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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Drama · #1615954
A daughter shares a terrible secret with mother

"Desiree, girl! What is wrong with you? You've been acting real funny lately. DESIREE!! Answer me! What's wrong with you?"

Desiree looked up at her mother with tears in her eyes. "Ma-," her voice was barely a whisper. "Ma, w-what would make you afraid of me?"

Mama looked puzzled. "Afraid? Wha-Desiree, baby, what are you talking about?"

"I left him, Ma, for good this time."

"Jerome, baby?"

"Yes. I'm thinking of getting a divorce."

"I'm so sorry, baby. I know things haven't been going well between you two."

"There's alot I haven't told you, Mama. I'm so ashamed. You raised me better than this."

Mama took Desiree's hand. "I don't know everything thats happened, but I could see the pain in your eyes. There used to be a light in your eyes, no its gone."

"I should have left him along time ago," Desiree said, "I tried to make it work with him. I thought I was a good wife. I guess that wasn't enough for him."

"Well, Desiree, somethings happen because GOD is tring to talk to you. Its going to be alright, baby. Your still so young and you have so much going for you.You've more than I've done at your age. You may find yourself in tough situations, but you get through it, learn from any mistakes you've made, and always keep GOD first in everything you do. Right now, you have to stay strong for your two babies now. By the way, how are my grandbabies?"

"The girls? They're fine." Desiree then began to cry. "How could he do this to me? I was his wife, I should have come first. That woman!-Oh, Mama, I'm sorry!"

"Its okay, Desiree, I know your upset."

"Mama, he wasn't thinking. I wish I hadn't loved him so much. It would be easier for me to leave him. And now-"

Mama begin to comfort her daughter. "Oh, my poor girl. It hurts me to see you like this. I can't say I'm surprised about Jerome's behavior. He seemed like such a nice young man when I first met him, but there was a side of him that seemed shady. He may have brought you down, but he can't destroy your spirit."

"Oh,Ma!" What am I going to do? I-I'm pregnant." Mama's jaws dropped.


"I'm pregnant, only two weeks."

"Well, we should ask the LORD what we should do."


"Yes, baby?"

"There's something else."

"What is it?"

"Ma-," Desiree began to cry harder."Ma-Mama, I don't know how to tell you this. I don't know how you'll take it."

"You can still tell me anything, Desiree. It won't change anything, I still love you. I'm not ashamed of you, your my baby girl."

Desiree began to shake violently. "Desiree! what is it, girl! Is it the girls? Did Jerome threaten you-Baby, please tell me!"

There was a moment of silence. Then, Desiree began to speak.

"After finding out that I was pregnant, my doctor also told me that he found something in my blood. He then offered to give me a test for several STD's. At first, I was very reluctant, but the doctor explained to me how important it would be to take the test. Some time later, I took the test. I was positive."

Mama looked worried. "Positive? Positive for what?"

"MAMA!" Desiree began to cry hysterically.

"Desiree, positive for what? Please calm down and tell me what the doctor said. Girl, your scaring me! Did Jerome give you something. What did you test positive for?"

"I HATE HIM! He kept going back to that nasty whore! He didn't even protect himself! Whatever that woman had, he caught it from her."

"Desiree, baby, what did Jerome do to you?"

Desiree continued to scream hysterically. "I wish he was DEAD! I want him dead. He gave me this mess-, me and his unborn child! How could he do such a heartless thing. No one will ever want to touch me again!"

"Why? Desiree, why would anyone be afraid to touch you?"

"The doctor gave me an HIV test, Mama. The results came back positive."

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