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Rated: GC · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1610266
Eleana learns the truth of Delvin's plans
Chapter 6: The Road To Softguard

That night Laucian, Eleana, and Dekin said goodbye to the others and headed south to Softguard. On the way there they ran into the last thing they wanted to see.

"Hide," Eleana whispered as she saw what stepped out of the trees ahead. It was a Sukata, it appeared to be alone but the others had to be close by. 'Laucian when my fifth finger goes up we grab him.' Eleana said silently to her husband.

‘right,’ One finger went up, he was getting closer. Two, closer, Three, too close, Four Five, they grabbed him and pulled him in and was about to slit his throat when he looked at Eleana and smiled.

"Where are the others?" she whispered

"Far from here I’m a scout,"

"And what is it you look for?"

"Pull the knife from my throat and I’ll tell you."

"so one of your kind can nearly gut me again, I think not." She spat at him, and pressed the knife tighter till a trickle of blood ran down the creatures throat.

"All right, I’ll tell you just ease up a bit," She pulled the blade back just a little.

"Now tell me, what is it that you look for?" At this moment the creature laughed a bone tingling laugh.

"I found it."

"What do you mean?"

"I was sent to find you," at that moment two more Sukata came from behind Laucian and Dekin and knocked them on the head. This startled Eleana, and she let her guard down just long enough to be knocked out as well.


When Eleana awoke it was morning, and she was in a cage with Laucian and Dekin, being hauled threw the woods. Dekin was awake but seemed disorientated. Laucian had not yet woken. She made her way to her husbands side,

"Laucian, Laucian can you hear me?" He must have got hit pretty hard. She put his head in her lap and saw the large lump. "Please be ok," she willed him. "Where are you taking us?" She yelled toward the creature pulling their cage.

"Just a few days walk, then a long ship ride away."

"Why did you kidnap us, why not just kill us?"

"Well the other two I plan on it, I just thought you'd like some company on the way there."

"Why me, why am I worth being spared?"

"Why Princess Eleana, my lord would have it no other way." Her head began to spin.

"You mean he knows I’m alive." She said to herself, at that moment she began to feel very dizzy and she fell forward to the floor. "No," then darkness was all she saw.

"Eleana, Eleana, wake up," Eleana opened her eyes and saw a woman standing in front of her that she'd never seen before.

"Who are you?"

"I am Anesya."

"What" Eleana said, shock clear in her voice.

"You know that name, yes?"

"Oh no."

"I get that a lot."

"Am I to die then?" It is said that before every Elven warrior dies they see Anesya messenger/grim reaper of the spirits.

"Not if we can prevent it my child, listen. You must escape at all costs, letting them take you directly to your father in an attempt to slay him is too risky."

"Why, only my life is at stake?"

"Oh dear child, it's much more than that."

"I, I don't understand."

"Why do you think the elders didn't destroy the stone when they had the chance?"

"I don't know exactly, we are told that it's power may have been needed someday."

"It's power wasn't needed to began with.” Anesya sighed. “I must be brief I have solders from Softguard to take to the land of the dead."

"Oh no."

"It is too late for them, but you must save everyone else, listen. So much Elven power and energy went into the making of those stones that the whole Elven spirit went in too. Destroying that stone would mean the destruction of all Elves, living, dead, or not yet been born. Now since so much Elven energy is in that stone not only it's destruction can cause the end of our kind, but reconnecting it to the Landar mountain will do the same. Since the stone is in your father's possession, he and whoever he chooses will not be harmed. But If your father, and this is the important part, attempts to reconnect it on his own, it will kill him. Prophecy tells of a warrior, born out of wedlock of the stone wielder to gather with him causing the end. Oh I must leave, and tell Laucian I’m sorry about his father but it's my job farewell," Eleana awoke and found herself shackled to a wall in an old building, she turned and became violently ill. 'So this is what my father plans,' she thought. 'The destruction of everyone I’ve ever known.' By this time Laucian had awoken and heard her thoughts.

