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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Sci-fi · #1613828
Two people find out that they are only ones who can stop the evil emperor of Keronia.
Chapter 1 – The Club                    

The city streets were dark, illuminated only by the softly lit streetlights and the headlights of the few passing cars. A red speed bike turned down a back alleyway, trash scattering everywhere as it went by.

As the bike roared to a stop a stray white cat hissed and bolted away. A shadowy figure took off its helmet, got off the bike and slowly walked to the back door of a charcoal gray metal building with a red exit light shining dimly above inside.

When the shadow stood by the door it was revealed to be a young woman in tight black leather pants and a black trench coat, wearing a black leather and lace corset underneath. She had fiery auburn hair, shoulder-length, pulled back in Jamaican braids. Her wide pastel blue eyes were a sparkling crystal sea enclosed by a thin line of dark violet eyeliner. Her fair complexioned skin glowed radiantly under the moonlight as if she were a deity, a beautiful yet ominous goddess. She wore bright, red leather biking gloves that were open fingered and heavy, black combat boots.  She was not quite six feet tall, and skinny; although she was very muscular for a woman of her small frame.

The building was lit by black tungsten lights and was filled with the smoke of burning cigars and cigarettes. There were pool tables in one corner, which were roughly worn and which half empty bottles of booze sat on the edges. There was a counter and bar up front, with many liquor signs, with bright neon lights bordering them, lit beyond it on the rusty wall. There was a stage that stood in the other far corner with nobody on it. Old drums and guitars sat on top the ripped black carpet and the microphone stand laid on its side.

There were maybe a hundred people inside the club, all either drinking or smoking. The lady’s small aristocratic nose wiggled as she prepared to sneeze because of all the cigarette smoke and rock n’ roll music reverberated in her petite ears. 

She heard hoarse laughing coming from one of the back tables. “Hey boy! Where’s your rainbow and pot of gold eh?”  A bald, dark tanned man laughed and poked the curly haired man whose mouth was duct taped shut.  The bald man had bronze eyes, a scraggly short goatee of blonde hair, a black hook pierced his left ear lobe, and a tattoo of a pirate skull and crossbones on his right shoulder.  His white muscle shirt bulged out at his brawny chest and smoked a silver tobacco pipe in the corner of his crooked smile.

As the young lady continued ahead, the room quickly fell into silence, the only sound being the thudding of her freshly polished combat boots and the laughing in the back.  The woman seemed very calm even though a pair of a hundred eyes was staring at her.

“Can I help you ma’am?” the bartender asked with curiosity as she approached the counter. The woman didn’t even stop, but just kept looking ahead as if she didn’t hear him. She never even looked at the gruffly old man behind the counter. She was so focused on what was going on in the back that it was like he didn’t even exist.

“Let’s play odd or even.  You’re odd for not giving me my money, and now I am getting even!”  The dark bald man and his buddies were still bullying the red curly haired man by plucking his beard and leg hairs out with a pair of pliers. “That dough doesn’t come cheap. I want my gold.”  The man’s screams were muffled through the duct tape.  “This is a piece of good luck boys!”  The bald man snickered holding up a strand of red hair.

The group of men suddenly stop when the girl dressed in black reached their table.

The bald man clumsily stood up and examined her. “Damn! What’s a sexy thing like you doing here?” the bald man exclaimed while attempting to push her.

The woman viciously grabbed him by the throat and launched him across the tables behind them, knocking off the plates and glasses to the floor, shattering into shards.

The dark bald man held his hand to his scratched ear for a second and observed his blood stained fingers.

“You bloody whore!”  He cursed as he got up and pulled out a switch blade. At that moment “We are the Champions” by Queen started to play.  It seemed like a strangely appropriate song for the beginning of an intense bar fight that night.

The lady armed herself with a pair of sai hidden in her trench coat, razor sharp three pronged daggers forged in stainless steel. “You forgot to go to court last week Larry,” she said as she twirled her weapons.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” Larry screamed as he charged at her.

“Your worst nightmare,” she darkly whispered as she knocked the switchblade out of his hand with lightning speed and kicked him hard in the abdomen. “I don’t understand people like you, whose friends and families have put up the money for your bonds.”

One of Larry’s buddies came up from behind and wrapped his arms around her neck. The woman instinctively threw him over her shoulders, his body crashing into a couple chairs.

“You don't show up for trial, and your loved ones are the ones that are getting hurt. How can you be so selfish?” she rebuked.

