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Whereas the Life of Jesus, His birth, childhood, heritage as a Jew, life as a carpenter, His personal trials, tribulations, and testimony, His death, resurrection, His Divine and preordained prophetic revelation and preaching, the genuine historicity of Jesus in the annuls of men and in the Holy Spirit’s Gospel of Him; when of all these our Lord’s Spirit - Holy; the Lord’s body - super nature and human nature; and the Lord’s human soul - formed of his humanity(note1), entered creation it echoed connotations of antiquity that the men of His generation, just like those once before it, did not - once again - acknowledge: Holy Tenets...“in the beginning God created…“; “God said…“; even, “let us make man in our image”.

How best can another man or woman precisely understand, whole-heartedly feel, effectively and affectionately realize the depth of my love? How might I best demonstrate the immeasurable length to which I would go for love? How can I make my love last forever? And if I would have my love last forever that would imply that the object of my love must be made eternal, that it may always be with me forever, right?
Bereavement, heart-breaking, soul-grieving, the lost of a loved-one to death is unforgettable to the Spirit of Life.
Am I hoping in God? or should I talk about being God? Yes and no. All my hope is in God, but I am not God. Can I, because “I am”, be eternal? Can I willfully, powerfully, bring something from nothing with the sound of my voice, and by the power of my being? Do I substantiate the reality of existence? Is death negated because “I am”? Is it by my power that death is allowed to have reign over created life? Was it I, who made sacrificial love, unconditional love, the key that unlocks eternal life and eternal love to the children? No. It was God. He sanctified and ordained the key, and by it the souls of men and women receive access to eternal life and love.”
In a human sense, and because of our human finiteness it is absurd and it would be pure, fatal insanity to sacrifice my own life, all that I am, all that I have, all that I know, in an effort to gain for myself and another that which we both only have hope within - life itself. How can I sacrifice hope and have a hope? That which I would give is the very thing that will be taken away by my unholy self-sacrifice: hope, life and love. In my self-sacrifice where would the “I” be in the “us“ I hope for and cherish? If I should forfeit me all is lost. Such a vain thing as human self-sacrifice will not secure eternal promises. In playing God, I would end life and love here and now, also, the life and love hereafter, that is hopelessness in full measure, for my soul shall live in eternal death: separation from life and love because of my separation from God.
So, I suppose, my life and my love that I would give and keep needs to be greater than the death that shall take these from me and also take me from them. How can my present “life of love” conquer the “death of life” that will consume my present “life of love”? In “ I “, there just does not seem to be enough life and love to go around; I just don’t have enough. My own unholy sacrifice will leave me dead and alone for sure.
By my own circumstances? and wherever death should takes me? will I together with death take my love from those that I love? Will I be taken from God who gave me life and love to begin with? Will I grant death more power than Love, than Life? Self-sacrifice is godlessness. There is no God? Death is more than love and life?
If I am only temporal, then yes; alone and finite, being but a man by “evolution”, then yes; if, I am but biological matter then, yes, it would seem death is more powerful than love and life, that is, more powerful than human love and life. Because, as I see it, in that vile scenario, it is a fact that I will be as “death” longer than I will have been as “life“, and so shall “love”, and my “loved-ones“? I will not resign the whole of Life, myself, and my loved-ones to such an atrocity, “no way; there will be plenty of time for such a regrettable decision in the eternal hell of it“, why should I live here and now without God? Without at least my own hope in life and love: God.

There is God! Even for me, once a godless man, even for me whose flower is dying, a man who has no children, and yet I believe “Hope“, a hope that is flowering, “Hope” is my child - God’s child is my child. There is God, even for me once an unloving man, yet I believe Love, and “Love” is my child - God’s child is my child. Although childless, I am not come to end, but God commanded that life should know Him, now I know Him; now I am, and I am God‘s child; God’s child is. There is God, even for me once a seedless life, yet I believe Life, “Life” is my child - God‘s child is my child. Now I have hope, love and life. Hope, Life and Love knows me. We are all being the children of God. He is our Father.
Who but God could have given me hope, love and life as my very own, as my very own seed? Who but God has given hope, love and life to the hopeless, the loveless and the lifeless, all this hoping, loving and living to me? And despite all my enmity and wasting away?
There is more to reality than my own personal love for life, than my own personal love for others in my life. God is Reality, He is the Source and Provider of Life and Love. And I must love Him and live for Him above all else, most importantly, more specifically, above my selfishness.
Excuse me if I have taken this out of context, “anyone who does not hate father, mother, sister, or brother, even his own life, for my sake, is not worthy of me”. I’m not perfectly sure what that means or how it is to be interpreted, if God means it literally; I only know one thing for sure concerning it - what it means to me. Its funny how we interpret scripture the way we wish to.
To live right and to love right is: first and last to know God.
Here I must say that the previous few paragraphs are revelation come to me when I was scornfully resentful toward God and myself. I was remorsefully wrestling with the thought that I was so wicked, that I had done something in my past, in my youth, so very wicked that God did not see it fit to give me “seed“, “fruit of my loins“, “a child“, that would bear my generation into the future of creation, a son or a daughter, a life of my own, to call my own, “to love“(“to own?“). I was very bitter, then - providentially? - it dawn on me, maybe God Himself is the most important Life and Love for “me” to have and to know. And only in a specification of childlessness would “Kenneth” ever come to realize that God: Is. I always thought I believed in a God but I never had faith to obey - I was going to die in my sins. God reads the motives of the heart and my heart was lost to all motivation for salvation and Heaven. I was cemented in a mind and life of lust and idolatry for the world. The emotional pain of my own childhood, as I now see it and feel it honestly, was deeper than I could ever have realized and if I had had children, and if I would had hurt my child, knowing my own childhood sadness, not abuse, I probably would have been successful in my attempts at suicide.
There could be no other way for “me” to come to His Grace - Jesus - God’s only child had to become for “me” my only Child. Jesus had to be my firstborn and my only begotten child. God wanted me to know this and God done this for me, despite me, why? I like to imagine that God said, “Kenneth needs to meet with and know my Son Jesus“, and so God has saved me and He has enlightened me. And not because I was good, but because He loves “me” and He did not want “me” to perish in the hell I was oblivious of, by the sin I was blind to, manifesting self-condemnation:

