Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1617900-Initiate-Pt-1
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1617900
Things happen when you last expect it to...
I flung myself back against the lockers in the hallway as Jake Rye flew down the hall fighting with his greatest enemy Denny Markner. The two most popular boys in school, friends at first but then drawn apart from many differences they had came across. Jake was the older one who had the nicest bluest eyes ever, with the slightly spiked up light brown hair and blonde streaks throughout. He was a punk at that, having two tattoos on his left and right forearms and piercings in both his ears. Denny on the other hand had dark eyes, with black hair and a small goatee. Whenever he looked at you it kind of sent a chill down your spine. I shook my head at the pity of their nonsense. Teachers broke them up and sent them to the office.

I walked inside my last class of the day. No one was really there not to my surprise, since it was winter and when its winter in North Dakota no one really bothers coming to school a lot because of all the snow and ice. The teacher, Mr. Rifter, didn't bother giving us work, so everyone did their own thing while I talked to him because we had a lot of the same interests, so I had befriended him and his family. The bell rang and I had to go to the office to pick up some things.

When I got down there Denny and Jake were still there sitting on the opposite sides of the office. I went to the secretary and talked to her. She then left to receive some papers. No one was in the office except for Denny, Jake, and myself. I felt awkward. I started looking around and then looked over to Jake and caught him staring at me with his angry blue eyes.

" What are you looking at," he snapped.

I shook my head and quickly looked away. Denny chuckled a little.

" What's so funny, ass wipe," Jake declared.
" Shut the hell up man," Denny shot back.

Jake quickly got up and so did Denny and started towards each other. Since the office was small in the lobby section I was in between the two of them as they were starting towards each other. I quickly grew scared. They started yelling swears at each other and a bunch of nonsense.

" Please, stop," I said fearfully.

They both stopped and looked at me.

" Well, get the hell outta the way," Denny barked at me and grabbed my arm and pushed me.

Since he was so strong, I crashed into some chairs onto the floor. It really hurt, so I just stayed where I was.

" Look, look what you did asshole," Jake yelled pointing to me.
" Whatever," Denny shouted giving me a mean look and slammed the office door on his way out.

Jake came over to me and helped me up.

" Are you ok," he asked gruffly.

I nodded my head, then Jake took off. A few minutes the secretary came back with papers and gave them to me. I left and went home.

The next day at school I was searching out Jake, I had forgotten to thank him from yesterday. I went into the school library to pick up a few books and to my surprise I saw him. I went over to him and lightly tapped him on the shoulder. He quickly turned around with a stern look on his face.

" Uh...uh, I just wanted to thank you for yesterday," I said softly and kind of frightened.
" Yeah, well next time I wouldn't get into the middle of it if I were you, yeah," he said walking off.

I felt a little pissed off, but I just left the library and went to my class which had Denny in it. I got into the classroom and took my seat which unfortunately was next to him. He was leaned back in his chair looking pissed off and tired. I sat down quickly and as quiet as possible. He looked over at me and started staring. I felt so awkward, but I couldn't help myself, I looked over at him and his eyes pierced right through me. He leaned over to me.

" Because you really had to get in the middle and piss me off, some teacher caught what you made me do and now I'm serving detention for 3 weeks," he spat out hastily with anger.
" But, I..." I started to say.
" You, now, need to watch your back," he grunted.

I looked away from him. As soon as class was over I rushed out of there. I looked over my shoulder and I saw Denny behind me with his cruel eyes shooting right at me. I bumped into someone. I looked to see who it was and Jake stood there looking angrily down at me.

" I....I'm sorry," I croaked still looking over my shoulder.
" Just watch where you're going," he spat out.

I nodded and watched Denny lean against a wall as he watched me. I grunted in fear.

" What's your problem," Jake asked picking up the paper he dropped.

I looked over at Denny and back at him.

" Is he bothering you," he asked looking over at Denny.
" I'm just doing what he said I should do," I said softly and scared.
" And what's that," he asked looking down at me.
" Uh, watching my back," I said," I gotta go."

