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Rated: E · Draft · Fantasy · #1615244
The first couple of chapters to a book I started to write a few years ago
Ch. 1

Jack pulls into his driveway and opens up the garage to his house.  It may only be 9:30 in the morning but he just came off of a long 10 hour shift of patrolling the sprawling metropolis of Provo.  He looks at himself in his mirror before going inside the house and sees a man, though only 25 years old feels like he is twice that age.  His blue eyes once sharp and piercing now with deep circles under them and wrinkles to match.  “I am surprised I don't have any gray hairs yet,” he thinks as he looks quickly for a few around his blond hair. “At least I still have all my hair.” he mutters.  He opens the door to his 76 dodge truck and winces at the loud squeal it makes and has to slam it shut.  “I hope the baby wasn't sleeping.”  He opens the door to the kitchen from the garage and is welcomed to the smell of pancakes, bacon and sausage.  He looks to his beautiful, Halley, of 4 years still in her pink robe looking like she just got up but still radiant.  He walks over to her and gives her a kiss on the lips, “Welcome home, Jack.” Halley says with a  smile and a quick hug. 

“Thanks,” replied Jack.  “Smells great, I am starving,” as he sits himself down to eat and rest.

“How was work?” she asked while flipping the last few pancakes over. “Oh, the usual,” he replied with a yawn as he hangs his gun up on the hook.  “Just a few speeders and a couple of business false  alarms, usual cop stuff.”  Jack has been a police officer for Provo city for the past 3 years after the academy, but he is still doing grunt work by working on the night patrol.

“Where's Gaby at?” Jack asks as he grabbed a few pancakes, sausage and bacon.

“Your wonderful little daughter is taking a nap.  She kept me up all night long coughing and screaming and crying.  I think she might have had nightmares, but being sick right now isn't helping.” Halley said despairingly. 

“Well, why don't you come back to bed after breakfast?” asked Jack around a few bites of food, “even if it is only for a short nap.”

“That sounds nice,” said Halley now encouraged, “we haven't been able to snuggle for a while.”

“Grab yourself a plate and get something to eat.”

They both sat down and eat breakfast and talked about how things where going at home as well as work.  Both replied that they were tired but happy with their current situation.  Jack looked around at his home and noticed again how clean the house was.  He commented on this to his wife.  “You know, even though Gaby makes a mess of things, you sure do keep this place looking nice.  It is nice coming home to clean house.  I just wanted to say thank you.”

“Well, thank you.” Halley says with a kiss on his cheek.  “I know how happy it makes you and I just want you to be happy. Lets go on to bed and snuggle.”

“You don't have to ask me twice.”

Jack walks over to the sink to put his dishes in and follows his wife down to their bedroom.  He paused as he passed the family room to gaze at their family picture taken last month.  “Man, I have a beautiful family,” Jack thought.  “I would be totally devastated if something happened to them.”  Jack continues on down the hall and down the short flight of stairs to the bedroom.  His wife was already in bed under the covers just waiting for Jack.  Jack quickly undresses, gets into pajamas and climbs in bed next to Halley.  “You are wonderful.”  Jack says to Halley. “How?” asks Halley. “You just make my world that much brighter by being in it. I love and Gaby very much. I pray every day that you will be safe. I don't what would happen to me if any harm would come to you two.”

“Don't worry, we will always keep ourselves safe.” replied Hally. “Come here and kiss me my lover.”  Jack leans over to kiss his beautiful wife and just as their lips meet there a noise like a baby crying.  Halley looks over to her night stand and sees the baby monitor and the lights flashing.  “I guess Gabby is awake.” Halley said despairingly “We will have to try this later I suppose.  I should let you get to sleep.”

“I guess there is always later.” Jack said grudgingly. “I will talk to you later.  Give Gabby my love.”

“I will.” she said.

Jack thinks longingly of his beautiful family and of growing old with Halley and Gabby.  He can't believe that his daughter is already two years old.  “She is growing up too fast.” he thought.  Jack drifted off to sleep with dreams of bike riding, baseball and weddings going on his head.

Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep.  Jack reaches over to look at his alarm, 7:00pm it reads.  “I guess I should get up,” he mutters. “At least it's Friday.”  Jack didn't sleep very well.  He kept having wild dreams about everybody getting old and Jack was left to watch.  It was like he was not there with them only watching.  He tried to talk with them but for some reason they couldn't hear him.  He gets dressed ready for work and climbs to six stairs acting like his feet weighed a ton.  He gets to the top of the stairs and is hit at his legs by what looks like to him a little hairball.

“Dadda!” exclaims Gabby as she wraps her little arms around one of his legs. “Wuv you!”

“I love you too!” exclaims Jack as he picks her up and gives her great big hug until she grunts because it is so tight.  Then he lays her flat in his arms and they play airplane for a minute. Gabby screams with delight as the arms whooshes over her little body.  He long blond hair fluttering behind her and her blue eyes bright with delight.

“Man, are you getting heavy.” Jack says as they gently land on the couch together.

