Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1617765-Angels-and-Demons-Episode-1
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1617765
This is where the story starts. The Hero is the Villain
The Hero is the Villain

Here is where the story starts. Down a barren road was a figure, unrecognizable at first. The figure cloaked in a dirty brown robe. The winds picked up, flicked it around. It blew harshly, whatever held it in place broke. Under the cloak a young man of teen years revealed. "You got to be kidding me." The wind tossed his gold bangs around, his blue eyes shown. He looked up to the red and pink sky, the horizon on his back, civilization ahead. He wore a green ragged jacket, a black T-shirt underneath, tight jeans and old pair of Air Forces.

Despite his poor appearance, his blue eyes glimmered. He held a strong young face and a look that he seeks something. Out on his own, he didn't fear the elements. He kept on the move, a chance that he might find what he was after. "This better be worth my time, could have stayed home with girl number seven." His life has been decent since the awakening. He hoped for trouble to come his way.

Farther down another road, a transport bus emptied of life, except for two, a driver and a young girl. Now and then the driver looked back at the teen, wondered why she headed to this city by herself. She seemed pretty lonely in fact. Her hair was long and brown, beautiful green eyes underneath, her babyish cheeks made her seem younger. Dressed in a big blue sweater, rainbow scarf around her neck, a blue skirt reached passed her knees and big black boots. In her hands was a brown teddy bear that had seen better days.

"So, um, you're on your own or something?" The bus man asked, found it unusually quiet and weird.

"Sort of, I got some…business in Manning City." She replied, her voice high pitch and cute.

"Business," he scoffed but regretted it. He looked back at the sad little girl. "Eh, I'm sorry I mean you know what type of city this is you know."

"A demon city…I heard." She said calmly, an awkward silence fell. The bus man sighed, let it drop and focus on driving. The girl herself focused was on something different. She searched within herself, wondered what was up ahead. Deep inside her she had no choice, what she had in plan was not for fun, glory, or enjoyment.

She felt there were people who needed her help, her help against them. With a deep breath, the girl turned her gaze from the floor, towards the front window. Lighted by the last minutes of sunlight, was Manning City, a demon city.

Down in the depths of the city, it was unusually quiet. People walked about without relief. They moved quick, briskly and very aware. Their eyes were shifty, unsure and untrusting. A few cars on the roads, moved faster than the speed limit without blame. After the horrible tragedies, the mad rush to leave. There were those who risked death than leave their homes and families. Tall buildings surrounded the major neighborhoods. The last glints of light didn't reach the ground, encased the people in darkness.

High upon a sky scraper, a cloaked figure still watched the sunset. He's sat there for ten minutes, watched the sky turned into different shades of red and pink. He stared on till the last glimpse of light was completely nonexistent. The cloaked figure sighed, stood up and looked down. He stood at the building's edge, stared down into the darken streets of Manning City, his home. He watched the ant size people mill around quickly. It's been like this for weeks now.

Ever since the transformations, the awakenings, you're either screwed or loved. He was screwed, since the day he was born. Practically the same compared to his past life. He was just another kid in the slums despite the advancement of technology and society. Some things don't change. He looked behind him and stared into the dark reflective glass.

He was cloaked in a darkish grey hood surrounded his head lead a long black cape down his back, pooled upon the ground. Within the hood, pitch black except for the red circle that was his right eye, his only eye. From there he wore a grayish vest, black long sleeve shirt underneath, black gloves, black and grey army pants, and pure white Air Forces. There was a pit of darkness where his mouth should be. "Simply amazing," he spoke, a maw of sharp white teeth formed, stretched from side to side.

He turned back to the dark streets below. Sixty stories off the ground and with a deep gasp, he jumped, closed his red eye, his body a bullet against the wind. His long black cape followed behind him, whipped around by the relentless wind. He pasted the thirty story mark, opened his eye and screamed. A second later, he hit the ground with a wet smack. His body collapsed like clay, his cape piled on top covered his body.