'Eleana are you alright what are you talking about.'

'play along' she stated in her mind. At that moment Eleana started breathing funny raspy at first then it seemed if she were choking on something for she was gurgling for air.

"Help, someone help." He screamed and one of the Sukata guarding the door turned around.

"What's all the noise for?"

"Please help Eleana, she can't breath, she'll die if she doesn't get air." Knowing that his master would kill them all if he let her die the creature automatically ran over to Eleana and unshackled her, carrying her outside. Once there Eleana put her plan into action, and removed a small dagger from the inside hip of her pants and shoved it into the creatures neck. The other three Sukata saw this and came running towards her. Eleana saw that her sword, along with the others weapons, were stacked a few feet away, and dived for it. Just as she grabbed it one of the creatures reached her and she plunged it deep into his stomach and pulled him over her head using her feet as leverage to pull the sword out. Then came the second one, she took her sword and stuck it between his legs and pulled upward. Then with one more swipe she beheaded the third one. She fell to her knees in exhaustion, and grief.

"What to do, what to do," she grabbed the keys off the dead creatures belt and went and unshackled the other two. After doing so she just sat down shutting herself off from the world.

"Eleana, Eleana, are you alright?" What had she meant the destruction of everyone she's ever known? What had made her become ill. He had questions, questions that needed answering, but now wasn't the time. The one he loved was staring blankly at the wall in front of her. ''Stay with her Dekin I'm going to go find fresh water,"


.. . .

"What do I do Dekin?"

"About what?"


"Fraid you'll have to be more specific than that Eleana."

"Laucian's father is dead."

"How do you know that?"

"A vision, a vision given to me by the spirits, they also told me what my father plans. He knows the stone's true power now, and he's looking for me."

"I don't understand."

"I don't ether, not really, but I’ll go into it more later. Right now I feel ill and need to rest."
"Oh course," he nodded. Laucian returned about an hour later with some water and fruit.

"Here eat."

"Oh no I’m not hungry"

"Your weak, you need nourishment." He said kneeling down next to her.

"I can't eat right now I feel to ill.” She rested her head on his shoulder.

"Eleana my dear what's going on." He said stroking her cheek with his hand.

"later," She stated and began to cry "please later." Laucian sat down and she laid her head on his lap.



"See if you can find out where we are."

"Sure thing Laucian", Eleana cried until she fell asleep.

.. . .

"My lord."


"The men are back from Softguard, Soliver has been destroyed, as has everyone else."

"Good, good any word from the others?"

"Yes my lord, they have her, she was traveling with two others apparently heading for Softguard."

"Excellent, prepare the troops we head for Landar mountain the moment she arrives. That gives you a little over three months to prepare them. Any failure and you’ll be lucky if I don’t kill you all."

"Yes lord," Delvin walked over and sat down upon his thrown. It was uncomfortable, but that wouldn’t last long. Once he had destroyed the rest of the Elven, his revenge would be complete. Then maybe he could move on with his life. Over the years he’d amassed a lot of wealth, with it he’d get a castle on the mainland. He had no interest in world domination, only revenge. What gave them the right to cast him out, who dictated for them to have the power to do that to him. He wasn’t greedy, well, so what if he was a little greed, he was young. He slammed his fist down on the arm of his chair and stood up, walking over to the wall and removing his favorite sword. It had history, he trained with it for years, when he was still welcome in the Elven kingdoms. He’d personally took off the head of the King of Landelle with this very sword. He walked over to one of the Sukata who was just standing there.

“What is your job?”

“T-t-to await your order and f-fulfill it sir.” Delvin lifted his sword and chopped off his head.

“And you did your job so well I feel much better.” He walked back over to the wall and put up his sword and sat down. His daughter would be with him soon, he sighed, if he’d known that he would need her to do this he never would have poisoned her mother. Her mother was a beautiful woman, but weak. He sighed, well soon Eleana would be there, and together they would destroy the Elven, they would pay, oh yes the high and mighty race would pay.