The truth is not our own. The best I can do is try to learn, to have, and to practice, the best, kindest, gentlest, caring, honest, and wholesome, fidelity of truth at hand.
I was never faithful to God. I would always go back on my vows and promises to God in a heartbeat, at the drop of a hat. I was always excusing myself of backsliding behavior, with crocodiles tears or over emotionalism, with no real effort or sacrifice to change, in my wanting something for nothing attitude and behavior I would feign regret, and then with no more than a lethargic “I’m sorry Lord” or “forgive me Lord“ I‘d absolve myself of sin. I would not give my scornful revelry and consistent infidelity a second thought. Yet and still, Grace has always been upon my life for some reason, and it could not have been for my faithfulness to God.
I can now see that I had been more faithful to a woman, a girlfriend, or to some other selfish, self-centered human relationship. I was religiously and jealously faithful to the institution of a monogamous sexual relationship with my girlfriend; I was adamant and even militant toward its fidelity and its integrity. I would have laid down my life for this relationship? Well, at least gone to jail, which I did several times.

We become addicted to anything that feels good to us, with the exception of God.
I was all my life godless, so very selfish. Forgive me Lord. Thank you Almighty God. And I am especially thankful to you Lord that I was not so cold and callous to a little child, but I did hurt the little child in my heart, that was born - spirit. God’s children are of His Will, and not man’s will.

Life and Love are not human convention. Truth demonstrates we are as the dead and we are the very evil most we most fear, and a world with out God would be an absolute hell. Someone once said the best place from which to see God is from hell, and from my perspective - we aught to see Him just fine.

How best do I love another? Most of the world will not agree with this: and they probably did not find true love, God’s love, in this manner, but I did - it was actually while within, going through, and despite, my ignorant and foolish personal rejection and rebellion toward God that Grace came to me. It would be an outright lie for me - personally - to say I diligently sought after God. “Heck!”, I cannot even think to say I sought God half-heartedly. All my life I have fought against God, and I vehemently hope that others will not be as suicidal as I had been for worldly lust. I was very ignorant and  very much deceived by sin. Taking the worldly avenue of approach to life left me so depraved and greedy for earthly gain I could do no more than curse and hate everything opposed to me, eventually I began to strike out at anything that stood in the way of what I wanted. Actually my true nature, my dominate attribute, was fear, and in the peak of my frightened life, and with great fear continuing on through my breakdown - I became very violent, a violent attitude covered for my fear. I became very antisocial. Before my release from sin’s power, I had become pure, resentful, fearful “nature” and that was toward the world and everything in it. I truly could not let anyone get close, including family and old friends, no one was allowed in except my mother, everyone else was as an enemy - I was a wreck, I would shake like the leaves on a tree in a wind storm, and as I like to say, in more contemporary terms, “I was hit in the mouth”.
I could not go to God for solace I really did not know Him, and besides, I believe God was to blame for my nervous-breakdown: Why did God do this to me?
How could God love me, and yet He did love me; I now see He was with me; He kept me alive after I had poisoned myself; He saw me hiding, shaking and crying. With “Loving” eyes He saw through all my pretense and cowering. He has never stop holding me.

After I had set the whole foundation of my life upon a basis of ungodliness, by the very nature of Grace to shake the Heavens and the earth, I was, my life was, shaken that that which cannot be shaken would remain - God Himself. My selfish, self-centered, fear-filled world was being torn right from over me and under me and around me. Oh what Grace, what Love I was to discovered was mine. Grace I surely did not and could not have earned or deserved.

