Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1608073-American-All-Boys-Boarding-School-1
by Janie
Rated: 13+ · Other · Entertainment · #1608073
A young girl is going to an American boarding school.
Au revoir France

“Sweetheart, se lever. Vous avion quitte bientôt pour l'Amérique.” (Sweetheart, get up. You’re plane for America leaves soon.) My mother was shaking me, asking me to get up. I groaned and rolled over, not wanting to leave my house in France. It was too wonderful here, and my life was perfect. I had friends, a boyfriend, and was doing well in school. But my mom, well she thought I was doing so well I needed to go to America to a boarding school. What am I going to do there?!
         “Mais la mère! Il est tôt et je ne veux pas aller à l'école en Amérique. Je fais bien ici!” (But mother! It is early and I don't want to go to school in America. I am doing fine here!) I ranted, pulling the covers over my head. I heard my mother groan. She hated needing to get me up. Just a week ago I was perfectly fine leaving here. But now that the day was here, I wasn’t so ready.
         “Elisabeth Marie Ambler, obtenez jusqu'à cet instant! Je ne veux pas payer tout cet argent pour vous de ne pas aller!” (Elisabeth Marie Ambler, get up this instant! I will not have payed all that money for you to not go!) I sat up in bed, doing as my mother wished.
         “Fine mother, I’ll go!” I screamed to her. Mother looked hurt and confused. Then I realized that I had spoken English, and quickly made amendments with her. Sometimes I knew those English classes payed off. “Je suis désolé de crier mère. Cela a été un manque de respect de moi. Je suis juste inquiet que je ne vais pas comme en Amérique.” (I am sorry for yelling mother. That was disrespectful of me. I am just worried that I won’t like it in America.) An apologetic looked formed on mother’s face.
         “Oh mon bébé! Il sera bon. Je vous le promets. Quelqu'un aussi intelligent que vous avez besoin de plus que ce qui est d'offrir ici.” (Oh my baby! It will be alright. I promise you. Someone as smart as you needs more than what is to offer here.) I smiled a sad and frightened smile. As much as I knew she was right, I was scared. It was so far from home and it would be all different. I got up and put on the clothes that I would need for the long, long plane ride. I looked at the clock. It read 10:30 am, which meant it was 1:30 am on the Pacific Coast in America. I couldn’t believe that I would be going!!
If you haven’t figured it out yet, my name is Elisabeth Marie Ambler and I will be going to a boarding school in America. I live in France with my mother and father, along with 3 other siblings – all girls. This has been a big dream of mine, going to America, but I hoped it would be with my family. You have to take what you can get though. I am about 5 foot, but just barely.
Too soon thought I was heading out with mother, father, and my 3 sisters. They groaned about getting up so early, but did because they loved me. We finally got to the platform where I would be leaving momentarily. I was getting ready to hug mother and father goodbye when Annabelle ran up and hugged me around my waist.
         “Soeur! Je ne veux pas que vous partiez pour l'Amérique! Qui va chasser les monstres de sous mon lit et dans mon placard!?” (Sister! I don’t want you to leave for America! Who will chase the monsters from under my bed and in my closet!?) Annabelle looked on the verge of tears. She was a very emotional 7 year old.
         “Ne vous inquiétez pas Annabelle! Maria sera là pour le faire. Elle est très bonne à faire disparaître les monstres.” (Do not worry Annabelle! Maria will be there to do that. She is very good at making monsters go away.) I gave Annabelle a wink and slowly she backed away. Maria was the second oldest, born just 3 years after me, making her 14. Clare was the next to step up to me.
         “Goodbye Elisabeth. Voir les Américains, ce que nous avons à offrir en français!” (Goodbye Elisabeth. Show the Americans what we French have to offer!) I laughed.  Clare was always a rebel – for all 10 years of her life. Maria stepped up next and gave me a light hug.
         “Je t'aime, amusez-vous en Amérique,” (I love you, have fun in America.) with a smile Maria was moved toward the back of the group. Mother and father only got quick hugs because my flight was called for just then. They said quick ‘I love you’s’ and before I knew it I was sitting in my seat and the plane was taking off. I thought back to my life and realized how amazing it has been. Soon I fell asleep, even though it was daytime. I needed to rest, especially since it would be about the same time now as it is in America. Therefore, I need to get on an American schedule.
© Copyright 2009 Janie (janie_cullen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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