kristy and her squad were running to their morning practice in the gym and trying to keep a distance from Tessa. On the way, they spotted Luca, Lily’s stepbrother and his friends Nate and Fallon, Lilies boyfriend. They were sitting on one of the metal benches that were along the Cafeteria.
“Heads up, here comes Kristy.” Luca motioned to the others.
“Ugh, Luca I hate your sister and Tessa.” Kristy whined.
“Why, what did they do now?” Asked Luca. Luca and his friends were use to Kristy and her friends nagging them about Lily and Tessa, in fact it was an off day when they didn’t her the squad whining.
“Your sister didn’t do anything this time. Tessa was so rude we were talking to Danny first.” Said Kristy.
“Yeah, and she was about to join are squad.” Pouted Lisa.
“Wait Danny’s a girl.” Asked Luca.
“She just moved here from California.” C.C informed them.
“Lily and Tessa are showing her to her classes.” Said Lisa.
Nate and Fallon exchanged glances at each other and then back at the girls. Luca made the first move, motioning to Fallon and Nate to follow him.
“Hey, it was good talking to you girls, and we promise to have a talk with Tessa and Lily for you.” Luca yelled as they made their way to the school building.
It was clear that the squad was upset that they weren’t being consoled about what just happened they weren’t use to being overlooked for anything especially another girl.
Back inside the school
“So that takes care of all my classes except Mr. Porter.” Who taught Earth Science. I was always fascinated by nature in general but now I would learn the science of it.
“Oh good, you’ll be in class with Aiden. He is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. Tessa said.
We came to a stop in front of a door with the number twenty-eight on it.
“Okay here’s your classroom right next to this beautiful bathroom.” Tessa said looking a little anxious.
“Does someone need a potty break?” Tessa asked Lily laughing a little.
“Yes please.” Lilies replied almost sounding like a kindergartener.
“You guys go ahead; I want to check out the class for a second. I told them.
“Okay, we’ll just wait for you out here. Tessa and Lily both said as they headed for the bathroom.
I walked into Mr. Porter’s class and shut the door behind me. I looked around at the different posters and pictures he had on the walls covering different herbs and plants, when a photo caught my eye. It was a little framed picture of two men in front of Mason Woods. I was so fascinated by the woods in the picture, there was something about it but I wasn’t sure what it was. I started to hear these faint cries so of course I thought it must be kids messing around in the hall. I peeked out in the hall but there was no one around, and then I heard my name being called by a woman. There was no one in the class with me and the hall was deserted. I started getting a little freaked out, what was happening.
“Is someone there?” Great now I was talking to myself.
I couldn’t hear the woman’s voice anymore, only the faint screams of men. They where getting louder and louder. They voices sounded like they where coming from outside. I went to open a window thinking it was all in my head. I’ve heard voices before but nothing like this nothing this extreme. The wind in the air felt good against my skin, that’s when I realized the screams where coming from the woods. What was going on, who where these people screaming and if they were in danger why didn’t they just get out of the woods. Their pleading was unbearable they were asking for help, how could I help them? Then came the pain it wasn’t from the men it was from the woman I couldn’t take it anymore the pain was to much, tears where running down my face. I started to shake and my knees buckled under me, I didn’t hit the floor, instead someone was holding me.
“Hey, are you okay?” The voice said.
I looked to see who it was, but the pain was still too much for me.
“Try to block the voices out.” Whoever this guy was, he could obviously hear the voices too.
“I can handle the voices, I just having trouble breathing from the pain.” I growled sounding ruder then I intended to.
“What’s your name?” He asked me.
“Danny, my names Danny.” It was getting harder to control my breathing.
“Danny hi, my names Ethan.” He took my hand and put it on his chest. I started to freak a little. What was this guy doing?
“Try to concentrate on matching my breathing.” It took me awhile, but it was starting to help me.
“Any better?” He asked me.
I was starting to wonder exactly who he was and if he was, well I guess a witch.
“So Ethan, since your an expert what do I do about the pain?” By then I was holding my stomach, it felt like I was being scratched everywhere.
“What are you talking about, what pain?” He asked me giving me a puzzled look.
“You know what, forget I said anything.” I told him as I picked myself up and out of his arms.
“Hold on, you said something about pain, what did you mean by that, where is it hurting?” He looked concerned but I wasn’t ready for anyone to know my secret, so I figured I would just pass it off as first day anxiety.
