Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1610200-The-Cruise
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1610200
A girl going to a party on a cruise ship and her mom finding out.
There is a girl named Claire aboard a cruise ship with her mother Nautia. Claire was a blonde haired girl with fair skin. Her mother brought her up in a strict yet wealthy environment. Claire was not afraid to make a scene if it meant getting what she wanted. Nautia on the other hand was a light hearted, free spirited kind of person, still she felt it was necessary to put her foot down on occasion no matter how upset her little girl became. Claire would only do what Nautia felt was fit at the end of the day. However, going to a teenage cruise party was not exactly on her list.
Scene 1: The question.
It was the second day on this long nine day cruise. Claire and her mother Nautia were out on the pool deck taking advantage of the beautiful weather. Claire had met some friends on the ship the day they arrived. She knew that her new friends had a room to themselves and planned on having a party the next night. However, she also knew that if her mother found out that there was not going to be any adults present that she would never let Claire out of her sight. She had to think of something clever to tell her mother, so she did…
Hey mom, so I know you remember those friends I met yesterday when we first arrived right? Well one of them wants to have a little movie night, and I was thinking I should go, and you should let me. I know you don’t really know too much about them but they are really cool to be around and I would really enjoy it. We definitely won’t be watching a rated R movie because you know how much those scare me, as a matter of fact I could call her right now to ask her what movie we’re going to watch if you’d like? Don’t worry mom, her mother isn’t going to allow any boys over; she actually reminds me of you in some ways… So what do you think? Is it a deal? Can I go?
Well Claire let’s see here, you know we have a dinner planned at 5:30 right? You know how I get when you try to cancel premade plans with me just to have fun. I know there will not be any boys over right? If I found out her mother was not there and there were boys you will be grounded until the end of time (so it will seem). I want to be able to trust you, and we are on a cruise so I know you won’t be too far away… I guess I could let you slide this one time, as long as you don’t rush your way through dinner tonight.
Claire and Nautia agreed; However, Nautia was still keeping an eye open.

Scene 2: Dinner.
Dinner was over and Nautia started to feel a little bit better about this whole movie night, she and Claire had talked about it a little bit more over dinner.
Ok mom, thanks for dinner, it was great. I’m going to head back to the room and grab a few things and I will be off to an awesome movie night with the gang.
Ok sweet heart, don’t do anything I would not do (what a broad statement).
Claire walked off while Nautia remained at the dinner table.
Scene 3: The arrival.
After stopping by her room to grab a few things and of course change her clothes Claire arrived at her new friend’s room.
“Knock, knock”
Sarah answered the door with a wide spread smile and her arms wide open.
Oh Claire, I’m so glad you managed to sneak past her.
You and I both, let’s get this party started.
They both walked in and giggled; greeting the boys and other girls that were in the room.
Scene 4: Panic, with my ear to the door:
Nautia was back in the room, it was rearing up on midnight which was about the time Claire said she would be back. Nautia (as a mother) began to worry when five minutes had gained on the hour. She kept her cool until another hour gained. She began to pace the floor. Then she began to pace the halls on the 3rd floor of the ship. That is where Claire said she was going to be. Nautia thought that a movie night would be rather quiet however when she heard the amount of noise coming for room 310 she couldn’t help but to think the worst. She came to the door and put her ear up to it…
On the other side of the door Claire and her friends we giggling and having a blast, drinking every drop that remained in the vodka bottle, all the teenagers had lost track of time.
Nautia heard a few of the teenagers talking on the other side of the door but she would not take action until she was sure she heard Claire’s voice.
Scene 5: The Catch:
It was then when Claire let out a roar of laughter and her mother knew without a doubt that was Claire’s voice.
“Knock, knock”, Claire this is your mother, I know you’re in there.
The noises on the other side of the door disappeared; Claire managed to stumble over to the door and open it.
*Drunk* Mom, what are you doing here?
Come on Claire, you look like a fool and so do I for trusting you.
Nautia escorted Claire back to their room and helped her into her pajamas and called it a night.
Scene 6: The morning after:
Claire woke up the next morning with a massive headache and somehow thought that would lessen the wrath she had coming her way.
After seeing you last night Claire I can’t believe you are up this early. How could you do that? I trusted you and let you do something to prove yourself; I guess this is the way you prove yourself? I don’t understand how you could do something like that after every chance I’ve given you. Do you think I enjoy worrying about you and keeping you home all the time so things like this won’t happen? You’re a teenager and you have to start acting like one. What were you thinking? Please explain yourself.
Well I wasn’t thinking mom, I really wasn’t. I was worried about people thinking less of me if I didn’t do exactly what they did. I wanted them to like me. I never thought about the consequences that would come after doing something like that. I not only broke your trust but it feels like I broke my head. I understand that I have to regain your trust and I’ll do whatever it takes. I know you try so hard mom, I really do, and I know you want me to have fun when the fun is the right kind. I don’t need to be drinking.
Your definitely right about not needing to be drinking, you’re a teenager. What if one of those boys took advantage of you… How could you recover from that? You couldn’t and either could I. You have to start thinking about other people’s feelings Claire not just your own. Don’t you think for one second that after that stunt you pulled I’m going to let you anywhere out of my sight, especially on this cruise. You honestly better think again. I think you owe me something young lady…
Im sorry mom, you have every right to feel the way you do and ill be sure to never let it happen again.
They hugged and made amends, however Nautia stuck with her word. Claire did not leave her side for the next week that they remained on the cruise.
© Copyright 2009 Lovely Licia (wwad527 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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