“Again, again,” Gabby cries trying to lift her daddy up from the couch.

“Maybe later, I've got to stop before I go to work.”  Jack turns on her favorite TV show and Gabby soon forgets about everything for a while.  Jack walks over to Halley and gives her a kiss while Gabby squeals with delight at her show.

“How have things been today?” asks Jack. 

“Pretty quite today, or at least that's what I've tried to keep it so you can sleep.” says Halley. “How did you sleep? Anymore bad dreams?”

“Alright.” replies Jack ignoring the second question not wanting to alarm her.  “What's for dinner?”

“Your favorite, Mac and cheese with hamburger and peas.”

“Hmm, sounds great.”

Jack ate in silence as Halley and Gabby had eaten earlier.  “Are you alright?” asks Halley concerned.  “You don't look so good.” 

“Yeah, I'm alright.  I just didn't sleep well.” replies Jack. 

“Are the dreams bothering you again?” asks Halley.

Jack is quiet for a moment before he answers.  He explains the dream to her and voices his concerns about their safety.  “ I just worry so much about you guys.  I don't know what I would do with myself if something happened to you.”

“Don't worry about us, Jack.  We're fine here. You better get to work or you'll be late tonight.” says Halley.  “I love you, Jack”

“I love you, too.” replies Jack as he leans over the table to give her another kiss.  Jack walks back over to  Gabby, picks her up and gives her a big hug and kiss. “I love you Gabby.  Daddy's got to go to work now.”

“I wuv you too, Dadda.”

Jack buckles on his belt and goes out to the garage to get in his truck.  The door squeals open and closed as he gets in.  He fires up the old engine, opens the garage door and backs up his old truck out of the driveway.  As he is driving away, he can't help but feeling that something doesn't feel right about today.  You're just imagining things, Jack.  The dream is still bothering you.  It's just a dream, not real.  They are fine.  Don't worry about them.

Most of Jacks shift was uneventful as he is driving around in his squad car.  Near the end of his shift a call comes over the radio, “Car 54 do you copy?” “10-4, car 54 here.” “We have a report of a cave in up the canyon and require assistance, all immediate personnel report to the area of Bridal Veil falls over.”  “10-4, car 54 on my way.”

Jack arrives at the scene to see the local sheriff and search and rescue teams in the area. “What's going on?” Jacks asks the sheriff.

“We got a report of a cave in from these guys over there.  They were in hiking and exploring when one of their number became separated.  They tried to call her name out but apparently the noise was too much and the cave ceiling collapsed.  They almost didn't make it out themselves.” reported the sheriff.  “Thanks John.” replied Jack.  Jack walks over the group of people near the ambulance and asks them what happened.  I tall man, light tan skin and brown hair named Mike answered him.

“Well, the five of us were just exploring this new cave back up above the falls and Susan got separated  from us.  She was exploring a another section of the cave and I guess her radio got turned off somehow.  We have all been trained in spelunking and we weren't too concerned until we couldn't get a hold of her after about 1 hour. It was starting to get dark and some of us were getting really worried about her. Eric and I”, Mike says pointing to another man a little shorter than him but bigger and with blond hair “decided to go back in and try to get find her.  We found her rope and called down the hole to her, but got no response.  We also lit a night stick and threw one down but couldn't see any thing.  I was going to follow her down the hole and try to find her that way but I couldn't fit as skinny as I am. “  By this time Mike was starting to cry, you could see tears trickling down his face and one of the girls came up and put her arm around him to comfort him. “It wasn't your fault,” she said. “I would've happened to anyone.”  “I know.” replies Mike, taking in a shuddering breath.  “Go on, “ prompts Jack. “Well, when I couldn't fit down the hole and we weren't getting any response we were getting really scared for her.  We didn't want to worry the girls any more than was necessary so we kept on yelling down hoping to wake her up in case she fell and was unconscious.”  Mike pauses at this point and takes a deep breath before he continues on.  “After a little while Eric and I noticed that we started to hear a rumbling in the distance and it was getting louder and closer all the time.  With the rumble we noticed that the ground was beginning to shake and rocks started to fall from the ceiling. Eric said 'We have to get out of here or we're going to die!'  I said ' I don't want to leave Susan down there.'  'Maybe she'll be lucky and find a pocket and we can come back to get her later.  It's now or never!.'  All this time rock were flying all around us and the ground was making it so we could hardly stand.  Eric and I were running as fast as we could and barely made it out alive before the cave entrance caved in.”  Now the tears were streaming down his face as well as the faces of all those present.  “When it gets light we will take a look at the cave and see if there is any thing we can do for Susan, okay.”  says Jack. “Alright”, they each replied.  Jack walks back to John and tells him what he heard. “It's a sad case, Jack.  Do you think there is any hope for her?” 

“Not much, but we will see when we get to the cave.  How far back is it?” 

“About 1 ½  miles in.”

“I am going to go on in and take a look at the cave before I go home.  See you later.”

