Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1617443-Dragon-Invasion-Woman-to-Dragon-Woman
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Adult · #1617443
A woman finds herself transforming in a dragon. But why?
‘Why is there always so much crap in the newspaper?’ Elle threw the newspaper on the table and drank empty her cup of coffee in one gulp. She’d seen some ridiculous articles ever since the existence of Magic had been ‘scientifically proven’, but the article stating a ‘Mysterious Magic Terrorist Group’ had been exposed really took the cake. ‘What’s next, a dragon invasion?’ she remarked.

She turned on her TV to be confronted by more news. ‘Mysterious Terrorist Group caught apparently poisoning foods- in several cities however the police were unable to remove products on time, police now investigating…’ Elle glanced at the empty coffee cup. ‘Nahhh…’ she said, reminding herself how ridiculous it all was. She turned off the TV and lay down on the couch.

After a while she noticed she felt extremely warm. She sighed, slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom. She looked in the mirror, and let out a gasp. Her skin was very red. Not like irritated skin, but red as blood. ‘Is this a symptom of swine flu?’ she asked herself. She began undressing to find out that her whole body was fiery red. Weirdest of all, she noticed that she felt rather good. Her nipples were perky and were visible through her black bra.

She found that she had been debating herself over something: whether or not to call the doctor or at least someone. Subconsciously the choice to not call the doctor had been winning, without Elle even noticing why. In fact to her own surprise she was telling herself that she looked good. Her hips and butt had always been famous among the boys in her class and she liked to believe her B-cups didn’t look too bad either.

Unexpectedly, a wave of pleasure moved rapidly through her body. “Oh!” she exclaimed. She gently moved her hands on her butt. ‘Wait… did I gain weight or something?’ she said, coming to her senses temporarily and trying to get a good view. Her butt was in fact quite a bit larger than it had been. It stuck out more and was even rounder. Even she herself got the urge to hit it. She chuckled over her own thoughts as she sunk back into them.

She had just smilingly concluded it would be hilarious to wear a miniskirt and bend over in a crowd just to see how many guys would be unable to resist a touch when another wave of pleasure went through her. As she was facing the mirror (with a dim smile), she saw exactly what happened this time. For a few moments her nipples seemed to become incomparably perky and then her breasts began swelling out, her black bra quickly stretching.

“Ohh…. Oh…” she moaned in pleasure while trying to concentrate on what happened. Her bra snapped as her breasts had become at least E-cups. For a minute she stood looking in neutral surprise when a silly smile came back to her face. She squeezed her boobs together while uttering a long “boooooooobs”. She bit her lip joyously waiting for the next wave of pleasure to come.

It did soon enough. “Ahhhh…. Oh! Oh! Oh….” She moaned as she saw her hips widen, and her breasts and rear swell to almost twice as big as they were after the last wave. For a few moments she gazed in the mirror. She saw a girl with firm yet bouncy G-cups, a small waist and rounded hips making a sleepy face at her in the mirror. Then finally she returned to a state of somewhat common sense.

She looked at herself, now more freaked out than pleased. She had no idea what was going on, but needed time to think. She decided she’d take a cold shower and then sleep over it. Already being undressed, she simply stepped in the shower and let the water run. She quickly noticed that her skin seemed to heat up the water slightly, making it lukewarm rather than cold. She shivered as the cold water ran down to the base of her spine- a spot there was somehow exposed.

She looked and saw what seemed like a small piece of bone sticking out at the base of her spine. ‘Did I injure myself lately?’ Elle wondered. Suddenly she was greeted by a wave of pain. It felt as though someone was trying to pull her spine out. “AGH!” she yelled trying to find the source of the pain. At the base of her spine, she felt there was something there. Feeling further she felt it was long. ‘A… tail?’ she yelled, not caring if a neighbor heard.

She quickly stepped out of the shower, turned off the water and turned and looked back in the mirror. And indeed, her perfectly rounded, big butt was now decorated by a large, long red tail with crimson markings. She noticed something about her teeth and opened wide. The mirror revealed two rows of very sharp teeth. Two tiny horns peeped out through her long gold hair.

Looking at her butt again, she chuckled over her own stupid thoughts. ‘Scratch the miniskirt idea,’ she said with a broken smile.


‘Permission to speak, Magic Master?’ ‘Granted.’ ‘The police caught us in the act of adding dragon powder to the food and confiscated all the material.’ ‘… Idiots. That dragon powder was the last on this earth, and the last hope for our kind, our life force, our magic power. I hereby sentence you to be tortured to…’ the Master spoke when another man came running into the dark room.

‘Good news! Good news! Permission to speak, Master?’ ‘Granted…’ ‘It turns out several of our followers managed to hide away products from the police, and those have ended up in supermarkets. In fact, the Core of our Strength is illuminated again, meaning that at least one person has been successfully… blessed.’ ‘That means I suppose I won’t have you tortured to death. Yet. Follow this blessed creature and all others that may come later and report back.’

© Copyright 2009 TheShoeLace (shoelace25 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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