The woman slapped a silver revolver out of another villain’s hand and slammed him into a pool table, the spilt liquor anointing his head. “Guns… so uncivilized and barbaric,” she sighed, kicking the firearm away.

She drop kicked another one of the crooks from the stage. Then she got up and turned around just in time to knee kick Larry in the crotch, sending him back to the ground crying like a little baby.

“I don't have a lot of sympathy for you," she muttered coldly over him. 

When she turned back around, the other men were long gone. The intoxicated audience started cheering wildly as she claimed victory. She used an extension cord to tie Larry up to one of the chairs nearby.

Larry started screaming and cursing at her when he came back to his senses.  “Go to hell you damn bitch!”

The woman walked over to the curly red haired man and ripped the duct tape off his mouth.  “Owww! Bloody hell girl! You’re a lifesaver! Where did you learn to do all that?”

She laughed. “Nah. I’m just doing my job. I’m Kristy.”

Meanwhile, Larry was still screaming out curses, rocking back and forth in the chair.  “Hey Kristy!  Why don’t you learn how to die instead of sticking your ass in other peoples’ business you slut!”

Kristy sighed shaking her head slowly, and then she walked over to Larry and placed the duct tape over his mouth. “Didn’t your momma ever tell you not to use such strong language in front of a lady?” 

The multitude cheerfully clapped their hands.  Larry managed to give Kristy the finger as soon as she turned around.

“My name is Matt… Mathew Shoals. It is nice to meet you Kristy.”  The man generously shook her hand, noticing the small diamond ring on her finger.  “So who is the lucky man?” he said.

The words struck her ears like she was hit in the head by a brick, and she felt a cold chill permeating her soul. “His name was William,” her thin lips quavered.

There was an awkward moment of silence. Matt’s face fell downcast. “Oh, I’m terribly sorry miss,” he murmured and quickly turned away.

Kristy placed her hand on his shoulder. “You have nothing to be sorry about.”

Matt was a young Irish man, and very short- less than five feet tall.  He was scrawny and skinny with dark green eyes and a cleanly trimmed short red beard.  At that time he wore an old pair of blue jeans and a black DragonForce t-shirt (DragonForce was a power metal band from London).

“Do you believe in destiny?”  Matt smiled weakly.

“Not at all,” Kristy replied.

They both stared awkwardly in each other’s eyes for at least half a minute.  The way Matt looked at her made her feel uneasy.  It was like he was hypnotized or daydreaming or something… 

“Are you okay?”  Kristy inquired raising her thin reddish-brown eyebrows.

Matt blinked and shook his head.  “Umm… Yes I am fine,” he said with a trembling low voice. 

Kristy slightly twisted her head and grinned in the corner of her mouth.

Matt glanced at his watch and looked back up at her. “Well, my father is gonna kill me if I don’t get home soon,” he said in a much higher voice.  “I have a strong feeling that we shall meet again Kristy…”

“You stay out of trouble,” Kristy warned him with a warm smile.

Matt busted out in a deep low laugh and sighed as he quickly walked away.  Matt left as soon as the police came in to take Larry away.

“I never knew my father,” Kristy muttered to herself.

“Good work Kristy! Very impressive,” the commissioner commented as he handed her a check.  “We couldn’t catch these guys if it wasn’t for you.  You have been working very hard this week, you should get some rest.”  The commissioner was a tall man with a slowly receding hairline.  His white hair was brushed neatly to the side and his mustache curled outwards at the ends.

“Hunters never rest Commissioner Harold,” Kristy smiled.

He chuckled.  “Trust me- we’ll take good care of Larry.  I have a special new assignment for you tomorrow my girl.”

“Good night commissioner…”

Kristy slowly walked out into the cold chill under the midnight crescent of the moon and revved up her bike. “I love you,” she whispered, gazing at the diamond sparkling on her hand. She kissed her ring and slid on her red helmet.

Chapter 2 – The Beginning of the End

Fire devoured the once magnificent structures of the beautiful city.  The ground shook violently as bursts of ultraviolet light exploded from enemy cannons.  Soldiers of darkness battle each other over the rivers of hot rock spewing from the earth.  Strange aircraft, resembling that of white spades, screamed in the sky and transformed into fireballs that crashed into chaos below. 

The soldiers were dressed in what appeared to be platinum, which shone brilliantly in the shadows. Each of them wore gas masks and was armed with powerful high tech missile launchers and guns.  It was the battle of the century, yet it happened every day in Keronia, the land deep below the world.

