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Rated: E · Chapter · Religious · #1617979
Premeditation and perorgative of the Holy Ghost, all existence is within its bonds
God is Being, God ‘s Word is Holy. God’s Spirit is Power.
Today, yesterday, tomorrow, Heaven, earth, the world, the universe, the existence being existent - visible and invisible,  be, is, has been, will be, and always shall be the referent subject and direct object of premeditation and prerogative of the Holy Ghost of God - “Not by power, nor by might, but by my Spirit” says The Lord. All is made manifest, fit, secure, and sound, kept by the Holy Ghost.
God propose to create - He did, and creation is made exactly to “His” specifications, not mine or yours or theirs. If we don’t like it do something about it - we are given a privilege to change what we can, will to accept what we can’t, and spirit to know the difference“, to paraphrase a beautiful prayer.
Truth is the Commandment of God and the Commandment was always with God. God is Truth, the Spirit of Truth. The Holy Ghost is God. God is Being, God‘s Word is Holy, God is Holy Spirit, Holy Truth.
“Thou shall not eat of the tree or touch it… for in the day that thou…surely thou will die”, the commandment and the tree it forbids were in the garden before we were in the garden. The commandment and the tree are Truth which was before us - Truth stood waiting for us, it was not made it was always with God.
Commandment of God, God’s Will, Divine Purpose, Holy Directive, is implicit for creation and all things, for it is Sovereign, Absolute Truth. It is the Holy Ghost of the One True God.

The Garden is God’s, so the things pertaining to the Garden and the things planted in the Garden of God are found there. The Garden being the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost - it is Truth. Heaven and earth are seed planted in the soil of the Garden, the soil we have been planted in is Truth, which the Holy Ghost manifest. The Garden remains immutable Truth and so they are nurtured and grow by/in Truth.
So by God the Holy Ghost then, there is the tree of  Life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil, these are aspects of Absolute Truth, and we have become a part of that Truth. And God is Perfect Truth.
The Life and Truth God grants brings an offer of access to all reality within absolute truth, including the choice to take of the tree of Life and of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Everyone that eat of the these trees receives life revealed in itself and it also receives truth revealed in itself, and the man lost innocence, but the man is disposed to Grace because of his flesh, man is distinguished by his relationship to Jesus and that is how God made man and added him to His Absolute Truth - we are different, for we are like Jesus, both Word and Spirit and flesh, in Christ is choice offered. Christ did not come as an offering for angels and He did not die that the angels might be, for us Spirit became man. Truth, the truth of every angel and the truth of man and woman is already known of God. For every tree planted by God is planted in Truth, and comes to know itself by its fruit and it can no longer be consider innocent, for the seed of its fruit is the Truth within itself and declares what kind fruit the tree shall bear. Thank God! we are seed from Grace. We bear fruit by Jesus, He has given us the Holy Spirit, our Comfort.