Even though Jack was an experienced spelunker himself, he knew that things happened.  He was distressed about the whole situation and hoped that there was something that he could do for the girl.

When he got to the cave the hopes that he had for her were dashed.  The entrance to the cave was completely blocked with rocks and dirt littering the ground.  We'll never get back in there, he thought.  He began to look around to see if there might be an alternate entrance to the cave.  Sometimes they can be tricky to find, but there is usually another way to get into any cave.  It's also not the most convenient either.  There can be critters in there, like snakes and spider, that block the way that you have to get past to get deeper in the caves.  Jack hates spiders and especially snakes.  Jake began walking around the entrance going both left and right until he found a way on top.  He notice a few bats still circling around in the air looking for bugs to eat for breakfast.  He traced their patterns back to a hidden entrance to the left of the original entrance.  He pulled out a night stick, cracked it to get it glowing and dropped it down to the bottom of the hole.  The stick dropped down about eight feet and it looked a bit narrow, be he had been in some tight spaces before..  Jack pulled out his flashlight and fanned it around the entrance just past the mouth to see if there were only animals lurking around. He didn't notice any when the stick dropped down so he figured he was probably safe to go in.  He uncoiled the rope he carried with him from his truck, tied to to a nearby tree and began the descent in to the cave.  Jack made the descent without incident.  When he got to the bottom he began looking around and oriented himself too where the original entrance to the cave was and began to make his way there.  Using a large piece of sidewalk chalk to mark where he had been so as not to get lost, Jack made his way to the entrance.  Jack noticed the walls themselves where a mixture of limestone and sandstone.  The rocks themselves were beautiful to observe and he loved them best when he was by himself.  He loved to look at the way the stalagmites and stalactites formed themselves from centuries of water droplets.  The mineral colors seemed so brightly contrasted with the bland solid stone.  He was always fond the blues and greens from the copper and nickel stores.  The pathway he traversed was not a difficult one and soon he found himself in the area that the girl Susan had last been see he supposed.  Jack knew that if he called out to her too loudly he would likely cause another avalanche of stone and did not want to be trapped himself.  He paused to listen for any sounds, a light tap on rocks or a human voice but heard nothing.  He scans the ground with his flashlight to see if he can locate anything to suggest that she was here at all and possibly alive.  He saw the way she must have gone to and saw that it was completely blocked with stone and rubble.  He carefully climbed on top of the mess to see if there was a quick way through but after a few minutes of searching he could see no way.  “Susan!” shouted Jack, risking one quick shout to see if the girl was close, but heard nothing. Oh, well, thought Jack, I didn't think there was much hope to begin with.  As he was climbing back down he felt a rumble in the ground. “Shoot!” exclaimed Jack running back to his rope to quickly climb out of the cave.  The rumble and shaking continued for a few seconds as Jack dashed his way back to rope.  He quickly climbed out of the hole just as the cave collapsed on itself.  “That was a close one,” Jack exclaimed out of breath.  He was bending over holding on to the tree that he tied the rope to.  “I guess I will have to give them the bad news now,”  said Jack. 

         Jack rested a moment longer, took a quick drink from his water bottle in his pack and made his way back to the parking area where the rest of the people waited.  He was no longer enjoying the scenery as much as he did on the way to the cave.  The way seemed much longer than it did on the way up, even though it was the same distance.  He was a little depressed now that he knew more about the situation and felt really bad about what happened to Susan.  He pulled out the necklace that had dropped and looked it over now that he had a chance.  The chain was thin and silver and it was holding a single charm.  The charm was oval and had a picture of a hand holding a torch on it.  On the back was engraved the words, “Work hard, live well, Mom.”  The chain itself was broken so either it was already broken and feel out of her pocket or it got caught on something and was pulled off, maybe in the cave in, thought Jack.  He put it back in his pocket and forgot about it. 

         He made his way back to the parking lot without any other incident and told the sheriff what had happened to him.  “I was hoping you would be alright when I felt the ground shakin'.  I am glad you are alright.” 

“I got a few scrapes but made it out without too much problem. I am going to head home.  If you wouldn't mind letting them know.  I seriously don't think it would do much good to look for her, but I suppose we ought to at least make a token effort.” said Jack.

“Sure thing,” said the sheriff.

Jack made it back to his truck, called into the office and relayed what had happened to the front desk.  “You alright?” asked Angela, the front desk secretary. 

“Yeah, I've had worse.  I am going home to bed.  It's been a long day.”

“I will let the Captain know.”

“Thanks. See you later.”

Jack fired up his truck, pulled out of the parking lot on to the highway and made his way home.

Ch. 2

1 year later.

Even though it has been a little over a year since the cave in, Jack can't get what happened to the girl, Susan, out of his head.  It wasn't as if that was all he was thinking of, but when ever he drove past Bridal Veil he thought of her and wished that there was something that he could have done to save her.  Sometimes he dreamed of her, or of what she may have looked like, in a strange place, something of a antsy book.  She was in a castle surrounded by evil wizards and dragons and other sorts of mythical creatures.  He put off as nothing more than bad dreams. When his wife, Halley asked him how he was doing he mentioned the dream. Halley replied,”At least I'm not the one there.  I would hate to be stuck in that awful place.  But if it was me, I know you would be my knight in shining armor to come rescue me.”

