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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Horror/Scary · #1608231
The origins of the organization known as Forever Human.
CONTEST ROUND: Write a background story about your antagonist.  Make your reader empathize with the motivations of the antagonist.  If your antagonist is a situation rather than a person, write a background story about that.

Antagonist: Forever Human (Organization)

Phil Valentine peered at Rebeca from behind his two thousand dollar Armani suit.  “Miss Flowers, your reputation precedes you.”

         Rebeca gave him her best ‘I’m better than you smile’ as she sat in front of his desk in her Wal Mart special.  “I assure you, most of it is true.  But it isn’t me that I come here to speak about.  I was hoping to learn more about your organization.  After all, it is getting harder and harder each day to find people in this industry who share the same values that we do Mr. Valentine.”  Rebeca felt like Valentine was staring a hole into the pendant that Victor gave what seemed like an eternity ago.  Everything has its price.

         Mr. Valentine laughed and his eyes began to warm up a bit, “Call me Phil.  I’m just glad that you understand where we are coming from.  I was afraid that you might be some kind of reporter type, but I see it in your eyes.”

         Rebeca did her best to hide a sigh of relief.  Bait, hook, and sinker.  Now all she had to do was get him to talk, but from the looks of things, he was a talker.  “I know what you mean Mr – I mean Phil.  You never can be too careful that you aren’t spilling your guts to someone who wants to see non humans bagging your groceries. “ 

         Phil laughed, “Ain’t that the truth.  So what can I help you with today?”

         “Like I said, I just wanted a little more information about the organization.  There has been some pressure on me to find a charity to donate some money to since I got this police contract.  I am hoping to find one that best matches my beliefs.  How did Forever Human get its start anyhow?  I would love to hear you tell the story.”

         As expected, Phil’s face lit up at the prospect of telling the great tale of his beloved organization.  Rebeca actually thought that he puffed up a little so that he looked a little like the Stay-Puff Forever Human Man.  Rebeca hid a smile behind her hand at the thought of the Forever Human Ghostbusters chasing down their fearless leader once he made the complete transformation to Marshmellow.  Phil closed his throat and clasp his fat, white fingers. 

“Forever Human was founded ten years ago, not long after these science folk declared werewolves a reality and vampire no longer monsters in a storybook.  We were founded to protect future generations of our children and their children from the non human that the Soviets plagued our society with.  We are doing what the American Indians should have done to prevent the white man from destroying their home.  And what a great home it is eh?

         We started as a grassroots organization created by concerned mothers and wives afraid for the future of their children.  There were afraid that sending their children to school might associate them to the were-disease, or allowing their children to have a sleepover might render them undead children forever.  They quickly grew, and we began to lobby the senate to use cation in creating all these laws.  Did you know just a few years after their official ‘discovery’ people were trying to pass legislation to legalize vampires?  Can you imagine a vampire paying taxes?”  Phil shook his head like it was the most ridiculous idea that he had ever heard.

         “Thanks to the support of thousands of men and women, we protected the country against the spread of the non humans, which is what we still stand for today.  We are the great defenders of this country.  We are here to make sure that your tax dollars go to the living future and not the dead past.  We strive to protect at any cost.  Do you understand what might happen if we allow the non humans to take over our society?”

         Rebeca was shaking her head in agreement with him.  She wondered if she had met Mr. Valentine just a few months ago how different this conversation might have been.  Well, maybe not how different, but what the motive behind it might have been.  “ That is certainly a cause worth donating to!  Am I required to join the organization to donate?  I would love to you see, but I cannot have ‘bias’ in my police work if you get my drift.”

         “Why of course Miss. Flowers.  I would never assume that you would ever judge a non human based on bias.  I am just glad that you are one of the few people who see them for who they are and call them out on all the crimes that they commit.”  Phil looked at her with pure brotherhood in his eyes.

         “Like you said Mr. Valentine, anything I can do to protect the living citizens of this country.  If you ever need my help, off record, you just let me know.  I would be glad to donate my time to such a worthy cause.”  Rebeca smiled sweetly at him, and for a moment, she wished it was true.

         Phil’s face drained of its emotion and turned completely political, “Miss Flowers, it is an honor that you would volunteer your time.  I have your card, I am sure there are some times that a victim may need your help in the future.”

         Rebeca stood, she had the information that she needed.  Phil’s lack of expression told her exactly what they were capable of.  “Thank you so much for your time Mr. Valentine.”

         Phil stood and ushered her to the door, “We will be in touch Miss Flowers.”

         “I look forward to it.”  Rebeca looked him straight in the eye as she stood in the door, “Phil, why did you join Forever Human?”

         For the briefest second, sorrow crossed every line of his face.  But it was gone so quick that Rebeca was not sure if it had even crossed that road, “I believe that is a story for a very different day.  It was nice to meet you.”

         Rebeca took the few remaining steps out of his office a little faster than she normally would.  She thanked the secretary for fitting her into the schedule and fled the building.  The stories must be true.  If Phil was capable of, she couldn’t bring herself to imagine what he had done to his wife, then what must the organization be capable of.  He did not brag or refer to any vampire murders, so they might not really be involved.  If they were, she had a feeling that she might be getting a call from them if it went wrong.

© Copyright 2009 SarahSedaii (sdrapkin at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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