“Lord Shuhan!”  A young soldier hurried toward me on what appeared to be a high-tech rocket powered skateboard that zoomed through the haze.  “Zirpen has taken the Nedyrus Ridge.  All our bases there have been wiped out.  I am so sorry to bring you this news my lord.  The battle has been lost.”

I turned to him, “We must retreat back to the Lacyde Forests for now until the time comes.  It appears that we have underestimated Zirpen’s forces.”

I got on my black motorcycle and roared to the front lines.  The burning skyscrapers loomed over me.  Even though I was wearing a mask I could sense the faint smell of sulfur which was intoxicating to me.  I drew a long golden sword, the blade shimmering like the sun, if there was such a thing.

I wondered why any of this was ever happening.  For three years civil war raged in the mystical land I called home – the world beneath the world. 

I found it hard to believe the Keronian Civil war raged for more than three years now.  It seemed like an eternity.  It has already taken the lives of millions and has transformed the once beautiful land of Keronia into a barren wasteland.  The once capital city of Atlantis was now consumed in darkness. 

“Give me lightning!” I shouted.  My men, a sea of thousands of faces, shot off bright rays toward me as I held up my sword.  The sword absorbed the energy from the plasma beams and started to glow extremely hot.  The blade changed colors from a glowing red to a bright blue and finally to ultraviolet brightness.  I swung the blade in the air towards the east and intense fire blazed outward creating a powerful force field around us.

“The fight is over!  This was a diversion all along!  Let us retreat back to the west!”  I ordered.

The troops marched behind me; the ground quaked with each step they made in unison. 

My thoughts wandered in prose:

Look! It’s all around you!

A great masquerade that never ceases

They will never reveal their true face

Always trying to hide their weaknesses.

Marionettes with invisible strings

Dreaming of finding the light

Pulled by the world’s gravitation

Few will ever wake from the night

The monsters dwell inside

Deceiving and leading us astray

As sheep without a shepherd

A civil war within each soul rages every day.

The harvest is ready; the stakes are soaring high.

We will meet our king, someday, somewhere in the sky.

But now dragon gathers his armies; the earth decays…

This is the final level; no more a game

Choose light over darkness

You alone are nothing and will fail

Put on the armor of the Lord

And march through the valley of Hell.

No magic, only miracles

The blind receive sight; the deaf hear

Broken bread, broken chains-

No longer crippled by fear.

Stand up to the nations as stone vessels.

Fight so that all may be free.

With God’s love we shall slay the dragon

To end the final fantasy…

After we all crossed the bridge leading out to the city, the electric field faded and the enemy caught up to us.  I gave the order to set off our nuclear charges that we placed beneath the infrastructure to obliterate the once elegant bridge to Atlantis.  The bridge to Atlantis, which was made of pure crystal and sparkled like a precious jewel, was in an instant gone.  I watched in abhorrence as the bridge collapsed into the sea of magma below and bright mushroom clouds of smoke arose in the sunless sky. 

“Watch for enemy aircraft!” I advised as I took one last look at the glorious capital city.  I got back on my bike and speeded down an abandoned road.  I never looked back…

Zirpen, that evil man, had to be stopped at all costs.

He lied to us all…

Chapter 3 – Shadows in the Dark

As the motorbike buzzed across the city Kristy was lost in deep thought. She sighed deeply as tears rolled down her soft cheeks. Her melancholy eyes looked up towards the stars for a moment. The stars twinkled brightly in the midnight sky and gave a sense of peace over her.

Kristy came back to her senses when she started going off the road, her tires hitting the rumble strips on the shoulder. She breathed deeply and turned down a dark street. She slowed down as she approached a small white house.

“Hey Kristy!” A young woman’s voice called out from the front porch.

“Hi Heather!” Kristy cheerfully shouted back as they wrapped their arms around each other.

Heather’s golden hair blew gracefully in the wind. Her green eyes twinkled with gladness and her face shone like the golden sun under the pale moonlight. Heather’s dark tanned skin compared to the albino Kristy was as clear as day was from night.  “You’re up late. What’s been happening?”

Kristy gently pulled away.  “I’ve been working. I just caught a fugitive messing around in Hobson’s Pub.”

“Did ya beat him up good?”

Kristy sighed, “Yeah. I did. How’s school? I bet you’re excited to be graduating in a month.”

“Definitely. Only one more month and then I’m done!”