“It’s nothing, I was just messing around, I’m just a little nervous that’s all. Ethan right?” I asked trying to get out of there fast.
“Yeah.” I could tell he knew I was trying to avoid him now, but it was a little too late since he knew I could hear voices, voices that where obviously coming from the woods, voices that he could obviously hear too.
“Ethan listen, thanks for helping me on my nerves, but I think I got it under control now so thanks and bye.” I walked out of there leaving him calling me.
I met up with Tessa and Lily, who where waiting for me by the restrooms.
“Hey, you ready to go?” Before I could answer her, the school bell rang.
“Danny are you going to be okay finding your way to first period?” Asked Lily.
To be honest I didn’t know if I was going to be okay, after what just happened I was still a little freaked out.
“Yeah I’ll be okay; at least I think I will.” I said with as much convection as possible.
“Okay, so will meet up at lunch, we’ll save you a seat.” We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. I never really had a problem walking by myself anywhere, but now being in a new place surrounded by strangers made me feel a little uncomfortable. Here I was walking down the hall and it reminded me of something, you know how in those prison movies there’s a guy on death row and he’s being walked out and one of the guards shouts dead man walking and all the prisoners are watching him. That’s what I felt like all these eyes piercing me as I walk past them, it made me feel self-conscious and I never am. My first class was with Mr. Weston, Economics. I was glad to see Nikki in my class and there was an empty seat next to her. I made my way through my on looking classmates to where Nikki was sitting.
“Hey, Nikki right.” I wondered if she would remember me.
“Danny, hey you’re in this class?” She seemed sincere when she asked me.
“Yeah, small world.” I said.
“More like small ass town.” Which translated into I cannot get out of here fast enough. I knew how she felt I missed LA, but only because you were not stuck in one place you could go anywhere. In Union, everyone knew everyone and their secrets, which is why I was a little concerned about moving, I mean seriously do you think a small town would be excepting of a witch. Just then, someone cleared his throat.
“Uh, Danny this is Seth, Seth this is Danny.” Seth look like the guys from back home, loose fit jeans, white tee and a hoodie and this beautiful dark brown wavy hair.
“Hey it’s nice to meet you.” I said giving him a half smile.
“Yeah it’s great to meet you, I’m Seth.” I wonder if he was even listening to Nikki introduce us.
“I know Nikki just introduced us.” I told him not wanting him to feel embarrassed.
“Nikki do you mind if I sit with you guys?” Before she could answer me someone bumped in to me making me drop my bag.
“Watch out squirt.” Said the person who bummed into me.
I ignored him and his squirt remark and sat down. Mr. Weston was up font talking to some students about a project he gave them over the summer, so it gave me some time to talk with Nikki.
“Nikki wouldn’t you rather sit in your seat?” Asked Seth, I didn’t know if it was because of me or did he always act this way.
She turned to look at him.
“Seth what are you talking about?” She asked with a puzzled look on her face.
“I said wouldn’t you rather sit in your seat?” Seth said nodding his head at Nikki to where he was sitting.
“Is something wrong with your neck Beth or are you trying out a new dance move. Great, I knew there would be an ass in at least one of my classes. I turned to see who was being a jerk and messing with Seth. Shit, this guy was huge. I couldn’t believe Seth was being big about this and just sat down. I hated guys like that, the ones who think their better then everyone else. If Seth could ignore this guy so could I. I sat next to Nikki.
“So are congratulations in order?” She asked me.
“What are you talking about?” What was she talking about, I had no idea.
“Are you a proud member of the freak squad?” Nikki actually looked worried for me, they’re annoying sure but I don’t think their evil.
“No, I saw the light and ran away from it.” I told her.
“Yes, you were saved.” We couldn’t help but laugh. I was cut short by that jerk of a guy again.
“Nikki who is that guy?” I asked.
She looked to see where I was looking.
“That’s Luca.” She said with as much enthusiasm as I gave my mom this morning.
“Why is he messing with Seth?” This person was getting on my nerves.
“I don’t really know he just always has.” She said.
“So no ones ever told him anything.” I asked, sure he was tall but come on.