A few seconds later, he stood from under the cape unharmed. "Damn," he cursed, "I was praying for that one." He knew this would happen. He attempted to kill himself four times before. Despite his knowledge of the outcome, this was the fastest way down. Slowly he shuffled his feet towards the nearest wall, hit his back against it. He looked around and found himself in a dark wet gutter. "Appropriate," he chuckled, slid down and sat upon his cape. Amongst the darkness, wished it could just eat him up, make him disappear.

Drops of water splashed on the wet ground, the only sound heard in the gutter. It was a mess full of carelessly thrown trash, wet, soggy boxes. It smelled horrible, years of decay and rot left unchecked. "I hate this," he growled, pulled his knees into himself.

"Life is hard…isn't it?" A female spoke from amongst the darkness, surprised the demon. He jumped on his feet and braced himself, searched for the owner. "Right here," the voice came from behind a fallen trash can, its owner climbed up on her feet.

"Uh," He was struck by a lack of words for the human girl that revealed herself. Not only that but her beauty. Her hair was eerie white, long, draped down her shoulders and back. Her eyes were white, wide and seemly alert. She wore white gown that reached her knees. Her frame was small, skin pale white, small arms, delicate fingers, smooth and slightly curved hips and legs. She was bare footed and stood there unsure of herself. The demon stared, "Uh."

"Yeah I don't seem like the type to live in the gutters am I?" She chuckled, nervous, her hand searched around until it touched the wall. Her gaze indirect, seemly stared at the wall behind him. "This is the gutters right? I stepped on some nasty stuff but I don't know what." Her expression fixed with a face full of disgust, shook her foot to get rid of the gunk that clung to her sole.

"Yeah it is." Was a human, really talking to him? He stared deeply at her, confused and wondered what was wrong with her. He wanted to step towards her but quickly remembered what he was. That confused him even more. She didn't run or scream in terror. Then it hits him. "Are you…blind?"

"Damn," despite the curse she still had a smile on her face. Her gaze fixed towards him now pushed off the wall. She stepped forward, daintily, softly upon the balls of her feet. It was graceful, forced him to look down, her movements enchanted him. "I was trying to play it off but I guess I'm not the best actor." She giggled, stopped before him.

He shook his head and focused his sight into her face. "What are you doing here?" His voice serious, took a few steps back. Was she here when he fell? It was best to take precautions. It would be bad to scare off a girl who couldn't see.

"Wait, don't go!" Her scream surprised him, tripped his feet and fell back. She searched around, unsure of what just happened. She fell to the floor. Her small hands to her face, tears welled up in her eyes.

"No, no, I'm still here, I'm sorry!" He rushed to her side, a hand on her back, looked her over. "I'm sorry, I just," he didn't know what to say. That he was a demon and didn't want to scare her off. Now he made her cry.

She didn't respond for some time, these tears are bore heavier loads. After some time she spoke. "I'm sorry. I've been struggling for a while now." She sniffed a little and looked up.

He found it creepy, she was blind but her eyes stared into his one. "For how long," he helped her up. Once she was up he crouched down and looked at her feet, they were cut up, and ankles bruised.

"Since the mad rush…I got separated by my family." She said solemnly, placed a hand on his back, wondered what he was doing.

He took this knowledge in and went it through his head. "When was the last time you ate or drank something?"

"It's been a while." She shrugged before shriek escaped her lips. She was in his arms, her head on his shoulder, her pale cheeks blushed. "Um, what are you doing?"

He didn't say at first, turned towards the nearest exit and walked. His long black cape followed behind him, without a sound. "Taking you to civilization, just ask someone for help and you'll be okay." He brushed passed the decay of trash and paper. The embodiments of chaos and disorder. He stepped over broken bikes and worn tiles, passed piles of clothes and the rotted flesh trash.

She was none the wiser to the true chaos around her. "What about you?" She asked as her white eyes bore into his face.

