Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1608805-untitled
by Vaan
Rated: E · Short Story · Experience · #1608805
It was the first time any such thing ever happened to me-and I have to say, it was weird.
    I stood up  slowly and walked to my mothers' side, holding the small swab against the tiny hole as I watched my father sit down in the chair, undoing the top three buttons of his shirt.Grabbing my coat from where I had dropped it I slipped back into its' gray plaid warmth, my arm starting to ache somewhat and the world starting to feel far away, like when your ears are plugged. Mother smiled at me nervously, uncomfortable in the social setting though glad to have this over with. She pointed at the garbage as I stuffed the cotton into my pocket. Smiling I dug it out and tossed it in, my head starting to throb gently, an unusual throb-like when you stand up too quickly. We watched for a few more moments as she stabbed my father, his face remaining still.
    "Wow," I noted, absentmindedly after a few more moments, "I feel really lightheaded all of a sudden..." The world felt further away, my head having this odd, almost empty yet full feeling. Without realizing it the world faded to a dreamlike black, like I had never actually waken this morning, time seeming so strange I couldn't make sense of it.
    My feet tripped over themselves all at once as I crashed forward, hearing a chair scrap harshly against the floor, skidding back-although that seemed in a different place, "Oh no...! I'm sorry..." The words fell from my mouth in complete sincerity, my thoughts convincing me I had just a taken a step and tripped as I told my mother about my light headedness.Hands gripped my wrists firmly, the only real thing at the moment, pushing me back that my feet moved themselves and I pushed down into a chair, something even realer against my thighs.
    "Put your head down dear!" She held it down momentarily, "Are you alright?" I was surprised she seemed so concerned-I only tripped, hadn't I?
    Nodding, "Yah..." I looked up, and she pushed my head back down gently.
    "Keep it down." The nurse stepped back.
    "...? What happened?" The world was starting to feel real again.
    "You were starting to faint." My mother was there beside me, hand on my shoulder.
    Returning with a wet piece of paper towel she pressed it against my forehead and let me hold it there, grabbing at my coat, "Here, let's get this off you. Are you hot?" I shook my head, whipping a droplet from my face as it dripped. Another cloth was pressed against my neck, "How do you feel?"
    "I'm fine," I lied, looking up to meet her eyes, trying not to be rude.
    She pushed it back down again, muttering again that I should try and keep it down, "Do you still feet faint, or anything else...?"
    "No-I'm fine, thanks. But the world still feels far away..."
    Frowning, "Have you eaten today?"
    "She just had a cereal bar a little while ago while we were waiting." Mother piped in, finishing my sentence while holding another cloth to the back of my neck.
      "Do you want some juice?"
      "Uh-sure." I wasn't sure how to respond, not having time to process what was being said.
      "Apple okay?" I nodded, accepting the tiny box.
    Seating herself back down at her little table she started to fill something out, perhaps the sheets we were supposed to get, I don't know, "Well I want you to stay here for a few minutes, just in case you have another reaction-okay? We recommend everyone wait five to ten minutes now. We never used to but this yea things have changed... Once I'm done these I'll show you tot he sitting room where others are waiting as well. But come and tell me before you leave alright? I want to make sure you're okay."
    "Okay." I answered quietly, raising my head again as things felt normal-ish again.
    Smiling wryly, "I told you you should have sat down."
    "Huh? I don't remember you telling me that.."
    "Well I did and you started heading over there," Mother pointed towards the chair.
    "Yeah, I saw that too-except you were at a very odd angle, kinda like this," Dad showed me with his hand. I tried smiling, laughing half heartedly.
      "I though I just tripped over my feet and fell that way."
    Shrugging, "Well it's a good thing the nurse saw you coming."
    "Yah..." I looked over towards her as she stood up, handing my father the three yellow sheets as I stood up, retrieving my coat again.

© Copyright 2009 Vaan (lucky-xiii at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1608805-untitled