Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1612183-Part-One
by Ms Ivy
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1612183
The beginnings to a story that has been slowly developing
There is a pleasure in the pathless woods;
There is a rapture on the lonely shore;
There is society, where none intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music in its roar:
I love not man less, nut Nature more…
- Lord Byron

Chapter 1
As the world was losing all sense of order and spiralling out of control Noelani was sitting by a river bank under a young willow tree watching Tulia, her soul-bound creeäle, idly put her paw into the slow drifting waters. If she was caught, there would be hell to pay but who could sit inside a classroom on a sun drenched day like today? It was one of those last great pre-autumn days, and listening to a stuffy old teacher ramble on about the history of the world was the last thing she wanted to do. Relaxing against a willow’s wide trunk, dark locks frame a heart shaped face and pale pink eyes are hidden behind closed eyelids. Exhaling deeply Noelani sends her body into a state of relaxation. ‘So,’ Tulia starts ‘are we going to lie here all day? You know mother will find out and we’ll both be punished,’ she continues, turning her head lazily to look at the drowsy figure lying in front of her. ‘You should be happy we’re not in a stuffy classroom listening to yet another lecture about how the divide forever changed the world,’ Noelani snaps back, opening one eye and arching an eyebrow accusingly at her creeäle. “And even if we do get caught, I didn’t hear you complain on the way over here. So shut up, relax and thank me for getting us an afternoon to ourselves.’ Feeling pleased with herself Noelani returns to her daydreaming, knowing that Tulia is chastised. ‘I just have to say one thing though, with things the way they are lets hope mother isn’t to harsh with her punishment. Because let’s face it we will be punished for this,’ Tulia says putting a damper on the mood and ending the conversation.

A cold breeze gently makes its way down the calm waters, and tenderly caresses the resting bodies by the young willow tree. It lightly makes its way through the small forest and dances across fields of tall sunflowers. However before the cold breeze can playfully stroke the hairs of the students at Cratvah school, a window is harshly snapped shut. ‘Bring your minds back to earth girls. Summer is now over and clinging to the last days of it will only make it harder. We must be diligent. A storm is brewing.’

Walking regally back to the front of her history class Naida lightly taps her fingers on her oak desk and looks coolly at her students. Unconsciously her idle hand finds its way to Kai who is perched on her desk. Piercing green eyes, the colour of emeralds, steadily glance across the classroom until a hush falls and all eyes are on her. ‘It may seem a waste to, yet again, learn about world history’ Naida starts, ‘however, now more than ever it is growing increasingly important that girls leaving higher education understand what has come before and what must be done if the divide ever ends.’ Anxious faces look back at Naida as an even deeper hush falls over the classroom. Where is that child? Naida thinks ruefully. If anyone needs to learn about this it is Noelani. I must to talk to her mother. The silence stretches on as Naida’s emerald eyes linger on the horizon and as if realising where she is, Naida’s attention quickly returns to her classroom.

The lights are dimmed. A large luminous orb appears in front of Naida’s desk and a droning monotonous voice fills the classroom. Images flicker within the orb at the speed of a blinking eye. Everyone’s attention, including their creeäle, is on the orb.


Fighting against the cold wind, a little white breasted blue bird lands clumsily onto a branch of the young willow tree where Noelani is resting. Rustling its feathers the tiny bird settles itself even more onto the branch suddenly taking notice of the young woman underneath the cascade of branches. Elegantly stretching her paws Tulia arises from a sun induced slumber, and notices that the day is slowly coming to an end. Staring at Noelani her ice blue eyes come alight as if a hot white flame burns bright within them. We have lingered for too long child. Sleep has stolen most of our day. Stirring slightly Noelani swiftly turns to her side and starts to drift back to sleep. Child! We must be on our way before the sun starts to set. Refusing to acknowledge her creeäle Noelani closes her eyes even tighter. I’m too comfortable and the sun is still warm, Noelani complains. ‘No, we are to leave now.’ Tulia says taking to speech. ‘I do not want to delay mother’s punishment any further. You know that by now more than just Mistress Naida knows we are missing.’ Knowing the truth in her creeäle’s words, she reluctantly rises and rubs the sleep from her eyes. Picking up her leather satchel Noelani starts on the long walk home readying herself for the telling off she is about to endure.

Taking flight Tulia sweeps elegantly past the little bird perched on the willow’s branch watching them. Quickly adjusting itself, the blue bird refocuses on its subject watching her carefully gather her belongings and start her journey home. Tu, please don’t fly all the way home. I would really love some company way down here beneath the canopy of trees. A rustling of leaves and a sudden wind blowing her cascade of dark locks awry is the only warning of Tulia’s descent. Very lightly Tulia lands beside her companion. Staying out of sight of the very perceptive creeäle, the little white breasted blue bird takes flight in pursuit of its subject.

‘Does she know you are watching?’ a hushed voice asks. ‘No, and she cannot know. Too much is dependent on her and the human child,’ a second voice answers melodically. ‘But, perhaps if she knew,’ the hushed voice continues ‘she would take more care. Or at least her creeäle would.’ Eyes with colour difficult to determine look sharply at the figure staring worriedly into a shallow pool of water. ‘You of all people know the importance of caution and the lengths Elior has gone to undermine our work. I will not let our plans crumble now. Too much is at stake. Too much, Naida.’ Tearing herself away from the shimmering pool Naida composes herself putting on, once again, her cool emotionless exterior. ‘I was letting my feelings for the child get the better of me,’ she says her voice as cool as a winter’s morning. ‘It will not happen again.’ Averting her eyes from the looming figure in front of her, Naida returns her eyes to what is in front of her, two shimmering pools of water where two very distinct figures can be seen. The plan is in motion, she thinks apprehensively. Nothing can stop it now.
© Copyright 2009 Ms Ivy (readingbee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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