I rushed off and around the corner, but not before I heard some yelling. I went back around the corner and saw Denny and Jake fighting.

" What the hell is wrong with you," Jake shouted at Denny.

Denny took a swing, but Jake ducked and then got him in the mouth.

" Don't ever threaten someone who can't defend themselves," Jake growled and left Denny holding his mouth. Denny shot his eyes over at me and gave me the dirtiest look I have ever seen.

After school was done I rushed to my car and drove home. When I got there my dad was rushing out the door. He walked over to me giving me money.

" Jenny, I want you to go to the store and buy a few things, I can't because I have to go back to work and fix a problem an intern caused," he said quickly giving me the money and a list.
" Ok, bye dad," I said.
" Bye, honey," he said getting in his car and driving off.

He wanted me to go to the corner market, which I hated going to because there are always people looking at you like you don't belong there. I went anyways. When I got inside I saw Denny and two of his buddies hanging out at the food court of the store. He looked over at me and gave an evil smile and started talking to his buddies as they all looked over at me. I looked at the list quickly so I could get what I needed and run out of here. I got the things my dad wanted so I cashed out and walked out of there. Now, I should of brought my car, but no I had to walk since it wasn't that far. I continued walking when I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned me around. It was Denny and behind him was his two buddies which were walking behind me.

" I told you to watch your back," he said meanly.

I went to walk past him, but he grabbed my wrist and slammed me against a wall. I was freaked out, I looked up at him. He grabbed my face and jerked it forward.

" Always at the wrong place, at the wrong time, huh, J.C.," he whispered in my ear.

He pulled my hair away from my neck and brushed his lips against my neck. I tried pushing him off, but he wouldn't budge, he just tightened his grip and stance. I was starting to cry, just wishing I had brought my car or had something to defend myself.

" Oh, no, no, shhh, don't cry," he said quietly.

He put his left arm around my waist and jerked me up and closer to his torso. He took his right hand and grabbed the bottom of my face where my chin was.

" Fucking Denny, I thought I told you not to threaten anyone who can't defend themselves, now come on, 3 against 1," someone cracked.

Denny, his buddies, and I looked over to see Jake and a few of his friends. I tried pulling away from Denny again, but he pulled me back with his arm hard against him.

" Why don't you mind your own business and I'll carry on with mine," Denny shot out.
" Ok, I will, just let go of her," Jake said strictly.
" This is my business," Denny snapped.
" You have no right treating her like that," Jake said.
" This little bitch got me 3 weeks detention," he shouted tightening his grip around me.
" Ahh, ow," I grunted in pain.
" Come on, man, your hurting her," Jake growled.
" Fine, here," Denny said pushing me in the street as a car was coming.

Denny and his buddies ran far away. Jake quickly ran over to me and grabbed me before the car ran me over. He held me in his arms while I was shaking with terror, just thinking I could of died, I started weeping. I didn't want to ,but I couldn't help it. Jake pulled me closer to him and next to a wall to lean against.

" Hey, are you ok," he asked looking down at me.
" Thank you," I sniffled, nodding, and wiping my tears away.
" No problem, it looks like he's gonna be causing a lot of trouble with you," Jake said holding me," But, it's gonna be hard with me there."

We separated. I looked at him and smiled a little nodding.

" I'm gonna take you home," he said holding my hand and leading me to his car.

I got in his car and he drove to my house. He walked me to the door and made sure I was ok before he left. I went to my room and thought... wow, I think I'm starting to like this guy, but I still have to be careful.

The next morning I woke up, it was Saturday and fortunately it was sunny, but still some snow on the streets and sidewalks. I got dressed and decided to go to the mall for Christmas shopping. I have to buy for my dad, my brother who is coming home in two days, my aunt, and her family of her husband and two kids. We had small family get-togethers but it was ok, still good.

I went into the mall and started shopping for my family. I was getting hungry so I went to this little restaurant/ cafe place inside the mall. I was waiting in line and I saw Jake coming into the place. He started walking by me, but he backed up and smiled.