“You know I would come for you at all cost.” replied Jack.  “ I would come to the ends of the earth to make sure you are safe. Nothing would stand in my way. Not dragons or evil wizards.  You are my life.”

Jack had the day off and wanted to spend it with his family.  They went to the park and watched Gabby play on the playground.  She was now three years old and very defiant.  She wanted to do things her way or no way, typical three-year-old. She was able to speak more clearly now and now wanted her dad to push her on the swings.  She hopped on to the swing and tried herself but could only shake it a little bit.  “Daddy!” cried Gabby “Push me!” Jack reluctantly gets up and starts over to the swing set and begins to push his little daughter.  Jack can't help but notice how big his little girl is getting.  It seemed like only the other day that he was with Halley in the hospital holding his precious little infant is his arms.  She seemed so tiny then compared to now.  Even though Gabby could be a big pain sometimes, she was a special little one at times.  He loved her and Halley very much and still had this nagging feeling that something bad would happen to them.  Jack soon tired of the swings and Gabby got off to play on the playground again.  The day was a wonderful day together.  They all enjoyed the park and even had a picnic to go with it.  Jack knew he would remember this day fondly and hoped his wife and daughter did as well.  The park was not very crowded, the weather was perfectly warm with a light breeze and just a few clouds in the sky.  The tall sycamores were full of green leaves causing just enough shade to make it nice and cozy.  The best part of it was that he was with only family that he's got.  Jack was an only child and his parents where killed in an accident just before Jack and Halley got married.  Halley was adopted and her parents lived back east in Vermont.  They never spoke much and Jack never really got along with them very well, so it didn't bother him much.  He didn't really have any friends at work or in the neighborhood.  Jack and his family tended to keep themselves.  So this was the only family he had and would be truly devastated if anything were to ever happen to them.  Jack didn't want to think anything negative that day so tried to focus on all the good things that they had.  He had a good day.

A couple of days later Jack was doing a routine patrol when he got an emergency on the radio.  “All available cars we have reports of a 11-71 at 1172 east 100 north in Provo,  ambulance and firetrucks are already on there way. Repeat we have an 11-71 at 1172 east 100 north in Provo. All available cars report to the area.”  “Oh, no! No, No, No!” exclaimed Jack. Jack immediately turned his sirens on and flipped his car around heading to that address.  He hoped he would get there in time.  “I hope they are alright.” Jack exclaimed worriedly.  Even though it was late there was still plenty of traffic on the road and Jack had to weave in and out of cars, most cars pulled off to the side but there were a few that just stopped in the middle and let him go around.  He was on the other side of town and it took him a few minutes to get there.  When he pulled up to the site of the fire the house was in flames.  There were two trucks hosing the house down pull still the flames rose high up to about 10 feet above the house itself.  “Halley! Gabby!” shouted Jack, “Where are you?!”  Jack looked around desperately to find his wife and daughter.  He couldn't see them.  He shouted again,”Halley! Gabby!”, still nothing.  He went to the fire chief and asked them if they pulled anybody out of the house.  “No, Jack we haven't found any one yet.”  Jack sprints to the front door only to be pulled back by one of the firefighters. “Jack, it's too late!” he shouted, “no one could survive that.”  Jack shoved him back and made his way inside the smoke and fire filled house and while shouting for his family.  He made his way to the downstairs bedroom only be thwarted by a wall of flame from floor to ceiling.  Covering his face with a wet cloth he jumped through the flames rolling to the floor as a flaming beam from the ceiling came crashing down just were Jack was standing.  He started down the stairs but immediately fell through the first step and felt a snap in his right knee as he was thrown forward with his momentum.  He started to black out from all the smoke and pain.  “Help!” he shouted. “Somebody help me!”  His vision was dimming and the last thing he whispered was “ Halley, I'm sorry.” then he blacked out.

Jack woke up to bright lights above his head and a tube taped to his nose, his right knee was in this device that kept bending and extending and it hurt like no other, but at least he was alive.  Looking down he saw the white sheets guessed he was in a hospital bed.  Looking around the room he saw flowers on a table along with a few cards.  A nurse came to check on him a moment later, “Good, you are awake.  I will let the doctor know.”  She proceeded to check his vitals, “Blood pressure looks good as well as your oxygen.”  She ran a device over his forward and said, “Temperature is normal too.  I will be back in a moment.”  She logged the data into the computer next to the bed and then left. “Hey!” shouted Jack to the nurse. The nurse walked back in, “Was there something you needed?” she asked.  “ Where is my wife and daughter?” he asked. “ I am not allowed to disclose that information to you.” she said and then left again. I hope they are okay he thought.  He couldn't help but think the worst had happened to them.  After all, the firemen there said there was no way anyone could survive the fire that long, I almost didn't make it.  A half hour later in came the doctor in his white coat wearing green scrubs and tennis shoes.  “Hello, Jack.  My name is Dr. Matthews.  How are we feeling this morning?” 