"I'll be fine." He answered quickly.

She bit her lip, wondered what to say next "You sure, that scream was awfully scary."

The demon stopped in his tracks, unsure how to answer that one. "It was a cat."

"A cat," she questioned, scrunched her brow.

"You know…with demons and angels fighting, apocalypse over our heads, cats and dogs raining from the sky, all that biblical crap." He shrugged, never read the bible before so he's unsure his words were true.

"Really, I never knew it was that bad, it's so horrible." In spite of her words smile was upon her face.

"Ah, that's nothing. Try living at New Jersey, it was hell before any of this happened." He chuckled at eased.

She relaxed as well. "Have you?" She snuggled into his arms, they continued on through the alley.

"Yes, I have actually…moved here hoping for a new life a year ago…wasn't the best idea actually." His voice was slum now, thought back on what happened before the transformations.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." She said hurriedly, wished for forgiveness for prying.

"Its okay, it's ironic actually. That place is an Angel City now."

"Ouch, poor decisions huh?"

"Pretty much," he took a turn, through the complex alleys. This part of the city was multipart with apartment buildings and small businesses. The alleys were shortcuts from behind buildings but are dumps now.

The silence and repetitive steps lulled her to sleep. Before she did, she blurted out a question. "Do you think…all this is an act of higher beings?" She hoped he knew the answer, if not, start another conversation.

"I don't know…I really don't know." How was he supposed to know? Awkward silence passed until it was interrupted by a sigh of relief, he saw a light up ahead.

"Are we almost there?" She peeped.

"Yeah-"A screech of tires interrupted him followed by the opened doors. Trunks popped open, the valuables inside took out, cocked and ready. Voices spoke, their volume grew louder. The demon slowly approached the exit unsure of what's about to happen.

"The screaming was from here!" He stopped dead in his tracks, more cars screeched to a halt. A few were many, the voices definitely loud. High powered beams of light shot at him, blinded, he grunted painfully. He stepped back, clung the girl tightly, keep her out of harm's way.

"DEMON," whoever said it was out to get him. It was filled with hate and disgust anyone had for scum. Once spoken, a hailstorm of angry voices followed. The young demon stared forward, grew use to the light but surprised by the number of men that filled the exit. He looked down at the small girl whimpered and shrank into his arms.

"Release her you monster!" Another voice raged followed by more rants. He counted, twelve all armed with handguns, pump action shotguns, and automatic rifles. Careful, he turned from them, walked towards the wall. He crouched and placed her beside the dumpster.

"I'm sorry." He spoke gently, hesitated as her hands gripped his left arm.

"Wait," she whispered, "don't go."


"I already knew you were a demon." She revealed, her face flushed and scared. "I don't think you're a bad person." His heart stopped when she said those words. He hesitated some more, a storm of threats and yells thrown at his direction. He stared at her, slid his arm out of her dainty small fingers and backed away.

"Heh, are you sure?" He asked softly, stood up. He walked to the opposite wall, stopped for a moment. He looked back, her face filled with emotions that would shred a person's heart. He turned away and walked. Its best he leaves, go like a bad dream. Leave the men to their weapons and useless threats. Leave the only girl he talked to since the awakening. His head was low, his form was humble.

"Heh, bloody monster," one man said. He felt proud to scare off a demon. Big mistake, a smile of sharp teeth formed wide. Their voices were mild but chatty, curses thrown under their breaths. He stopped and looked back. A bang ranged through the alley, echoed out of existence. A piece of his head was gone. He turned around fully, received a barrage of arm fire, ripped through his body without mercy. His body became Swiss cheese, clothing torn apart.

Fifteen seconds passed until the gun fire stopped. There was silence smoke from gunpowder clouded their view. Once it settled, he stood untouched and unharmed "I wanted to say something before I go…but apparently I have no choice but to defend myself." His smile of pointy sharp teeth grew wider. The air was still but his cape fluttered, came to life. Like a snake it twisted behind him, snapped towards the wall. Dug into the brick wall, the cape continued inside, carved out a huge chunk. It rolled around the broken pile of bricks, consumed till it disappeared.