To the first man and woman by their choice to eat of good and evil, even to touch it, which in actuality they could not not eat or touch it, because for them to eat of it is, was, and always will be the Truth, which dictates our disposition, we are still to this very day eating of it and touching it. The Grace of the Holy Ghost still bears us to this day.
And God said at a later time, “the man and woman have become like us knowing good and evil. Now they realize not only life which came by commandment, but also their own death which came by commandment - when it was broken, “knowing good and evil“.
Did God know this would be, of course He did. Unavoidable, undeniable consignment to Truth is collateral in our life, since our is life based on unconditional love from God, and to allow liberty for self-realization is trust in the highest degree, no one can trust above God. We cannot even put trust in our self before trust in God. Love always begins in trust, and His Love for us is, was, and had to be, before His trust in us because we cannot trust - of our self  - in Him, so He loves us first in Jesus; we were never based in our ability to trust Infinite God, our trust is laid upon Jesus‘ trust.
Trust is learned and we had not learn trust yet - not everyone knows and believes Jesus. We manifest trust and  realize trust when we secures the unconditional love of God in Jesus.
Adam and Eve at the first did not have to lean on trust yet God did everything directly before them. But they still had not, and did not, learn to Trust Him, hence the fall. Trust becomes real when I manifest it from belief and faith, my  obedience to a commandment even when unsupervised.
Trust, absolute freedom, God’s Holy Spirit, which is not always seen in a physical sense, is only spiritually discern. Adam and Eve were free and innocent but naïve babes in spiritual sense. Not having a trust found in faith and obedience theirs was a trust that came by physical sense, by sight.
God is absolutely confidence of Himself as exhibited by our gift of freewill, our autonomy to be what we choose, though it is not absolute sovereignty because we must trust the Holy Ghost, God in His Presence, seen or not seen. We cannot do this so we are set in Jesus’ Trust. We must trust the Holy Ghost Jesus has given us.
Hunger or desire or curiosity or naivety, legions of spiritual truths are accessible in the Garden of Truth, or if you will, the Garden of Eden, the truth of Adam and Eve, their created nature which was fallible by right, is I believe exactly why they did eat - they failed in their carnal nature. They were not created stupid or numbed to affection, they felt God’s love toward them. God Himself directly spoke to their heart and mind, within their sight and in their ear, the commandment to them - and we hear Moses talk of fear and trembling. Satan misspoke for sure, but Adam an Eve ate at their own will, for it was free to not eat and obey God, or eat and die; their own tree and their own fruit that has seed became known, it was truth. Adam and Eve created, and as we see they were created fallible.
Did God not make it clear that they would “surely” die? Then why did they eat? Truth was there to eat and eat it they did, they had to.
Or, maybe I should believe Adam and Eve did not realize a fearful enough understanding from God of dying and death. Whatever reasoning another might conceive was the motivation for them, which lured them to eat of the ominous tree - the act was swallowed up in Grace that came before the act. Grace, commandment, Truth, act, were in the Holy Sanctity of the Holy Ghost.
But, the act definitely added something else to our created nature and are already fallible nature, the carnal nature. Now within our self we learned and felt something as yet not known or felt. We were touched by shame and guilt, feelings which betrays innocence. Guilt from shame is spiritual evidence of wrong relationship with God. Lawlessness is proof of the life of sin and our knowledge of sin, who has given life to sin? We have. Sin which is not of God, it is the only thing our being, our will, and our power in life, has ever created, as brought from nothing, this is our one contribution to Truth, reality - the life of sin. Sin is dead by our inaction.
Death and delusion was the price and the measure of wisdom gained in the human psyche. We of this day, the generation of Jesus birth are blessed to know and see the benevolence of God, the evidence of Grace in the Holy Word spoken for us, that is, Jesus Christ Who died for us and is Risen. God did not destroy them and, although grievously, we are infinitesimally learning that “wisdom is to fear the Lord“. To hear God’s voice and listen to His Word, and to refrain from evil, this is the understanding to be sought. But still even today in the Light of the Holy Ghost - Holy Truth, we do not benefit for we would still remain carnal, men are happy in sin and choose death willingly, they are without excuse - they have the fruit of their own selves as witnesses against them, all they need to do is look around the garden they were intended to till.

A full realization of dread and fear came clearly to their conscience, the fruit we ate brought us due responsibility to judge, and right judgment we are not sufficiently capable of doing because of our carnality, hence the commandment that spoke prematurely of the truth within us, carnality is our inherent state and because of this we had to be proposals of Grace.
The conferred responsibility to judge our own acts as good or bad brought eye-opening(desire, temptation, lust), mind-blowing(dominate, irrational, affections), and soul-perverting(godlessness) consequence. It brought doubt, and our very present ambiguity of God reality and, worse of all, our inability to sense and feel God’s Love. A confused perception of needing and wanting God puts our souls in jeopardy of eternal death and damnation. Judging touches us with fear, a deep subconscious but effective disciplinarian and alert, heightened self-realization of being watched by God and judged by God, concerning our own judging if it is good or bad, evil and wicked or right and true. Deep in our being this apprehension chides our soul, it is God-consciousness. The Presence of God, the Holy Ghost, is on earth. God does not leave us alone in our judgment.
Our fall was inevitable in Truth. It is said we fell from Grace - no, Grace falls upon us because of the commandment which came even before us, the commandment is Truth - that the liar be made a lie, and void of all truth; however, we are not made void by it, because commandment and Grace are one.
For the Word of God can never fall, fail, or return void to Him. The Holy Ghost keeps us, it is Comfort in Truth. And are we not Truth, Truth on earth? Where is God, Where is God’s Garden? Where is God’s Holy Spirit? Can we ever be outside of God’s Truth, as if we were never made, as if we never existed? of course not. But, in Truth what are you? Good or evil, a sinner or a liar? Sinner are saved by Grace, but liars are eternally damned.
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