" Hi," he simply said.
" Hi," I said back smiling.
" Are you waiting for a table or take out," he asked.
" Table," I replied.
" Mind if I join you," he asked.

I shook my head. He took my hand and started to lead me in to the tables, but I stopped him.

" We're cutting," I whispered.
" My friend owns the place," he whispered back grinning.

He took me to a booth. The waitress came and took our orders. We started to talk.

" So, Denny is here, not in the restaurant, in the food court area," Jake said.
" Oh," I said concerned.
" Don't worry, he'll probably leave soon," Jake said.

I nodded my head. The waitress came over with our drinks. I took mine and started sipping out of it.

" You don't talk much," Jake said putting his drink to the side.
" Well, look what happened when I asked you guys to stop," I said.
" Oh, yeah, you looked really scared," he said grinning.
" I was.. I do get scared easily and get picked on because it's so easy for people," I said.
" Because, you're sweet and nice," Jake said leaning back on the seat.
" Well, I wish I wasn't," I said looking down at my drink.
" Well then, you'd be like every other bitch that I've met, but it's good to meet someone nice once in awhile," he said leaning forward.

I looked up and smiled at him. The waitress came with our food. I had a caesar salad and he had a burger with fries. He took the ketchup and squirted it on his fries. He grabbed one and put it in his mouth and there was ketchup on his face. I giggled as he wiped it off.

" Oh, you still have a little on the side here," I said reaching over and wiping the side of his mouth with my finger.

He gave me this look like he wanted to say something, but I wiped my finger on my napkin and he looked away. He had a grin on his face for the rest of the time. When we finished, we walked out and into the mall.

" Well, thank you, it was nice," I said," I've got some more stores to go to, though."

We both looked over at a bench and saw Denny and his buddies from last night. They gave us dirty looks. Jake stopped smiling.

" Well, I'm coming with you I hope you don't mind," he sad intensely.
" Uh, no," I said.

We walked away and went to one of the stores I needed to go to.

" I'm sorry, I mean for like tagging along, I just don't really want to leave you by yourself with that ass hole around," Jake said.
" Well, I don't care, I really appreciate it, but I don't think I'm someone you'd want to be seen with," I said pointing over to some girls that were from our school who were looking at us and talking.

He looked over at the girls and they smiled and waved to him like they were fans.

" Well, I really don't give a shit about my reputation when the safety of a vulnerable lady is at stake with an evil douche," he said putting his arm around my waist.

I smiled and took a quick glimpse over at the girls and they had shocked faces. When we finished, we walked out and to the side of the mall where I parked. Denny was at my car with his buddies and they had just finished vandalizing it. The tires were slit, there was graffiti all over it and it looked like they had used a key and scratched the sides of my car. I was in shock...I thought he could go no lower.

" It looks like your car is in the shit, would you like me to give you a ride in my car," Denny said with cruelty.

Jake put me behind him.

" Denny, you really lowered yourself, why can't you just leave her alone," Jake demanded.
" Look, man, I'm done with you, I found someone new," he said glancing at me.
" So, what your gonna torture her, just because she asked us to stop fighting and a teacher witnessed you hurting her," Jake asked.
" Yeah, but there's one thing I would enjoy doing to her that I can't and would never do to you," Denny said grinning.
" What," Jake barked.
" Well, come on, you're a dude, you know," Denny laughed evilly.
" You're freaking sick," Jake said disgusted.

I then bolted as fast as I could away from them towards the mall. Jake followed me. Denny and his buddies also followed.

" My car's in the parking lot structure," he said.

We ran into the parking lot structure. Jake ran past me and to his car unlocking the doors. We jumped in and he drove away with Denny and his buddies finally stopping. Jake drove to his house. We got out and inside his home which was huge.

" Wow, you live here," I said looking around.
" Yup, just me," he said.
" Where's your parents," I asked.
" They live in Europe, I didn't want to so I convinced them for me to stay here, since I'm 18 and responsible enough," he explained.
" What about Christmas," I asked.
" Gonna be alone," he said.
" That's sad," I said sadly.

He shrugged his shoulders.

" Um, where's your bathroom," I asked.