“I feel like I've been run over by a truck about ten times as well as being flame broiled at a barbecue. Thanks for asking.” replied Jack. 

“You experienced some smoke damage to you lungs and as well as some second degree burns to the face and hands.  You had a torn ACL and PCL when you fell on the stairs which we repaired while you were out and that is why your leg is in the CPM.  Overall, things look pretty good.  They could have been a lot worse.  You are lucky to be alive.” said Dr. Matthews.

Jack absorbed all this in numbly and nodded his acknowledgment to the doctor.  Quietly he asked, “Doc, what happened to my wife and daughter?” already afraid of the answer.

“I don't know how to put this to you gently, but I will do the best I can.  They didn't survive the fire.  They were both found downstairs in the bedroom.  Your daughter must have been sleeping with your wife in the bed. The smoke suffocated them and they didn't wake up when the fire got in the room.  I'm sorry for your loss, Jack.” said Dr. Matthews quietly.  “I'll leave you alone now.  I will return in a couple of hours at the end of my rotation to see how you are doing.  Let the nurses know if you need anything.”  All the while that the doctor was talking, Jack felt tears streaming down his face.  “Thanks for letting me know Dr. Matthews.” Jack said quietly.  Jack was completely devastated.  His life was totally turned upside down.  He no longer cared if he lived, he wished he had died in that fire with his family.  He no longer had a reason to keep going.  The tears continued to stream down his face and he didn't bother to wipe them away.  He just laid there and cried the rest of the morning until he cried himself to sleep.

While was sleeping Jack's captain, Captain Daniels, came in to check on him.  He noticed that he had been crying and wished there was something he could do or say to make things right.  Captain Daniels sat by Jack and talked to him while slept.  “Jack,” he said “I am truly sorry for your loss and wished I could help you out in any way.  I know it must be hard for you right know.  I remember the day you came in the station all proud of the badge you carried then.  Rookies were always proud, but you were more so.  You've done a good job in the 4-5 years you have been on the force.  Halley was a good woman and we shall miss her.  I didn't know your daughter very well, but I bet she was a beauty, just like her mom.  I just wanted you to know that.”  Captain Daniels stayed as few moments longer then quietly left the room.  What the captain didn't know was that Jack was awake the whole time, just didn't show it.  He appreciated the words that his captain said and wanted to say something but he was never one to talk much, even to say thank you.

Jack was released from the hospital after a week and started rehab on his knee.  The therapists he worked with were great and they got him back on his feet a just a couple of months.  While in the hospital he didn't many visitors but mostly from his captain.  One day he asked the captain what the damage was to the house and if they had any idea what might have caused it. “Jack, I'm sorry to say but  there isn't much left of the house.  They didn't to the house in time to save much.  They called it a total lost and let most of the house burn itself out, after they got everybody out.  As for the cause, they fire inspector thinks it may have been from one of those plug in scent warmers.  He found the plugs still in the downstairs bathroom, nothing was left but the plugs in the socket.”

“Are you serious?!” asked Jack.  “I heard reports of that on the Internet but didn't believe they were true.  I can't believe it happened in my own home.  When I told Halley to be careful, I was expecting something on a larger scale than that, more like a car accident or something.  How could we have been so stupid!” exclaimed Jack.

“Hey, don't beat yourself up about it, Jack” said Capt Daniels.  “Accidents happen to the best of us, and most of the time it's too late to prevent it.  You know what they say, 'Hind sight is 20/20'.”

“I know.  I know” replied Jack in a quiet whisper.

:”Why don't you take some more time off of work when your done with rehab.” said the captain. “Get some fresh air, go do what you love best before you come back to work.”

“Thanks Captain, I think I will.”

Jack walked up to the grave sites of his wife and daughter, bends down and places a bunch of roses on his wife's headstone and toy on his daughters'.  With tears streaming down his face Jack says, ”I am truly sorry for what happened to you guys.  When Capt Daniels told me what had happened I couldn't believe it.  I feel like it's my fault that it did happen and you are the ones to suffer.  Because of this one stupid action we don't get to spend any more time together and Gabriella can't grow up to have a family of her own.  Sometimes I wish I was there when you died so I could be with you now, but now I have to live my life without you two.  I don't think I could remarry either.  I feel like I met my one true love and no one else can match you.  Captain Daniels has told me to go on a little vacation so that is where I am going.  I think I will head up to the Uintah's.  It's beautiful this time of year.  I came to say good bye since I was in the hospital during the funeral.  I heard it was beautiful.”  Jack paused to wipe the tears from his eyes.  His eyes were so full he couldn't see the picture on the marker.  It was a picture of a heart in front of a mountain landscape.  'Friends forever' was engraven on the stone with Jack and Halley's names.  Gabby's was more simple with the words 'A true angel' engraved in.  “I am so sorry.” Jack said with a sob.  “I failed you.”  Jack then walked back to his truck and drove off. 

