Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1609704-Demon-Duel
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Contest · #1609704
A demon story
Word count: 2208

The small meadow was enclosed by evergreens, a small stream of water trickled through it with a barely audible gurgle. The sun hung low in the sky casting long shadows in the meadow of two combatants that stood facing each other.

Sparks flew as the two warriors crossed swords. The two opponents, although different in size, faced off in deadly combat that was equal in mettle. Lana crouched in the dragon stance, perfectly balanced looking for openings in the demon’s defenses.
The red horned demon only wore a loin cloth, his eyes glowed a yellow tint in the fading light of the day.  His thick skin and magical enhancements, that were inherent to his kind, made armor unnecessary. The Bra’el demons were one of the strongest and most feared in the super natural realm.

“Lana, my dear, you must know that this is pointless for you. I will lay waste to you and feed upon your corpse. You will never get out of here alive.” The deep voice boomed and sent chills down the slender woman’s spine.

“Mar’cus, you are such a fool. I hold the demon’s bane charm. You won’t be able to touch me without hurting to yourself. Kind of ironic if you ask me, destroying me will only end your own pathetic life.” She swung her sword around over her head, only to be blocked with easy by the demon.

Mar’cus swung his sword straight down over his head, trying to chop Lana in half. The tall woman angled her sword and side stepped, deflecting the blow. Mar’cus swung his powerful tail around hitting Lana in her side, knocking the wind from her lungs. Pain exploded in both the combatants at the same time. They both stepped back grabbing their sides.
“I see exaggeration isn’t your forte. The demons Bane really works.” The demon said. He paused to catch his breath. Reevaluating his situation, he realized that he had to change his tactics. Mar’cus looked her up and down, looking for other options and to admire the woman’s beauty.

Lana was on one knee. Her black leather boots clung to her legs, battered and torn. The skin tight green pants hugged every well-tuned curve of her legs and were tucked in the boots. The fabric was nothing that Mar’cus had ever seen before, it radiated in the faint blue glow of magic. The shirt also had the same faint blue sign of enchantment. It was low cut, showing a good portion of cleavage and also hugged every curve, leaving nothing to the imagination. Her skin was a deep golden caramel color and smooth. Her arms were sculpted from years of training and experience. Her golden hair fell down her back; it was parted and pinned back so it wouldn’t fall across her beautiful angled face.

“I see you’ve been taking care of yourself my dear. This makes the conquest even more the sweeter.”

Lana hid her smile well. The compliment from the demon boosted her ego. She slowly stood up and pulled a small vial of a thick green liquid from her pouch on her belt, with a quick draw, she drank the contents. The potion burned as it slid down her throat. She felt the strength returning to her arms and her knees didn’t feel so weak.

“Thank you, you look red as always.” She said with a smile.

The demon stood about a foot taller than her. The muscles were large and sculpted. His long tail swung back and forth sending dirt flying into the air as it scrapped the ground. His wings were black as night, leathery and tough, folded back so not to get in the way or pose a target.

“You look tired my red friend. You can take a nap if you want to rest up.” She smiled.

“Hardly, this little exercise is nothing to me, but I afford you the same opportunity. If you wish that is.”

Lana gripped the hilt of the sword firmly in her hand and took a couple of steps toward him. She swung it back and forth a couple of times before going back into her stance, the demon followed suit.

The swords sparked again as they crossed. The demon swung his faster and faster, back and forth. This tactic sent a shower of sparks across the clearing, as the swords met.

Her arms burned from the constant assault. Her muscles strained as she blocked each attack. She was so busy with the attacks she didn’t notice the tail coming back around. This time it aimed for her feet, sweeping them out from under her.

Pain exploded again in both their backs. This time Mar’cus was ready for it. He looked down at Lana with admiration. She rolled over to one knee.

“I’m impressed.” He said. “Your training is improving; soon you might even be my worth my attention.”

“You have no idea Mar’cus. You may be stronger, but I am smarter.” She threw out another vile of black liquid, shattering as it hit him in the chest. The liquid burned his skin, turning it black. He roared in pain, sending birds in nearby trees to flight. Silence erupted in a faint glow around the demon’s body, devouring any sound that came from the red figure’s mouth.

“Now I won’t be subjected to any fowl insults from your mouth.” She said. The silence canceled any spells or cures the demon would mutter.

Mar’cus became enraged. His black leathery wings spread out open. The wing span was twice the demon’s height. Lana felt tiny; the powerful wings could easily carry the demon and a large cow high into the air.

Lana picked up her sword, nervous energy erupted from her. She was clearly out matched. “Come due your worst demon.” She spat, trying in vain to sound brave.

Mar’cus silently ran for the warrior with demonic speed. His arms grabbed hold of the beautiful woman and his wings engulfed her, hiding her from view.

The hold sent fear through the woman. She knew that she had been beaten. Lana couldn’t move a muscle, couldn’t even reach her dagger. The demon held her tight until the silent spell wore off.

“Nice try my dear, but I believe I have won.” He slowly let her go to catch her breath. His wings folded back behind him again.

