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Rated: GC · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1610259
The group gets some unexpected guests
Chapter 1: The Healing

When Eleana awoke, she was laying on the ground covered in animal fur. She felt a warmth coming not from the fur, but from another place, but where? She managed to turn her head in the direction of the warmth, and with every bit of strength she had left she opened her eyes. It was night, and the heat was coming from a small fire. Through the fire she saw Risha, Donnel, and Dekin. Risha and Donnel were humans, both from Errington, she believed. And Dekin was one of the eleven dwarfs. She didn’t think she knew which clan he was from. 'This can't be all that's left,’ she thought. Seeing that she had awoken Risha cried out.

"Laucian she's awake," Laucian, who had been by himself a few feet away from the fire, stopped in his meditation and walked over to her, bending and placing a hand on her forehead.

"The fever's almost broken." He said to himself. Then he lifted up the fur and looked at her stomach where three huge gashes could be seen. “And there doesn’t seem to be any sign of infection, the herbs seem to have done their job well, but she can’t be moved for a while now.” Then he turned away from her and faced the others placing the fur back down on top of her. “You three, look around and tell me if there's any sight of the Sukata. Do not try to fight them, their numbers are too great and if you run that will surely bring them here, stay in the shadows." With that said they all nodded and left in different directions. Apparently they had elected Laucian the leader, not seeing the human Jacklyn anywhere, must mean the worst. He looked down at her and she could see what couldn’t be mistaken as concern in his eyes. “I know you can hear me but do not have the strength to speak. Yes, you and I, the Dwarf, and the humans are all that's left. They knew the casualty would be great so they sent the rejects of their kingdoms so that they may have one moment of glory. Although these three have proven strong, and great company. And the Dwarf saved my life today and has helped me with you as well. The extent of your injuries aren't as bad as I first thought. It seems there was no damage to your internal organs, but you did lose a lot of blood. Since these aren't the cleanest of creatures, we have to watch for infection. You can have some water but very little, because in your weakened state I'm afraid it will make you ill." He lifted her head up and placed it on his leg and put a bowl of water before her mouth. "Drink, but just a little." As she sipped, he stroked her hair pulling it off of her face. A cold wind came through and it caused Eleana to shake. Laucian repositioned the furs to cover her better and laid down next to her to try to keep her warm. His presence was very comforting and she soon found herself drifting off into a light sleep. Which was all she could manage through the pain.

When the others returned, it was just before dawn. Risha spoke.
"We walked for miles in each direction but saw no sight of the Sukata, it seems they moved on. However we did find a village it was almost completely burned to the ground. We walked through to see if there were any survivors there were two, a boy and a girl, very young, no more than ten. Their parents were killed.” Eleana could hear her voice and turned her face in the direction of it in time to see a confused look spread across her face. “They ran from Donnel but then they saw Dekin and ran right to him. I mean in a way I understand Donnel's six foot Four inch warrior build would be scary to someone that young yet why they took to the Dwarf I can't say.” At that moment Dekin came stepping through the trees, a child’s hand in each of his own. Eleana had to stifle a laugh despite her weakened state. The sight was quite comical, for though you could tell Dekin was much older than the two. They were almost the same height.

"Twins I see," Laucian said looking between them. They took one look at him and started to cry. “Delvin must have been in their village so they’re scared of me, but I can’t figure out why he would be there himself.”

"Don't be afraid children this is my friend Laucian he's not like that man that hurt you." When the Dwarf spoke to the children they seemed to calm down immediately.

"Yes children I am Laucian and I will not harm you. What are your names?" The little boy spoke up without hesitation.

"I'm Edland and she's Edlana. Where ten but I'm older by three minutes, that's what momma . . . " the boy started crying and seeing this so did his sister. Laucian sighed and lowered his head.

"I’m sorry to tell you this children at such an early age, but your mother and father are gone, but fear not for we will protect you. We can't take the place of your parents but we can be your friends."

"Laucian," Eleana spoke in a weak almost inaudible voice in fact the others heard nothing, but with his Elven ears he heard her as clear as day and walked back over to her. He had gotten up and went to stand just a few feet away from her as the first rays of the sun had began warming the chilled air. "What’s going on?"

"Last night I sent the others out to look for the Sukata, they found no trace of them other than a human village completely destroyed. They looked for survivors but only found these two."

"Do my eyes deceive me or are they twins?" A slight smile graced his lips.

"Your eyes are fine Eleana for they are in fact twins a boy and a girl, the boy's Edland, the girl's Edlana, their parents were destroyed." He said his smile fading with each word of his sentence to leave a deep worried frown.

"Poor things." She said and she could feel the tears welling in her eyes and she closed them to try to hold them back.