I have found out that by Grace and my utmost earnest effort to believe - “seek not to understand only believe” - St. Augustine - God grants us a life-sustaining willingness. Trying to understand the judgments of God dooms us to sin, to doubt. In the love Jehovah God, our Father, has for Jesus, the Son, Who is being bodily God’s Living Holy Word sent and sacrifice for us, I was made whole, washed clean, forgiven, and redeemed. I could start over having been made anew; I could begin again, regenerated - reborn, now the child of God‘s Spirit, not a man‘s will - my own. All my reprobate and wicked ranting and reviling and cursing at God and Jesus blotted out. All else dissolved and love and innocence substituted. This is the love and the life God has shown me. Why? This is my adoption into Divine, Eternal Love and Life. Why? And it is my present, my gift of life, thus my whole and eternal life, lived in the Providential Power of a “Great and Mighty King“. Why? And toward my carnal disposition and failings comes all of God’s Divine understanding sympathies and mercies, Divine admonishment, protection, care, and gifts. Why? Because these are bestowed upon the children of God through Jesus, Who suffer first for our sake?
Our very energy is derived from the power of God’s Love to us - I had no access to the energy of life - Love is energy. Through Grace, and from it we receive the anointing to live and to love God, and others, forever and ever. Not in how best can I love, but in how Gloriously God began first to love us.

Of what real value and importance are these things? My very own love, what? the prime magnificence gift of God - Love. God gave it to me? It is mine? How do I use it, what should I do with it?
Beautifully, powerfully, miraculously, love is the greatest power, finest gift and highest consolation we can ever acquire, which we are allowed to have and to use limitlessly - it is free. Love’s cost was expensive but it is given away free to anyone that ask for it. Love is already paid for. Why am I not spending it, showing it off?
Can you think of a more precious commodity than Love? Not any more, not since God has awaken me to its extravagance. And though Love’s face is not always the most glamorous face to behold - there be none shrouded in greater Glory and Honor. The trait that best defines the quality of the humane is our quantity and dynamic capacity to love and be loved. Our attribute of love, our ability to produce and manifest love is wondrously the most effective means by which we come closes to imitating the Divine energy and action of God, by it we too are able to turn evil to good.  The truest, greatest examples of the humane, and God’s effect upon us shine out in the gratitude of love. The manifestation of Love’s Life, not its death, is our work. Loves Resurrection, Loves Immortality, this we should exemplify - Christ Jesus Lives! Love is not an invention. I cannot invent that which is unpreventable. Love belongs to God. And Grace bears all of us.

The evil is swallowed up in the innocent. God alone accomplishes this, we are as nothing. God is pure Good. God is innocent, we are evil. Sin is lawlessness, sometimes what we consider good are acts of wrong based in our pride and fear, we are rebellious children. Evil and wickedness are the greatest degrees of sin. The punishment for sin is death. The punishment for evil and wickedness is eternal death. Eternal death and death are not totally synonymous. Eternal Life - God, and our life, mortal life, are absolutely different, though both are termed life. The term “life” is only representatively identical for our sake, after that all similarity and comparison cease, and must cease. Contrastingly, eternal Life and mortal life are actually direct opposites, in our case, we could say they are antithetical - one being life and the other being death. We are closer to Truth if we say “God is” and “we are not” when comparing personages, or terms. Truly, there can be no comparison. But since we are now being, the truth is: we are evil and God is innocent. We are representative of death more so than life. And death, along with our evil, is swallowed up in innocence. We must not be mistaken, yes evil and death are swallowed up in innocence, but only because God is: Absolutely Good and Innocence, that is the Truth of Himself. There is no unrighteousness or evil in God, neither of word or spirit or matter.

God bring good from evil, as He brought life from nothingness - because He can. God choose to create and He did not need instructions. God makes nothing from evil, neither will He touch it.
God did not create sin, evil, or death, neither does He condone sin or evil, these he will cast away, these bring death and eternal death. God is Oneness and Life, The Eternal Spirit and Life. These things - sin and death - have nothing to do with God, except that in there coming which was only made possible by us, they are nullified and converted into good, the Grace we have received, by Him. God delights in life and in good. Is there any good found in death, any life? No. Ah! but in Grace there is no end to life and good, to the sharing of Love - the greatest good.
God and sin are not in the same plane of existence, for with God neither sin or death exist -  they are not. Just as we would say of something that is not, “it is not being”, or we say of things impossible, “it is not possible”.

