Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1609598-Kevin-and-Lance---part-2
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1609598
Kevin asks Lance to help change the flat tire on his car...
Later on that afternoon, I sat on the couch and decided to watch the news. Lance was on the floor, finishing up his homework, before he strolled into his bedroom. I figured he was busy playing with his Lego’s for he was very quiet for awhile. Mom had finally gotten around to getting him a laptop for his birthday, and he started to surf the web, chat, and play games on that as well, so that kept him quiet for most of the afternoon.

Suddenly, the cordless phone in the kitchen started to ring. I groaned, since they were showing something really interesting on the news, and I had gotten really into the story. I slowly got up and walked around the side of the couch, making my way to the kitchen, when I saw Lance running out of his bedroom, shouting something at me.

“I got it!”

Lance practically leaped two feet over our couch and landed in front of me! He then raced over to the kitchen and grabbed hold of the phone, which was hanging from the wall in the kitchen. It was obvious that the call was for him, and he was expecting it.

My goodness, he was fast! All that muscle must serve for something for he just blew right past me! It was unbelievable how quickly he got to the phone, leaving me in the dust. I have never seen anyone run that fast. And he wasn’t even sweating or anything!

Lance then casually strolled over to the couch and plopped down with his muscular body on the couch, with the phone in his hand. He was giggling and laughing, since he was talking to one of his friends from school.

“Hey, Ricky, so when are you coming over? Tomorrow? Cool! I’ll ask mom… Yeah… Maybe you can spend the night over at my house… It’ll be fun! We can do whatever we want…  Oh don’t worry about that… My dad’s not here and I just have my older brother… He won’t do anything to bother us…” Lance spoke over the phone.

I looked up and raised my eyebrow when I heard him mention my name. Then, I realized that he was right. Basically, Lance could do whatever he wanted. I really couldn’t stop him, since he’s far stronger than me. I still had to show him that I was the older brother, though. Now, I didn’t know what his friend Ricky was like, but I had to make sure that Lance clearly understood that I would be the one in charge if mom wasn’t home. I knew that this would be a challenge, especially if Ricky were another muscle-kid, just like Lance.

“You got a joke for me? Sure, tell me. What? Why did the muscle-man get pulled over by the cops? Uhhmm… I dunno? Why?” Lance said.

I was curious to hear the answer.

“Ha ha ha ha!!!” Lance laughed out loud, before he flexed his right arm and made a huge muscle. “He got pulled over for carrying his guns!!”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at the silly jokes my little brother was telling his friends on the phone. They were telling muscle jokes! Obviously, his friend Ricky was probably also a muscle-kid, just like Lance.

“Hey, Ricky… What do you call a guy with muscles? Yeah, guys just like you and me?” Lance said to his friend on the phone.

Now I knew for sure what to expect when Ricky would come over. He was just as muscular as Lance! Oh boy! Now I would have two muscle-boys in the house!

“Ha ha ha ha!!! Arnold! You call a guy like that ‘Arnold’!”

Lance was laughing so hard, that he squeezed the cordless phone just a tad too much, due to all the laughter. Suddenly, there was a loud CRACK, which came from his right hand.

“Oh no!” Lance gasped, as he looked down. The plastic phone had cracked in half, with the battery, the wires, and the circuits coming out the back and dropping in his lap. “Damn! I broke the phone!”

“Lance! What did you do?” I shouted.

“The phone! It broke!” he said, as he got up and let the broken phone fall on the floor in front of his muscular legs.

I quickly got up and walked into the kitchen, looking for a trash back in the pantry.

“You’re so clumsy, Lance! We’re not going to have anything left in the house if you keep on breaking things!” I said to him, clearly feeling annoyed by the way my little muscle-bro just ruins everything with his huge muscles.

He stood up and just stared at me with his big puppy dog eyes, giving me a sad look on his face.

“I’m sorry, Kev… I… I didn’t do it on purpose… It was an accident… I’m really, really sorry…” he said in a soft voice. You could tell he felt really ashamed.

This, of course made me feel even worse. I scooped up the broken phone and tossed it in the trash bag, which I threw away in the garage. As I walked past my car, in the garage, I saw that the front tire of my little Volkswagen had a flat, which made my day go from bad to worse!

