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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Other · #1607673
A Battered woman assumes a new identity to hide from an abusive ex.
When I arrived new to this New England town, I did not know what to expect. I was jaded, on the tail end of a bitter divorce that left me feeling that a trip through the fiery pits of hell would have made a pleasant change. My ex-husband, Clint had been a living nightmare. Every waking minute was filled with fighting and worse than that was the domination that I was subject to day and night. Clint picked my clothes, when and how I did everything in my daily life. He was older than me and I was young. I was a no nothing kid who thought she knew everything. I didn't know a damn thing as he was quick to establish on our wedding night. He was a beast who established himself sole master and self. I was a prisoner in my own mind and often I cowered there in a shadowy corner of my subconscious. The nightmares were still fresh even though it had been six months since I had first been granted by freedom.
This move was as a much for another chance as it was for my own safety. He had sworn vengeance when the judge had found grounds for my petition. The abuse had been evident of the day he had been served with the divorce papers: eyes blackened and the left one swollen shut, ribs broken, and my right arm in a cast. Clint was removed from the court room and held for twenty four hours for contempt of court. My attorney took this time to file a petition for a change of name. After seeing his reaction and my condition, he immediately signed the new documents granting me a new identity, Jenna Hawk. The judge ordered that all of the alimony to be paid in one lump sum. My attorney deposited the money into her firm's account and withdrew the money in different size increments along with firm business and slipped them to me. She had been highly sympathetic of my situation and had wrote each check to cash until the sum could be filtered into a nice sized money order. The money helped me greatly in my escape.
I was frightened as I pulled into the town limits, the smell of salt strong in my nose, making me instantly thirsty. The fear was from uncertainly was like bile in the back of my throat. I had a little money left over and I knew no one. I had hoped that I would slip into town unnoticed. The need for liquid sustenance made me pull into the cafe. At this time of day there were few cars in the parking lot, to late for breakfast, to early for lunch. I looked into the mirror. “You can do this,” I coaxed myself, “you are no longer that frightened little girl married to a mad man. You can go in here and order.”

“Do you always hype yourself up to eat someplace new?” I jumped. “Its cool, my mom won't poison you or anything.” He paused. “You okay? You sure?” I nod quickly. “ I mean, you look like you've seen a ghost.” He stepped away from the car. “I didn't mean to scare you. Uh, maybe if I told you who I am then you'd be more comfortable. Alex,” he said pointing to the patch on his shirt. He seemed nice enough, but I was still wary. “I'm not going to bite.....” He reached for the door. I squeaked and tried to lock the door forgetting the window was down in my terror. He paused, backed off a bit. “I'm not the man you're running from.” He raised his sleeve to show his shoulder. “My dad was like that. I tried to protect my mom and he turned the poker on me.” I was dumbfounded. I slowly opened the door. It was a miracle that Alex understood. “That's it, Come in, you're scared, I know... My mom, Maggie, would love to meet you. Do you have a place to stay? Do you need a job?” He kept a slight distance between us and walked slowly. His concern made me smile for the first time in as long as I could remember. It was odd to be treated with so much concern by a stranger, let alone a male stranger.
“I appreciate this,” I began to walk a little more confidently. He held the door open for me. I stopped as I noticed the place was filled with several men wearing the same style work shirt as Alex. Six or seven men ranging in size lounged about the room, some looked awfully gruff. Alex placed on my back.
“They're a good bunch of guys.” He steered me into the thick of them to sit next to a guy named Greg. The other two men were Rich and Jake.
I was quickly introduced to Bret, Ken, Shawn, and Chris. Jake eyed me as I sat down. “Flava, Alex?”

