Poetic Challenges met by Stacy Lynn |
CONSTANZA The Constanza was created by Connie Marcum Wong and consists of five, 3 line stanzas with an 8 syllable count. The first lines of all the stanzas can be read successively as an independent poem, with the rest of the poem weaved in to express deeper meaning. The first lines convey a theme written in monorhyme while the second and third lines rhyme with each other. Rhyme scheme is as follows: a/b/b, a/c/c, a/d/d, a/e/e, a/f/f. Source: http://poefusion.blogspot.com/2008/10/constanza.html
FREE FORM In Free Form, or Free Verse, the word "free" means a poem is free of metrical restriction. The flow of natural speech is the most effective tool in the Free Verse. Its use conveys the illusion of spontaneity, and is frequently used to express the unique feeling of personal poems. Source: http://pages.prodigy.net/sol.magazine/pl01form.htm#pleiades
PLEIADES This titled form was invented in 1999 by Craig Tigerman, Sol Magazine's Lead Editor. Only one word is allowed in the title, followed by a single seven-line stanza. The first word in each line begins with the same letter as the title. Source: http://pages.prodigy.net/sol.magazine/pl01form.htm#pleiades
BLITZ The Blitz Poem, a poetry form created by Robert Keim. This form of poetry is a stream of short phrases and images with repetition and rapid flow. Begin with one short phrase, it can be a cliché. Begin the next line with another phrase that begins with the same first word as line 1. The first 48 lines should be short, but at least two words. The third and fourth lines are phrases that begin with the last word of the 2nd phrase, the 5th and 6th lines begin with the last word of the 4th line, and so on, continuing, with each subsequent pair beginning with the last word of the line above them, which establishes a pattern of repetition. Continue for 48 total lines with this pattern, And then the last two lines repeat the last word of line 48, then the last word of line 47. The title must be only three words, with some sort of preposition or conjunction joining the first word from the third line to the first word from the 47th line, in that order. There should be no punctuation. When reading a BLITZ, it is read very quickly, pausing only to breathe. Source: http://www.shadowpoetry.com/resources/wip/blitzpoem.html
DIAMONTE Diamonte poems: diamond-shaped poems of seven lines that are written using parts of speech. The Diamonte is a form similar to the Cinquain. Line 1: Noun or subject Line 2: Two Adjectives Line 3: Three 'ing' words Line 4: Four words about the subject Line 5: Three 'ing words Line 6: Two adjectives Line 7: Synonym for the subject
LIMERICK A limerick is a five line poem. The first, second, and fifth lines rhyme and so do the third and fourth. The first, third, and fifth have the same verbal rhythm (meter) and length, and so do the second and fourth.
ALPHA TORQUEO uses every letter of the alphabet with the first 24 kinda alternating, i.e., Line 1 begins with: A Line 2 begins with: C Line 3 begins with: B Line 4 begins with: D Line 5 begins with: F Line 6 begins with: E and so forth with the last two letters in reverse order. Each line has a 5 syllable count except the last two, which combined, total five.
LOOP POETRY Loop Poetry is a poetry form created by Hellon. There are no restrictions on the number of stanzas nor on the syllable count for each line. In each stanza, the last word of the first line becomes the first word of line two, last word of line 2 becomes the first word of line 3, last word of line 3 becomes the first word of line 4. This is followed for each stanza. The rhyme scheme is abcb. Variations: 1. Stanzas, writers choice on the number, no rhyming, the last word, first word scheme is maintained. 2. One long stanza, no limit on number of lines, no rhyming scheme, the last word, first word scheme is maintained. 3. Couplets mixed with 4 line stanzas, the last word, first word scheme is maintained in the stanzas. It can also be used in the couplets. Rhyme scheme is ab, cc, defg, hh, ii, jklm, nn, oo.