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Rated: GC · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1610263
Eleana reveals the truth to everyone
Chapter 4:  The meeting

As soon as they stepped through the gate, she saw her friend Laurana's smiling face.

"Good day Eleana, how are your spirits, and good day to your friends as well" She said bowing to everyone in turn as they walked threw the pathway made by the gates opening.

"Good day Laurana, My spirits are well and I'd like to introduce you to my friends, this is Risha, Donnel, and Dekin."

"How Ma'am does you, I... I mean how do you Ma'am, I mean-" Everyone turned to Donnel with a look of confusion. None of them had ever seen him tongue tied before, before he could attempt again she replied.

"I am well," there was a chuckle from Risha.

"And this is Edland and Edlana." Eleana said threw a smile trying her best not to laugh at Donnel.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all,” She said bowing again. “Are you here to see the King?" She said turning toward Eleana.

"Yes, is he in his library?" She asked as they began following Laurana.

"No he, Queen Rosemary, and Princess Athena are in the gardens straight off the throne room would you like me to announce your arrival?"

"Yes please."

"Very well wait here," after she had left Risha turned to Donnel with a wry smile.

"What was that all about?"

"What was what all about?” He said blushing not looking at anyone.

"How Ma'am does you, what was that about” she said teasing him, just then Threanous appeared and everyone bowed.

"Dear King Threanous, how are you on this fine day?" Laucian said speaking up for the first time.

"I’m quite well” He said returning the bow as was the custom among the Elven. Eleana smiled slightly. Most humans thought it was strange that a King bowed back to people. “and you must be Risha,” he said taking her hand and kissing it "and Donnel, and Dekin." He took their hands into a firm handshake. Then he went down to one knee to address the children. “And this must be Edland" he said shaking the boy's hand, not quite as firmly as he had Donnel's or Dekin’s. “ah and the Lovely Edlana." He said kissing her hand as well, causing her to giggle. "Well, shall we continue this in the gardens? It's such a lovely day, why waste it inside."

"As you wish your majesty," Eleana said allowing the others to go in front of her and giving a nervous glance to Laucian. The palace garden was a beautiful place, with trees and flowers from all over the kingdom. There was also a huge lake with Lilly pads floating on it's surface. This particular section of the garden was walled off, with no roof above it. The walls were made with rough looking stone, made to resemble craggy mountains. This was done so that the occupants could have some privacy, while not taking away from the feel of the garden.

When you walked through the door immediately to your left were three bookshelves, about fifteen foot wide total and about five foot high. The kings favorite books were kept here. At the top of each shelf was an iron curtain, so that when it rained the books would not get soaked, due to the fact the room had no roof. To the immediate right was a huge rectangular table with twenty chairs around it. As meetings were sometimes held here. Here was setting Queen Rosemary and Princess Athena.

"Hello Princess Athena it's been quite a while since I’ve seen you, my you have grown" Laucian said with a polite smile taking her hand and kissing it. Eleana groaned before she was able to stop herself.

"Yes, she's of marrying age now,” said
Queen Rosemary turning an awkward glance towards her daughter. Apparently not hearing, or choosing to ignore Eleana’s groan.

"And Queen Rosemary as beautiful as ever." He smiled taking her hand and kissing it. He however had heard Eleana’s groan as she had seen his eyes twinkle at the moment she had done it.

"Why Laucian, you always were a charmer. You know you really must come around more often and have dinner with Athena, you two would make such a lovely couple." Eleana's stomach churned at this thought and yet still she found that she wanted to snicker at the same time. Elves are supposed to be known for their beauty but the kings true daughter Athena, was anything but. She lacked the grace of her people, and her face rather resembled a hog. Obviously getting her looks from her mother, for Threanous was quite handsome.

"Ah well thank you my queen for your kind words," he paused, smiled, and bowed his head and Eleana noticed that his smile got slightly bigger and knew that he was trying not to laugh, he composed himself and put his arm around Eleana. "But with your husbands blessing I have finally confirmed my love with his dear Eleana." Eleana smiled and blushed looking toward the ground. Everyone knew the Queen had nothing but contempt for Eleana and the feelings that her husband had for her.