Alex rolled his eyes. “Jake has an interesting way of making people feel welcome.” His eyebrows shot up.
“I see,” he said leaning back, his Jersey accent heavy.
“She's cool, though.” Alex sat down in the chair next to the one he offered me. He had never asked me my name. I repeated Jenna over and over in my mind. The judge tried to not pick a name that was to unique, but wanted something short that I could remember easily.
“Heya bored, already?” Jake asked. I took a deep breath and glanced at Alex. For some reason, he did not seem concerned about my name or anything else. I felt an odd sense of kinship with him. He nodded, as if to say, go ahead things are cool.
“Nah, she's just a little shy about meeting new people is all,” He pats me on the shoulder. “We're old friends, met her while I biked cross country, member? Some no name town, and you were out of gas,” He laughed. “I probably would have forgotten all bout it till she caught me on line last night.” He shook his head. “Crazy driving all night like that Jenna,” How did he know my name? He smiled and handed me my new credit card and receipt. “Try to hang on to ya stuff, a'ight?”
Everyone including myself began to laugh. He was giving me an in, a cover story. I was a bit intrigued but mostly frightened till his mom came over. The poor thing was partially disfigured. I felt pity for this woman, but I felt guilty that I was relieved that the same thing hadn't happened to me. I understood why Alex was so easy for me to get along with.
“Mom,” he said, “this is my friend Jenna, I told you she was coming?” Her smile was warm despite the fact that she wore a patch that did not completely cover the scars above her cheek, where she had apparently lost her eye.
“Of course,” catching his meaning. She hugged me then. “Welcome,” she leaned into whisper “whatever he did dear, he won't hurt you now, you're free,” When she leaned back she asked, “Hungry?” What had passed between us was missed by everyone but Jake and Alex. Jake seemed openly curious as his eyes widened, puzzled over the passing comment.

“Famished,” was my answer. Maggie then gave us a feast. There were so many things I had never been allowed to eat before. I was told that I was to thin because of it. All of the best things Clint had kept locked away. He would come by to remove what he wanted for dinner out of the locked fridge or cabinet and demanded it be on the table at a certain time. I was not allowed to eat his food ever. I existed on unsweetened tea, oatmeal, and remen noodles. I'm sure my eyes were darting around like crazy cause Alex began filling my plate and pouring gravy over the biscuits he had placed on my plate.
“Maggie's biscuits and gravy are famous,” Greg announced putting long crispy strips of bacon on my plate. Jake meanwhile was stacking pancakes and drenching them in syrup. Someone tried to slip me oatmeal.
“No,” I said pushing it away, some of the guys looked at me weird.
“Finally,” Jake announced, “someone else who hates this sludge.” I smiled gratefully and his winked. When we were all stuffed, Greg began to question me.
“So you planning on staying awhile?”
“Yeah, cause my sister's gone off of somewhere in the Peace Corps and needs someone to house sit for her while she's gone.” Alex announced. “I figured she wouldn't mind if Jenna stayed there.”
“Do you know anything about computers?” Greg asked.
“Well I'm not to current on all of the new technology, but I know my fair share about Windows 95.”
“Great,” Shawn laughed. “She can learn the new software with everyone else when Greg gets off his ass to install the new systems that Leah refused to use!”