“No, it’s just Seth ignores him, it’s kind of an out of sight out of mind kind of thing.” She said turning her attention to a book on her desk. I wondered what Lucas’ deal was and why he was still talking about Seth. Did he know something everyone else didn’t? It didn’t matter there was being rude and being a complete ass and Luca was being both. Mr. Weston was rambling on about the distribution and consumption of goods and services in the 1840’s at least I think he was. I really couldn’t hear him over Lucas’ stupid talk. I had it with him.
“Seriously, what the hell is your problem. Don’t you ever shut up?” I didn’t care who this guy was, he was bugging the hell out of me. We were both standing by now and the look on is face was priceless. Was someone actually talking to him like that and a girl no less.
“You serious squirt?” Oh, he was going to pay.
“Yeah I am serious, why don’t you try shutting your mouth about other people and don’t call me squirt.” By know we were face to face and the entire class’s eyes were all on us. I could hear Mr. Weston try to get back order in the class, but it wasn’t working.
“What are you going to do about it squirt, you going to beat me up?” Luca mocked to me pushing my shoulder.
At first I couldn’t believe he but his hands on me, granted he barely nudged me but still he touched me. I cracked a little smile, which started the class chanting.
“Fight Fight.” I can’t believe they want him to fight a girl.
“You really don’t want to do that.” Being a witch I wasn’t sure what I was capable of, so I didn’t want I didn’t want him to do anything either,
“Come on squirt what are you going to do?” Luca said pushing my shoulder again.
This time I cracked a little laugh out.
“I told you not to do that.” That’s when I lost it. I don’t know what happened I literally through him across the room. I could feel energy surge through me.
“That’s enough, Ms. Martinez, Mr. Davies I want both of you to go to the office.” This is exactly what I needed on my first day. How was I going to explain this to my parents?
“Now.” Mr. Weston shouted at us pointing to the door, you could tell he was new at the completely yelling at kids’ thing he looked nervous. I grabbed my bag, Nikki wished me luck and Seth just ignored me.
“Thanks a lot; this is your fault squirt.” Luca said when we were in the hall heading to the office.
“My fault, this is your fault. If you would have just shut your mouth and not talk about people I wouldn’t have to kick your ass.” Luca stopped in his tracks when I said that, turning around to face me.
“Let’s get one thing strait squirt you didn’t kick my ass, you got lucky that’s all.” He turned back around and started walking.
“So then I guess I really got lucky!” As soon as he turned, I had a grin on my face and walked right by him. That shut him up.
“Wait, what are you going to tell Principal Richards?” What was I going to tell him, I know for sure he would tell my mom and dad?
“I don’t know yet.” By now, Luca was at my side and the tension that was there between us was gone. It was weird, here we were trying to figure out what to say, when just a while ago we were fighting.
“Listen squirt.” Luca said.
“Danny.” I corrected him.
“Squirt, listen I really can’t get in trouble again. I’m on my second strike and I can’t get three or else I get my truck taken away from me.” This guy really had some nerve, I should get him in trouble but I wasn’t like that and I didn’t need my parents on me right now.
“Don’t worry about it; I’ll take care of it.” Okay now all I needed was to figure out how I was going to take care of it. I guess I was too occupied with figuring everything out because I didn’t notice some spilled pop on the floor. I slipped but I didn’t hit the floor like this morning with Ethan, but it wasn’t Ethan who caught me this time this time it was Luca.
“Squirt you okay?” How do they keep doing that I thought and how did he catch up so fast he was a good distance away from me.
“Yeah I’m fine.” I just sat there for a second.
“Thanks.” I didn’t know what else to say, so far this day had me freaked out. Luca was surprising me by the minute; he wasn’t so hard like he acted in class.
“I really need to stop letting you guys catch me when I fall.” It was starting to become a habit for me.
“What do you mean us guys?” Luca asked picking us both up.
“Oh, it was nothing. I kind of lost my balance and this guy, Ethan caught me before I fell.” The look on Lucas’ face when I said Ethan’s name it was obvious that he knew him.
“What’s wrong?” I asked what he had against Ethan; he seemed like an okay guy.
“Nothing, I just think you should pick your friends carefully.” He said grabbing my bag for me and opened the office door. When I walked in, I was surprised to see a woman who looked a lot like the Mrs. Clause who worked at the mall in California, except she was wearing a floral print dress.
“That’s Mrs. Clause.” Luca told me, catching me off guard. I gave him a look that confirmed what I was thinking.