He told me where it was. I walked in and it was such a beautiful bathroom, it was big, with a nice bath/shower combo, and big counters with a sink. When I finished doing my business I opened the door and Jake stood there which scared me. He was looking into my eyes and he walked forward. I backed up into the bathroom counter. He was really close and his lips were close to mine. He pushed forward and we started kissing. He grabbed beneath my ass and put me on the counter. We were making out when I finally pushed away.

" Sorry," Jake said breathing a little heavy.
" It's ok, I just never went this fast in my life," I said still kind of wanting more.

He leaned over to kiss me more and I kissed him back. I couldn't help myself, I felt so good and happy. It was exciting. Jake wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped my legs around him. He picked me up and went against a wall and held me there. Then after a few minutes he carried me to the living room where he laid me down on the couch, he got on top of me and we continued making out. He started putting his hands up my shirt, but I grabbed them and we stopped kissing.

" Too fast," I said shaking my head.
" Sorry," he said pulling away and off of me.
" I think I should get home and explain to my dad why I won't be having my car," I said.

Jake nodded. We got in his car and drove to my house. I got inside and explained to my dad that some vandals wrecked my car, he was a little pissed off, and asked me if I knew what they looked like. I shook my head and said that it was like that when I got out of the mall and that I bumped into Jake who gave me a ride home. After that I went to bed.

The next morning I woke up to my cell phone ringing. I felt around for it and grabbed it.

" Hello," I answered tiredly.
" Hey, it's Jake, sorry I woke you up," he said.
" Oh, hey, it's ok, what's up," I asked sitting up on my bed.
" I was wondering if you wanted to get together with me today," he said.
" Isn't it early," I asked yawning.
" It's 12 in the afternoon, J.C.," he said chuckling.
" Oh, wow," I said looking at my clock," What'd you have in mind?"
" Oh, I don't know, I thought we could figure that out once I got you," he said.
" Alright, well, if you want, you can pick me up in an hour," I said.
" Ok, I'll see you then," he said," Bye."
" Bye," I said as we both hung up.

I jumped out of bed and into the shower. After the shower I got dressed and brushed my teeth. I know this sounds like I did it quick but miraculously it did take about an hour. There was a knock at my door, I figured it was Jake so I yelled for him to come in since I was busy trying to find my bag. When I came into the living room I saw Denny sitting on the couch. He quickly got up and he was grinning at me. I backed up a little.

" What do you want," I asked," And why are you in my house?"
" You told me to come in," he said chuckling.
" Well, I thought you were someone else," I said.
" Sorry to disappoint," he said coming closer to me.
" Get away from me," I said backing up against a wall.
" Come on, I think we got off on the wrong foot," he said gently putting his hands against the wall, his body hovering over mine.
" That's your problem," I muttered.

Denny grabbed my upper arm and pulled me close to him.

" Don't give me an attitude, I'm trying to ease up," he said gruffly.
" Well you're doing a superb job," I grunted pulling my arm back.
" Ooff, baby, I like it when you fight back," he said with integrity.

I slapped him across the face and went to run out the door, but he grabbed my arm and slammed me back against the wall hard.

" You know, if you just stop seeing Jake, I'll stop," he said.
" What the hell do you care, get on with your own life," I spat out.
" Ohoo, well, I would but you see, Jake has something I want and I usually get it," he said meanly.
" And what's that," I asked.
" You," he said.
" Well, you can't have me," I hissed.

Jake came in at that time and looked over at us. Denny and I looked over at him. Jake looked really pissed off.

" If I ever see you again like this with her, I will put you in the damn hospital," Jake declared.

Denny just smirked and let me go. He opened the door and left.

" I'm sorry I'm a little late," Jake said coming over to me.

There was a knock at the door.

" That better not be him," Jake said opening the door.

There stood my cousin, Kris. I forgotten he was coming over, but my aunt and the rest of the family wasn't with him.

" Um, hi," Kris said to Jake looking at him weird.

Kris walked over to me.