“-and then what will you do?”

“Oh… I’ll probably hang out with you all summer and work somewhere until August. Then, I’m off to Oxford University. Yeah!”

“Oxford is a great school.  I was planning on going myself until…” Kristy sulked.

“You look very down tonight Kristy… What’s up?”

“It’s just that…” Kristy turned her head away and dried her tears with her hair.

Heather tried to relax her by messaging Kristy’s shoulders. “I’m here… It’s okay.”

“I miss William so much. I wish he were here with me,” Kristy sniffed.

“I know Kristy, I know you wish that.  What else has been troubling you Kristy?” Heather wiped Kristy’s tears with a handkerchief.

“I also never knew my father – my real father. I barely remember my mother’s face before she passed away, but I have no memory of my father. All I know is that after my mother passed away I was adopted into the Rouge family.”

“That must be really hard for you Kristy. Do you mind if I ask you how your father died?”

Kristy started weeping uncontrollably on Heather’s shoulder. “I don’t know,” she sobbed.

“Oh Kristina,” Heather whispered as Kristy embraced her tightly.

“My foster parents acted very strange when I asked about my dad.” Kristy gazed into Heather’s eyes. “They wouldn’t even talk about him, but rather just change the subject. It was like they were afraid, frightened by something about him…. or me.”

Heather shook her, “Oh stop that!” Kristy continues to cry on Heathers shoulder. Heather held Kristy’s chin up and looked her straight in the eyes. “They never said anything!?”

“I was told that he was killed in a deadly car accident twenty two years ago. When I heard them say that I just couldn’t believe them. I called them all a bunch of liars and packed my bags that night. I moved to the city and became a bounty hunter, even though my foster parents never approved on it. It’s been three years… I visit them every once in awhile, but it seems like we are so distant from each other. I feel like I can’t trust them anymore because of all the lies they have told me,” Kristy choked.

“I’m so sorry Kristy,” Heather cried.

Kristy looked up at her friend, “Don’t be, for it is not your burden to bear but mine.”

They smiled at each other and sat down on the front steps. They watched the stars twinkle in the clear night.

“Three years isn’t it, since that night we met for the first time?” Heather affirmed.


“I remember that night like it was today. I was at the museum with a group of my girlfriends, being silly, just messing around. Then the museum was robbed and I was taken as a hostage. I thought for sure I was going to die that night.

“Then, out of nowhere, you swooped down and took every one of them out. And if that wasn’t enough, you wrapped them all up in chicken wire so they couldn’t escape. It was like you were sent from heaven.”

“I did come in from the ceiling,” she smirked.

“Well, wherever you came from you saved my life.”

“Hurrah! Here comes the gothic bitch from Hell!”

They both laughed.  Kristy’s giggle was that of a young child.  In that instant it was as if she were ten years younger.

“You know what?  You should probably get some rest.”

Kristy shrugged her shoulders. “Hunters never sleep.”

“Seriously.  You look beat.”

“Okay, okay. I’m going.”  Kristy gives Heather a hug good-bye.  “Call me,” Kristy laughed and winked as she got on her bike.

“Okay. I shall keep you in my prayers.” Heather shouted over the roar of the engine.

“Oh Heather, that won’t be necessary. All the same…” Kristy’s eyes suddenly burned with anger, “I am going to have a little chat with them tomorrow.”

Chapter 4 – Reflections

My mind wandered, and before I knew it I found myself back in the forest. 

“What shall we do now my lord?” A soldier asked.

“We should stay in defensive mode for now in order to regain our strength.  We will wait until it is time to strike back,” I replied.  “As for me, I am going home.”

It is not in a place-

But where I can see her face.

It is where I belong

Right here walking along…

Home for me was a secret place deep in the forests of Keronia.  There was no house, no bed, no kitchen, no television or even radio.  It was just nature, a place to get away from all the turmoil around me.  A stream of crystal clear freshwater flowed down the rocks into a small pool.  Wild and strange flowerbeds grew all around in a rainbow of colors.  This was my home. 

I hiked down to the pool and scooped up some water with my pale rough hands and drank some.  I was relieved to finally take the gas mask off.  I stared with my bright blue eyes at my face in the reflection of the water, a tall young man clothed in brilliant armor, whose skin was pale as a ghost.  My short hair was a fiery auburn disarray- a pandemonium on top of my square head.  I also saw that my white cape had a small rip at the bottom and examined it for a minute.  I then looked up to the sky.

