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Rated: GC · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1610261
The group returns home, and laucian reveals his feelings
Chapter 2: Elderaan

"Welcome to my home. I'm sure your all tired and trust me, It's safe here, let me show you to your rooms." The first room they came to was for the children who fell asleep almost as soon as they laid down. Then he proceeded along a line of rooms indicating for the others a room for them to sleep in, and showing them all to the bathing chamber before excusing himself toward the end of the hallway. He sighed and indicated the door to the only person remaining behind him, Eleana. “This is my room, you can sleep here it’s got the most comfortable bed, and a separate bath chamber from the others.” He stated and started to walk away.

"What about you Laucian?" She touched his arm for a moment and felt him lightly step back. She opened the door and motioned for him to follow her within, and then she laid herself on the bed. She thought she saw him shiver for a moment but dismissed it and yawned.

“I have a hammock out back should I require rest. I’ve got a lot of work to do, and am not really tired at all.”

“Laucian please don’t leave me right now.” She stated a bit rushed. She felt sick to humble herself so, but she felt that she needed him to stay. Laucian smiled slightly and then wiped it from his face as he saw her confused look, she frowned, he thought her weak.

“If you insist, how are you feeling." He said setting himself down on the bed opposite her.

"Very tired but reasonably well thank you, I just don’t want to be alone is all."

“May I,” Laucian said and motioned that he was going to lift her Tunic slightly to check her wound.

“Oh go ahead,” She said moving her arms off her chest and laying them down beside her. He lifted her shirt up to just under her breasts. Were his hands shaking?

“Hmm, it is indeed looking much better though my dear I’m afraid you will have a very nasty scar.” He said rubbing his hand over the edge of the wounds.

“One of many.” She paused a second to laugh. “Laucian that tickles. And get that grim look off your face, I’ll be fine.” He stopped what he was doing and shifted himself uncomfortably on the bed.

"I'm just concerned, at first we weren't sure you would make it. I don't know what I would do if."

"If what." She said, his head wasn’t facing her but she could sense the emotions rolling off of him.

"Nothing, nothing you need your rest," he said and turned down the lantern next to the bed and laid down staring at the wall on the other side of her. Before she knew it she had placed her hand on his shoulder. He was stiff. She sighed and turned away careful not to hurt her stomach.

“Goodnight Laucian" and within minutes, she was asleep.

. . .

Laucian had waited until he had heard her breathing slow. He turned and laid on his back, staring up at the ceiling. He let a slightly audible chuckle escape from him. He did not think Eleana weak at all for wanting someone near, she’d had a hard few weeks. And he completely understood the need for companionship, the need to feel safe. He was just glad that he could be the someone she could lean on. He turned his head over in the direction of Eleana. She had turned over and was facing him now, snoring ever so lightly. In the small light that the moon, with a combination of a lamp near the door provided, Eleana looked more beautiful than ever. Her long red hair billowing out around her face. And though her eyes were closed, he could picture her beautiful moss green eyes staring back at him. Her skin so pale and delicate. He laid there for hours, watching her sleep. Seeing her face contort with dreams, and her chest rise and fall with each breath. When Laucian noticed the first signs in the sky that the sun would be rising, he easily crawled out of bed and made his way to the rest of his home to prepare for the day ahead.


When Eleana awoke the next morning she found some of her cloths folded at the foot of the bed. She often stayed here after missions and Laucian had insisted that she bring some things here for such occasions. She picked them up and smiled when she realized it was a dress. It was the color of the waters outside and had patterns of leaves, that seemed to be floating on the water colored fabric. Her favorite. She was after all a woman. Though the warrior side in her thought it impractical to wear dresses and fancy things, her inner her, as she referred to it often enjoyed it. She dressed quickly and headed out of the room. Everyone else seemed to be awake and the first to see her was Edlana who came running up to her and wrapping her arms around her waist. Not too tightly, not wanting to hurt Eleana.

"You're up,” she chirped excitedly. “and you're wearing a dress." She said with confusion and Eleana laughed.

"Yes I am, where's your brother?"

"He's outside with Dekin he said I couldn't play because I’m a girl." She said pouting and walking over to the back window looking out at them.

"He did, well that wasn't nice." She turned back and was immediately cheery again and Eleana couldn’t help but smile.

"I know, but I’ve been helping Risha"

"Oh, what have the two of you been doing?''

"It's a secret." She whispered placing a finger to her lips.

"Oh I see," Eleana walked over to the window and watched Edland and Dekin, They had wooden swords and Dekin was showing the boy the finer points of swordsmanship. Suddenly Eleana got very curious.



"Remember the day the others found you," the little girl became saddened.

"Yes." She said sniffing back tears. Eleana set down and motioned for Edlana to set on her lap and when she did she hugged her close.

"Why did the two of you run to Dekin?" The little girl had tears in her voice.

"Cause mommy described someone like him to us, and told us if we were ever in trouble that he would help us."

"Did she say more?"

"She said a long time ago there was a big storm, that destroyed most of our village. A lot of people died, and when it was over most of the food supply had been destroyed. Everyone thought that it was the end, but soon a group of travelers stopped by. They were like Dekin. They helped them rebuild the village and even helped to replant the crops. The people were so grateful, that they had a statue built to honor the travelers. Before they left, the travelers put up a flag near the statue. It was a large white flag with a boulder. And all around the boulder there were eleven different symbols.”