" Hey, J.C., uh," he muttered still looking at Jake.
" Um, this is Jake, Jake this is my older cousin Kris," I introduced.
" Hey, man," Jake said.
" Hey," Kris said.
" I'l be with you in a minute, Jake," I said.

Jake walked out to his car to wait for me. I turned to Kris.

" Why are you here early and where's your mom and everyone," I asked.
" Well, my mom is coming later but dad and Jester is sick and can't come," he said.
" Oh, ok, well, make yourself at home, um, I'm going out," I said pointing to Jake outside.
" You're going out with him," Kris said disgustingly.
" Yeah, why," I asked.
" I don't like him, I don't think you should go out alone with him," Kris said looking at Jake.
" Kris, it's fine, he's a good guy" I insisted.
" So, you won't mind me coming along to make sure," he said.
" No, I'm going with him alone," I said.
" Where," he asked.
" I don't know, we haven't decided, but I need to go," I said putting my coat on and grabbing my bag.
" Well, too bad, J.C., I'm going with you," he said walking out the door with me.

We both got into Jake's car. Jake gave me a look.

" Sorry, he insisted on butting in," I said aloud looking back at him.

Kris smiled.

" Dude, I'm just watching out for my cousin, you understand," Kris said smiling.
" Yeah," Jake said through his fake smile.

Jake drove off. He ended up driving to an outside plaza. We got out of the car and started walking by stores. Jake put his arm around me as we walked. We heard someone clearing their throat loudly, we looked back at Kris slowly stroking his thin line up beard thing he had along his jawline. He looked up at us and smiled and pointing with is eyes at Jake's arm around me. Jake departed from me and kept his hands in his hoodie pockets. I looked back at Kris and gave him a dirty look, he just grinned at me. We then walked into a small novelty store and looked around. I saw Kris putting his attention on a young female worker, so Jake and I quickly walked out of the store and continued on. Jake took my hand and we held hands as we walked alongside stores.

" I'm glad he got distracted," Jake said.

I started giggling as Jake let go of my hand and put his arm around me pulling me closer to him. We passed a lingerie store and he stopped making me almost trip on my feet. He started laughing, but stopped and grinned looking at the store and looking back at me. I started to laugh and shake my head no. He started shaking his yes. We went back and forth until I nodded yes and he shook his head no. I laughed.

" You tricked me," he said laughing.
" Mhmm," I hummed smiling.

He pulled his arm around my neck to kiss me atop my forehead.

" Hey," a voice yelled over at us.

We turned around and saw Kris marching toward us. Jake pulled his arm away from me and this kind of infuriated me. I've never had a boyfriend and my cousin is ruining this for me. I gave Kris a mean look and he gave one back to me.

" Hey, I gotta go in this store for a second," Jake said pointing to a tool store.

I nodded for him to go. I turned to Kris.

" Why are you ruining this for me," I asked sternly.
" He don't look good, I don't trust him, J.C., besides you don't need a boyfriend," he said giving a disgusted look.
" Excuse me, Kris, number one it's none of your business what I do, number two he is such a great, nice guy, and number three... you should be the last to talk about not needing someone, Mr. I-Must-Have-A-Girlfriend-Every-Second-Of-My-Life," I snapped at him," I mean, come on, I've never had a boyfriend before and you have no right saying I don't need one."
" Sorry, J.C., I just don't care for this guy, he keeps giving me these looks," he said seriously.
" Because, you're giving him looks and tagging along acting like a "dad" and plus a lot of people never liked half your girlfriends but you continued dating them," I said.
" True," Kris said.

I motioned for Kris not to say another word since Jake was coming out. Jake came out with a small bag and stuffed it in his hoodie pocket. I took his hand letting him know it was ok now, but he resisted. I looked back at him and he shook his head no and nodded over to Kris. I mouthed it was ok to him, he nodded, and then grabbed my hand. We held hands walking past stores with Kris walking a little ahead, finally, giving us some privacy. It started getting dark soon.

" I think it's time to go home," Jake said.

Kris and I agreed heading to Jake's car. When we arrived at my house, Jake pulled me close to him.