The warm orange glow radiating from the seas of magma was always present in this place.  Without the light from the earth’s core this land would be eternally dark since there was no sun in Keronia. 

“I feel alone,” I spoke to the man in the water.  “There has to be more to life than just fighting and war.  There is no glory in any of this.  I feel so empty.”

I picked a stunning pink wildflower and started staring at it.  I was amazed by the complexity I held in my palm.  “Nothing is so simple anymore.  It seems that everything around me is falling apart.”  One by one I plucked off the petals as I meditated.

“God, what is the importance of my survival?  Am I like a flower that is quickly fading away into nothing?”  When the flower was reduced down to only the stem I clenched it in my fist as I stood back up, crushing it. 

“I should already be dead!”  I extracted my sword from the golden scabbard and sliced a nearby stone boulder in rage as it were made of butter.  At that moment I fell to my knees and began to weep.  “I feel so alone…”

Then a hand rubbed my shoulder, “I am here,” a small voice said.  “You are not alone.”

“Elaine!?”  I turned around to see her familiar beautiful face.  We embraced each other and I kissed her forehead.  Her long wavy light brown hair brushed softly against my neck.  “Oh Elaine… I missed you so much.” 

“So do I, my love… so do I…”  She was wearing a bright purple cloak with a dove button and white boots.  Elaine’s small figure pressed up against me.  “I have some wonderful news Alex.  Come…”

She led me along the bank of the stream.  “Alex, I believe that it is time to leave this place.  Zirpen wants your head and why? – because of me!?  I can’t bear to lose you Alex.”

“Elaine…” I gently held her chin up.  “I will always be there for you.  I’m never going to leave you.”

We embraced each other tightly.

Elaine whispered in my ear, “Let us run away- far away so that we don’t have to live every single day in fear.” 

“This is my home.  I will not leave and let my people suffer.  I must stop Zirpen, even if it means my life.”

“Please Alex.  I don’t deserve this.  Our child does not deserve this.”  She then stared at me with those captivating green eyes for a long time, holding my hand until she finally spoke, “Alex… I am pregnant.”

Chapter 5 – A Strange Visitor

The red motorcycle screeched to a stop. Kristy parked her bike by a dim and lifeless brick building. “Home sweet home,” she joyfully sighed.

As she was beginning to walk inside her apartment, Kristy saw something move in the corner of her eye. Someone… or some thing, was crouching in the dark alley across the street. It was too dark to make out.

“Who’s there?” Kristy shouted at the obscure figure.

It quickly slipped away further into the darkness. A metal trash can was knocked over, the deafening clang echoed through the night.

“Show yourself!” She ran after it, her heart started pounding faster and faster. She felt a cool rush of air flowing through her braids as she dashed into the darkness. “Come back here you coward!”

She sprinted through the dark alley to the other side and stopped under the street light. She lost it. Whatever it was, it was gone now.

“Maybe I’m just going crazy.” Kristy leaned against the light pole trying to catch her breath.

She turned back and walked toward her apartment.

Then she heard a low and soft voice that raised her hair. “Ms. Kristina Shuhan? Is that really you?”

Kristy froze. “How… how do you… know my name? Do I know you?”

Nobody knew Kristy’s real name except those really close to her, but she has never seen this man before.

The man was sitting by the staircase.  He was waiting for her.  He stepped out into the street and confronted her.

The man was wearing black armor from foot to toe.  His long red cape blew in the slight breeze of the night.  He had long black hair and a headband of pure gold.  He also had what looked to be a cross-bow slung over his back.

“Whoa!  Are you an actor for the Renaissance Festival or something?  What’s with the outfit?”

He just smiled and held up a small sealed scroll in his hand.

“Hello Kristina.  I was told to give this letter to you whenever we met.”  He handed over the scroll.

Kristy studied the scroll, “Is this some type of joke?”

“If it was I wouldn’t be standing out here prepared for battle at a moment’s second.”

“Okay well thank you Mr. Creepy Delivery Man for the nice artifact.  I heard that the circus is in town and I bet that they’re hiring.  I bid you a farewell and good night.” 

“You are a very sassy girl, just like your mother,” he laughed.

Kristina was speechless.  All that she could do was just stare at the man with her mouth gaping wide.

He sighed heavily. “May I come in?”

“Sure I guess.  It is a little messy.  Why were you running?”

“Running?  I wasn’t running.”  He looked surprised by Kristy’s question.

