Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1609655-The-stone-of-landelle-prologue
Rated: GC · Chapter · Fantasy · #1609655
this story shows that blood doesnt determine your future your choices do more inside
This is the story of a girl named Eleana. She's the adopted daughter of the king of Elderaan, but she learns at an early age that ther true father, is a trator, a man bent on revenge for his banishment

The history: Prologue

Eleana looked down at the puddle of blood that was slowly growing around her. What had started as a few red drops had turned into a shallow pool of crimson liquid. She reached her hand to her stomach where the blood had now started pouring out of quicker. She could feel her strength leaving her more and more with each passing second. 'Won’t be long now,' she thought to herself, for the others in her group had scattered when they heard the Sukata coming. Her pain made her think back to when she first learned about this great threat.

“Today, I shall teach you about the Sukata.” The man, that had raised her all her life stated. And then he began to tell his tale. “Long ago in the land of Cloverdale a race of creatures known as the Barroque dwelled in peaceful existence, but that peace didn't last forever. A traveler from a distant land passed through their village, he and his wife had been attacked by wolves back on the trail. His wife and unborn child were killed, and he seriously injured. The Barroque being a kind and gentle people, looked after the man until his health was restored. He had wanted to thank them in some way but had nothing really to give them except a stone that had been in his wife's family for generations.

This stone was called a Lacarean. The Lacareans were crafted through the combined magics of the five Elven clans. One of the bravest, and strongest magic users from each came together to create them. There was Bantlen, from the mountains to the north. Dentlin, from the sky elves to the east. Molnid, from the tree elves to the west. Sheshela, from the water elves in their vast oceans. And Soliver, from this very kingdom.”

“Laucian’s father,” She had said absentmindedly not really meaning to interrupt him. She was only twenty at the time, and her manners, like any child’s, could be somewhat lacking. He merely smiled and continued his tale.

“The stone had come into his wife's family through her great grandmother, Clarece Ponter who was an adventurous woman to say the least. She was exploring the ruins of the once great Sky Elven kingdom of Landelle when she came across an Elven soldier lying on the ground, only half conscious. He had spoken to her in the combined language of our people, which she, being human, and we having not had many dealings with them at this point, knew little of. Then, he handed her the stone, and vanished. All she understood of what he had said was 'great power keep safe.' She never told anyone of the stone until on her deathbed she told her grandson Eric, who upon his untimely death told it to his daughter. All the man could tell the Barroque was that it was made by the Elves and possessed great power, what sort of power he did not know. But he told them of a kingdom near by where some of the mountain Elves still Dwelt and was on his way.

The Barroque sent William Gorean in search of this kingdom. They had never seen an elf, and knew nothing of the differences in the appearance of our separate clans. All they knew about us was that we had pointed ears. So when William saw a pointy eared man in front of him he was sure he'd found the place. However, unbeknownst to the man, the mountain elves had long moved on from that place. Through the old now banned magics of the Wood Elves, we learned of their conversation.”~~

"Excuse me sir, I was wondering if you could tell me about this," the elf’s eyes widened

"Where did you get this?"

"It was given to my people by a traveler in exchange for saving his life, he told us it had great power but couldn't say much more."~~

“You see William had been half correct in his presumptions, for the one he found was indeed an Elf, but not from the mountain lands. No, this man, had once been from Landelle. His name was Delvin, you see Delvin, was very greedy. And very good with deceptions and he quickly came up with a lie. You see it was once believed that the Mountain Elves, being the strongest users of magic, were the only ones to create the stone. So Delvin used this to his advantage in his deception.”~~

"Ah I've heard of this, it was said to be crafted by my people," He could tell that the man didn’t know the first thing about the Elven or the stone, so any ruse he told would be believed. ” but I'm afraid to tell you dear sir that it is just a rock,"~~ William had been heartbroken by this and asked the Elf to accompany him back to his people to break the news. Delvin quickly agreed and the two headed to his village.