The cape fell to the ground, the mob of men backed away in fear. The large, creepy smile grew wider, his body lurched forward and hurled. A monstrosity came out his mouth, something that should never see the light of day. It was like a spider, with eight long, spiky legs. The size of a large dog, it screeched and growled. Its maw filled with sharp teeth, four very alert red eyes protruded out its head. The exoskeleton was the color of night, an armored shell with a row of spikes lined down its spine.

It moved quickly, from side to side, its tail whipped around with a sharp tip. It charged at them, its mouth mashed, spat acid that burned holes into the ground. It moved with quick burst of speed, stopped to judge their reactions. A few shot at it with all the ammo they had left. The monstrosity took them without being phased. The bullets bounced and deflected off harmlessly. Angry, the creature jumped on a wall, bounced to the opposite wall. It stuck to the surface, stared the men down with its evil red eyes. It trembled violently, coughed horridly and spat a wad of foul acid at their feet.

They screamed, those in the front danced around, their shoes melted. Those in the back ran, spilled out of the alley and out across their cars. The creature leaped off the wall, landed harshly upon a car. Its feet slipped, scratched and dented the surface. Once it found its footing, it screeched, scared the men out their wits and forced them to leave their cars. They forgot about the young woman hid behind the dumpster. Their own lives came first, made a desperate dash down the streets and threw away their weapons to lighten the load.

Like an avalanche, the mob left in a hurry. This worried those who were nearby. After they took one look at the black armored, acid spitting, tail whipping monster. Those who witnessed it ran too, followed by others unsure of what's going on. In a storm of panic, the street was empty. "Heh, that went well." He chuckled, watched his master piece at work, his own power. He basked in the light of amusement then turned his attention to the frightened girl. He looked back at the creature and with his will it disappeared.

He looked at the girl, her head in her knees, and her arms over her head. He sighed, walked and took a seat beside her. He didn't know what to say at first. He stared at the hole in the wall he caused. "Um…I call myself Monster and its true…I am a demon. I'm a nice guy to tell you the truth."

She sniffed a little. Her arms fell from above her head. She looked up, stared into his face, the source of his voice. Her hair hung messily around her face, her cheeks red and stained with tears. "Why do you choose to call yourself Monster?"

"Well," he thought about it, "I can't remember my human name. I guess it was appropriate at the time."

She nodded slightly. "Well, my name is Julia Alcatraz. I'm from a fortunate family, very fortunate. But unfortunately I got separated by my family and left behind…what a family aye. You know…to leave behind your own blind daughter left to fend for herself." She spoke gracefully, with pose and structure that seemed to be drilled into her. Despite the tragedy, a small smile appeared upon her face.

"I'm sorry. I guess we're somewhat in the same situation." He sighed sadly.

"Don't worry about it…want to be friends?" She shrugged, a giggle escaped her lips. She wiped her tears and fixed her hair with ease. She regained composure as if nothing had disturbed her.

"Really," he asked, stunned. A human being nice to him was like a dream come true. But to have one as a friend, with things as they are now. Monster had never thought such a thing would ever happen.

"Sure…why not," she giggled some more but Monster fell silent. Julia cut her laugh short, wondered if she hurt his feelings. She thought a bit, quick to change the subject. "I wonder why they make you guys seems so bad. You're a nice person despite who you are and your… name." She shrugged.

"It's racism." A huge smile appeared on his face, they both laughed. Julia gathered her composure again and looked up to him, where his voice should be. Monster found himself entranced by her gaze. He stared, forgot that she was blind. A few awkward seconds passed, Monster shook his head and snapped to attention. "Um, you aren't hurt are you?" He slipped his hand under hers and brought her up with him.