" You wanna come over my house for dinner," he asked hopefully.

I looked over at Kris. Kris shrugged his shoulders heading into the house.

" Yeah, ok," I said smiling.

We left in his car. We finally got to his house and headed in. I took my coat off and threw it on the couch.

" So, what's for dinner, Mr. Rye," I asked in a silly voice giggling.
" Well, Miss Dermett, a nice roasted duck soaked in a pineapple sauce, with broccoli and cauliflower to garnish it, and a steaming side of asparagus melted with butter," he said in a deep casual sarcastic voice.

I wrinkled my face in disgust. He laughed and leaned in to give me a quick smooch on the lips.

" Nah, I actually don't know, we can look around and make something," he suggested.

I smiled and we headed to the kitchen. We started opening everything trying to find something to make a decent meal. I looked in the refrigerator and saw a small chicken. I took it out and waved it in font of him. He smiled and nodded his head. He took out potatoes and carrots and started to chop them up. Soon we finished prepping it and put it in the oven to cook. We dragged ourselves to the couch and plopped down. He pulled me close to his chest and I could smell that wonderful cologne he always wore. My head laid upon a pillow on his lap, I was looking up at him smiling as he looked down at me with dreamy eyes and his and atop of mine which was placed on my stomach. With his other hand he was stroking me gently.

" I like how you're different," he said suddenly.
" What," I asked giving him a strange look.
" Well, I mean, I usually date the "popular" girls, so on, you know what I mean, but I never went with someone like you," he said softly.
" Hmmm," I hummed.
" I like it this way," he continued leaning back on the couch.

I got off of his lap and sat up. I stretched and stood up. He also stood and walked to the kitchen to take our meal out of the oven.
Soon, the meal was in our plates and then in us. After that we headed back to the couch when we heard a loud bang. We both jumped and looked at each other wide-eyed.

" What was that," I asked whispering.

Jake just shook his head walking to the front windows of the house. He peered out the window and turned back to me with a seriously angry face.

" What," I asked in a hush voice.
" It's Denny, he pelted snow at the house, and his two buddies are with him," he said grabbing his coat.
" No, Jake, don't, you're scooping down to his level," I said.

He shook his head and opened the door, Denny and his buddies already being there rushed in and closed the door behind them. Jake backed up to me, shielding me.

" What the hell do you want," Jake sneered at Denny.
" We're bored, so thought that we'd head here," he said with a mischievous grin.
" Man, you been bugging me since the day we stopped our friendship and you just can't leave me alone and now you're even worse now that I have a girlfriend," Jake stressed, " Will you just go on with your life and stay away from me and my girl?"
" Ah.... no," Denny chuckled.

Denny looked over at me with misty eyes and a stupid grin on his face.

" Oh, well look at you, you look pretty delicious tonight," Denny jeered teasing Jake.

I saw Jake's hands form into fists and his jaw clenched tight. He nostrils flared and he started seeming very annoyed.

" Jake, dude, take a chill pill," Denny said in a teasing voice.

One of Denny's friends forced Jake to sit. Denny grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him, his lips barely touching my cheek. I tried pushing away, but he stood his ground.

" You know Denny..." I started to say in a sweet voice.

Jake looked up at me. Denny let me go, but kept me close, he looked at my face.

" You...are a disgusting, stupid, lowlife, asshole who can't get on with his own life. You have no respect for anything or anyone you little pig. No wonder no one respects you, you are such an arrogant idiotic prick who can't get his head outta his ass even if you had help," I spat out in a harsh voice.

Jake and Denny's two buddies looked at me with shock. Denny looked at me with so much anger, he was red with embarrassment and anger.

" Bastard," I finished meanly and cold hearted as possible.

I think I over did it. Denny, quickly, raised his hand and backhanded me across my face, I fell on the floor. My lip was bleeding, I held it while I looked up at Denny with fear, wishing I didn't say anything. I caught a glimpse of Jake jumping out of his seat toward Denny, but the two guys held him back. Denny picked me up with a tight grip and shook me. I started tearing... I didn't want to, but it just came.