         Jack had to buy all new equipment as his was all destroyed in the fire.  Since he had no where else to live he was placed in a half-way house until he could find an apartment or another house.  He packed up all that owned and bought into his truck and made his way to the Uintah mountains in northeastern Utah.  These mountains were some of the best and most beautiful of all the mountain he had climbed and explored.  You could go more miles without seeing a single person.  It was a good place for a solitary man like Jack who wanted to be alone and immerse himself in something he really enjoyed.  He wanted to forget for a while the pain of the past few months and focus on the good.. He hoped the cave exploring he loved to do would help him accomplish that purpose. 

         It took Jack about 4 hours to get to the campsite.  He got out of the truck and looked around at his surroundings.  The view was breathtaking.  He was camped out near a lake and began the 2 mile hike in.  As Jack began the hike he noted his surrounding foliage on the trail. He saw plenty of aspen, oak and maple near the immediate trail and through breaks in the trees he saw the mighty firs, spruces and pines. He loved the back country.  He knew he would hardly see a soul and that was fine for him. The air was crisp and cool.  He filled his lungs and breathed out with an enormous sigh. This was going to do some good, though Jack.

He only met one other traveler on the trail and he was on a pale white horse making his way down the trail while Jack was going up. The man himself had on a long black dust jacket and black cowboy hat.  He had a long sloping mustache and spoke in a gravely voice, the kind used to hard liquor. They stopped and conversed for a short while as was deemed proper etiquette.  “How is the weather up that way?” asked Jack. 

“It's a mite chilly at night but nothing a nice warm fire can't cure.” replied the stranger on the horse. “How long you plan on staying?” asked the stranger.

“Oh, probably about a week or so” replied Jack.  “Name's Jack” Jack said as he extended his hand.

“Sam” replied the stranger as he shook Jack's hand. “Well, I hope you enjoy your stay.  It sure is beautiful up there.” 

“Thanks” replied Jack, “I believe I will,” thinking what a nice man Sam was.

          Jack continued up to his camp site. It took him about 1 hour to hike to the site and when he did he was awed how beautiful it was. The waters of the lake were clear blue.  The reflection of the lake showed a tall mountain with still hints of snow on the top.  The pine trees that surrounded the lake were tall and green.  The lake showed the occasional ripple which hinted of fish, probably trout.  The sky was an brilliantly bright blue with the occasional small cloud adding color to the sky.  It was an image almost to bring tears to the eyes.  It was difficult to describe in full the image that was before Jack.  Jack looked around for a good camp site and found one a little ways from the lake and the stream that fed it. He had heard stories of campers that camped too close to the stream and lake and in rain storm they were swept away into the lake.  He didn't think that would happened to him, because he checked the weather before he left and it showed good weather the entire time he was to be up here.  There may be the occasional shower but nothing he couldn't handle.  He unpacked his backpack and immediately set up his tent.  He then proceeded to find large stones to ring a small fire.  He wanted to save a much of his food as he could so he decided to try his luck with fishing.  He went to the lake side and cast in his line.  He didn't have to wait long before his bubble disappeared under the water.  He immediately set the hook and reeled in the fish.  It was a modest size rainbow trout, my favorite, thought Jack.  This will fry up nicely.  Jack proceeded to clean and scale the fish away from the campsite and lake.  He buried the innards in a small hole to hide the smell.  He didn't want some wandering bear or mountain lion sneaking into his camp and mauling him.  After he cleaned the fish he hung it on a line and let it rest in the nearby stream while he got his fire going.  After the fire was going for a while he pulled out a little frying pan and set it on a rock to the side of the fire and a began to prepare the fish.  He wasn't very apt at fillets so he would have to deal with the bones.  He had to cut the fish in half in order for it to fit in to the pan.  Jack added some spices like salt, pepper and garlic.  He would added the cajun when it was cooked.  He then placed the pan on a rock in the middle of the fire and waited for it to cook.  While it was cooking, Jack couldn't help but think about the last time he was camping with his family.  Gabby was just a few months old and Jack took Halley to a spot up Logan canyon.  It was in a spot that was not too far out from the road, but still far enough away to be secluded.  It was beautiful then as well.  The trees were in full bloom, blue bells on the ground and birds chirping in the trees.  Halley tried her hand at a Dutch oven dinner.  The outside was burnt and the inside was still uncooked.  Halley cried but Jack comforted her.  He assured her that it was okay and things happen.  Since it was her first time it didn't turn out too bad. “But I burnt it!” she exclaimed.  “How do you expect me to cook for you at home?”  “I think you would be fine as long as it wasn't Dutch oven.” Jack said jokingly.  “Oh, stop it.” replied Halley.  “Let's see if we can salvage what's left of dinner.” said Jack.  They proceeded to cook what was left of the chicken when Jack started smelling something. “What's burning?” asked Jack to Halley. “It smells like fish.”  Jack looks to fire as he is jolted out of his reflection to the sight and smell of burning fish. “Ah, crap.” exclaimed Jack as he quickly pulled the pan out of the fire.  “That's what I get for daydreaming.” he said to himself.  Just like old times he thought.  I guess I will some fish jerky.  The fish was a little tough but not too bad when the cajun spice was added.  He only choked on a couple of bones, the rest he was able to spit out.  It was getting late so Jack banked the fire because he didn't want anything to happen while he was asleep, climbed in to his tent, worked his way into his sleeping bag and fell asleep.  The last thing he could remember thinking of was wishing his family were still alive to enjoy the setting he was presently in. 