“Then why was I made?”
“Why would God, Pure Good, make a thing capable of evil will and acts, even a hint of wrong?”
These are irrelevant questions for now, and they have been asked and thought answered many times over. I am not seeking to ask or answer them. I am just pointing out the fact that evil and death are swallowed up in innocence, always and specifically God’s, but at times indirectly by children born of the Will of God.
If a person out of good or evil does good or evil to another person, whether that other person is consider by me or someone else to be evil or good, or whether the act is right or wrong, justified or unjustified: The Power of God and the Love of God brings about, and makes, at the end of the whole matter - the finality of situations and circumstances involving all concerned - good to result, albeit in God’s time, of course. Good comes out of whatever was done. Our good and evil are swallowed up in the innocence of God, and, God, Just, Justifier, and Justified, allows the cards, our cards, to fall where they may. God will sanctify the good, and the evil He will turn to good results.
Evil is non-existent to God, only to us. How great we make that evil. How great a blazing fire a tiny spark can cause. In our case a conflagration.
What happens, we ignorantly blame another’s evil on God’s innocence; every man has liberty to use his will as he chooses, this is God’s Grace, and so once again we see the innocent - grace-given -swallowing up the evil. God innocently stays out of it, until He Wills to act upon the good, and by His Will the evil committed is automatically turned to good purpose, this is another of one those things or situation we label a “Divine” mystery.
Men will take all the credit for any and all good that comes out of their seemingly justified acts, and their actions against evil, while doing evil in the light and in the dark. When we ourselves are found out, we cry for forgiveness - not justice, and for whom do we cry, ourselves; to whom do we cry, God. When evil is overwhelming or when we are abandoned by men, then do we cry out to Innocence; although beforehand we adamantly deny the existence of God.
I believe that in every case of our imperfect will and our fearful acts - our life, the evil is swallowed up in God’s innocence. Though it may hurt us, the process of “evil turned good” comes out of Divine Innocence: Love, Mercy, and Justice. All harm is healed by God. Anything broke is made whole again by God: Adam and Eve rebelled and ate, then ran and hid, never ask forgiveness - God‘s innocence covered it over; Cain became rebellious and self-centered, once again, God‘s innocence covered that; Abraham lied, Sarah’s innocence cover for him; Issac lied also, Rebecca’s innocence covered him; Jacob and his mother connived to commit fraud, God covered that; the eleven patriarchs sold Joseph, his innocence covered them, in all actuality this is once again God turning evil to good; the Hebrew children rebelled in desert for forty years, Moses’ innocence was used to cover them; David committed adultery and murder, Urriah implied innocence covered that. God has been turning evil to good from the beginning of our history, the innocence of those wronged could be said to have been our scapegoat, and we that are saved and forgiven are all as Cain, and just as he said when he was found guilty, we too say “my punishment is more than I can bear”; never mind the evil, the deceitful will and murderous acts that brought about the punishment we deserved.
What happened in all these cases of evil - the innocent were either maligned or killed, and God in His Innocence has been turning these evils, our evil into good, despite our selfish self-will. But Abel and Urriah had to die for our unmerited favor; Sarah, Rebecca and Joseph were all maligned and wickedly mistreated. But tragically and worst of all, we had and have been trampling upon the Innocence of God; we have been cast out of Paradise, our own beginning innocence was taken away. Our Grace, our unmerited innocence, has always been God’s Spirit that turns evil to good. By God‘s attribution alone, “our” evil deeds are converted to His providential Love for our sake, yet it seems we have grown less and less spiritual. It seems the more innocence God remains of our affairs the more we seem to despise Him, or blame Him for our troubles. The problem is: we cannot see that our ceaseless reprobation of His Word and His Will - His Innocent Love - we are creating and manifesting our very own will and life of hell on earth. By Grace we were made, even before Jesus was manifested into the creation the Word of God was with God, and the Word was Spirit. Innocence is always Just to forgive in mercy. And it is not that evil is justified, it does not exist in God’s Eternal Being-
God, Word of God, His Spirit, cannot fail. And God has always been there for us.

Death seems to be so horribly final, life-ending, to Love? What for is Grace then? Then what for is my life? Surely, life is more than humanity's geo-politics, philosophical ideologies, governments, human institutions, even scientific facts and principles, man-made things. Surely, love's gift to us is unbelievable power and exalted significance, majestic purposes even within our finite boundary of flesh and blood, for by love we go beyond our weaknesses. And love will out last all our human conventions and contractions of the earth bound life. By love we shall excel these shortcomings and mount up to things of Eternal Life, that is, the Holy things in God‘s Dominion.
Love exceedingly surpasses created and carnal limitations. Love even take care of the illogical, irrational, irregularities of created life, making the impossible sensitive to faith, and death forfeits to Love. There is no greater proof of the Spirit of Life than Love. What more than love can anyone give and receive? Who needs more than love?