Kristy usually didn’t trust strangers, but there was just something about him that made her feel comfortable.  “Whatever alien man or whatever you call yourself,” she said with a weak smile.  “Follow me.”

Kristy invited her mysterious guest into her dark apartment.

A black Scottish terrier barked as soon as the door was opened and ran into Kristy’s arm.

“Hey Georgy!  Did you behave while I was gone?”  Kristy said as she rubbed his belly.  “You’re a good dog Georgy.  I love you.” Kristy giggled as the dog licked her face.

The dog growled as the man approached.  He had a curious look on his face towards the dog. 

“It’s okay George!  He won’t harm you.  You must be hungry.  I’ll go get you some food.”  Kristy went into the kitchen, the dishes stacked high and an open bag of potato chips on the counter, and a few moments later came back with a green bowl with “George” engraved on the side.  George immediately started to chow down when Kristy placed the bowl in front of him on the hardwood floor.

“It is a little messy…” the man stated.

Dirty clothes were scattered on the floor as well as a dozen empty Red Bull energy drink cans.  In the corner against the wall was an open cabinet full of different kinds of knives and swords, plus a long and heavy chain whip. 

Kristy went back into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.  Her fridge was full of nothing but Red Bull energy drinks.  She grabbed a can and it hissed like a snake when she popped it open.

“Do you know that stuff isn’t good for you?  It is highly caffeinated and full of sugar,” the man rebuked her.

“Yeah I know, but it tastes so good.  Wanna try one?”  Kristy handed him one.

He shuddered when he smelt the acidity fruity beverage.  “No thank you.”

The man peered out the window for some time and then turned to Kristy.

“My name is Akron Vojnik.” 

They shook each other’s hands.

“It is nice to meet you Akron.  Do you mind if I just call you AV?”

He thought for a moment twisting his face.  “Not at all,” he said plainly with a smile.

“Okay.  So who are you Akron?”

Chapter 6 – Destiny

“Do you remember when we first met?” Elaine asked me while we were walking through some manmade caverns in the Lacyde Forest.

“Of course I do, like it was only yesterday.”  I twirled her in my arms.  “I joined the Keronian Calvary when I was only 18 years old.  One day when I was guarding the palace I met you.  Whenever you smiled at me I felt like my heart stopped for a second or two.”

Elaine laughed, “Yeah.  I was always messing with you.  I had a lot of fun tormenting you.  I would always call you caddy boy.  Yet, everything I asked you to do you did it without once complaining.  All you ever said to me was-”

“For you it is an honor,” I finished.

Elaine smiled at me, “One day it finally dawned on me, that whenever you said that to me you were really saying that you loved me.  You were so kind, yet always so bold Alex.  There was just something about you Alex- something so rare to find in a person.  You had love- true love, and was not afraid to express it,” Elaine intertwined her hands with mine.  “Do you remember when we danced at the palace?”

“Of course.  The palace ball came up and I remember that I was on duty that day, and you grabbed my hand, and we danced right there at the entrance of the palace.”

“Will you dance with me?”

“For you it is an honor.”  I bowed and took my wife’s hand.

And so we danced, and I was brought back in time to that moment almost seven years ago; the bright silver pillars and the fountain in the center, flowing down from the rocks that sparkled like diamonds, and teeming with all sorts of strange fish.  From the balcony I could see the whole city of Atlantis, the way it used to be- absolutely beautiful. 

Standing next to me grows a brocade of roses

Reflecting off the facade of the black water.

Searching for the one but cannot obtain

Finding myself alone in the garden at night.

Hear a song of adoration

Resonating along the beaten path…

“Dance with me under the blood-red moon,

Sing while the thunder strums out the melody,

Hold me in your hand- never let me go.

Walk in the garden together as lightning flares.

Laugh as the stars frown at us from heaven,

Share your dreams by the fountain which drowns the earth,

Forgive me when my thorns prick your fingers

Cry on my flushed skin, beautiful child.

Run wherever the wind blows me away to.

Love me and call me your rose tonight…”

My friend who has been here the whole time,

Most beautiful princess of light.

I will dance with you,

Sing for you,

Hold you,

Walk beside you,

Laugh with you,

Share with you,

Forgive you,

Cry with you,

Run for you,

Love you forever.

You are my rose of the night...

“Lord Shuhan!”  A group of soldiers awaited me.  “We are sorry to disturb you but it is urgent sir!”