“Ha, Ha,” Ken laughed. His wife, Leah, had been doing their business with Windows 95 and an old Quicken program she had gotten from a TV. advertisement “She refused to change and learn something new.”
“We can work on that today if you are interested? It's been crazy with Leah on maternity leave.” Greg smiled. This was to good to be true. A friend, a place to stay, and a job! This were looking up!
“Tomorrow would probably be better, man. She drove all night after all.” Alex answered for me.
“Good point,” Greg agreed. “tomorrow, bright and early!” He pats Alex on the back. “Go to Staples and charge the programs to the company account.”
The small cottage that Alex's sister rented was situated a little off the main road, but close enough to the neighbors in the event that something happened. Alex began to air the house by opening windows. “The water needs to be turned back on, but its in the back yard. I'll turn that on before I leave. You might wanna let it run a bit to get the rust out.” I put so much time in being alone and afraid, that I felt the need to pour the whole story out to Alex. He listened sympathetically as I prattled on for hours. I started with the fact that my name wasn't really Jenna. I noticed towards the end that his hands were clenched into fists. I pulled my feet up and tried to make myself small as possible. I knew that look of anger when I saw it.
“Whoa,” he held up his hands palms out, “breathe, calm yourself, The bastard better not show his face around here. We don't go for that.”
“Not likely,” Jake said coming around the side of the house. “Divorce can be messy. I should know.”
“How much did you hear?” Alex asked protectively.
“Bout the bastard trying to kill her before she went to court. Don't worry, I live a couple houses over. This is a pretty quiet street, shout if there's trouble.”
“What about work?” I asked.
“Well the thing about that is someone is always in and out,” Alex began.
“Yeah, and since the office is only a block or whatever from the police station.. Patrols always pass by on their way into town. Dead end roads are convenient like that.” I shivered, dead end was not a word I particularly cared for.
Alex left me his cell phone. The numbers for everyone that I had met today and some that I didn't were programmed into the phone. Jake checked the locks for all the doors and windows when he cam back around dark to check on me. He brought a baseball bat light enough for me to swing comfortably as a house warming present.
“Make ya feel safe?” He grinned and my heart fluttered. I nodded and turned to take it into the bedroom. “Did I upset you?
“No, I am going to keep this in my bedroom.” He made a snorting noise as if trying not to laugh.
“S'alright,” I made my way to find him propped against the wall, nonchalant, “Yeah, most vulnerable there,” He cleared his throat. “People think they are safe there, they are most comfortable there.” He mumbled a goodbye and left. I began to think he was a little off.
My first night passed better than I expected and the more days I had working with Alex and Jake loosened me up a little. I didn't jump at every sound like I had when I'd been in protective custody. I eased into my job like a second skin. Greg was a patient teacher and had a great sense of humor. He and his wife had me over several times for dinner. I was pretty chummy with him. Their family had unofficially adopted me. Greg admitted to me that he had once mentored for Big Brother/Big Sister in college and seen 'my syndrome.' He understood and it was appreciated. I shed my old life like a reptile shedding its skin. So when Greg announced 'its officially to damn frozen to work party,” I was a raring and willing to participate. It was normal for the staff of the construction company to hang out after work at the office and play poker till all hours. Leah was not one to hang out or participate in any activities that they were rumored to have. As much as I liked everyone's wives, I felt more comfortable being in the presence of Alex and Jake. Jake had been finding reasons to be at the office lately, even if I wasn't alone or with nothing to do. He always seemed to find ways to tease me or reasons that he would have to stop by and check on me. Sometimes even when Alex's truck was parked out front. Alex found this incredibly funny. I was far to enamored with my new life to notice anything strange about it. I actually enjoyed his attention. I was still in grasp of my senses, knowing that he was only being friendly. Guys like him were not interested in women like me. I mentioned this to Alex..

“You shouldn't be so hard on yourself. When you are ready you'll find someone; until then you'll just have to deal with the three of us being highly overprotective.” He grinned. I sighed and he began to chuckle. “You know I can so read you.”
“What do you mean?” He had his arms crossed and he was staring at me with his head cocked to one side.
“Don't bullshit me! I'd like to think I know you better than that, at least by now.” His laugh mocked me.
“What is it that you think you know, smart ass?” sending the zingers that he had been slowly teaching me right back at him.
“Hey that was good, maybe we'll work on advancing your vocabulary past potty,” I threw a pillow at him.