Mar’cus smiled largely, his arms folded across his powerful chest in victory. “You have a few new surprises, and you are getting better.” He said. “But the day is late and I must attend to some villages that have not been paying their tributes, you know rape the cows and slaughter the women or something like that.”  A playful smile spread across his face.

Lana held up her hand. “Wait,” she said. “Please don’t leave me.” Her shoulders straightened up again, gaining some composure.

Mar’cus turned back toward her. “What is it?”

“I don’t want to be alone tonight. Please stay.”

“Your training is coming along very nicely. Soon you will be ready to take on my brother and end his plight over my kingdom.” He said. “But I have other things to attend to. After all I am a very busy demon.”

Lana walked up and placed her arms around his muscular neck. Her right hand slowly went down his chest, than further, feeling the taunt abs. “Your other duties can wait. But tonight I can’t.” Her hands moved down and unstrapped the loin cloth. The tiny piece of fabric fell silently to the ground.

“My dear,” he started to say, but he was at a loss for words as Lana’s hands wrapped around his thick red shaft.

She moved her hand up and down, feeling the thick veins as she stroked him. A moan of pleasure escaped his lips, his hand reached down and ripped the blouse open, the buttons popped out of their holes, and her breasts fell from their restraints.

She threw back her shoulders letting the top fall to the grassy field. Her boots and pants joined her shirt in a pile at her feet.

Mar’cus gazed upon her natural beauty, untainted by magic or enhancement spells. The moon, now fully in the sky, made her skin glow an ever so slight yellow. Her heavenly body was strong. The skin was stretched tight over her taunt muscles, her breasts were round and perky, and her legs were long and smooth.

The demon’s tail whipped around and wrapped around her waist, he pulled her into his awaiting arms. The strong red hands went up and down her back, feeling the tension in her muscles evaporate as he gently kissed her all over.

“You devil woman, what spell do you hold over me.” He asked with a smile.

“I hold no spell my lord, it’s called love.”

Her hands went around his waist as she kissed his massive chest. She worked her way down his front, a hand grabbed his member and she licked it teasingly. Her lips parted, and slid over his staff, it filled her mouth as she went up and down, only able to take half of his length.

He grabbed a hand full of hair and guided her. He got harder as she scrapped her teeth ever so lightly. “You’re a naughty little succubus.” He gowned.

She moved faster, stroking with her hand as well. “I see you’re glad you stayed.” She said than went back to work.

“Yes, this is just what I needed after our sparing match.” He slowly lowered her to the ground then followed. He licked and bit her ear. His hand squeezed her breast. His mouth closed on her other nipple, gently biting it.

She moaned and tilted her head back with pleasure. “Yes.” She whispered.

He reached down and grabbed her leg behind the knees, lifting them up. His mouth went down to her now moist crotch and his tongue explored her wet opening. He sucked her pleasure knot into his mouth and then licked it, ever so softly. A finger caressed her; it started to go in but withdrew, only increasing her desire. He teased her several times before he inserted it in deep into her. Lana’s hips went up from the stimulation. Mar’cus increased his seductive tease and flicked his tongue faster.

“I can’t take this any longer, I must have you now.” She moaned. She grabbed his head by the horns and pulled him up. She kissed him, sliding her tongue into his mouth. She reached down and grabbed his hardness and guided it into her waiting passage, wet with desire. Her legs spread open even more to allow his member to enter, she flinched a little as the girth was almost more than she could handle.

He slowly entered her so not to cause too much pain. He withdrew just as slowly as he entered her. Lana’s hips shifted and moved to get the right angle. He pushed back in her, this time he entered without any effort. Her hands grabbed his butt checks and squeezed tightly. Her finger nails dug in and the pain enhanced the pleasure that Mar’cus felt.

She was going mad with ecstasy; she could feel every inch of him sliding in and out. She felt the veins which only heightened the pleasure and causing her to scream out with bliss. Her arms wrapped around his chest and her legs grabbed a hold of his.

Mar’cus carefully stood up with her still holding on. He spread his wings and took flight into the crisp night sky. His arms held Lana tight to his chest. He flew higher and higher.

The feeling of flight was new to her; they had never done this before. The experience was both terrifying and erotic at the same time. She used her legs and arms to ride his shaft, her hips gyrated as his arms kept her from falling.

The demon spread his wings and glided for a couple of miles before flapping again. He was nearing climax as they crossed back over the mountain top. Lana was riding him harder and harder, she could feel his emotions coming to a peak. He dove down through a cloud and towards the ground far below.

The wind blew through her hair and the dive they were in excited her, bringing all her senses to a heightened state. With a few forceful pumps she climaxed, he followed.

Mar’cus pushed out his wings and swung his feet under him, just in time, to come resting on the ground gently where they started.

“You have never done that before.” She panted in exhaustion. Her legs trembled and were weak, they almost gave out.

“That was all just an impromptu, I never planned that.” He said still holding her so that she wouldn’t fall.

The two withdrew after a few minutes and redressed. They stood in the clearing holding each other and trying to catch their breath.

“I think you might soon be ready to take on my brother. I think we will need to practice like that at least a few more times before I truly think you’re ready though.” He smiled

“I think I’ll need several more practices like that over a couple of months Mar’cus.”
© Copyright 2009 Tom is now retired (watts_tom74 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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