. . .

When Eleana awoke she was laying in a soft bed. "Where am I." She said weakly.

"Your in a charming little inn in Hisidep," and she knew this voice to belong to Dekin.

"How long have I been asleep?" She asked straightening herself up a bit and leaning against the wall.

"About a days time,"

"Where's Laucian?" She said looking around noticing he wasn’t there.

"He's out trying to find some supplies."

"Did,” she sighed, “did you say anything to him."

"No Eleana, I’m not the kind to give bad news." The Dwarf said taking a large drink from his mug then putting it down on the table next to him. "Plus I’m not really sure what's going on here."

"Ah my dear, your awake," Laucian said startling them both as he walked threw the door.

"Yes,” she said sighing. She knew she couldn’t keep the truth from him any longer. “Uh please Laucian come sit down."

"As you wish." He said taking a seat next to her on the bed, a concerned look on his face apparently unsure of why she was acting the way she was.

"I'm not sure how to tell you this but your father is dead.” He made no move at first as he was letting it sink in. Then he lowered his head slightly and looked away from them both.
"How do you know for sure?" he asked and the sound of his voice broke Eleana’s heart. She could tell he was doing all he could not to cry.

"Anesya herself told me."

"What," he said head spinning back around to meet her eyes. His eyes were wet and full of sadness, but also shock.

"While I was unconscious Anesya came to me to tell me," She sighed, she didn’t want to finish her sentence. Now was a time for him to grieve, not worry about her father’s evil plans.

"To tell you what?"

"Now is not the time" He sighed.

"I need to be alone for a while, I shall return." He said standing up and walking toward the door.

"Laucian," She said reaching for him, but then she suddenly pulled her hand back. She didn’t want him to go, but knew a little time to him self was what he really needed.

"I’m fine, I brought back some cloths and food" He said motioning toward the things he had placed in a chair by the door. Then he walked out and left, apparently forgetting Eleana could read his thoughts. Which were full of sorrow. Eleana sighed and tried to force down some food to build up her energy, they would have to leave here soon and head back, and she didn’t want to be a burden.

“Eleana, he’ll be ok.” Dekin said trying to reassure her. “I lost my father during a war, and I miss him every day. But I don’t let that pain control me. He’ll be back to normal before you know it.” She sighed and snuggled down in the bed.

“Yea,” She said turning away from him and sighing. “But it wasn’t your father in law that killed him.” Dekin sighed and sat back looking into his empty mug with displeasure.

“No.” He simply said and excused himself to go get something to drink. She sighed and closed her eyes and began to think about her husband when anguish hit her. She closed her mind. His sadness had been so intense that it drained her. And she just laid there in a sleep like state.


Laucian made his way to the edge of town and into some nearby woods before he stopped. He sank to the ground and put his head in his hands. He hadn’t seen his father in over fifty years, and now he’d never see him again. The last time they had seen each other was at his mother’s funeral, she was on her way back from visiting his father in Softguard when a great storm hit and capsized the ship she had been on. He had been so upset that when his father tried to console him he blew up at him. He’d meant to go see him and apologize several times since, but never felt that he was ready. He was so afraid that he wouldn’t be able to forgive him, now he’d never be able to apologize for what he’d done. Anger and sadness built up inside of him until he released it all in the form of a long, loud scream, startling a nearby blue jay, his father’s favorite bird. The bird took off and landed in a tree about thirty yards away.

“I’m so sorry father,” He whispered. “I just wish I had got the chance to tell you that.” At that moment the blue jay came forward and landed on Laucian’s shoulder chirping at him. Laucian sighed and then said,

“I am forgiven.” Then he gave into his sadness and cried.


When Laucian returned it was well past midnight. He crept in silently so not to wake anyone. He walked over and crawled into bed next to Eleana after regarding the snoring Dwarf in the other bed.