Yet there is one who is in need of more than love, that is a person who would live outside of Grace, they are dead even within their acts of love and kindness, that person is in dire need of The Lord God Himself, Who is the Life and Spirit of Love. The soul that would live outside Grace - The Spirit of God - cannot give a truly unconditional love, for Agape Love is a “spiritual gift of action” that we manifest as a result of God’s Holy Spirit come upon us, His Holy Will working in us produces our love, and outside of Grace we cannot turn evil into good. We are carnal nature inclined to iniquity, and at best can only act out of human love, which is always tainted with selfishness, self-centeredness, a subconscious expectation of reward, a hidden desire of self-gratification. It is a pseudo love at its best, even within our deepest sincerity to show kindness and goodness toward our loved-ones. Although, and of course, in the deception of sin this is utterly repulsive and wholly deniable and unthinkable, its morally reprehensible to my lone human - twisted - will. Outside of Grace, there is but human love, outside of Grace we have no God, therefore no capacity for Agape Love, we are inhumane objects, devoid of true Life.

Self-sacrifice to prove love for another. Who could think, let alone do, such a thing, it speaks opposite of any interior peace. What man or woman could think up such a contradictory perversion of love, self-preservation is the first rule of nature, right? For a mere mortal to suppose such a thing is folly hidden in a narcissistic nature. Can I really be at peace if I am willing to go to such an irrational and surely revolutionary extremes against myself - that I might possess the love of another?
But what if God supposed to do such a thing? What if God was willing to sacrifice His own for the sake of another, for the sake of wayward children? For Love’s sake. He could do so if He wanted to, pick up the cost of sin in His Infinite Power and Love. Suffer a painful and humiliating death, walk around in hell for three days, see what it is like, though I’m quite sure He knows. God could do that if He wanted, to show us how great a love He has for us, and to show the lengths to which He would go to love us. But as C.S. Lewis says, in his book Mere Christianity, that wouldn’t seem fair, He is God, He has an advantage.
Would I honor or esteem God any better if He exalted another, a man, to do this for Him? What if God choose a man, called him His son, called him His only son, and what if God skipped part of the procreation process - intercourse, skipped part of the scientific processes normal and natural to humans. What if God left the man out of the conception equation this one time, quite possibly He left out the woman too, only using Her body to do what was natural for it to do, bring a human child to term. What if God Instead - for a Holy Purpose - used only Spirit, and gave fully His Holy Spirit this one illustrious and exclusive time. And if God, by His Word and Spirit, can bring all the natural universe from nothing, I’m quite sure He can create the DNA of men and women, and place the life in any woman He chooses. Suppose, God used a specific line of DNA already available.
Let's say..., God wanted to demonstrate, not take advantage of, His Sovereignty, so He used the seed of David so to stick with our human historical foundations and facts? Now I would think God is able to do all this, after all God is the Founder and Father of biology and He is the Founder and Father of Genetics - life on the smallest or the grandest scale, any scale at all.
What if God, and that is the name I call to Him by, most all people call Him by that name, but you can call Him “the Big Bang theory” if you like - just try not to be and to do wickedly in life. God is very forgiving of our finiteness, after all He made our minds and our hearts.
What if in His Infinite Wisdom and Ability, God skipped a few minor details and added some phenomenal ones to have a child all His own. I would consider all the processes of Life and creation minor to God, especially, when I think of all the phenomenal verities of cosmological expression and facts He presents to us. And yet God used all the same fundamental processes to manifest Jesus as He did us, with few exceptions. Necessarily, the only difference being the aspect of His - Jesus' - Holy Distinction of being fully Word and Spirit of God in a created essence, and Jesus is thus: for He exactly express, expresses, and expressed, the all purity, quality and quantity of Truth; since Truth, God’s value for Truth, of Truth, was at sake. Jesus’ uniqueness was to purchase Grace for our sake - there was God’s Truth at stake in Jesus’ body to be sacrifice; in Jesus’ Divine revelation of "The Holy Resurrection, Beginning Holy Word's Truth was set in right perspective: uncorruptible, and Truth is Jesus’ sworn duty to created life.
His Life would be called upon by Truth’s Purity, its Perfection. Truth and our life's truth, cost Jesus His Life for payment - Holy Innocence for the purchase of our life and our sanctification and our peace.
Jesus was exactly like you and me, with a body of flesh and bone, a body with feelings and affections, just as human as you and me in all aspects. He could not have suffered "a death of life" for our sake if He had not been as human as we are. Then Life would indeed be a farce, seeming vainness for vanity's sake. If you do not understand then just believe in the life and human body of Jesus, and you do not need to understand God or religion or science, or traditions of men, for God does not expects you to understand only believe, God wants us to believe the depth of Love He has for us. If you will not except Grace then what more can God offer you, if the life of His son was not enough to succor your love, then what is His gift of life to you but vanity and wasting away. Life - God's children are those possessed of an eternal spirit from life, from Christ Jesus.

Use of an analogy of losing one’s first and only child is conceivably, affectionately, effectively, the foremost powerful way of presenting to others the deep depth of intense emotional and spiritual pain that a being, a spirit, an angel, or a human, can be afflicted with - anyone that has lost a loved-one knows it is life-shattering and life-changing and to a great extent life-shaping. Thus, God, our Father, fashioned His Life toward us, even as of us, that He is able to feel us, and so -  yes! He knows perfectly, personally, naturally and spiritually our infirmities, leaving us without excuse.