“Yeah, and maybe you'll get laid,” his mouth dropped open then. I bounced on the balls of my feet, daring him to return my reply.
“Tell me you didn't just go there,” He laughed. “I'm starting to think you've never had any the way you can't see that I know how much you want Jake.”
“Doesn't matter if I do, I'm not his type.” Recently, Jake had been spending his time with a peroxide blond, who tried her best to imitate every style that Kate Hudson portrayed on the big screen. The only problem was her breast size was at least twice as high as her IQ if not larger. I had my doubts if even her shoe size was a bigger number than that of her IQ.
“How would you know? You ever asked him?” I avoided his question and turned away. Alex changed the subject and I was grateful. If I was having feelings for Jake. It wouldn't do me any good to admit it to anyone, even to myself. If my life had taught me one thing it was to be a realist. Great guys like Jake or even Alex for that matter didn't want to date girls like me. They didn't want to have to deal with the emotional baggage that I brought into the relationship. Sure, they were fine being my buddies, but the fact wouldn't change that they could leave anytime they wanted and I would miss actually having the closeness of their friendship. So it was best that I kept everything on a platonic level. Even if it meant being miserable and alone, things could always get worse, but I pray to God they didn't do a 360 on me.
Section 2
On the day of the party, Greg and I spent the hours gathering supplies for the party: beer, snacks, ice, and anything that he could think of. When we got back to the office everyone was lounging around. Jake did not look happy when we came in laughing. I tripped and Greg caught me.
“Don't you two look chummy,” Jake said tossing a pack a cards at Alex before taking a swig of beer. Alex glanced between us as we made our way in. He hadn't mentioned anything to me about what I thought about Jake since that night last week when it was first brought up. I had no idea why Jake was being so distant tonight. Then I saw it, he had made quite a dent into the twelve pack he had brought with him. Empty cans were scattered around his side of the table where he and Alex had apparently been shooting the shit.
“Deal you in?” I nodded. My first week anniversary had resulted in the guys teaching me to play poker. Ken swore that he was going to teach me to dip but, blah, just looking at it made me want to vom. I sat down across from Jake trying to avoid the glares he kept shooting in my direction.
“You got a problem?” I shot at him.
“Nah, not anything in particular,” he said glaring. “nothing that I can do anything about anyway.” After he had suffered quite a defeat at the hands of mainly Alex, he kept a constant mumbling commentary under his breath. Someone bumped into me. Greg fell over my chair laughing. I think I was the only one not wasted.
“I'm being serious,” chuckling, “ask her she'll tell you, right sweetheart? She was there. I'm serious. They asked if we were together, almost old enough to be her dad...” Jake chucked his cards across the table as Greg draped his arm around my shoulders gesturing about telling the story about the grocery clerk who mistook me for Greg's wife, Dana.
“I'm out,” he said stumbling over his chair and pulling on his gloves and coat. “Not sticking round for this shit. Cheating bastard, should know better,” He fumbled his keys and dropped them.
“Excuse me?” Greg said catching the end of the comment.
“You heard me,” he staggered to the door. “Going home,” he mumbled. I went to him then.
“You are in no condition to drive, let me get my stuff, I'll take you home.”
“Ha, I'm sure you would. Taken Greg and probably Alex and who knows who else...” The full meaning of his words hit me hard.
“Oh,” my mouth dropped open.
“Now wait just a second,” Greg said catching on. Jake ignored him and slammed the door shut behind us. Snow had been falling pretty steady this week. I looked down. I didn't know what had gotten into Jake lately, but I had the worst feeling in the pit of my stomach that if I let him leave something bad would happen. I jerked the door open, no coat and trudged my way out to his truck.
“What the hell?” He said as I tried to take his keys from his trembling hands. He turned to face me and almost fell, our faces close. “Go back inside, you're going to freeze to death.
“No,” I said crossing my arms across my chest. My sweater only provided so much warmth. He tried to wrestle the keys from my grasp, but I still refused. He finally gave up with a curse and reached into his truck for his tailgate party Patriots blanket. He wrapped it around my shoulders.

“When did you get so damn stubborn?” He asked pulling it tight.

“About the time you started treating my like some two bit whore, except I guess in the case of your love life it would be a compliment.” He snorted and nodded his head towards the window where we both noticed the people scurrying away from the office windows.

“Bout the time it seemed you and Greg were spending a lot of quality alone time. You do know he's married and has kids right?” He brushed the snow out of my hair.
“Nah, who do you think kept the baby when they took Wren to the Emergency room?” He laughed softly then. I had called him asking for help. He came over and explained quite a few things I didn't know about caring for infants. He confided in me about how much he missed his kid. He had gotten his high school girlfriend pregnant and they had gotten married, before they had even finished school. The marriage had only lasted a couple of years but he still missed his daughter terribly.

“I,” he doesn't finish he just pulls me forward his chilled lips meeting my own. His tongue darts in briefly as a cheer goes up behind us. We turn to look. This time the team doesn't flee from sight. “cold?” He wraps his arms around me and holds me close sharing body heat. “I can be a jerk at times,” his breath was hot on my cheek. “Especially when I feel threatened.” I laid my head on his chest. “There's no reason for us to stand outside, we're frozen.” He stepped back and slipped into the passenger seat of his truck. He patted the driver's seat. Driving four wheel drive was still not my strong suit. The drive was slow and quiet, except for Jake's cautions about driving in the snow.

Jake started a fire in the fireplace while I made coffee. Jake kept a running commentary while I was in the kitchen. “I never thought we'd fight before I got a chance to ask you how you felt about me. I didn't want to pressure you for any kind of decision.” He came to stand behind me, his hands circling my waist. He pressed his lips to the side of my neck.

“Awe,” I whimpered. His goatee tickled and his hot breath made something deep within me came to life. Jake laughed softly as I leaned against them.

“Like that,” he whispered brushing his stubbled cheeks against the side of my neck. Chills ran up and down my spine, despite the fact I was hot all over. I turned to face him, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him to me. I pressed against him as my lips parted as his came to meet mine. He raised me up on the counter, I wrapped my legs around his waist. I moaned as he pressed his ever hardening self against the center of my body. A pleasant dampness had begun there and the warmth had begun to spread from the pit of my stomach.