" You are a little bitch, who really needs to watch her mouth," he said with anger, now gripping his hand tightly around my jaw.
" LEAVE HER ALONE, DENNY," Jake's voice boomed with fury.
" Fuck you," Denny spat back at Jake.

Denny turned to me and slammed me against the wall harder than ever.

" You're hurting me you stupid...." I started to say in anger, but I could see the rage in Denny's eye developing as he cut me off.
" Do you want me to hit you again, is that it," Denny yelled raising his hand again.
" No," I cried as my legs gave out, but since Denny was strong enough at the moment he held me up.
" I SWEAR DENNY, YOU TOUCH HER AGAIN AND I WILL KILL YOU," Jake threatened angrily still trying to fight off.

I looked over at Jake and as he looked in my eyes, I closed them as tears swept down my face. I opened them again and saw Jake with full rage, he pushed off both of Denny's friends and pushed them aside, knocking them out. He ran toward Denny and pried him off me. He threw him against a wall and started pounding on his face. He then grabbed Denny and pushed him out the door, along with his buddies. He looked back at me, cowering in the corner with fright and weakness. He picked me up in his arms and sat on the couch, cradling me in his arms, holding me tight. He kept whispering in my ear and stroked my back. My face was deep in his chest and my arms clinging around his neck.

Once we both calmed down, I looked up at him with my tear stained eyes. He smiled and took a tissue, wiping my eyes. I went back in for a hug and we sat there a little while. I felt him lift his arm to check the time.

" Hey, baby, it's 9:30, what time is your dad expecting you," he asked softly.
" I don't know, but I don't want to go home," I said quietly still not parting with him.
" Yeah, but I don't think he'd want you to spend the night," Jake said.
" I know, lemme see," I said parting from Jake grabbing the phone.

I called my house and Kris picked up. I asked for dad.

" He isn't here, my mom came and they decided to have dinner to catch up," Kris told me.
" Oh," I said.
" You still at Jake's," he asked quickly.
" Yeah and... I kinda don't want to leave," I said strangely.
" Oh, J.C., huh, I'll tell your dad that you spent the night at one of your friends," he said simply.
" Oh my gosh, thank you Kris, tell him I went to Melissa's," I said.
" Ok," he said," Bye."

I said bye and hung up.

"Isn't there school tomorrow though," Jake asked.
" It's Christmas vacation," I pointed out.
" Oh, yeah," Jake muttered.

I called my friend Melissa and explained what was going on. She agreed to cover for me and wished me luck. I turned to Jake.

" Everything is good," I said.

Jake smiled and we embraced in each other's arms. We then parted and stood up. I went to the bathroom as Jake went to go look for some old clothes. When I came out Jake pushed some clothes in my face and shut the door. Ok..., so I undressed and put on the clothes Jake gave me. The pants were black jogging pants and the shirt was over sized so I tied it up baring my mid section. I came out of the bathroom and saw Jake staring at me. He pounced over to me and place his hand on my bare back and rub my stomach. I started giggling and pulling away.

" Stop," I demanded giggling.

Jake smiled at me and took my hand leading me upstairs. We went into a plain room with a bed, dresser, and a night stand.

" This is the guest room, so you can stay here," he said.
" Ok," I said sitting on the bed.

Jake took my hands and stood me back up. He embraced me in his muscular arms, kind of squishing me.

" Jake..." I gasped.
" I'm sorry," he said letting me go and started to chuckle.

I grinned and shook my head. He left the room for me to sleep. After he closed the door I looked down at my arms and saw bruising. How could there be bruising? Just from that one hug? Maybe it was from all the times Denny hurt me...who knows. I went to sleep. I woke up to an annoying sound. I sat up and realized it was Jake's doorbell. I heard him open the door and greeting someone. I got out of bed and peeked out the door. I saw downstairs near the door two people talking quietly to Jake. Jake had his hands on his hips, looking very serious. I wondered what was going on. I closed the door quietly and went to sit on the bed. I waited for what seemed to be forever, but in reality it was only half an hour that passed until Jake came up to the guest room. I looked up at the door as Jake came through, closing the door behind him. He sat down on the bed looking at me seriously.