The lost of life, a babe, a firstborn, an only child, a son, is of personal experience to God, because this was the destiny of His child Jesus. And, in reference to that, God did in Jesus’ generation personally suffer through His own son’s death, betrayal and humiliation. Yet for us, to us, within us, even unto this very moment God has placed rest and truth in the painful suffering, humiliating work, and silent peace of Jesus. We did not receive God’s justifiable wrath. God forgives us our iniquity in the love that is of Grace. Content in His Absolute, Sovereign Power and in His purpose - Love, that is, the revelation of Himself, His Word and Will, for us, toward our care.

Providentially preordained, Jesus was crucified at the hands of men, and The Lord watched us, while within the deadness of our innate nature we did what He foreknew would happen - violation and disobedience to His Word, Jesus Christ. God knew this would occur even before He had supposed our created life by the Word of His Will. Even before, His Holy Word walked as a man upon the earth. In our powerlessness to sin, our inability to perfectly judge between good and evil, that we succumb to we became the instruments of sin, slaves to it demands. And so we did willfully, rebelliously, and in agreement with sin, exactly according to our nature as created entities - fall horribly short of the glory of God‘s Son. We did to Jesus what He could never had done to us. Why would He? He made us, and not for wrath, but love. “And the owner of the vineyard sent His only son”, and as Holy Scriptures also says, we killed His son and do wickedly take possession of the vineyard for ourselves“. In our ignorance, in the darkness of our minds and in the callousness of our hearts, we the slaves of sin - without God’s help we are helpless minions of it, have been humanly arranging what we were beforehand set to do, even as Judas did.
God had planned within the Council of His Will our role - the pitiable state of our being and the part we would play in our own salvation by His Hand. God had already reconcile in the Grace to come by Jesus the payment for the inevitable sin within our body of flesh; sin which we can in no wise of our self ever escape.
God sanctified Jesus’ murder, at the hands of sinners, to be the very preordained, prerequisite, propitiation necessary for our legitimacy in truth - God by making us creatures proposed to be saved, we are then justified to Truth, for He proposed beforehand for salvation, as those covered by Grace. Our freewill would be as death to us because of sin, if, it were not for Grace. We could never, of our self, fit acceptably in Holy Truth, a Truth without fault, Divine Truth of God and Holiness, Truth that Loves. If God had not temper His Truth, our abiding truth also, with Grace we would be children of wrath, as lawless and disobedient creatures. We would deserve what Truth righteously calls for to temporal and decadent creatures - disintegration and death.
God did not bend truth to make us but in His Wisdom reconcile us in it by the death of His Son, the sacrifice was put upon His Holy Word that can never ever fail or return void, and so it does for us what we could never do for our selves. The Word of God, Jesus Christ, returns us to the Father just as purified and good as the day we were created, even as innocent as the Word that came forth from the Father to make us.
If a man stood in a room and look upon Jesus, as Jesus was looking into a mirror the reflection would be a Word, Holy Word of God. If a man could have touched Jesus' physical body that man would have been touching the Holy Word Itself. If a man stood in the physical presence of Jesus when He spoke that man's eardrums would have been vibrated by Holy Din, Holy SPL(sound pressure level), by the Voice of God's Word sounding in that room in which he and Jesus stood. When a man stood in the presence of Jesus and viewed His countenance, sensed His tones of Divine solemn admonishment, perceived Jesus’ affections and His personal affectionate appeal, that man would have experienced the Holy Emotion of the Holy Word itself.
That is the Divine Glory Jesus exemplifies in His Body - He is one and the same Word of God; He is one and the same with God; He is the Bread of Life, the Word of Life, the Word of God. It was in the Body of Jesus that God treaded in the winepress alone, Jesus’ garments became stained as of wine, as of crimson, as of blood. God wrought salvation out for those He predestined and for the things His own Hands have made for His own pleasure; God worked out our salvation - Him alone.