“Oh yea,” I said as his hands slipped under my sweater. His fingers were cold, they felt delightful. I pressed my face to his neck, flicking my tongue out to taste him. He growled as my hands slipped down to explore his body. My hand brushed his abs as he hissed and arched against me. I stopped and it took a bit for him to realize this. My eyes were wide as he caressed my face.

“Wassa matta?” His eyes still darkened with desire, lips wet and slightly parted. His Boston accent thickened, it was highly attractive.

I realized at this minute that the special power women have over their men lay within me too. “Jake,” I smiled. “let's get more comfortable.” A flash happened behind Jake's eyes. He brought me forward, pressed tight to his throbbing manhood, wagged his eyebrows at me with a grin, and carried me into the den. The fire had a warm, inviting glow. Jake had spread a blanket on the floor near it. “Awww,” I whispered. He kissed me lightly.

“Not that I expected, I mean, I hoped, but, only if you are comfortable....” I flicked my tongue out to his Adam's Apple. It worked just like it had in the story I read, “Toast of The Town.” His eyes were ablaze as he laid me gently backwards. “Oh Jenna, baby, you're so delicate, so beautiful, don't tease, I won't be able to restrain myself.”

Jenna, I was in the middle of a sexual breakthrough and he had to call me Jenna. That did it. How could I try to care for someone who didn't truly know me?

“Jenna,” he said dropping to my side. It was amazing, was he getting to know my feelings? “What?” He pulled me to his chest and kissed the top of my head. “Did I say something?” He smelled so good, despite the lingering traces of beer. My tears wet his shirt. 'Baby?” He tilted me back to look in my eyes.

“Not you,” He began to brush my tears away with his knuckles. “I can't let you care for me.” He had questions burning in his eyes. I placed my fingers on his lips to silence him. Concern flooded his face as fear crossed his eyes. “I think I'm in love with you.” I whispered. He brought his forehead to mine.

“That's not a problem,” he started to look relieved, “cause in case you didn't realize, I want to make love to you.” I shook my head and avoided his lips, he looked so hurt then.

“Let me have my say and then if I still have you,” my voice lowered, “I will give myself to you.” He nodded. “Jenna,” I sighed “is not my real name.” I had my head lowered.
His fingers caressed the underside of my chin. “Please don't avoid my eyes.” He raised my chin until we were eye to eye. He held my face with both hands. The touch was so gentle so caring. When I opened my eyes, he nodded, encouraging me to finish what I was saying.

“I was born Haylie Madison,” I took a deep breath. “I came here nine months ago, straight from protective custody. My ex-husband Clint did more than beat me, he tortured and half starved me. He kept most of the food locked in the fridge and pantry. I survived on weak tea, remen noodles, oatmeal, and water. I was allowed milk when I was pregnant, but after he caused me to miscarry, it was oatmeal and water or I starved. Doctors don't know if I can get pregnant again. To many beatings, they said.” I began to cry as he sat back, his hands on his knees, his face showing no emotion. I buried my face in my hands. Here I was so close to happiness and I had to blow it. In one swift movement, he had me in his lap, kissing away the tears.

“It's a lot to think about,” he paused. “but at least I know whose name to cry out in ecstasy.” I offered him a weak smile. “No more secrets?”

“Just one more,” he nodded. “Clint tried to kill me when I filed for divorce. He doesn't know who I am now or where I am. As for Alex,” I trailed off.

“Alex works the Battered Women Road. Did you have certain people give you hints and things like that?” I stared at him. “I don't know exactly how it works, but people smuggle battered women.” He smiled.

“How?” his hands were now back inside my sweater, kneading at my back, making me burn with desire.”

“Alex has a minor in psychology, he took it as a way to deal with his dad beating his mom. His sister is a psychologist. I bet someone may have given you a list of people to seek out to help.” My breathing got heavy as he talked. “Alex told me, a bit, when he caught me checking you out a couple of months ago. He wanted me to take it easy, but every time I saw you with Greg, I got jealous. I thought you might have a crush on him.”