“No I not kidding that is her real name.” He said holding the door open for me.
She was behind the huge office counter, she didn’t say a word to us she just pointed to the empty chairs against the wall. As soon as we sat down Lucas’ phone started vibrating and singing, I’m too sexy. I started cracking up so loud that Mrs. Claus shushed me. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Luca was blushing.
“I’m going to kill Fallon.” Apparently, this Fallon switched his ringer.
“What’s wrong?” I asked him. He pushed out a little laugh.
“Your not Lily and Tessa’s’ friend Danny are you?” I wonder how he knew them.
“Yeah, why?” I looked at him with cautious eyes.
“Here I think this is for you.” He handed me his phone, I guess Luca, Tessa and Lily are friends because when I looked at his phone there was a text message from Lily I guess that meant that I would be seeing a lot of him, especially if they all hung out together.

I read Lily’s’ text:
What is your problem?
I hope Danny kicked your ass, your such a jerk.
You had better apologize or I’m telling mom and dad.

“Your Lily’s’ brother? My first day and I get in a fight with my friends brother. The day barely started and I was already in over my head.
“Step brother, my mom her dad.” I could tell he was a little embarrassed about what happened.
“Can I?” I asked him referring to sending a text back to Lily. Luca just nodded and leaned in to see what I was testing Lily.
Hey, it’s me Danny
Luca apologized but he didn’t need to, it
was all a misunderstanding.
Talk to you at lunch.

“Here you go thanks.” Before we could talk some more the office phone rang. Mrs. Clause answered it and hung up right away.
“Principal Richards would like to see you now Ms. Martinez.” She didn’t even look up from her work. I grabbed my bag and was about to open the principals door when Luca stopped me.
“Hey I just wanted to say I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have pushed you.” I could tell he was being sincere.
“Yeah, I’m sorry I pushed you too.” When I said that the look on his face made me realize he wasn’t the type of guy to get beat by a girl. So I let it go.
“Whatever.” I told him closing the principals’ door behind me.
When I walked in Principal Richards was sitting behind a huge oak desk with a stern look on his face.
“So Ms. Martinez how is my nieces first day?” His stern face was now fading into a familiar smile I’ve known since I was a baby.
“I’m fine Uncle Benny.” I said flopping into a chair in front of him.
Uncle Benny or Principal Richards isn’t really my uncle but I’ve always called him that because he and my dad grew up together. They went to Mason High and after that, they went to California together for college. Uncle Benny majored in education and moved back to Union where he was a teacher and later took over as principal. My dad bounced from subject to subject until he settled on getting a business degree, he met my mom at some campus party and fell in love, of course from what my mom said my dad had to convince her to date him but for him it was instant magic. When Uncle Benny married Aunt Sara mom and dad came down for the wedding, dad was the best man and a year later it was my parents turn to be married they decided on the beach so Benny and Sara came down. Benny was best man, a couple months later mom found out she was pregnant with my brother Tony so she put her law career on hold. Then five years later, she was expecting me, and for as long as I could remember Uncle Benny was always Uncle Benny.
“So how are Sara and the twins holding up?” Sara gave birth to twins Kenny and Samantha who were now six years old.
As always a handful, don’t get me wrong I love them but sometimes Sara and I would like to have a night to ourselves.” I couldn’t believe what I was about to do.
“Well if you want I don’t mind babysitting for you guys, I like hanging with Kenny and Samantha.” Why did I have a bad feeling about this?
“Well if you’re serious we‘ll get back to you?” Well that’s what I get for volunteering for things.
“Sure that’s sounds great.” I wasn’t that upset about it I haven’t seen Kenny and Samantha in awhile.
“Danny lets talk about why your in my office.” He was back to Principal mode.
“It was all a misunderstanding.” I told him hoping he would by it.
“So Luca and you fighting is a misunderstanding, and why are you fighting with boys, especially ones that tall?” Now he was acting like my uncle.
“We weren’t fighting; I promise you all it was…” I was cut off before I could finish.
“Yeah yeah it was a misunderstanding. I’m going to let you two go this time but try not to come back okay.” Uncle Benny got up from his desk and gave me a hug before he sent me on my way.
“Uncle Benny do you think it’s at all possible not to mention any of this to mom and dad?” Dad and Benny were like brothers, there was no way he was going to keep this from him.
