Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1609471-An-introduction
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1609471
The future royal family of landelle meet, prequil to The Stone of Landelle
Eleana Laneshe was seventeen years old, and like most Elven children her age she loved to play with her friends and have fun. But today while most of her friends where outside playing the many different games children come up with to entertain themselves, Eleana had decided to spend her day indoors. It wasn't rainy outside, nor to hot or cold, but today was a special day around the palace. Or at least that's what she figured since all the servents where bustleing about prepareing spare rooms and her adoptive father, King Threanous, was in an especially cheary mood today. When she went to mid day meal she noticed him, setting at his table with his wife, Rosemary, and his birth daughter, Athena to his right, and she went and took her place to his left.

"Good day your majesty how are your spirits?"

"Good day young Eleana my spirits are high as we're expecting important company later in the day." It was really none of Eleana's buisness, but as a child her manners could be lacking so she pressed the subject.

"Who's comming sir." As always when she breached protical, it only made him smile brighter.

"Soliver, and his troups are returning from softguard to make their formal report for this half century, his son will be joining him as well as his wife." Eleana knew of Soliver, knew he was one of the kings best friends, but had no idea he had a wife or a son. She ate her food in silence, accidently eves dropping on the King's and Rosemary's conversation.

"I did not know Soliver had married much less had a son." Rosemary said to her husband.

"I didn't ither untill I got the report that they where comming, it said to expect three of the generals, their three wives and admeral Soliver's son." Eleana continued to eat her meal in silence closing her ears to everyone, so it was only the admirals and Mr. Nuril's son that was comming. She pursed her lips into a small pout. She'd put off catching lizards with her friends for this.

Later that evening Eleana set in the palace's walled off garden sighing. After discovering what all the fuss was about she tried to go find her friends but she couldn't locate any of them. She grabbed a book off the king's personal book shelves and went to set under a tree by the water, his majesty wouldn't mind as he had alwayse told her it was fine as long as she was careful and remembered to put his books back. The book she chose was one of her favorites. It was a book about all the legendary monsters that inhabited the world. She especially loved reading about the dragon Gormayo, who was so large and terrible, none could defeat him. Kings and all their men where vanquished when they went up against him. She was reading so intently that she barely heard the voices comming from the hallway leading to the walled garden. But when the voices entered the guarden it's self she looked up from her book. In walked the King followed by two others, one she knew to be Soliver, and another elf she did not know. He was fairly older than her she could tell, but he was still young by elven standards. He had Long silvery hair and eyes to match. He was so handsom, before she knew it she had droped her book face down in the grass and was scrambling to pick it back up and make sure it wasn't damaged.

"There you are Eleana, oh, sorry dear I didn't meen to frighten you." The king said as the three entered more into the room. Eleana scrambled to her feet and half ran, half jogged over to the three bowing deaply as was custom.

"It's a p-pleasure to m-meet you both." She said before she was even introduced. The king snickered a bit.

"Eleana, this is Soliver Nuril, my closest friend, and this is his son Laucian." Eleana bowed to each in respect, she had never met ither, but knew all about Soliver and had seen pictures. But this was the first time she had ever seen Laucian. "This is my sweet Eleana," he said with a smile placing a loving hand on her shoulder." Soliver looked at Eleana with a warm smile, and what seemed to be a slight look of sadness.

"It's a pleasure." He said bowing low and taking her hand and kissing it. Eleana turned to Laucian who also grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"Pleased to meet you, Eleana," he said with a small crooked smile on his face, at that moment, Eleana knew she had fallen in love.

"Laucain and his mother will be living here in Elderaan from now on, will you introduce Laucian to your friends and show him around for me?" The King had said and Eleana had barely heard him, she didn't respond only stood there for a moment, seemingly dumbfounded. "Eleana," He said placing his hand on Eleana's shoulder.

"Y-yes, yes sir, i'd be glad to." It was then that Laucian offered her his arm which she took and he ushered her to show him the way. Threanous smiled.

"Those two are going to be the best of friends," He said and he and his old friend shared a laugh.

And so it was that the kings prediction came true, and Eleana and Laucian became inseperable, they trained together and eventually droped all proper edicute. They got in wresteling matches, but no matter how serious it seemed they would always end it in a laugh. As they matured so did their relationship, and they continued to grow even closer together. But what became of them you may ask, well that my friends, is a different story.
© Copyright 2009 Ariana Standish (emeraldlee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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