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Rated: 13+ · Novella · Action/Adventure · #1610341
Our hero makes a drastic decision in the heat of battle and wages war against his foes
I have been away from my sister and most of my friends for two years. The year is A.D. 2540. These two years were the hardest of my life. The Dragon wars have progressed into a war between dragons, basilisks and humans. The only humans are those that I put on other planets and my army on Earth. I have had no refuge from the Dragon Emperor.

A girl named Sissy stole some technology from Jeremie and tried to kill me and my sis and wife. I stunned her before she could fire. I wasn’t worried that the gun could actually kill me and Aelita and Katarina at the same time. That is, until, Jeremie said that it was a Mega Electronic Disrupter Device. It would have blown half the Human Citadel up and shut down all power in the rest of the citadel. Jeremie said it was used for long range attacks only because of the explosive effects.

I have reawaken Sissy for questioning. I was not very happy. I presented her to the Leaders of Judging. They are Jeremie, Aelita, Laura, Travis and Oddball. They were agreeing on throwing her in prison for a month when I interrupted them. I said, “No! That’s too drastic of a measure. We should just throw her in jail for a couple of days because she has repented and apologized. She didn’t kill me!” I said this to see if she could make another prisoner crack and either tell if he committed a crime or he was framed. I put her in the jail cell next to his and he said he was framed for stealing one of the hugest jewels in the galaxy, the Cyclops’s Eye. I freed him and we have now caught the criminal, a very dangerous thief named Horus Haunter. I have also freed Sissy because she is better put in my army to serve as a member of the Special Ops nicknamed Thunder Strikers. They specialize in long range and explosive weapons.

I have walked around in a daze for quite some time. I know the quickest way to end the war is to enter the Dragon Emperor’s courts and to strike him down. However, I fear if I try this my family would be struck down and my friends tortured. I am a Dragon Morpher controlling ten Dragon Leaders controlling ten Dragon Travelers each. My sister and Yakumo both have the same leadership as I do. In total my Dragon Controllers equal 333. These are in leadership of my Army. One of them is my brother, Tommy the Terror, riding Rubius the dragon. Xano gave me info on the Emperor’s plans so my Dragon Controllers can help me.

I have journeyed to Proxima Centauri V to visit with a friend and to gain a bigger army. I have met Ash and his friends again. I am thinking that I should add them as part of the army. We ate together and I decided to spy on the Dark Capital. My sister and I were captured and we found that Danny and his ghost-hunting friends were also captured while spying on the Dark Capital. Aelita has been taken to Plasmius’ throne room. She will probably be back with some technology and bruises. I was not proven wrong. She brought back a device that captures Holographic Pokémon and turns them into flesh and blood. I have now been taken for my beating. I have been in this cell for two days, ‘bout time something happens to me. I came back with a plan to get out of this cell. I activated the Holo-Pokémon Mewtwo and destroyed the cell and rescued everybody that was caught for spying on Plasmius.

I have been praised for rescuing several members of the Secret Operation Society. My spy Naruto and his friends have warned me of a bloodthirsty ninja named Gaara. I have seen Gaara and he is evil to the core. He is even more twisted than Orceles. I have teleported him to the Dragon Emperor’s palace to save the people that were with me. I am ready to travel to the Star Wars Galaxy. The only problem is that the ships have not been flown in two years. Aelita is about ready to strangle the pilots who said it was okay to fly in them, but as I keep reminding her we need those pilots to run the ships.

I have been working in the sheriff’s office to purchase several items including gas for the ships, food for 350 soldiers, and pentalithium dioxide crystals for shielding and additional power for the ships. I saw a man on the monitor destroying all of the criminals that by law I could not bring in. The man entered the office and locked himself up saying, “I killed four innocent people.” I said, “You have stay there for four hours because you killed them in self-defense.” He agreed and stayed there for the duration of the penalty. Proxima Law says, “If a person kills an innocent person in self-defense, the killer will stay in the prison for one hour.” An hour on Proxima V is like four hours on earth. We have cleared the atmosphere and we are moving toward the Star Wars Galaxies. I am pilot of my ship with Katarina being co-pilot. Aelita is my Technician with Jeremie accompanying her. Ash and his friends are ready for battle, but right now they are bored with nothing to do. I took some medicine to go to bed for a while.

