Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1617171-Origin
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1617171
Have you ever wondered where the beauty of life comes from?
      Addie opens her eyes to a bright grey sky.  There is no moon, nor sun, and the feeling that she has somehow fallen through a crack between day and night fills her mind.  The thick, dewy grass gives her a chill, as her mind clears from the feeling of a deep slumber.  She lay outstretched atop a knoll surrounded by a dark, leafless forest.  A thick mist swirls between the trees like a gaseous river of unknown origins.  A strange place for one to wake, I would think, but Addie gave it little thought as she rises to her elbows.  Her face contorts with confusion as she notices that she’s wearing a wedding gown, once beautiful, now dirt covered and ripped.  No answers come for the poor girl, for she has forgotten who she was.  No thoughts of family or friends, pets or childhoods, that life is gone and all that remains is Addie in the now. 
      She finally makes it to her feet and gives her surroundings a firm look-over.  Like a giant X, four dirt paths stretch out from where she once laid.  Each of them would take her into the forest, but there’s no way of knowing the direction they would take here.  She stands there and ponders on whether it’s better to just stay put, or to take a random path.  Looking down one path, she heard a strange wolf-like growl.  There are no signs of movement, yet she felt a dangerous presence lay at the end of that road.  She would not take that road.  The next road she looks down is covered with sharp, jagged rocks and being that Addie wore no shoes, she decided that the pain would not be worth the trip.  The third path seems fair enough, except for strange, tormented screams that echoes out from the tree line.  The forth and final path seems normal enough.  No abnormal sounds and no potential dangers.  The obvious path one would assume, but those of us experienced in the adventure business know that the obvious path yields little to no reward and in some cases, it’s a trap.  So, off she goes, nearly floating, towards the misty gloom of the forest with no particular destination in mind.
         Addie walks and walks for what seems like an eternity, and for all she knows she did.  There’s no way of telling the passing of time in this strange place she finds herself in, nor was there any particular way to tell that she had even gone anywhere.  After the point that she lost sight of the knoll there were no references; only a straight path, leafless trees, and mist.  The air is stagnant and still, yet the mist moves as if it has a purpose.  Addie doesn’t ponder these things though, she only follows the path in front of her and she continues to follow it until she bumps into a human like figure, naked, and motionless, starring out into the forest.  Gladdened by the thought of having company she greets the man.
         “Good…”  She stops short of the greeting, unsure if it was morning, afternoon, evening, or night.  “That is…Hello, Sir.  Terrible weather, wouldn’t you say?”  The figure was nearly 7 feet tall and with a slow turn, it reveals it’s face to Addie.  The top of it’s head was smooth and bit elongated.  As Addie got a glimpse of it’s face, the first thing she noticed was it’s eyes, which weren’t eyes at all, but two large, round mirrors.  It has no nose, nor mouth, and it’s skin has a scaly quality to it. 
         Addie lets out a blood cuddling scream and falls backwards to the ground.  The strange creature tilts its head and stares at the delirious girl.  She desperately claws the ground as she pulls herself to her feet and runs with all the might she could muster.  She runs and runs, until a slight feeling of safety returns.  As Addie catches her breath and composes herself another one of those creatures leaps out from woods and grabs her around the chest.  Addie struggles madly, but cannot contest the brute strength of the creature and it carries her off, deep into the mists.
Addie, once again, opens her eyes to find herself in a strange place; only this time there is no sky, only dark stone walls and wooden cages.  The only illumination comes from the flickering light of a large fire, positioned in the middle of a tribal-like village.  The mist flows through these dusky halls as well, creating an eerie glow.  Dozens of the mirror-eyed creatures stand round the flames, humming a low, melodic sound that reverberates through the rocky chasm.  She soon realizes that she is not alone in her prison.  Three others, with dour faces, line the cages walls.  Now that Addie realizes that she isn’t alone, her heart perks up a bit.
“Where am I?”  She asks.
“Shhh, not so loud.”  An older looking man steps forward, helping Addie to her feet.  “I’m not sure where we are.  Last I remember, I was walking down a path, then I was here.”  Addie looks over at the other two prisoners, whose eyes seem bereft of life.