I turned to Elaine.  She smiled and nodded.  “Go get ‘em soldier.”

Before I got a chance to ask what was going on, I saw a bizarre but familiar woman walk towards me.

I instantly pulled out my sword and got down in a fighter’s stance.  “Why are you here Delmar?”  I asked harshly.

Delmar was a middle aged woman, tall and powerful, clothed in a pure white dress with quartz diamonds woven within, making her sparkle as she moved gracefully forward to me.  She was deathly pale, as though she was just raised from the depths of Hell.  Her hair was pulled back in a bizarre shaped bun, a long mangle that frizzed straight out at the ends like black snakes with their mouths open wide, ready to strike and devour their prey at any moment.

“Put your sword down.  I am not here to fight, but to warn you Alexander,” she serenely explained.

“Why would you do that?”

Delmar looked away and sighed, “I thought that I was on the right side.  I was so convinced that Emperor Zirpen was doing what was best for the people.  Then, I learned the horrible truth.”  She started to weep.  “The end of the line for me was when Zirpen issued a decree saying ‘Anyone who even tastes food before I have destroyed the rebellion will surely taste death!’” She imitated Zirpen’s voice in a low masculine tone and rolled her eyes.  “Well, I gave out food to my soldiers anyway. I was justified by my men before his highness and I took the opportunity to rebuke him for being so corrupt and cruel.  That’s when I left.  Now he already realized that I betrayed him and wants my head served on a platter.”

I lowered my weapon.  “He murdered King Vojnik and overthrew the government with great brutality.”

Delmar shook her head, “And his vengeance is not over yet.  He plans to hunt down and kill all of the royal family, except Elaine of course.  He desires her to be his queen.”

“He’ll have to kill me first,” I declared.

“Oh yes, believe me.  He wants you to suffer more than Jesus Christ did on the cross.”

“He murdered not only Elaine’s father, but millions of other innocent people.  He must be stopped, and I am not afraid of his tyrannical power.”

“He has grown very powerful in the dark sorcery of the Murakai.  You’ll need more than bravery to defeat him.  ”

“So what did you come to warn me about?” I asked her.

“Zirpen has been growing an army that does not sleep, and only require blood to survive.  They suck the life out of their victims and absorb their energy, and by doing so they become abnormally strong.”

“A vampire army?”

“Aye.  Bloodsucking beasts…  Zirpen is breeding them at the Nedyrus Ridge.  He has about a thousand already, but that is not all…”

“What else is it?”

“Zirpen’s army is always concentrated as two gigantic groups of about five hundred thousand troops and a third smaller group of a hundred thousand to create a diversion.  He will first use the classic blitzkrieg, attacking with his air ships.  His next tactic is very simply a sandwich.  He concentrates on one fortress at a time attacking on both sides.  Thus the stronghold is surrounded and does not stand a chance,” Delmar illustrated.

“Do you know where he will attack next?”

“Yes.  His next target is this very forest.  His spies say that they have spotted you retreating here.  He is on his way as we speak.  You have less than forty-eight hours.”

I was alarmed at what she said, “What do you suggest that I do?”

“First, be prepared.  He hopes to surprise you, which is the main objective of blitzkrieg.  You must make the first move.  To counter the blitzkrieg, arm all of your cannons and fighter jets immediately. “

“Well that’s a no brainer,” I motioned a commander to carry it out.  “But I have only twenty thousand men.  How am I going to defend this place against an army of a million?”

“Your sword is a very mythical sword Alexander.  It is a one of a kind weapon that can absorb and deflect energy.  You haven’t yet used it to its fullest potential.”

“This used to be King Vojnik’s sword.  He granted it to me before he passed away.”

“Only one of royal blood can use it to its fullest potential, of which you are not.  Yet, there is something about you that is an exception.  It is as if you were meant to wield it during these dark times.  Do not forget that all of us are underground.  Use that to your advantage.”

I thought about this for a moment.  “Ah!  So instead of striking directly, strike them indirectly- from above with earth and below with fire.”

“Precisely!  You are an intelligent man Alexander.  I shall see you on the front lines.  Zirpen won’t know what he’s in for…” She waved goodbye and was engulfed into the maze of petrified trees and the sea of soldiers preparing for the coming Armageddon.

Elaine grasped my shoulder, “I don’t want you to go.  I feel like I’ll never see you again.”

I drew in close to her, “Of course you will.”

We hugged for the longest time and Elaine started to cry.