We have arrived at a planet that has no name and was thought destroyed. We made friends of several of the inhabitants, including a man named Blade-edge and the man that got arrested on Proxima V. This man’s name was Sharpshooter. We arrived just in time to pull five hundred people off the planet before its atmosphere and core was shut down. We have traveled on to Coruscate and contacted the Republic. They want us to meet them in the Planet council chambers. I arrived and presented my question to the Chancellor Osler.

I have asked the Senate to bring an army to protect Earth and the other Solar Systems. They have decided to take a vote on it. I put my ballot in and I went to grab a drink. On my way back to the Senate I bumped into the Senators from the Jedi Order. They told me to be ready to fight the evil wherever it may spread. I said, “Thank you.” and continued on my way. The vote came out with startling expectations. I was approved with 2,990 votes as opposed to the Dragon Emperor’s delegates with 10 votes. The armies have started to arrive and I can’t wait to attack the Dragon Emperor.

I have been afflicted with a sickness that helps get rid of my hate for other people. I went insane for a week. Aelita and Katarina stayed by my room to make sure I was safe from myself. I then planned my fight against the Dragon Emperor. A week passed in which my children created a Country Song and Soft Drink Bar. I have played a lot of songs at the bar and so has Katarina.

Aelita fell to the same illness that I was afflicted with. During that week Argo Feat II came trying to claim the bounty on Aelita’s head. I told him I would pay more for the people that created the bounty than they would pay him. He agreed and brought them to me. I teleported the prisoners into outer space after I asked them why they wanted Aelita. I then paid Argo his big fee. I then worked a contract saying that I would pay him double or more for the former contracts.

When Aelita got well, I was really hesitant to tell her that Argo was under my pay fee. She found out anyway and she yelled at me for a while. Tommy has just come in and told me that the Jedi Knights are ready to go into battle. Prof. X told me all mutants and superheroes are ready to fight. The Army of the Galactic Alliance has trained its troops for the war. The Outer Edge Systems have joined in the Alliance, and they have proven themselves worthy of fighting alongside my army. My army is made up of refugees from Earth and clones of me and my sister.

We have turned towards Beta Centauri III. (I will crush those who oppose me!) I am ready for an assault on that planet. Tommy has developed a dark attitude with this war as so many of my friends have. I have developed a sense that this might be the last battle that we partake in. This can be good or bad. Yakumo is preparing our children for the battle. Xano has turned tail and ran away to the Evil Alliance of the Dragon Empire. I will kill him even if it takes 300 years and my last breathe from me. I have taken word that the dragons have destroyed the basilisks and are gathering towards the Centauri Cluster.

I have landed my forces on the planet and I’m making my way toward the Dragon Emperor’s base. I am going to love the fight between me and whoever is the Dragon Emperor. Tommy has left the camp because he “can’t cope with the pressure of the oncoming battle.” I fear I have lost a valuable friend. Aelita said, “You have not lost him as a friend, but you have lost his battle expertise. I think you can win this fight without him, but it’s going to be hard.” I said, “You are right, of course, I have just been dealt a deuce instead of an ace.”

The enemy has captured our spy squadron which I meant to happen. The only problem is that they didn’t show us to the Dragon Emperor before they threw us into the dungeon. The only option is to tell the Guards to come over to our cell so we can ‘borrow’ their keys. I tried it and they didn’t fall for it. “Of course it didn’t work,” Aelita said, “You type everything in your E-journal before you do it.” Dracula has just come into the cell corridor and berated the guards for even talking to us. Dracula then decided to take us to the Dragon Emperor’s room.