"Yes well, come Athena, let us allow them to have their meeting." She snipped and they both stood up and began storming out of the room.

"Goodbye dear wife," Threanous stated as they passed him in the doorway, he just entering the gardens having been detained by one of the servants carrying several rolls of fabric. He bowed until his wife and daughter were out of sight. "Well shall we." He stated with a smile. First everyone took a seat at the table. "So this is all that's left from the battle." The King said with a frown looking around at the five solders setting at the table.

"Yes your majesty, and we nearly lost dear Eleana, they are much stronger in numbers and in strength then even I expected." Laucian said leaning forward, he always seemed comfortable around the King, while most men were intimidated by his presence. He was a strong looking man, and King at that. Eleana sighed and interrupted before anyone said more.

"Sir," Eleana said threw her nerves. "May I have your permission to.” she didn't want to say it. "to speak.”

"Certainly." He said looking toward her with confusion.

"I haven't been very honest with you all and it's time you know." Her mouth felt dry and she felt as if she might faint. “My father is the very man we hunt, he raped my mother and I was born, he beat her and used other such forms of torture, until she told him what it was he wanted to know,” she sighed and paused, out of the corner of her eye she saw the King’s head tilt downward and noticed his shoulders sag and his eyes close. She didn’t understand his reaction but decided to continue what she was saying before she lost her nerve. “My mother is the one that told him where the stone could be found. The stone that has given him his power. I was raised by King Threanous. Close to the end of her term my father poisoned my mother and she died right after giving birth to me." She looked at Risha, Donnel, and Dekin’s faces, they seemed confused but not angry, however the children were crying.

"Sir”, Dekin spoke up, “May take the children else where to calm them down?”

"Yes,” the King nodded sadly. “If you look over there by the lake you'll see a bench, It's a beautiful spot." Dekin nodded and set off towards the children. Once behind Eleana he gave her a reassuring pat on the back, he didn't hate her but the children did.

"Please help them to understand" she whispered as he walked by. Once they were out of sight Risha looked towards Eleana.

"I'm sure you are nervous about telling people this, but I know how you feel, my father was a traitor. It's hard to tell people, because you are afraid they will think you are like your parents. I for one am no traitor, and you are a great warrior a good person, and those children love you, their just afraid because they don’t understand.”

"I won't hold it against you, I barely know you but from what I’ve seen you're ok." Donnel was still looking at the doorway they came through. Laurana was guarding the entrance into the walled garden. She was young, for an elf anyway, only a hundred or so. She was about five feet tall and had that natural Elven grace. With brown hair and green eyes.

"I cannot accept it myself, as long as my father lives I will never be whole"

"Yes that is the problem we came here to discuss, isn't it," Threanous spoke up gratefully changing the subject, "What news from the mission."

"He’s still moving west, destroying all he sees, at this rate he will reach Softguard Island in three days time. We must send word to our people there, we cannot defeat him, not yet." Laucian had a look of worry, his father was stationed there had been for seventy years or so.

"Right, I will send a rider there straight away, now what of these children"

"Delvin destroyed their village, their parents are dead."

“Oh, that reminds me,” Risha said quickly apologizing for interrupting. "The children told me that Delvin, wasn’t in their village.”

“Then why were they so afraid of me?” Laucian asked with confusion. Everyone had thought for sure that Delvin was personally leading the group.

"At this point in their lives, the children have heard stories of him. I can’t be certain, but I think that was why.” Eleana and Laucian both nodded, clearly understanding now.

“So Delvin, isn’t with his creatures?” Threanous said, clearly trying to reach the same level of understanding as the others.

“Apparently not sir, but even without him they are still a huge threat.” Eleana said remembering how organized they seemed. The king sighed.

"For now the children can stay with someone in the village, until such a time as they are old enough to venture off on their own. I‘m sure someone won‘t mind taking them in."