“Well, since your going to be our permanent babysitter I don’t see a problem with keeping this between us.” He gave me a look that said I had no choice, take it or leave it.
“Fine, on call babysitter at your service.” Well at least my parents wouldn’t find out.
I opened the door to leave.
“Ms. Martinez take Mr. Davies with you and I better not see either of you back here again, understood?” Uncle Benny shouted and started laughing so no one would hear him. I just rolled my eyes and shut the door behind me.
“What’s up?” Luca looked so confused at what just happened, I grabbed his bag and pulled him out into the hall leaving Mrs. Clause grinding her teeth at us.
“Danny stop, will you tell me exactly what just happened? I mean I didn’t even see Principal Richards.” Luca was standing in front of me with his hand on my shoulders to stop me from moving anyway.
“Uncle I mean Principal Richards just bought that it was a misunderstanding and said we were free, so can we just go?” I told him slipping from his hold, making my way to class before it ended.
“No No, wait you said uncle, uncle who Uncle Richards. Is Principal Richards your uncle? Oh man this is going to be so cool getting away with stuff because my new best friend is connected.” I slapped my hand on his mouth to shut him up.
“Shut up Luca, this does not get out you hear me and as for getting away with things, this was a one time deal got it?” I still had my hand over his mouth so all he could do was nod his head in agreement.
“And we are not friends.” I let go of him and continued to class, but he was in front of me again.
“So wait is he or isn’t he your uncle?” Luca wasn’t going to stop until I told him.
“Technically no he’s not my uncle. He and my dad grew up together and I don’t know we’ve just always been a family, but you can not tell anyone about this or so help me I will kick your ass.” He knew I meant it.
“Okay I promise I’m not going to say a word, and I think us bonding like this qualifies us as friends, best friends in fact.” He had to be kidding there was no way we were friends especially best friends.
“Would you stop saying we’re friends because we’re not.” Thirty more minutes and class would be over and I would be free of Luca.
“So do you want me to save you a seat for lunch?”
“There is no reason for you to save me a seat since I won’t be eating with you, since we’re not friends.” Thirty more minutes I repeated in my head.
“Danny you really should stop saying that it’s getting annoying and your going to harsh are friendship fast.” I’m not sure what it was about Luca but I couldn’t stay mad at him, he loosened up the air in a way he got rid of bad vibes. Maybe I could use are friendship to benefit others. I stopped in front of him holding him in place with my hand.
“So Luca since we’re friends I was wondering if you could do me a favor?”
“See I knew you would get it through your head, anything for my new best friend.” I rolled my eyes at the comment about us being best friends he was really pushing it.
“I want you to apologize.” There was that stupid grin back on his face.
“Easy, Danny I’m sorry.”
“Not to me. I want you to apologize to Mr. Weston, Seth and the class for interrupting and before you say anything I’m going to apologize too.” I gave him one of my innocent pleading looks that always worked on my dad.
“Alright let’s get it over with.” When we got back to class, every face darted in our direction.
“Take your seats and let’s see if we can finish class without another outburst.”
“Actually Mr. Weston we have something we would like to tell the class.” It was obvious that he had it with the two of us.
“We would like to apologize to the entire class and yourself for the distraction it was wrong of us.” I just stood there motionless with my mouth wide open I had no idea Luca could sound so sincere.
“Well I for one will forgive the two of you.” I was glad to see Mr. Weston put it behind him. The class on the other hand had their own way of excepting an apology, they shouted sit down, we’re over it, you guys are dorks, and of coarse yeah okay your sorry we get it. It wasn’t until I sat down that I noticed Seth was sitting with his head down.
“Seth, listen bro I’m sorry I was being such a jerk, I just wanted to say I’m sorry and it will never happen again. Forgive me?” Luca said holding his hand out for Seth to take.
“Yeah it’s squashed, we’re good.” Seth said taking Lucas’ hand.
“Get a room.” I heard someone shout from behind us, but after that class was pretty quite.