Jack woke up the next morning feeling moderately refreshed from the night’s sleep he had.  It’s not best sleeping on the hard ground but one does what’s best.  Jack cleaned up the came site as best as he could, buried the fire and prepared his pack for the hike up the mountain and into the cave he set to explore. He figured he would be gone all day and maybe even camp inside the cave if it was deep enough.  It could get a little damp, but it was still fun doing it.  He made his way up the slope towards the area he knew had good caves to explore.  While on his hike he reflected on his life and how good it was.  He knew he had a good life and was sorry to see his loved ones perish like they did.  He hoped he was doing the right thing by coming up here, but it did feel good to be out in the mountain air looking at the beautiful scenery that God had created for the enjoyment of man.  Being June there was still plenty of flowers in bloom this high up in the mountains.  He really enjoyed looking at the Indian Paintbrush, how vibrant the reds and oranges can be, as well as the purple larkspur and black-eyed susan.  Jack didn’t know too much about plants and flowers, you don’t have to know much to be a cop except the illegal stuff.  Jack did enjoy the sights even if he didn’t know everything that he saw, it was all just beautiful to behold.  “I wish I had a camera,” Jack said to himself.  But then, who would he show them to.  All his family was gone in one burst of flame. 

         Jack paused at a nearby stream a few hours later to rest and have some lunch.  He was close to where he knew were some good caves.  The stream he sat near was fairly shallow, but fast moving surrounded on both sides by willow and cottonwoods with a few breaks that one could walk through and cross the flowing stream.  Moss covered a number of the rock and boulders littering the streambed and riparian area showing that it gets plenty of moisture during the year, but slows down later during the summer.  Jack enjoyed a quick repast of dried fruit, nuts and water.  He re-filled his canteen from the stream not knowing where his next drink was going to come from and not sure he wanted to trust cave water unless he had to.  After enough rest he got up and continued on his way toward the cliff sides. He knew he was getting close but couldn’t tell how close because of the closeness of the trees.  There were tall firs and spruces interspersed with aspen and the occasional pine.  Most of the firs and spruces were probably 100 feet tall and very old.  He was tempted to climb one just too see how much of the valley he could see.  While hiking down the trail a couple hundred more yards he came to an opening, more a look out point.  He noticed a big granite boulder off to one side and decided to climb on top.  The boulder stood some ten foot tall with many hand and foot holds.  He made it the top with only a few scratches, but the view that was able to behold was well worth it.  In Jack’s vision was valley full of all manner of tall trees and covering the landscape.  In the distance he could see winding river, probably the Green River, thought Jack.  The sky was a beautiful blue with only a few clouds to mar it.  Off to the left he could see the granite cliffs he was looking for.  They were boldly defying anyone to come near them and explore the secrets they have kept for millennia. “And that’s exactly what I intend to do,” Jack murmured to  himself as he climbed down from the rock he was on.  Only another mile or so to go and he was there.  “I should get there in another hour and then I can rest,” said Jack.  The rest of the hike was uneventful.  He did see a number of deer and elk in the meadows below him and thought he heard a bunch of coyotes off in the distance, but nothing to be excited about.  When he finally got to the cliff it was quite an impressive sight.  The tallest part of the granite cliff face was about 300 feet above him and went on for a few miles in either direction.  Now the question is, left or right.  In the end, it didn’t matter which way he was to go.  There were sure to many cave openings in either direction and was here for a quite a while, in the end he chose left, it just seemed like an easier to way go.  The right way had more brush to push through and he didn’t really feel like going through that. 

         As Jack began his way down the left face of this massive granite cliff, he wondered what secrets he might find in the caves he was going to explore.  He knew that Indians once lived in these areas and so he might find relics from them, but he wasn’t expecting much.  He was just hoping to get away from it all and lose himself for a time.  He knew he needed time to heal, it was just taking him a long time to accept it.  He didn’t want to stop thinking about his family that he lost and knew it wasn’t necessary to.  He loved his family very much and was sorry to have let them down like he did, even though deep down he knew that there was nothing he could have done to prevent their deaths.  It didn’t stop his thoughts from dwelling on the could haves and should haves, the pointlessness of it all.  He was only one man and mortal at that, only a being of more power than he had could have prevented their deaths from happening.  Maybe if I was like those superheroes in the movies, I could have done something, Jack speculated.  But I’m not nor ever will be, he presumed.  I just have to get over it and get on with my life, he thought,  but he couldn’t help but wonder, “What if.”