Once there Delvin put his evil plan into affect, and had the man order a meeting.~~
"I'm sorry to tell you this ladies and gentleman but this rock will be of no use to you," he held it up and pointed it toward the crowd, "It will be your undoing, Esccar Lecarnum Plugenta Frentado,"~~

The man who had raised her stopped and sighed and took a drink from his glass in front of him. He closed his eyes and opened them again momentarily and then began to tell his tale again.

“With that said the Barroque were no more, their faces started to change and their almost human like appearance was gone. Their hair which had been long straight and beautiful, shrank into a short prickly mess, and grew all over their bodies. Their eyes shrunk and became red. Their once ten fingers had turned into eight incredibly sharp dagger-like claws. Finally their legs became longer until their once average height of four foot five inches became an average of seven feet. Then the elf commanded them.~~

"I am your master you are my creation, I can destroy you as quickly as you came to be. You are now my warriors,”~~

"With that said the Sukata as they are now called began their rampage through the Elven lands. They mostly stay on the outskirts of Capitals, and they’ve stayed completely away from the mountains as far as we have heard. It seems, Delvin is only after the Elven, although their have been reports of a few scattered human villages being attacked now and then. He wants wealth and power, and if that means attacking other races to get it, he will. Now the story of Delvin is the same as many. He was blessed with the power to wield the stone, power turned to greed and he was banished from his kingdom. Eleana, power is a funny thing, it corrupts many. I want you to promise me here and now that no matter how much power you obtain you will never let it corrupt you."
"I promise." She said setting up straight in her bed and crossing her arms in front of her chest before clasping her hands together and bowing, the Elven sigh of honor. He smiled.
"Where was I," he said then his smile faded. "Ah yes. It was then that the Elven realized that nothing good could come of the stones and had them all destroyed. Save one.

It was given to the King of Landelle for safe keeping, but,” Her guardian had suddenly stopped his tale and turned away from her. “Maybe you’ve heard enough for tonight.” He had said and started to walk out of her room.

“Please don’t sir, I want to hear the rest.” She had said, she could remember, never being more intrigued about anything as she had been that night. His shoulders had slumped but then he returned to the foot of her bed. His voice then turned very sad.

“Delvin gathered a group of followers, mostly outcast humans, who pledged allegiance to no King. And it was even rumored that some Dark Elves had joined him as well. A human woman, whom he had kidnapped, knew of the stone’s whereabouts. And under duress of torture, told him where he needed to go. Their numbers were great, and the air Elven not ready for their attacks. They didn’t even have time to get their airships off the ground before the battle was in full swing. All of the men of Landelle, had been slaughtered, and most of the women and children, few managed to escape. They hid out for years, but word has it they’re finally starting to rebuild their home. Despite all this, Delvin never found the stone. In a rage he destroyed his followers and was not seen again by anyone until that day when poor William found him, three hundred years after the stones were destroyed.”

He stood up off her bed and looked away. “I tell you this story now, because their threat is growing, worse with each passing day. I had hoped to never have to tell you this. But deep down I knew the day would come. When you were younger, I told you that one day I would tell you who your true parents were. Unfortunately that day has come. Eleana, Delvin, is your father, and your mother.” His voice cracked, she could remember it even now. “Your mother was the one who told him where the stone was located.”

She had cried for months after she had found out the truth. Her father, was the single greatest threat that the Elves had ever faced. And her mother, a weak human, who told him what he wanted to know. She sighed, if it wasn’t for them, she wouldn’t be in this situation now.

She had been traveling with a group of people from all across the lands, sent by their respective leaders, to assess the threat level of the enemy. They were camping in the woods of Sirenia when they were attacked by the Sukata. There had been twenty humans, sent from all over. Eleven Dwarfs, and only two Elves. Her, and Laucian. Both had been born with some magical abilities, as most Elven were. But only Laucian body could regenerate as quickly as the Elven were known to do, because his blood was pure. Hers, had been tainted by an evil Elf, and a weak human.

Eleana looked to the East and saw what appeared to be Laucian running toward her. Believing it to be Delirium from her weakened state, she closed her eyes finally succumbing to the weakness.
© Copyright 2009 Ariana Standish (emeraldlee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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