"Shh, you rest now, they'll be fine and I can tell your strength is returning to you.” He felt her forehead, "and the fever's completely broken you'll be well soon," with that said Eleana closed her eyes and let the much needed sleep take her.


Laucian sat in front of the fire going over the last days events. First the ambush that woke most of them from their sleep. Then the separation as everyone scattered to save their own skins. Then after the Sukata were satisfied with all the lives they had taken, he had found Eleana almost dead. Eleana had been his friend since childhood, they had played together, and trained together. Eleana had grown up living with the King, but she wasn't his daughter. No one knew how that arrangement came to be. No one ever asked because the situation seemed too awkward. His Father, Soliver, was one of the great Elven magic users who were selected to create the Lacareans. He’d spent so much time in the castle. He felt a smile spreading across his face as he reveled in the memory. He could remember the first time he had seen Eleana. She was 17, And that's fairly young for Elves. She was out in the garden reading a book and dropped it when she saw him. They were introduced by the King and Laucian’s father and then they were inseparable from there.

Through their schooling Laucian had always been better with swords and Eleana with a Bow and arrow. Of course with her teacher being the King, it was no shock. As the King was a powerful magical archer.

"Laucian, Laucian." Donnel stated, dragging him out of his memories and back into the present.

"Yes." He said to the human man standing before him. He was very much taller than Laucian’s five foot three inches. He was tanned, with wild brown hair hanging just out of his eyes. He had the look of a man who worked hard all his life out in the sun. Laucian had spent most of his life outdoors as well. But as a Planes elf, his skin never got more than a very light brown.

"What's the plan?" He said setting down next to Laucian and fishing around in a pack in front of him, producing the tools needed to prepare breakfast.

"We have breakfast, and wait." Laucian said looking toward the sun climbing up in the sky.

"For?" He said making conversation as he tried to figure out what to do next, Laucian smiled. Apparently cooking wasn’t one of his talents, he grabbed the gear from the man and set to work after adding.

"For Eleana to heal better, we can't move her just yet." Suddenly someone screamed and they turned around to see the little girl setting up in her bedroll crying. “Are you alright child?"

“I’m sorry I just had a bad dream," she walked over and climbed into Laucian’s lap and laid her head on his shoulder and fell asleep. Laucian looked down at her oddly for a moment, but then apparently instinct took over and he began to rock her gently. The children had to be tired, as I’m sure that no sleep had found them the night before. He smiled and turned to Donnel and whispered.

“Perhaps you’d better get Risha or Dekin to make breakfast."


Over the next few days it was like the children had always belonged with the group, and finally Eleana was well enough for a visit. The little girl took to her quickly, as Eleana was good with children. She told them stories of Princes and Princesses, of love and fighting the evil dragon Gourmayo, killer of many kings. Eleana showed the girl many things, and as often as you saw them together that was as often as you saw the Boy with Laucian. Always running after him as fast as his little legs could carry him. Always wanting to help.

"Would you look at the four of them," Risha said looking at the smiling Dekin.

"Yes, it's like they were meant to find each other."

"What do you think will happen to the children when we leave here?” The Dwarf’s smile faded.

"I don't know." Just then Donnel came running out of the trees.

"I’ve spotted a village, it's burning and I saw them, they’re heading this way. We must leave here now." The children grew frightened but did not cry, for Laucian told them this day would come, and when it did that they must remain quiet so that no attention was drawn to them.

"Eleana will you carry me," Edlana said voice shaking with fear.

"I’m afraid I’m not yet strong enough for that my child, I’m sorry.”

"Ah but I’m plenty strong and willing,” Dekin said smiling. The little girl sighed and nodded.

"Okay," Dekin scooped her up and the seven of them left hurriedly for Elderaan. It was only a half a days walk away but to Eleana It was torture. They all remained silent for fear of being seen, and by the time night fell Laucian and Eleana were greeted by a familiar sight. It was home. But to the others Elderaan was a paradise. All the trees surrounding the area, were pure white. With no leafs, or signs that there had ever been any. The grass was the deepest green one could imagine. Crystal clear lakes surrounded the area. A few children catching fireflies at their banks. It was unlike anything they'd ever seen. They walked up a path and over a cobble stone bridge spanning one of the lakes, and approached a very comfortable sized cabin, it was Laucian’s home. There were many other such houses spaced not too far apart along the area, and they could see in the distance many other such groupings of homes. But that’s not what held everyone’s attention. Straight down the middle of all the lakes stood a wall, clearly about fifty feet tall. And appeared to be nearly ten times as long.

“Laucian, what’s behind that wall,” Risha said as Laucian reached his door producing a small metal key and sticking it within the lock. Laucian smiled.

“That, that’s the castle walls.”
© Copyright 2009 Ariana Standish (emeraldlee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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