“Actually, I tried to flirt with Alex to make you jealous, but it made me ill, he's to much like a brother.”
“Haylie,” he whispered.
I wet my lips, “Yeah?”
“I wanna show you what a real man is like in bed.” I nodded. He was on his knees before me quickly, raising my sweater over my head. Work roughened palms round the clasps of my bra. I tried to whimper but he kissed me deeply, one hand buried in my hair, the other one stroking my nipple with his thump. His teeth grazed my shoulder blade, working his way down. My nipples were taunt and hard as he teased each of them. He undressed me completely before removing his sweater. His fingers sought what he called the 'magic button.' I squealed in delight as he stroked, but every time I tried to touch him, he gently pushed me back. Yet when he began to use his tongue, I drifted on a cloud until the whole world exploded into millions of tiny fireworks going off over my entire body. I felt something wet let go within me, something I had never felt before. I was a little afraid until I heard him cry out, “Yes,” he was disheveled as he wiped his mouth with his shirt. “delicious.” He panted pulling me to his chest. There was something Clint used to make me do, something I hated. He'd shove his organ deep in my mouth till I couldn't breath. He had taught me early about gag reflexes. Yet, I felt myself wanting to return the favor he had bestowed going down on me.
My hands felt out his swollen crotch. He moaned as I traced the first line of hair that started at his belly button and ended at my destination. His eyes were lidded as he watched me open his fly and expose him. He was bigger than Clint, and more round.
“Oh Haylie,” he moaned. “don't tempt me, I'm pacing you.” My tongue flicked out to trace the base to head, he quivered and his hand cradled my head as I teased him. “warning you,” he growled. My mouth had closed on him briefly before he rolled me away. He kicked out of his jeans. “I warned you.” He pressed me back and lowered himself over me. With one gentle thrust he entered me. He brought my hips up to cradle his bare thighs. His speed picked up gradually as I clung to him crying out his name. He rolled me on top then. His hands guiding me to rid him, taking him in me deeper and deeper. He writhed beneath me, gritting his teeth. He rose up to taste my breasts, my neck. He moaned his love to me as I came again, grinding down on him hard. I dug my nails into his back and he bucked against me, I felt his warm seed fill me then. I purred as he began to nuzzle my neck. “Don't leave Haylie, stay with me forever.” Our bodies were still joined, he uttered two words as slight post orgasmic aftershock rocked us both. “marry me.” His eyes sought mine in the fire light. “You'll never have to be afraid again.”
“YES,” I cried out, tears slid down my cheeks as our tastes mingled as we kissed. We talked well into the night. I fell asleep somewhere in the middle of the story of his first botched kiss.
As her breath evened out, Jake looked down, she looked so peaceful. He moved his arm gently, so as not to disturb her. In the bathroom, he gazed into the mirror. He hadn't planned on proposing, had only briefly entertained the sex fantasy, this evening. He had been so content to be a loner, the king of the one night stand, but last month, he found himself at the doctor with a needle in his arm.
“Jacob, you've had a test this year already.” His doctor said. “You were fine, then.”
“Yeah, but I wanna make sure, Doc.”
“What's her name this time, Jake.” He chuckled.
“Jenna,” he said. “She could be the one.” He smiled to himself. 'She was the one!' He corrected himself. He'd stake his life on it. He grabbed a cup of coffee and watched the snow fall. It was going to be a bad one. He set the cup down and picked Haylie up. He tucked her in his bed and dressed to move his truck into the garage. He then went to bed. She snuggled against him as he pulled the covers over them. He'd made the right decision. Weather permitting, he was going to get her the biggest, best ring ever.
Section 3

The next morning Jake was up early despite the inevitable hangover. He was happy despite the dreary weather. In fact, he was actually amused by the fact they were snowed in. The phone was acting crazy so he smirked and logged onto the Internet.
The web site's chat room was filled with a lot of cranky hung over construction workers. An angry Alex sent him an irate instant message.

RunningManA1A: “What did you do?”
BtownFinest: “None of Your Damn business.”
RunningManA1A: “She's my friend. You've no idea what she's been through.”
BtownFinest: “Actually I know more than you think.”
RunningManA1A: “You couldn't possibly.”
BtownFinest: “Oh you have no idea.”
RunningManA1A: “Actually, lol I do.”
BtownFinest: Right. Heh, you bug my house?”
RunningManA1A: “Well I know cause she told me when she
first got here. You don't have a compassionate monogamous
bone in your body.”
BtownFinest: “OMG! What do ya take me for? You are the
one who told me to be true to my feelings'
RunningManA1A: “Yeah, but I told you to confess your feelings, not take her home, use her once, and throw her away!”
BtownFinest: “Who said I was gonna do that?!?!?!
RunningManA1A: It's your MO---”
BtownFinest: “Not anymore!”
RunningManA1A: “Right, LOL.”
BtownFinest: “Being serious, Alex, she told me everything, I.........”
RunningManA1A: “Did she? Everything???”
BtownFinest: “Yea, now we're getting married.”
RunningManA1A: *Frown*) What?”