“I found out that Seth and I had Geometry next period together, at least I wouldn’t be alone and I could talk with someone on the way instead of walking to class alone. Geometry went by pretty fast, which was surprising since any math class for me always seemed to go by slow. Third period was my elective; I really wasn’t sure what to choose so my brother Tony recommended I take Photography. He took it as his elective and loved it so much that he’s majoring in Photo Journalism, I hate to admit it but he’s really good at what he does. Mrs. Denton who taught photo was like a ball of energy, of coarse it was probably do to the two coffee cups in her trash can and the one on her desk. She gave us an assignment that was due at the end of the semester; it wasn’t my first time working a digital camera thanks to my brother so I knew I wouldn’t have a problem. The thing I was going to have a problem with was the topic; it’s about capturing what you think true beauty in nature is. I grabbed my bag and headed to my next class with Mr. Hawthorn, but on my way out, I bumped into someone on their way in.
“I’m sorry I guessed I spaced out,” I told whoever this guy was.
“No it’s okay; I wasn’t watching where I was going either.” He told me but I was frozen on his eyes, they were pale grey that bordered on white. They couldn’t have been contacts because they seemed to fit his aura perfectly. It was strange I felt drawn to him as if I knew him there was something about this guy when we bumped into each other I got a shock but it wasn’t an ordinary shock from static. This was more of an explosion; I have never felt anything like it before, I wondered could that have something to do with how I was feeling. The shock jolted my arm enough so it stung me; I couldn’t help but hold on to it.
“Did I hurt you?” He asked holding on to my shoulder, I felt a shock again but this one was different it was a soothing sensation; his eyes hypnotized me again I had to find a way to shake free.
“No, I’m fine.” I told him almost tearing my shoulder free from his grip.
“Sorry again but I have to go.” I told him walking out of Mrs. Denton’s’ class. I was a little worried that whoever this guy was might have thought that I was a freak on my own accord and not because I was a witch.
“Who was that girl?” Aiden asked himself not sure of what just happened or if it was even real, but it had to be because he could still feel the shock he felt from touching her arm.
School needed to end fast because my first day was becoming a bit of a pain. Fourth period World History was an overview of what they’ve been studying which was more or less where I was back home so I was good to go. I was drained by lunch and couldn’t wait for the day to end. I only had one period left so I was sure I could make it. I figured I would just scream to release all the pressure when I got home.
“Danny over here.” Shouted Tessa when I was making my way to the cafeteria. I could see that Lily and Tessa were sitting with two guys so I motioned to them that I would be right back. When I got in line I realized the cafeteria was packed, this was going to take forever, but it made no difference to me I didn’t think I could keep anything down. I looked around the crowded cafeteria at all the new faces talking and whispering to each other, and if the staring meant anything then the whispers and conversations were about me at least some of them.
“Hey squirt over here.” Oh god please let this be a dream, please please.
“Squirt come here I saved you a spot.” Luca is dead meat I thought to myself. I couldn’t believe he was actually doing this to me.
“Come on no cuts.” Yelled a couple of kids from in line. For some reason, I didn’t feel so bad about pushing Luca now.
“No, its okay, I’m good.” I told him rubbing my hands through my hair feeling frustrated with him.
“Squirt come on.” Luca shouted even louder holding up the line even more.
“Just go up there.”
“We’re hungry, hurry up.” Yelled kids from in front and behind me. I made way through the angry crowd to where Luca was standing with his stupid smile on his face. All my embarrassment and anger faded, I think it was because Luca didn’t care if he looked like a dork or a jerk, he was being himself and I couldn’t stay mad at him but I couldn’t let him know that.
“Do me a favor and remind me to kill you later.” I told him when he handed me a tray full of food.
“Wait do you expect me to eat all of this?” I asked him looking at the pile of food in front of me.
“Oh I didn’t know you wanted anything, we could get back in line if you want.” He said giving me a mischievous smile.
“Oh and about the whole killing me thing I’ll get back to you.” He told me popping grapes into his mouth over tossing one making it land in Kristy’s soup of the day.
“Ewe, what is that?” Screeched Lisa and Tina who were on either side of Kristy who didn’t see a thing because she was in a heated debate with a girl in the next table about what color pink was in this fall. Apparently, cotton candy was in, just hearing that conversation I figured my IQ had to have gone down at least fifty points.
“Lets go before they figure out it was us.” Luca said leading me out with his hand on my back. From where he was, directing me it was obvious that he ate with Lily and Tessa too.
“Danny hey, is Luca behaving himself?” Asked Lily with a frown on her face when we reached the table.
“Yes and we’re best friends.” He told her pulling me closer into him.