"Yes the flag of Aeroset, it means friends to the Dwarfs, when I saw it I knew my people had been there.” A half out of breath Dekin said as he walked in the door, Edland following close behind.

"Where’s Laucian?" he asked looking around.

"He’s left to talk to the King.” Donnel said coming in the back carrying apples. At this moment Risha come in from the back room with fresh clothing on and a wet head.

"Wow a real King." The kids said with a look of amazement on their faces. Eleana laughed. The closest thing to royalty they had ever seen was probably the overseer of their village.

"Yea and guess what, while Laucian’s there he's gonna arrange a meeting for all of us to meet the King," Risha said giving Donnel a strange look.

"Wow!" They said smiling.

"The King's a really nice man," Eleana said with a smile. Then she stood up. "In fact I must go see him." She grabbed a light blue cloak off of a peg near the door and put it on. It was Laucian’s, and it swallowed her whole. But it would have to do. She didn’t feel like getting a sunburn on her way up to the gates, for her dress had no sleeves. "I shall return," She said and begin walking up to the castle’s outer wall. The guard in front of it was new apparently for she had never seen him before. “Rishantra lea encarta leamon vicantra” she said and the guard turned toward the wall and shouted.

“Open the gate.” Immediately Eleana heard the grinding of a large wheel and felt a slight shaking sensation within the ground as a sliver of rock from the gate began to sink into the earth. Once it was all the way down the guard bowed, and motioned her forward. She bowed back out of respect and stepped within. The gardens were just as beautiful as when she had left. And when she reached the outside of the throne room, she saw a familiar face. It was that of Laurana her friend and a palace guard for a few years, despite her young age. "Good morning Laurana how are you on this day?"

"I am fine, and you?”

"Better than I was.” She sighed and then pointed toward the door. “Is Laucian in there?"

"Indeed, would you like to go in?"

"Yes please."

"One moment," She entered and returned shortly.

"You may enter." She said with a bow which Eleana returned.

"Thank you, we must speak later and catch up."

"I'd like that," Eleana entered the throne room and was greeted by a big smile from Threanous, and a look of worry from Laucian. King Threanous walked up to her and bowed slightly and then embraced her before she could return it. She smiled and hugged him back.

"Dear girl, you look well."

"I am sir, a bit tired still, but well. I hope I’m not disturbing anything."

"Oh no I was just telling Laucian that I would rather wait to discuss this problem until you were well and able to attend the meeting"

"Well sir I'm able and well enough to get about, and soon I shall be completely healed, thanks to Laucian." Laucian, who was silent up till this point, spoke.

"I did it out of responsibility,” he paused as her smile faded, then continued, "and love.” Eleana suddenly felt her knees give out from under her and she sat down. She must have been hearing things. She looked up at Laucian. He met her gaze for a moment. And it seemed within his eyes was a struggle for a dominate emotion. So much so that he seemed unable to speak. Then he turned away. The King who despite his Elven ears apparently didn't seem to hear Laucian’s statement, continued on speaking until he turned around to face her again and found her not standing but setting on the steps leading up to the thrones.

"My dear, are you all right.” He said kneeling down next to her regarding her pale face.

''Uh, no sir, not really, I think I’ll go back to Laucian's and rest, I’m feeling weak." She suddenly felt slightly dizzy and nauseated. Part of her kept thinking that her injury had somehow caused her to hallucinate what had just happened. But the other part knew it to be true. He had said he loved her.

"Before you go may I speak to you in private." Threanous said setting himself down on the steps next to her.

"Yes your majesty," She said and Laucian quickly bowed and walked hurriedly out of the room.

"What is it my child." She turned to him with wide eyes.

"He said he loved me," the King smiled.

"Well, it's what you've felt for so long, I’ve seen it" Eleana put her head in her hands.

"Your majesty they do not know."

"Listen, when your mother brought you here to protect you from your father I promised to take care of you. That was back before I was King and I meant it then and I mean it now, and now I have a bit more power to enforce it. You have grown up to be a great warrior, and a great elf. I couldn’t possibly be prouder of anyone."

"But sir despite my upbringing I’m still his offspring."

"My dear child despite the fact I was once a poor farmer, I am still King, we are what we strive to be. You have so much good in your heart you won't be corrupted like your father"

"Sir if the others find out Delvin is my father, they will not be so kind as you have been." He sighed and grabbed her face gently forcing her to look at him.

"Let me assure you that Laucian makes his decisions on a person by who they are, not who their family is, and the others, if they are as good a people as Laucian has described them to be, they will understand."

"Humans sometimes aren't so kind."

"That's a risk you'll have to take, I’m not telling you to tell them, but I’m telling you it will eat you alive if you don't."

"Yes sir, you are right." She said sighing and taking a few deep breaths.

"Now go rest my dear, regain your strength there is time." She sighed and dried her tears. He had always known how to comfort her.

"Sir, the others, when do you want to meet with them."

"I want to meet with them tomorrow at noon, if your not up to it I’ll understand."

"No sir I’ll be here," she said her goodbyes and headed back to the cottage. Laucian’s words running through her head the whole way back. How would she tell him? Should she, when? She decided she would tell him that night after everyone was asleep. Hopefully he would understand.

© Copyright 2009 Ariana Standish (emeraldlee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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