“What’s wrong with them?”
“Also, not sure.  They’ve not said a word since I’ve been here.”  As soon as the sentence leaves the man’s lips, the creatures humming stops.  The echo of a female’s scream can be heard from down shaft. 
Two creatures hold tight to a struggling young girl as they bring her out of the darkness.  They bind her to an alter, next to the fire, and begin to sway and hum once more.  The screams and tears of the young girl make Addie’s heart ache, unsure of the fate they have in store.  The hums pick up tempo and pitch, and the swaying becomes faster and faster.  To Addie’s amazement, an X like seam appears on the creatures faces where they once had no mouth.  The X opens to reveal row after row of razor-like teeth, likened to the teeth of a shark.  The hum becomes frenzied as they leap upon the girl, tearing her to bits like a school of piranhas.  Addie didn’t notice the lack of blood, or perhaps she just contributed it to the speed and ferocity of the meal.  There is soon nothing left of the girl and the creatures return to their low, monotonous tune.  Addie turns to the old man, eyes wide with fear, for some sort of reassurance.  There was none to give, for he, too, is stunned by the scene he just witnessed.
Another eternity passes for Addie, as one by one of her cellmates become meals for their inhuman hosts, until Addie is the last one left.  She knows what fate has in store for her, and all she can do is wait, until the day they come for her.   
         The day finally arrives, when the creatures come for Addie.  She had conquered her fear of it long ago, and now welcomes the fact that she can now get it over with.  Only this time something was wrong, something was different.  They don’t take her to the alter like they did with the others, but instead, take her deep into the blackness of the cave.  They walk further and further down into the deep until a soft green glow could be seen emanating from the depths.  Another alter can be seen on the tip of a jutting spire overlooking a dark abyss.  The mist rolls out of the gorge, like some upside down waterfall accompanied with echoes of flatulent sounds.  Addie’s dingy and torn dress is ripped from her and she is left, bound tightly to the alter. 
         She wonders what sort of vile beast will come for her; she did not have to wait long for the answer.  A giant, fat, human-like hand stretches forth from the darkness and grabs hold of the jagged rock face.  Soon to follow, the face of the beast burst out from the black.  It was a woman, of sorts, but her skin was grey and covered with pustules.  Slimy drool ran down her fat jowls and her hair was like grey straw.  The bare breasts of the she-beast sagged far into the darkness.  The flatulent sounds, and the mist itself, bellow forth from her massive buttocks. 
         Addie screams as the she-beast grabs her and yanks her hard enough to snap the bindings holding her there.  Closer and closer to the mouth she inches, now open and revealing four rows of sharp, spear-like teeth.  The beast bites into Addie, ripping her in two.  The beast continues to feast until Addie’s body was no more.
         After the meal, the she-creature descended back into her pit.  At the bottom of the chasm, large roots sprawl through the cave like a spider’s web.  Excrement cakes the floor and walls, feeding the roots and a large collection of different kinds of fungus.  The she-beast squats beside a few of the roots and defecates, leaving a large, misty pile, then curls up in the corner to sleep.
         Following the roots, high above the cavern, there grows a great tree.  It stands alone on a grassy knoll, surrounded by a lush, green forest.  Growing upon this tree, many seeds in the shape of small fetuses, fall to the ground.  Strange, furry animals gather the seeds, some they eat, and some they take to the forest, planting them with their small, clawed hands.
         Once again, Addie opens her eyes to find herself in a strange environment.  It’s warm but dark, and she can hear strange mumblings coming from somewhere.  Her hands and arms have become stubby and she notices that it is not air that she breathes, but some kind of liquid.  A firm jolt pushes her, though she doesn’t know from where it came.  The sensation happens again, and as she tries to yell at whatever it is, she finds that she cannot speak.  Once more the jolt attacks her and this time she is sucked, head first into some sort of fleshy tube.  She struggles a bit, but it is for naught, as the rest of her body is pulled through into a brightly lit room.  Her voice returns, but only in the form of a scream and as her eyes and ears become accustomed to this new sensation, she hears the voice of man say
         “Congratulations!  It’s a girl!”
© Copyright 2009 Joseff the Red (joseffthered at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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