“I wasn’t asking you, I was asking Danny.” I thought about what to say. No, I almost got in trouble in first period for fighting. I was embarrassed just now, not to mention the whole cafeteria is mad at me, and Luca is just smiling about the whole thing like the Jolly Green freaking Giant. I would have loved to say that but I couldn’t because I wasn’t like that and these were my friends and I needed them if I was going to survive here. So I did the only thing I could, I lied.
“He’s been a perfect gentleman.” And like a perfect gentleman, Luca pulled out my seat, he was really pouring it on. Luca clunked down next to me and helped himself to the tray he got for us to share. I kept thinking he was such a dork he was sweet but he was still a dork.
“Danny this is Nate.” Tessa said motioning to the guy with dirty blonde hair and moss green eyes I noticed them as I was walking up to the table he gave me a quick glance that lasted two seconds.
“Hey.” Nate told me not once making eye contact with me.
“And this is Fallon, my boyfriend.” Lily said holding Fallon’s’ hand. He had blonde hair with natural gold tints just like Lily’s; he had baby blue eyes, which I always wanted. My eyes always made me stand out they were turquoise in the sun otherwise they looked somewhat normal but you could always tell there was something different about them about me.
“So you’re the famous Danny who kicked Lucas’ ass?” Fallon said sending everyone laughing, but I could tell it bothered Luca.
“Actually I tripped over my bag and accidentally pushed him.” I told them trying to sound as convincing as possible. I knew Luca was grateful for what I said because he kicked my foot under the table so no one would see. I looked at him and smiled it was nice to know he wasn’t so tough.
“So how was your day so far?” Asked Fallon, twirling a strand of Lily’s’ hair in his fingers.
“It been interesting.” That was an understatement if I ever heard one.
“So Kristy tells us your from California, do you have any family here in Union?” Apparently, Kristy didn’t know everything about me.
“Yeah she does and you’ll never guess who it is.” I had to shut Luca up some how.
“Hey what the hell who through a grape at me?” I pointed to where Kristy was coming out of the cafeteria with grapes in her hand.
“I guess she found out it was your grape in her soup.” The only thing I could think of and not be noticed was to use my magic; I was good at moving small objects by just concentrating on them so a grape was no problem.
“I guess I deserve that, oh well.” He said rubbing the back of his head.
“Actually no I don’t have family here just friends of my family but my dads family grew up here so did my dad until he went away for college.” I didn’t think Nate, Fallon or Luca thought anyone was watching but I was when I saw them glance at each other. It couldn’t have been about something I said.
“Hey Danny are your eyes turquoise?” Lily asked.
“Yeah they are.” I told them. I didn’t like to draw attention to myself so I dropped my
eyes to Lucas tray and mine. When I looked back up Luca, Fallon and Nate were all staring at me throwing my self-conscious out of whack. I needed to draw the attention away from me.
“Umm so where is this Aiden I’ve been hearing about?” That worked they all went back to eating except for Nate he was still looking at me but he wasn’t being mean about it he looked curious more then anything.
“Yeah where is Aiden?” Asked Luca scarping down his third pizza slice.
“He’s helping Caleb set up a diagram for class.” Nate said finally taking his eyes off me.
“You guys call Mr. Porter Caleb?” Asked Tessa tossing her m&m’s’ at various students walking by.
“He lets everyone in his class call him Caleb, something about being on equal ground or something like that.” Fallon said finally letting go of Lily to get a dink of water. I thought that was cool usually teachers are strict on what you could call them. About halfway through their question and answer portion they had for me I looked up from the conversation and noticed Ethan staring at our table. I wondered if he knew everyone. Now and then I would glance at him and I caught Nate following me to Ethan’s direction it was obvious that they knew each other. Finally the bell rang for fifth period so we through are trash away.
“Squirt what’s your next class?” Asked Luca, the whole squirt thing was not bothering as much as I thought it would.
“I have Porter.”
“You have Porter with Aiden?” I was starting to worry when Nate asked me, what was up with him.
“I guess, I mean that’s what Lily and Tessa said.”
“Squirt do you want me to walk you to class?” I knew Luca meant well but I already needed some space.
“No thank, I can handle it.” I said my goodbyes and headed to the stairs.

© Copyright 2009 maggie (maggiebecerra at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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