Jesus, the Glory of God’s Holy Word and Spirit, in Whom and by Whom God became wholly one of us, and yet so very much more in excellence than us is Jesus, so that He is able to save us from ourselves, should we but believe and have faith. God became exposed; He became vulnerable; He open Himself up and applied to Himself while in the body of flesh, the nature thereof, union therewith, filled and made with the affections of humans: love, joy, sadness, pain, bereavement, and though He is Divine, Powerful and infinite in Wisdom, He lets us see through Jesus that He is the Creator and Source of affections; they are not without him, but He Himself  lived in a body composed of them, that could feel them relate to them, and so He has felt them. And He knows first-hand the physical, psychological and spiritual pain and suffering in the body. Being human, and by the example of human suffering, His Son‘s suffering, God admits suffering, to His Word’s suffering through His Son’s suffering. The Son did suffer as did the Holy Word and this is a prophetic allegory done with Holy Word and Jesus, Spirit and flesh. The Spirit Indomitable and Eternal, the man subordinate and created - Jesus, real and verified human life and body that came and touched human history, and touched it more dramatically and significantly than ordinary life aught ever have done, that speaks for itself, believe or don‘t believe but this is a fact seen in the reality of today, in the truth of human history.
We are human and God in His Wisdom uses Jesus’ humanism to come to us in the way we know and live and experience life -  in the human way. That we might of our God-given kinship within the Spirit, that is, our soul nature, grasp Holy presented evidence and, that we might knock, seek to find and learn, that we might come to know, understand, feel, in a realistic and human way that He loves us too as sons and daughters, for His own begotten son was as we are spirit, soul, and human in nature.
In Agape love, in Grace, our sanctification through Jesus’ Spirit and His humanism, we stand exalted and glorified before His Throne, which is at the right-hand of the Father, True God.

An inanimate thing such as a rock or a statue cannot be imagined to suffer or feel physical pain. It is even more difficult to conceive that a word or an idea might feel agony of any sort. Idols are but inanimate earthen ware, perhaps words and ideas, some absurd philosophical idea constructed in the frightened and reprobate minds of men. They cannot be put on trial or be held liable, neither can they be made to suffer punishment for any "human" belief - humanly concocted - in the idol’s imagined error in judgment, or to suffer chastisement for its wrongful act - ignorantly and foolishly - believed to have been manifested by its power.
But the trial and the act of punishment that be-felled “The Holy Word” is real, not an image of vain-glorying of God; just as our trials and punishments are real so was the Holy Word. We are, and we are real, so very much much more real is the Holy Word from God, in a retrospective contrast we are even as not ever having been.
The men and the angels, those demonic liars, who admittedly proffer and promote the idea that the trial and punishment suffered by God’s Holy Word is only true in an allegorical sense, that the Holy Word’s trial, conviction and condemnation on earth was only of metaphoric significance, as if in actually it had not occurred, but it did occur and just as God said it would, and, although it preceded and took place in their very own court of law, and the Holy Word was crucified on the tree of their choice, they deny its reality. According to their lies, to their choices, and to their unholy cries, according to their calls for injustice, and their faith to evil jurisprudence and dark dominions given power on earth they scorned and sacrificed the Holy Word of God - but in accord to God‘s predetermine Will and plan of Salvation.
The Holy Word’s pangs of ridicule and its disposition to suffer pain and demise being proposed, foreordained, and expected, being presupposed by God for the sake of creation, is God‘s, and so His Word‘s, suffering. He endures suffering for the sake of the elect, pain and longsuffering for the sake of the Holy remnant; pain imposed upon and fit into the Holy Ghost verily sent to Comforter us because we are afflicted by the very knowledge of God‘s suffering, and that for our sake. So Divine suffering is of God, and had to be, and it has become Truth - the Holy Word suffered, and that suffering is Holy truth. The Holy Ghost reveals what God and His Word is suffering for us, suffering the reality of Truth - our iniquity. What love! that God by Holy Truth, His Immutable Truth, His Spirit’s Immutability, suffers us to be - to be made sons and daughters. Even unto this very day - today, and not rhetorically either, grievously, for scripture says the spirit groans in words unspeakable to God for our sake and our inadequacy, and we vice versa.
The trial of the Word is being seen and manifested in “our” wicked rebellion. Its humiliation and painful crucifixion has been, and it is being actual and tangible Divine suffering felt in the Being of God today for the treatment of His Holy Word, and as it remained silent in it humiliation then, so too does God refrain in His wrath, not destroying those that crucify the Holy Word in their present act of abomination.
Or, through disbelief, do I confess that Jesus was not a real and actual man that was lied upon and spit upon and handed over to injustice and wicked powers on earth. The death of God’s son - do I count that as conjecture, and not the painful suffering of God Himself in the humiliation and death of His only begotten son. These are excruciating, remorseful and substantial and actual feelings of God. They are feelings that would be realized to harm and hurt anyone, and why not God. I would think even more so to God, who is the Creator and Giver of the gift of affection, including love and forgiveness. Within the Holy Word, within Jesus Himself, there was done real harm and hurt and pain, and these were felt in the Spirit and in the body, in the very Being of God, our Father.
Who am I to say that the Father of Life can feel no pain, even I a worm who feels nothing but pain. A contemptible mind and cold-blooded heart of disbelief and insensitive compassion shall yet bring upon me the same unmerciful inconsiderate reprisals from God; although, He be the God of All-Mercy.