Jake felt weird now, awkward, cause of Alex's reaction. He was sure of his feelings for Haylie. He knew he wanted to marry her and he wanted his best friend's support. He was not prepared for Alex's next reaction.
“Congratulations to Jake and Jenna on their engagement!”
Everyone started a furious typing frenzy at Alex's proclamation. Most people were confused. How two friends were fighting, make up, and get engaged, in less than twelve hours was something they'd never would have imagined. Jake was very nervous until a pair of warm hands circled his bare neck. He smiled as Jenna kissed his cheek. She leaned in to read over his shoulder. She laughed as she came to the comment and whispered,
“Telephone, Telegraph, Tell-Alex.” Jake chuckled and pulled me into his lap. I felt so safe with his arms around me. He began to kiss the back of my neck.
“Alex was good enough to point out my faults.” I grinned.
“Oh?” I teased, “which ones?”
“You,” he said. He laughed and began to tickle me. We almost knocked his keyboard off the desk. It dangled precariously on the edge. Jake pushed it back and turned the computer off. He stood up with me in his arms. I clung to him, wary. He cradled me against his chest like a baby. I began to feel more and more safe. “I'm not going to drop you, not going to hurt you.” He pressed his face to my neck, his breath hot against my throat.
“I believe you.” He took me back to bed and made me stay there while he made us breakfast.
“I'm not that man anymore, ya know?” He kept a running commentary over the smell of frying bacon and eggs.
“Are you trying to convince me or yourself?” I was getting nervous. He was rambling on about how he wasn't this crazed skirt chaser any longer and it was freaking me out.
“Hey, daydreamer,” I looked up at him. It was odd to know he had fried bacon wearing just a pair of jeans without burning himself. “I wasn't ignoring you, I heard you.” He set the tray next to me on the nightstand. He took my hands in his and kissed the palms. “I wasn't trying to convince either of us. I'm bitching cause the way most of the guys are acting. Greg and Alex realize at least that we'd be trying to kill ourselves to get to you in this.” For the first time, I noticed that the windows were level with them. In someplace's it was higher. I started to breath hard. We were trapped! I was claustrophobic. Jake hopped on the bed and held me close. “It's okay,” he held me. “Breathe it's safe.” He held me till my panic attack subsided. When it passed, he pulled back for a deep kiss. “You don't have to worry, anymore. No one will ever hurt you again.”