"Is everything ok," I asked curiously.
" Uh... J.C., baby, I don't know how to tell you this..." Jake said quietly.

He was worrying me now. I sat right next to him and took his hand.

" Please just tell me," I whispered.
" You have to... leave," he finally said sadly.
" What..." I asked confused.

Was he serious? Is this a joke? I felt weird, like someone just punched me in the stomach a few times. I looked at Jake and he shook his head. He looked so upset, but why was he telling me that I needed to leave?

" You need to leave, we can't be together J.C.," he said eyeing me in his peripheral vision.
" What, why," I exclaimed jumping off the bed.
" I can't explain to you right now, but soon," he said getting off the bed.

I was angry....and... rejected. It made me feel frustrated. I grabbed my clothes that I had worn yesterday and charged into the bathroom. I slammed the door and quickly changed. I threw the other clothes on the couch. He rushed over to me and grabbed my arm.

" Please, don't be angry with me, it's for the best," he said pathetically.
" What," I laughed out sarcastically.
" Come on..." he started to say.
" No," I interrupted," Jake, this is ridiculous, I mean, I didn't ask you to help me out, I stood up for you because Kris didn't like you and....and.... oh my gosh."

I ran out of the house. When I got home Kris was sitting on the couch watching television. He looked over at me as I opened the door which I slammed and marched upstairs to my room. Kris jumped out of the couch and followed me.

" Leave me alone," I said angrily slamming my door.
" J.C., what happened," Kris asked alarmed," What did he do to you?"
" Just leave me alone," I spat out aggravated.
" Did he hurt you," Kris asked gruffly.
" I don't wanna talk about it," I yelled covering my face in my pillow. I stared to cry.

Kris opened my door and then closed it behind him. He took me and hugged me tightly. I started sniffling.

" I'm gonna kick that kid's ass," Kris muttered.
" No, he didn't hurt me like that," I said at once wiping my tears away.
" Then what happened," Kris asked releasing me.
" I don't know, I.. I don't wanna talk about it," I pleased Kris.

Kris then left me at peace. For the rest of the vacation I didn't see, speak, or heard from Jake. School came and I saw Denny with his punctual pride. Jake looked at me as though nothing happened. I was furious, but I held my ground not to do anything stupid. Denny did continue to harass me. I just ignored him. Soon enough it was Friday and the whole week in school had been awful between Jake acting like nothing between us happened and Denny still being his jerky self. It was the end of school and I was at my locker, slamming everything. I felt immature at times, but I really didn't care. A lot of people avoided me and gave me strange looks. I couldn't help myself... the more and more Jake ignored me, Denny teased me, and people looked at me I was getting so pissed off. I looked over at Jake and he looked over at me raising his eyebrows. That was it... I started feeling pain in my head, like something was piercing into my brain. My hands started trembling and I collapsed against my locker. People stopped and looked seeing if I was ok. I didn't answer any questions they asked or responded to any requests. I screamed as I was in pain... I never felt this kind of pain before. I stumbled onto my feet and fast but cautiously I ran out out of school. The pain had stopped by the time I walked out and then I saw Denny smirking as he slumped against a wall with his buddies. I had a sense that Jake was in back of me, but I didn't look. I started tensing up as Denny dragged himself over to me.

" Well, you look pretty pissed off, I guess since Jake broke up with you," he teased meanly.

I suddenly punched him in the face. He grabbed at his nose and wiped blood off. I stood my ground intensely, breathing heavy. I sensed Jake moving slowly towards me. That's when my hands released of the fists I had formed and they were tingling as though I had been shocked by electricity slightly. All of a sudden something exploded as a few pieces of rocks flew about. That's when Jake grabbed me and pulled me to his car. I tried resisting, but it was like I was no match for him... it was as though I was easy as handling a tiny child. I felt confused, but he pushed me in the car and drove off out of the city. I looked around frantically and demanding to know what he was doing.

© Copyright 2009 Rockstar (rockstar_13 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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