Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1617273-Questioning-Fate-Introduction-HYD
Rated: E · Fiction · Supernatural · #1617273
Hana Yori Dango- My version; The introduction.
Chapter 1:

"Why Eitoku Gakuen, sensei? You know how much that place costs...You know my feelings about that place."

"Tsukushi...I have no choice in the matter. I know you got in, but you decided to join us at the last moment. I am sorry.."

Smiling, albeit a little bitterly, Makino Tsukushi gave a hollow laugh, as she took in the new information. Eitoku Gakuen....was her dream school, and she'd gotten in, but decided it would help her life more if she could help the dead find peace, to assist their families and allow them to finally let go.

That was why she had undergone some training, to help her stamina and to hide her spiriual energy- Which alerted the dark energies in the extremely troubled spirits, and caused them to fly into a panic or rage, their telekinetic energies sending anything not nailed or superglued to the ground flying, even people.

Spirit Whisperers were rare, and those that did have the gift usually turned mad because of all the disturbance and problems. Hers was passed down, sometimes skipping generations, but she and her brother had it.

But now, she was an undercover spirit whisperer- Naturally gifted with the ability to interact with the lingering ghosts, a master at soothing the foulest of spirits, calming the most depressed, the voice of reason to any.

Oh, her salary was extremely high, but she didn't really care much, except that it took care of her brother, Susumu Makino- an intelligent but extremely frail boy, with a fragile soul. He was Tsukushi's reason to work, one of her few sources of happiness. She had rejected most who had tried to befriend her, keeping them polite acquaintances.

She wasn't always like this.

She was now 15.

Before....she used to be so very different.
Before that incident.
Before a ghost took her parents' lives.

Susumu was also able to interact with spirits, but they never bothered him, as in every soul- even the cruelest- there was a bit of love. His soul never commited any sin, his innocence allowed him to live quite peacefully with spirits, usually the ones his sister chose to help.

But now, Eitoku Gakuen.....It was now part of Makino's territory, her area to protect, to assist.

And it wasn't easy to accept that.
Not Yet.

"I will begin tomorrow, Sensei. Arigato....for this....gift..."

"I apologize. The master wished it so."

'At least I can attend school normally now, I won't be such a delinquent!'

Tsukushi wrapped up her bento, her brothers' already done up for him, as he shuffled in sleepily, his pale face grinning at her dreamily, before giving her a weak hug.

"I hope it goes well, Nee-san.."
'I hope she finds someone who'll heal her heart...'

"Have a wonderful day, Susumu. I'll be back later now, but you'll be fine, right? Yuki can come over on most nights to keep you company, and I'll always have my cellphone on for you."

"Hai, hai. Go, or you'll be late, nee-san."

"Ja ne, Susumu."


Eitoku was packed- packed full of rich, spoiled and ego overridden brats who could only tell which were the real brands and which were fake.

Tsukushi sighed, her day had been uneventful so far, as she went to the emergenct stairs, a spot she had found for shouting out her troubles just this morning.

"No signs yet.....I hope nothing shows up too soon. I've missed out on so much school stuff....I hope Susumu will be fine..."

Tsukushi sighed, and started unwrapping her bento, swinging her legs from the space in between the stone walls, leaning on the rails.

Sighing once again, she closed her eyes when the breeze picked up, her hair starting to dance. She bit into her Onigiri, letting the taste spread through her mouth evenly, before letting out a satisfied sound, enjoying her time there.

"Are you always this noisy?"

Tsukushi turned her head slightly, a little horrifed to have let someone be this close to her, to hear what she thought.

She let her spiritual energy flare, and for a moment, she saw her parents, smiling, as they made her and Susumu's bentos.

"I guess so, yet-to-be-named san."

She replied, stuffing the flare back into a thin mist, scanning her suroundings behind.

There sat an auburn haired boy. His facial expression was controlled, nothing given away, his voice monotone as he said "This is my spot. I don't need you to ruin it by talking to yourself so much."

Her breathing shortened, not knowing what to do in this situation. She drew her feet back from the rails, and stood up. Bending over slightly to grab her bento cover, she let her fringe cover her eyes, apologizing quietly.

She turned to go, but something held her hand back. Every nerve in her body was screaming to attack him, but her mind still controlled her, as she had refrained from any physical contact with a human for the last four years.

She turned back, her fringe still hiding her onyx eyes, her defences around her expressions set back up.


"You can sit here....just don't..don't talk too much..."

An incredulous look fraced Tsukushi's face, her heart started to beat a little faster. She stuttered a little, saying "A-ah? B-but, I thought you- I thought you didn't want-"

"I was just saying that you shouldn't ruin this place's peace."

Dark brown orbs flickered slightly with amusement, as Tsukushi's inner self battled, wondering wether or not to stay with this ordinary human, or stay away with the dangers she brought with her.

The same hand still on her wrist pulled her back down, as Tsukushi slowly made her way back to the rails, thanking the guy beside her quietly. Re-opening her bento, she offered him an Onigiri, watching his facial expressions intently.

Never having tried a rice ball before, Rui took it cautiously, suspicious with her intentions.

"Chill, I didn't know you were here till you announced yourself. Oh, I forgot, what's your name? Mine's Tsukushi. MAkino Tsukushi."

".....Hanazawa Rui..."

The name rang a familiarity in Tsukushi's head, but she thought no more of it, wondering why he was being so nice to her. Part of her was afraid...frightened that she might cause him trouble, and he might end up like her parents.

A few more minutes in silence passed, before the school bell rung, signalling the end of lunch. Gathering her stuff up, Tsukushi bowed politely before Rui, a happy smile gracing her features-something that had not been seen for the last four years.

Skipping off with high spirits, Tsukushi called back "Arigato, Hanazawa Rui..!"

Rui's face changed slightly, allowing himself to smile at her innocence and obliviousness, yet she could sense certain things far better than others.

It was this day in which two hearts started to slowly change.......

End of Chapter One
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