Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1614126-AMERICA-REMEMBER
Rated: 13+ · Preface · Political · #1614126
Let us not forget what founded America and who really protects it.

Many flags of many colors adorn our homes porches.
Bird and bee, sun and rainbow, colors not so primary and gauche.
There is one that takes less precedence now.
One that they died to protect but they are not here in body.
Who will speak for them?

In vaults of steel and stone they lie quietly,
and yet the row upon row of white crosses tells a story.
A story of when they marched in unison,
against the darkness seeking to destroy.
Destroy the  birth of light and freedom,
and the music that stirred in hearts,
of men transferring it to drum and flute.

They call to us still and our hearts should swell,
With a pride for what they stood for.
But no. Once again a fool sits in the highest seat.
A puppet for chaos and slavery calling itself a “United Nation”.
In the sacred seat of our nation he points a finger to us.

Shameful fingers. He bows to kings of offending countries,
And profusely apologizes. We have done wrong, so very wrong.
This place since it’s inception now a mistake, an embarrassment.
“Please forgive us!”, he cries and beats his breast in false shame.
He speaks of world wide unity without our time-worn documents
“We are no longer a Christian nation.”, he lies in spite of numbers.

The living patriots hold on as the world is rocked.
Rocked from it’s very foundation as millions of those fallen,
and in their graves turn in unison together.
Sounding as the roar of millions of cannons,
And righteous angry drums against the enemy ,
Who seeks to destroy the light of freedom and abolish it forever.

On my porch on this day the colors are displayed.
The fluttering sounds of nesting eagle’s wings and then…
Frantic in the wind as if saying to me,
“Do not forget! Remember! Hold fast and remember!”

Psalm 31:12-
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD;
and the people whom he has chosen for his own inheritance.
© Copyright 2009 InkWellspring66 (songofsolomon at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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