Dracula has angered me enough for me to activate one of my fighting forms and we started fighting. We are fighting so hard that the floor is cracking just from our steps. Dracula has just disarmed my sword and is about to strike the final blow, yeah right. I summoned my sword and jammed it straight up into Dracula’s chest. This blow made him turn into hot ash, so now I’m covered in the equivalent of three days of barbeque. I really hate looking like a mess after killing a strong boss. I mean, I defeated a Mega-Certhon for Hon Osler and got covered with slime, (gross). I defeat a dragon and he blows up covering me with lava, OW!!! (By the way, I don’t die without Aelita and Katarina dying at the same time.)

Xano is coming, so we better get ready to fight. Blast! He ran away, that coward! We are making our way to the top level where the Emperor is residing. When we get there the Army will be notified and they will flood in wiping out the lower levels of the base, which is 50 floors high. They will only go to the 25th floor. Everyone else belongs to my list of Commandos, except for Xana and the Dragon Emperor. They are mine! My sister and I have obliterated a bunch of guards that were in our way. We have just entered the first pair of double doors which mark the Dragon Emperor’s residence.

Before I blew through the second pair of doors I heard a terrible screeching noise which reminds me of Tommy’s dragon. I went to look for the screeching sound and I found out that the Dragon controllers had entered the battle with Tommy leading them. I smiled, and I blew through the doors that separate me from the Emperor. I killed Xana with a thrust of my sword after saying, “You were always evil and you shall die not knowing anything about true friends. You had a choice and you chose the Dark side.”

I was about to kill the Dragon Emperor when Tommy blows through the door and slays two guards I had avoided. The Emperor ignites his lightsaber and swings it through Tommy’s arm. Tommy, in a fit of rage, swings his purple saber into Draco, the Dragon Emperor. He then says, “I have killed all the enemies that you have deemed condemned.” I meant to teleport him, but I missed and teleported Aelita away to the Sun instead and yelled, “Draco was mine to kill! I would have killed him with a calm mind that was not filled with hatred!” He apologized and I didn’t forgive him.

I had been converted to the Dark Side by his one action and my closed mind. I then started to attack him as my Commandos start to arrive. We rage a fierce battle, blowing away Commandos to the Sun and knocking out huge concrete beams as big around as a rancor. I teleported Tommy to his house on Coruscant. I challenged the Commandos to join me or be teleported to the surface of the Sun. My eldest son and daughter joined me and we set for Earth. The other Commandos just decided to walk away from me. They learned the error of their ways, hehehe.

When we came back to Earth, I repaired the land and cities for two years. I opened a school of ninjitsu and torture when I replenished Neo-China’s population. I destroyed all vestiges of Enterans and Cadrions. Only humans were the ones to live on the planet. After I opened the school, I met a person that I barely remembered. When I asked for his name he said, “Ye cresh wa One Arm.” Translated from Draco-speech it means, “My name is One Arm.” I said, “Class is full, but we could use you as a lesson.” He tried to punch me in the face and I broke his arm. The class started and I showed them some of the various points of pain on his body. I told the class, “The best way to break a person’s will to fight is to hit his chest or nose as hard as possible.” I showed them a classic way of tying a person up which is to tie their feet and hands together where they can’t move. One Arm was the first one ever to break the rope. I then stuffed his bruised body into a common rope bag. I showed them various ways of ancient torture on him. When I let him out of the bag, I remembered that he was one of my best friends and students, Tommy the Terror.

When I saw him and what I had done to him, I blew the class on a one-way ticket to the surface of the sun. I restored Tommy’s health and removed his wounds. I grieved for hours that I had killed everyone who had cared for me. He said, “You didn’t just do bad things, you killed your enemies and you restored the Earth.” I replied, “At what terrible costs, I still turned to evil and I still killed my friends and family.” He said that he used his last vestige of Jedi strength to revive them. He told me that they were waiting for me to visit.

The reason I didn’t recognize him was the fact that he concealed himself with the Force and repaired his arm. He led me to my dragon and we rode off to my sister’s house. When we got there, a band of 1,000,000 Dark Jedi attacked us. Tommy just smiled and blew them into the vacuum of space. I said, “Just like old times?” My friends and family appeared and Tommy replied, “Just like old times.” The year is A.D. 2542.
© Copyright 2009 Lee Harden (james40000 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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