Jack paused in his reflection to gave upon the cliff face too see if there was any cave entrances up higher that he could climb to, because so far there weren’t any on the ground level.  As his gaze swept over front left to right he spotted a shadow to the right that he missed while coming left, it could only be seen when looking to the right.  There was a narrow ledge about 30 feet up  with what looked to be a slight entrance that might just lead him inside.  I guess I’m climbing today, surmised Jack as he prepared for the ascent.  Since it was relatively a short climb, he was going to try free climbing.  There was plenty of hand and foot holds to successfully complete this climb.  He planned his ascent by moving up to the ledge from left to right using the various hand and foot holds the cliff side provided for him.  He began to climb by placing his left hand in a crack just above his head, his right hand just above that and to the and his feet one small outcroppings about knee height.  Then he began to methodically work his way up the face carefully placing his feet and hands in just the right location so his holding didn’t jar loose and he plummet to the ground below.  When he got to be about 5 feet below the ledge he suddenly noticed that there were no more hand or foot holds close to it, it was a sheer slick face.  He had to inch his way back to the left and see if there was a way he could maybe come at it from above.  He backtracked about 8 feet to the left and started making his way up the face.  He got to be 2-3 feet above the ledge when he saw he was able to make it across to the right again.  Again he made his way toward this elusive ledge, almost as if it was some silent guard keeping watch over its hidden secrets, making sure no one disturbed its rest.  Jack got to be where he judged the distance to be 5-6 feet from the ledge and about 2 foot above where again he was thwarted by this face.  No hand holds again!  Well, thought Jack, I can either start over from and come from right to left, or try to jump to the ledge.  The ledge looked to be about jutting about 3 feet out and 4 feet wide, definitely wide enough to support him.  The only question remained would be if it was would support his sudden weight from jump. If it started to crumble he could just try to pull himself inside before it all fell.    There really was no question in his mind if he would jump or not.  He really didn’t want to take the time to climb back down and up again.  He had already come this far and might as well go all the way.  Besides, it was getting dark and he would have to start over in the morning.  This cave was just to intriguing to give up now.    He knew he was strong enough to go for and successfully make the attempt.  He just had to do it.  Jack prepared his body and mind for the jump, jumping over and over in his mind until he knew for sure that he could do it and not fall.  “Okay, okay.  Here goes nothing.” Jack muttered to himself.  He bunched up his legs, making sure he had good enough footing underneath him to push off from, loosening up his hand grips just enough so they would still hold him in the present position and yet not get stuck in any cracks.  He began to swing slightly from left to right to given some momentum and ease his jump.  He had to time this just right, too soon and he falls short, too much and he could over shoot it.  Swinging left and right, Jack felt he had it right and immediately let go with his hands and pushed off with his legs to propel himself towards the ledge that would lead him, hopefully, to some hidden mystery.  Flying through the air, hoping he made the proper mental calculations, Jack began to be a little fearful he had made a mistake.  He could see the ledge below him, rapidly coming closer, when suddenly he slammed in to the ledge, landing far to the right side, almost falling off the right side.  Jack quickly threw himself toward the cliff face, his hands franticly searching for anything to hold on to, sliding along the cliff face with no hope in sight.  His left foot was barely on the ledge and with the weight of his body mostly off the ledge, momentum and gravity threatened to pull him off the ledge and down to the floor below.  He could feel himself slowly slipping down when his left hand felt a little tree that was growing out of the rock.  He locked his grip on with all of his life and held on for dear life.  Just at that moment ledge began to crumble under Jack’s weight and small chunks began to fall toward the ground almost pulling Jack down with them.  With all the strength and determination he could muster, he slowly pulled himself on to the ledge.  Inching his way back up to safety, luckily finding a foot hold for his right foot and stopping his progression.  Finally, Jack found himself in relative safety on the cliff ledge.  Breathing many sighs of relief from the near fall, Jack’s heart was pounding loudly too his ears, thinking if it was any louder it would shake the earth.  His arms and legs were trembling from both fright and exertion.  Maybe I should have tried coming from the right, thought Jack.  Oh well, at least I’m here now.  Looking down, Jack thought it looked a lot higher than he originally thought.  I sure am glad I didn’t fall, that would have hurt.  A few minutes later, after his heart calmed down and his body stopped trembling, Jack decided to have a look into the cave that gave him such troubles to get to.  The entrance was triangular in shape, wide at the base and tapering at the top, was a little smaller than the width of the ledge being about 3 ½ feet wide at the widest and 7 feet at the peak of the triangle. Pulling a flashlight out of his back, Jack shined the light inside.  Inside he could see that the passageway was shaped similarly as the entrance, the ground was covered in dirt mixed with small rock probably fallen from the ceiling.  Jack couldn’t quite see a back wall, which was promising, so he proceeded to enter this mysterious cave.

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