"Sir, with your permission I'd like for the children to stay with us for a while, they have grown attached and I must admit so have we." Laucian stated looking over to the two who were pointing at some fish swimming in the pond.

"Agreed, now what is our next course of action."

"Risha and I must leave, your majesty, to go speak to our people and give them the news we have given you. Once there I shall tell them to prepare their troops, for I believe we must stop this threat before it becomes much worse." Donnel said speaking up, and making a point for the first time during the meeting.

"Yes, leave first thing in the morning for your kingdom. We will give you all the supplies you will need."

"Thank you sir,"

"Sir with your permission I’d like to be the messenger that goes to soft-guard to warn the men." Laucian said his worry for his father and his fellow Elves apparent in his voice.

"Yes, Laucian, you and Eleana and the Dwarf can head out tonight under the cover of darkness. He needs to speak to his people as well, but I know they will all soon be heading underground, he won’t have time to reach them before they do."

"Sir with all due respect, I do not believe Eleana is strong enough yet," Laucian said sounding concerned.

"It is up to her" The King stated knowing full well that Eleana was capable of knowing what was best for her. He had raised her right, and he knew it. She smiled at his confidence in her.

"There are yet a few hours left until night fall, if you will excuse me I will go into the woods of the spirits and pray, when I come back out I will be ready," The King nodded his head and smiled.

"You may all go now to prepare yourself."

"Eleana may I walk with you? I need to speak to you," Laucian said, Eleana noticed that he seemed a bit pale and jittery.

"If you wish," She said merely nodding to him.

"Alright, I will see you all after you return," The King said, and they all disbursed in their own directions, the children seemed calmer but didn't go near Eleana.

"Hold on Eleana, I’m going to explain to the children and Dekin what's going on,"

"Ok, I’ll be waiting out front for you" And he nodded.


Laucian walked over to the children and Dekin over by the pond.

“Dekin, the King has decided that you Eleana and I will be the messengers going to warn the men stationed on Softguard of the Sukata attack. Is this alright?”

“Of course, will Risha, and Donnel be watching the children while we’re gone?”

“No, they have their own quest and will be leaving in the morning, but something will be arranged I assure you.”

“I don’t want all of you to leave us,” Edland stated looking worried.

“Don’t worry, we will all return in a few days. Everyone here is very kind, who ever watches over you won’t let anything happen I assure you.” He stated bending down to hug them both. “But if you’ll excuse me I need to go speak to the King for a moment.” Laucian walked over to Threanous, he was looking at a row of books on the shelf, “Your majesty,” he said bowing. “With your permission I’d like to speak to you about something for a moment.”

“Of course Laucian what can I do for you, and please stop being so formal, you’ve been around here so much in the past one hundred and ninety five years that your like family.” They went over and set back down around the table.

“Your majes... uh sir, I wanted to speak to you about Eleana,” A large smile appeared on Threanous’s face.

“Yes, she mentioned you confessing your love to her.” The King looked to him and suddenly his face looked stern, but Laucian could see the laughter in his eyes.

“Well yes sir I did, we’ve known each other for one hundred and eighty three years. I love her sir, with all my heart and soul, and I know you're not her biological father, but well I wanted your blessing to well...marry her sir.” The King looked a mixture of worried, happy, and sad.

“Laucian, Eleana’s mother, meant the world to me. I swore to always protect her, I love her just like she was my own daughter. Before I say yes, you must swear to me that you will make sure no harm, ever befalls her, now and after I leave this world. You must be there for her and protect her from her fears and from the enemy. Be her rock to lean on when she needs support.”

“I swear to you sir, that I will not let anything ever happen to her I love her far too much.” Laucian stated and he knew he had tears in his eyes, but he cared not. The King stood up and smiled and reached his hand out to Laucian, Laucian took his hand and the King squeezed it hard.

“Welcome to the family, well sort of.”

. . .

Eleana walked outside after a quick bow to Laucian her heart felt lighter now that everyone knew, but heavy with sorrow at the children’s reaction. Would they hate her forever, no one knows. Only time will tell.
© Copyright 2009 Ariana Standish (emeraldlee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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