"You’re back." She whispered turning over in the bed to look at him.

"I'm sorry I woke you,"

"I wasn't really asleep, I’m sorry Laucian, but I was trying to shield myself from your thoughts. I wanted to grieve with you as one. But my tired body couldn’t take it." She said threw tears.

"It’s alright Eleana, once the realization hit me I shielded my thoughts, you shouldn’t suffer threw my pain."

“But our hearts and souls are one now Laucian.” She said trying to calm herself. “Your pain, is my pain.”

“I know you feel it to.” He said putting his arm over her and pulling her closer to him, the heat from her body was calming.

"I’m sorry for your loss, I wish there was something I could do." She said threw tears. He kissed her on top of the head.

“Your helping me right now.” He said with tears in his voice as he held her close to him. After a moment he sighed and more calmly stated. "My father lived his life well, I miss him, yes, but I’ll see him later in the land of the spirits, right now we must save others from his fate."

"I feel much better now, I say we head back to the castle in the morning to tell them the news. Something has to be done, and soon.”

"agreed, but for now rest." He closed his eyes and snuggled even closer to her.

"Wait Laucian,” She said putting her hand on his cheek, he opened his eyes and looked her in hers. “I need to tell you what else Anesya told me.”

"What did she tell you,” He said suddenly remembering the incident two days before.

"She told me about the stone’s true power, and what’s worse, my father knows.” He merely nodded that he understood but his eyes were wide with anticipation. “So much Elven energy went into the creation of the stones, that the Elven spirit went in as well, to destroy the stone, would mean destruction to us all. But not just our lives, our spirits, would blink out of existence.” Laucian turned pale at this thought.

“I had thought that after we defeated him we should destroy the stone, so that this couldn’t happen again. But now,” He sighed. “But what can your father do with that power. It would mean his death as well.”

“Unfortunately there’s more.” She stated with a sigh and began to shake, not from cold but from what this statement meant.

“But if my father,” she paused and swallowed hard, “and I, reconnect it to the Landar mountain, he and whoever he chooses will be saved. But all else would blink out of existence."

"Why does he need you?"

"I don't know, it's just what the prophecy says, if he tries to reconnect it on his own it will kill him."

"Well he's not going to get you," he held her tightly and kissed her lips. “No one will take you from me.” Eleana snuggled as closely as she could to him and within moments, both were fast asleep. But Eleana’s dreams weren’t peaceful ones.


"You there," Delvin said pointing toward a Sukata standing in the corner of the room.

"Yes sir,"

"Any word from those sent to find my daughter. They should be on the ship heading back as we speak."

"No sir, their has been no word from them yet."

"Damn it. Send the ravens to check the ocean."

"But, my lord,"

"But, did you say but,” Delvin said stomping off toward the creature who was cowering in the corner. “There is no but you do as I say, or I will torture you until the screams of you begging for death no longer amuse me. Now bring me the ravens so that I may prepare them for their journey."

"Yes sir." The creature cringed and ran off to do it’s task glad to be out of the room. Delvin reached his hands into his pocket and pulled out the stone, it's surface blacker than the night sky it's self. At that moment several Sukata came into the room each carrying cages one in each hand, and each cage carried several ravens. Delvin motioned for them to be placed on a table across the room, and he walked over extending the hand with the stone saying a few words. “Open the cage,” He said to one of the Sukata near him who quickly did what he was told. At that moment the birds came flapped out of their cages and each began to swell until they were about twice their original size. Delvin blinked his eyes a few times, he could now see what they saw. “Good,” he said walking behind his desk and setting down. “Now fit each one of them with a note and send them out. I want no mistakes. There’s no way they can all be brought down before they reach them.” He looked up as everyone around the room went about their assigned task. Then he looked upon the stone in his hand. ‘This stone truly is amazing.’ He thought and then spoke aloud. "it's time we see just what all this thing can do"

© Copyright 2009 Ariana Standish (emeraldlee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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