"No I'm okay, shaken, but okay." She shuddered from a slight wind. "Um…nobody got-"

"No, nobody got hurt. I simply scared them off."

"Damn, should have token a leg, man." She joked, punched him in the arm accurately.

After laughter was serenity, Monster resumed where they were before being interrupted. He picked her up and turned towards the exit. "What would you like to eat?"

"Ah well, I got expensive tastes."

"You spent a while without food and water. I doubt you can be choosey."

"Whatever. Get me a greasy old burger then and I'll die of a heart attack." She directed a cute pout up towards him.

"How about sushi?" he asked innocently, kept his gaze from her pout.

"I love sushi!" Monster nearly dropped her, surprised by her high pitched squeal. "Oops, sorry," she blushed.

Once they were out, he looked around and found the streets empty. Close to a ghost town actually, many assortments of things were left behind, the cars included. Monster checked each one, found some with the keys in the ignition. He always had an interest in cars, took his time until he stopped before a 1970s Mustang in the back, engine running.

"Is that a Mustang...classic right?" She peeped, very excited by the prospect.

"How did you know?" He asked, completely puzzled.

Julia didn't respond at first, closed her eyes for a few seconds then opened them again. "My dad was somewhat a car collector. I, without sight, could do nothing but listened and smell for details." She explained, remembered the only few times she got to share with her father.

"So like Mozart but with cars?" He chuckled, a pretty impressive skill for a human. Monster wondered if his own acute senses could do the same.

"Mozart was deaf not blind." Julia corrected with an arrogant tone. She couldn't help but correct someone when they made a mistake even an innocent one.

"Well sorry, I didn't have much of an education compared to yours." Monster chuckled. He left behind the mustang and headed down the deserted city. He enjoyed himself, a woman in his arms accepted who he was. A potential friend. Yeah it sounded pathetic but at times like these. It's better than dying alone and without potential love.

Julia enjoyed the ride, found it pleasant in his strong arms. He was not like the stories and gossips everybody spoke about. He was down to earth except for his scary abilities. She wondered though, how much hell does Monster go through since the beginning. That mob back there was a good example. "Um...Monster?"

"Yes," he responded, his attention focused down the road.

She bit her lip and thought about it. "Never mind just tell me when we're there." Julia thought about it and decided to save this conversation for another time.

A moment of silence came as Julia relaxed a bit, closed her eyes and pressed into Monster's chest. She listened to his slow steps and beating heart. In the mean while she searched deep into her own feelings. But only came out with what's obvious to her. This has become a pretty good day despite her own troubles.

"We're almost there." Monster let out, seeing the restaurant down the road.

"Awesome," Julia replied, her eyes closed with a little smile on her face.

"Yeah," He was happy but sad at the same time. Monster realized he couldn't enter the restaurant. Probably the only place opened in miles and one glance of him and it would be unpleasant. Monster already had a feeling this wouldn't last forever, he looked down into Julia's content face. He wasn't sure how he would break the news.

The full moon was out and the street lamps were off. Monster slowed his steps, took comfort in looking into Julia's beautiful face. If only he was human, Monster thought. He wondered what was going through Julia's head. Both Monster and Julia were rudely awakened by a sudden explosion of white flames. It splashed from their left as Monster quickly turned his back towards it. He shielded Julia from the fire but suffered minor burns.

Monster looked around, he was obviously pissed. Again he was interrupted and whoever the idiot was to throw that grenade or whatever was going to pay. He searched the street, Julia shielded under his cape. "Where the hell are you?"

"Funny, that's where I'm planning on sending you." The voice came from above, filled with young confidence and a small flow of hate. Monster looked up and was shocked by what he saw. He couldn't work out what he was seeing with his one eye. If he could he would try to rub his eye a few times but he can't. Upon a light pole, the moon was shone directly behind the silhouette of a dark figure. "What's wrong ugly," the figure asked with a cocky grin on his face. "Never seen an angel before?"
© Copyright 2009 Westland (westlandcobra at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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