If I cannot see that adulteration and fornication within the Holy sanctity of our marriage to God, being married as of our creation by Him and for Himself, if, I cannot see how this should causes even God jealousy and pain for He could demand His Will be done, yet He does not, and Holy Scripture declares that, “the Spirit of God is jealous for us”.
Well then it must be that I am not sanctified in marriage after all, and I am seen and being found a harlot by the wickedness of my divorce decree, announce in my infidelity to The Lord‘s suffering-servant, Jesus, the bridegroom. I have defiled theHoly, spiritual nuptials recited by the God.
Within the Preeminence of Holy Passion, the exaltation of Divine Love, the Glorious Holy Word for us suffered our significance to be worth more than a seeming apparent blaspheme, which we should cast upon it; we being in respect to Its Sanctified Holiness a kind of defamation by our vile and filthy reflection in it due to our sin nature. And, also, according to how we do defy the Word and are allowed - for a time - seemingly to willfully and rebelliously despise and oppose its Commanding and Glorious Holy Sovereignty and Authority, shadowing it with the ill-repute of godlessness.
We need to realize that this is an unmerited, immeasurable, unheard of and unfathomable Holy Forgiveness, this is the Most High, Most Excellent, Holy Exalted, Benevolent Humbling of Providence of Almighty God, our Father, our Savior. Unless, we be seen to consider the Blessing of God through Holy Charity and the suffering of the Being and body of the Lord Jesus - our Grace and Holy Propitiation - as cheap, though it cost Him His life. Or, we are seen as receiving the Holy Sacrifice of Atonement in irreverence, which is an evident admission of apostasy. For when a mortal man even thinks or perceives God as ineffectual in His Holy Word and Holy Spirit that man but a mere creature from Grace, a child of truth or a child of wrath, he put his immortal soul in danger of judgment, condemnation, and eternal death.
Yet, for our pitiful sake, in our sight, that we be witnesses, having the evidence of witness within ourselves, God did, by two immutable proofs: Himself and that it is impossible for God to lie, Sanctify Himself Sovereign and Omnipotent by the resurrection of Jesus‘ mortal body from the grave and, in which, God speaks absolutely of, signifies specifically of, and sanctifies undoubtingly of - Commandant Reclaimant Glory of His Word, being attested to before men and by them; therewith, God is declaratively commanding, establishing, and presenting to them the Word in its earthly Truth, which is too Eternal, Holy, Immutable Truth; the Word of His Bosom - the very “Beginning” Word is seen Gloriously Glorified and Lifted-up beyond equal by Holy God in the evidentiary raising of the Body of His Holy Child Jesus.
For, though the Holy Word of God, Jesus being its Antecedent, seemed abused by the willful sin of disobedient men, and Jesus in actuality subjected to death, these two settings though true in a natural sense because abuse seems to be happening to the Holy Word in this natural setting in which we live, and because abuse and death did happen to Jesus in this natural setting in which men live, the Holy Truth is -these serve only in so much as they are presentable and tangible evidence, and they represent the facts that reveals the truth God has testified of in the Holy Scriptures - "they act like a people that draws near to their God but they do not hear my voice nor do they heed my Word so their hearts are far from me", and these settings convict us of lying, injustice, and murder - "truth has fallen in the street, justice hides its face, and anyone who prophesy in the Lord's name is put to death", these two settings and the truth in them are fulfilled and self-fulfilling prophecy in the Holy Scripture pertaining to what we today see and find is truth. God does, can, and will, manifest Holy Truth to feed our spirit. God does, can, and shall, substantiate in our soul His Holy Word and Indomitable Spirit.
The two settings, abuse of the Holy Word and Jesus - His murder, are identical, synonymous, one of the other, one of the beginning and one of our latter generation - those living in the last days. The Wisdom within the Power of these two Divine synonymous truths are clearly seen by the faithful children of God, as they are reborn of spirit. But they are not to be received by unfaithful men, and their synonymous meaning cast a veil of delusion in the hearts and minds of evil cohorts - Jews and Gentiles alike - opposed to God. God's revealed Wisdom to those to be saved is as foolishness to those who seek earthly signs and to those who seek human wisdom, so that even though they have and read Holy Scripture and though they think themselves wise in this world; within that which has been preached to them that which they call foolishness - the truth and reality of that which is preached in their hearing is deception specifically meant for them, the reprobate, that they should be made known as the enemies of God, of truth, and of righteousness, being filled with wrath, hate, and malice; they filled up completely their measure in the wrath of God. When God spoke of the beauty of Mercy, He said, “I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy“. In the same Benevolence of Agape, God said, “let there be light…and there was light” and “let us create man in our image…to rule over the earth”, and again, Jesus says to the lost sheep of Israel, in His own spoken Word, in Holy Glorified Power and in Holy Spirit, Sanctity, and Truth - Being the Holy One of God, “ I have the Power to lay down my life, and I have the Power to take it up, no man takes it from me, but I lay it down for the children my Father gave me, and I have Power to raise it up“, and then in anon He says, “it is finished”.
What is it that is finished? That I hope to touch upon in the next pages. Thank You Jesus, amen.

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