“Oh crap…” I grumbled, as I walked back in the kitchen from the garage door. “Now I got a flat tire on top of all this. We need to go to the mall and buy a new phone before mom gets home, and now I got to change the tire on my car…”

“Can… Can I help?” Lance asked me quietly, still standing in the same spot in the living room. His feelings were hurt, and I had to make it up to him first. Poor kid was almost on the verge of tears. There is nothing worse than seeing a young kid with all that muscle standing there and cry like a baby.

“I’m sorry, little bro…” I said to him, as I walked up to my little bro, with my arms extended. “I’m sorry for yelling at you… I guess I was just frustrated…”

I wrapped my arms around him, as much as possible, since his torso was so wide. His chest was extended so far, that it made it really hard for me to wrap my arms all the way around his big body. His muscles were big and round and hard, plus he was incredibly heavy. Not only that, but he was as hard as a rock!

Lance then wrapped his huge arms around my waist, which was easy for him since I’m rather skinny. Then, I felt his grip tighten around my waist, as he gently lifted me up. My feet left the ground and he was holding me a few inches above the floor.

“Hey! Set me down!” I protested.

“I’ll walk you over to the garage…” Lance chuckled, as he began to walk towards the garage door, while carrying me in his arms.

As soon as we entered the garage, he set me on the floor and flipped the switch.

“Ooh! You got a flat tire!” he noted, as he spotted the flat tire on the passenger’s side.

I walked around and started looking for the spare tire and for the jack to lift the front of the car with.

“Here’s the spare…” I said, as I loosened the bolts which held the spare attached to the back of the car. I removed the spare and rolled it over to the front of my car, where Lance was standing.

“Can I help? Can I do anything?” he said, almost begging for me to give him permission to do something. It was as if his muscles were just screaming to be used.

“Well, I need to find my jack so that I can get the front of the car lifted up high enough so I can replace the flat tire…” I explained to my little bro.

I walked over to the tool box where my father kept all his tools, hoping to find the jack there. I found the wrench that I could use to remove the bolts with, but the jack was nowhere to be found.

Lance was clearly becoming impatient and he got to the point where he had to do something. He walked to the very front of the car and squatted down, just as I was searching for the jack, so I wasn’t paying attention to him. Lance placed his hands under my front bumper, and then he straightened out his legs and back. Finally, he flexed his arms, slowly lifting up the front wheels of my car and allowing the entire front half of my Volkswagen Beetle to come off the concrete floor!

“There you go, Kevin! Now, take the tire off!” Lance said, in a calm voice.

I turned around and gasped. I saw my little brother holding my car a foot above the ground with his bare hands!

“OHMYGOSH LANCE! Are you crazy? You’re gonna get yourself hurt!” I shouted at him as I walked towards the car in utter disbelief.

“What? Just change the tire! C’mon!” he shouted back. “I’ll hold the car for you!”

I had to rub my eyes. Was I dreaming? My kid brother had lifted my car up and was holding it with his hands like it was nothing! He wasn’t even straining! No sweat or anything!

“What are you waiting for? Change the damn tire, Kev!” he said out loud.

I had finally come out of my initial shock and I took the wrench off the table. I quickly loosened all the bolts, which held the flat tire in place, and I removed the darn thing. Then I took the spare and placed it on the wheel, and replaced the bolts and the wheel cover. When everything was back in place, I got up and looked over to my little brother, who was still standing there, holding my car up with his hands.

“Okay, Lance… You can set her down… Very gently!” I ordered. “Very slow!”

Lance slowly lowered his arms and allowed my car to come back down with the front wheels landing on the concrete floor. As he lowered my car, I looked up and saw his mighty biceps, which were just bulging with power. How could my little brother be so strong, that he could lift a 4,000-pound vehicle? Of course, he only lifted half of it, but still…

As soon as the car was on all four tires, Lance walked over to me.

“That was easy!” he smiled.

My mouth just dropped wide open. Lifting a car was easy? Whoa! It dawned on me that my little brother was a lot stronger than I realized. His arms were incredibly hard and thick, and veins even started to cover them now.

“I’m thirsty! Can we go somewhere and get a smoothie or some ice cream?” he asked me.

“Sure, Lance… I guess you deserve it!” I replied.

We got into the car and I took him to the mall where we got some ice cream at one of the shops in the food court.  I decided to spoil him a little, since he had helped me out. And we picked up a new telephone while we were there…

© Copyright 2009 scriptboy (scriptboy64 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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