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Rated: E · Other · Emotional · #1612342
Love, Lose, Forgiveness
Washing ashore, the water erases times weakening weight. Her hands shaking off endless aging. His soul eroding like the cliffs of Ireland. These two mortals shall share an equal fate. Walking a straight line stitched in the fabric of this cruel world, endless suffering. For tonight the pain shall end. No more tears of yesterdays and fears of tomorrow. Blanketed by the blackened sky, no one will see. Silenced by the screaming of the waves, no will know. WAIT!!! Who is that in the distance? A friend to save this soul bound to hell?
An angel has been sent. This is a sight. Intentions cast aside for curiosity. Emma and James. To gather this new emotion in words is a test of humanity. “Did you see?”, his heart empty but filling. “Do you mean those words you say?”, her empty words now full of meaning. “I was here to end this pain. To stop that which makes sunrise seem like an eternal hell. Forever ready to be damned.” James’ eyes looked out across the sea. “I too am ending this fate. My house was that of cards. Weakened by the lies of a love.”, Emma spoke with a crack in her voice and a stain on her heart. They turned in and their eyes met. “James, I can see your scars and they are deep. Your heart barricaded from the torments of this world.” His eyes seeing hers, opened his mouth. “And I, Emma, can see a heart lost in question. Wanting the warmth of that which was once true.”
Time all but froze and their stories flowed like the wind blows. Each other hearing the tale of broken hearts and trust lost. Knowing that the feeling of emptiness was fading. What could this be? Love? Not here! This was to be the end. James couldn’t stop the voices from filling his mind with hate and anger. Now there was silence. Hers was the only voice heard this night. Emma spoke of angels and demons. As each word flowed Emma removed another brick. “Emma may I speak freely?”, James’ mind was now running away from this shore. “My dear James, speak of truth and it will always be free.” She was taken with his innocents.
As he turned all his words were gone. To speak truth would require no words. James emptied his poison onto the sand and took hold of Emma. The moons light was now shining ever so bright. The once loud and angry waves had calmed. And with this he found his words and spoke, “Our fate has lead us here. To this shore on this night. Wanting to end all of the laughter and pain. As I see you now, with the moon gently touching your face and your smile lighting the darkened heart that I bare naked to you. My dearest Emma, I apologize for my defeats as a man. For my lost ways as a husband. For cheating you of the partner I was. Let our hearts light our way home. Take this man, soiled and broken. Renew faith in ourselves and begin a new dawn.” With the moon seeming to glow, Emma found no words. Lost was her anger. Healed was all the pain. For his words rang truth. This was the man she longed for. This was the end of heartache.
I pose to you this thought, I be James and you be Emma.
© Copyright 2009 Jakyl80 (jakyl80 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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