“But what if something happens to you?” she sobbed.

“Listen,” I held her hand, “I will always come for you.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because I love you Elaine.”

We let go and I revved up my bike.  “Wait for me,” I said to her.  Then I was off to work…

Chapter 7 – Bedtime Stories

“I am a man who has been to many strange places, and has experienced many conflicts in his years,” Akron stated.  He kept looking out the window as if he was hearing something outside.

Kristy impulsively looked out the window as well, but only saw black.  “What is it?”

Akron turned to her, “Oh perhaps just a squirrel.”

“Yeah probably.  So, where are you from Akron?”

“I am from Keronia.”

Kristy was dumbfounded by his response.  “Where?”

“Very few people are familiar with Keronia.  Yet is a fairly large place.”

“Could you show me where it is at on a map?”

“No.  Most of the world doesn’t recognize us as a nation.” 

“Could you at least give me an idea?  Unless you are from another planet or something.”

He laughed lightly.  “No I am not an alien.  Our land is what you would consider Antarctica - a vast wasteland of ice.”


“Yes.  A very long time ago the continent that you now regard as Antarctica was once a much warmer climate.  However, something really big happened – a polar shift perhaps – and Keronia iced over.  Therefore we have been forced to live underground for thousands of years.  So as the cities of Keronia grew deep beneath a vast and harsh desert, many problems arose to us Keronians who lived in seclusion to the rest of the world, especially the scarcity of food.  Without the blessings of the sun, us Keronians had to create our own sources of light.  The geothermal heat deep underground serves as our main source of energy today.”

“How did you get here then?”

“I flew in an advanced fighter jet that could withstand extreme temperatures.  I’ll show you her soon.  She’s a beauty.”

Kristy looked at the man curiously, “How old are you?”

“I am almost 38 years old… will be in June.”


Akron grinned, “You don’t believe me do you?”

“It is very hard to believe.  I’ll have to see it for myself.  I guess that makes me a skeptic.”

“I can take you there.  There’s no problem about that.  But Keronia is a dangerous place right now, with the rebellion and all.”

Kristy soon started jumping up and down.  “Oh no.  Red Bull is kicking in.”

Akron was obviously disturbed by Kristy’s unusual and spontaneous behavior.  His face was twisted with one eyebrow raised.  “Umm… exactly how old are you Kristy?”

“I have lived for twenty three wonderful years,” she sang as she danced around.

“Gosh, I hate to see you drunk,” Akron muttered under his breath.

Kristy heard him.  She laughed that endearing schoolgirl snigger of hers and sat back on the couch.  “I have never drank, and I don’t intend to.”

Akron looked back towards the window.  “Good for you.  It is a nasty habit.”

Kristy stood back up.  “I’m curious.  How did you know exactly where I lived?”

“Oh that was easy!” Akron chuckled.  “It’s an amazing tool on the internet called Facebook.  All I had to do was type in your name and there you were.”

They both laughed.

“So, how did you meet my mother?”

Akron smiled, “I have known your mother for a very long time. In fact, I have known her all my life.  Her name is Elaine.  She always wondered what kind of girl you would grow up to be, and the fact that she had to let you go was truly heartbreaking for her.” 

“Is she still alive?”

He shook his head.  “To be honest, I do not know.  The last time I saw her she gave me this letter, and told me to deliver it to you Kristy, her only child.”

Kristy sat down on the couch again after moving the clothes off.

Kristy broke the seal on the scroll and it read:

Dear Kristina,

It has been over twenty years since I last saw you.  You were still only an infant when I had to let you go.  I am very sorry for abandoning you, but it was because I loved you.  I wanted you to have a better life than here.  I knew that there was a much greater chance of you surviving in Europe rather than in Keronia.  Kristy, I want you to know, that I love you and hope to see you someday, either in this world or up above with the Lord.  For twenty years I have felt empty without you and your father.  I pray to God every day, that one day you will come back and restore the kingdom of Keronia.  You, my beloved daughter, are a princess.  Never let anyone else tell you something different.  Your grandfather was the King of all Keronia.  You are part of the royal family – the rightful heir to the throne.  My child, you are precious, and I believe that it is you who will bring peace to Keronia once again. 

With deepest love,


P.S.  Akron, the creepy guy who delivered this to you, is in fact your uncle.  He will protect you from the Empire.

Kristy cried hard that night, and her Uncle Akron held her in his arms as if she were his own daughter…

For the first time in four years she felt loved…
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