Section 4
Clint held the knife against the bitch lawyer's throat. “I can make this slow and painful or it can be quick and easy.” She managed a weak croak of assent. “Tell me where Haylie is.” Eliza refused to say anything. She knew by the wild look in his eyes that no matter what she said, Clint Masters would kill her no matter what. So she began reciting a Novena to the Virgin Mary. Infuriated, he slit quickly and began destroying the files in search of his ex-wife's new name and location. “Jenna,” he seethed. He hated that name. It sounded like a rich bitch who thought she owned the whole damn world. She didn't know just what kind of trouble she was in. She had gotten out of hand and forgotten who ran things: him, the man. He was the ultimate boss, as far as she was concerned, he was “God.” When she left Pike County she had caused him severe embarrassment and for that she would die. He could get a flight to New England within the next hour. He took the file and withdrew his cell phone. “Hey Joe. I found her information,” he relayed her new name and new social security number. “Call me when you get her new address.”
“You want her work address too, boss?” he replied.
“Nah, she's a moron. She's probably shacked up with some guy.” She needed to pray that he did not find her with one, the no good whore! He would make them both pay. The bastard was responsible for putting the notions in that bitch's head. Clint conveniently forgot that he kept his office door locked, limiting her phone and computer time. She had left him for another man. They would die for that trespass.
Jake and Jenna spent much of the first day in bed. Jenna lay in the crook of Jake's arm, twirling the ends of his longish hair and sighed contentedly.
“Woman, you are going to wear me out.” Jake laughed and kissed the top of her head. “You know what I want to do now?” Jenna chuckled mischievously. “No,” he grinned. “I want to browse engagement rings.” Jenna laughed. He swept her off the bed and carried her into the living room. “to the Internet!” He pulled up a site that sold different styles of Claddaghs.
“You're crazy,” she exclaimed as she saw how much the different styles cost.
“I told you, I was serious.” Jake stroked her bare back. “Well, do you see anything?” It didn't matter what ring she picked really y. He'd give her the world if she asked. “These rings are important pieces of my heritage. Girls would wear these, one way, on their right hand when they were dating and they'd turn it around to show that they had a boyfriend. When its placed on the left hand, it means that the girl has found the man she intends to marry.” He clicked another link. “Celtic eternity rings are usually for wedding anniversaries, but these are easier to match.”
I turned to him then. “Anyone is fine,” I whispered. “I,” pausing as he suddenly looked sad. “What?” He shook his head. “Come on, tell me.”
“I just feel like I'm pushing you to make a decision before you're ready.” I leaned in to kiss him softly.
“You know what kind of engagement ring I've always wanted?”
He looked up at me then. “What kind?” Heat flooded my face as he stared me right in the eye.
“Well,” I was a little uncomfortable with the scrutiny.” a heart in a colored stone, preferably a bright blue.”
He smiled. “That wasn't so hard,” he went back to the Claddaghs. There was a whole page full of sapphire rings. He pointed out they were the Claddaghs.
“Oh,” was all I could say. I felt dumb. We'd just looked at similar rings. “Okay, I'm a little overwhelmed.” He was a little disappointed.” I leaned back against him and ran my fingers through his hair. “I do want to marry you, though, don't ever doubt that.” He looked vulnerable, like a little boy almost. “Jake, I love you.”
“Do you?” He was moody and I was upset. I didn't know what or how to help. I realized then we were moving way to fast. I slipped off his lap and went to dress. This was entirely to crazy and I did love him. I wasn't lying about that. He was protective, sweet, and a wonderful lover. I had never known such compassion and it was addictive. I did not know he had followed me till I tried to find my boots.
“You going somewhere?” He asked. I sat on the bed and folded my hands in my lap.

“Yeah, I'm going home.” He looked stricken as he pointed to the window.

“How,” he asked turning away from my gaze. He crossed his arms across his chest, his jaw set. “Go ahead,' he was closed off from me then.
“Jake,” I started.
He held his hand up to silence me. “Don't.” I went to him. He resisted at first, when I started to put my arms around him. He turned to me then, his eyes full of pain. “I'm sorry, I know I'm smothering you.” He put his head on my shoulder. “I'm throwing this stuff at you and you probably didn't think much about this before I forced it at you.”
“No,” I admitted. “That's not why, I can't be in a relationship with someone who won't confide in me.” He tensed in my arms. “I spent five years in a marriage to a man who led his own life and kept me in the dark about everything. I was something that he used to play with, not a wife.”
“His voice was muffled against my shoulder. “I wouldn't do that.” He held me a little tighter. “You wanna know?” He pulled me to sit on the bed. “It's my turn for confession.” I leaned back against his chest. “I rushed my ex-wife into a sexual relationship when we were in high school. She was only a sophomore and she had barely started her junior year when she got pregnant. She didn't even have her driver's license yet. She was a straight A student up to that point. She wanted to be a doctor and had even taken her MSATS early to gage them against college requirements. She raged at me often about how I bullied her and ruined her life. He paused, taking a breath. “She's a can and hates it, but it pays her bills. I pay child support for our daughter, so she still tells me I owe her. She's been happier these days, she's going for her R N's license. She hates me and rarely allows me to see Allison.” I couldn't think of anything to say. “I don't want you to regret being with me.”
I tilted my head to kiss him. “I don't. Is that all?”
He looked incredulous. “Isn't that enough?” It had been just as hard for him to make this confession as it had for me to make mine. I could fault him for being afraid to tell me. I had been terrified to tell him of my past.

“You were young. You didn't know any better.” He leaned his cheek against my head. “Grown up are able to make these decisions and I choose to be with you.”
Section 6
They stayed up all night talking and when the sun rose the following morning, the two were even more dedicated to each other than ever. They began to make love slowly as the sun made its slow rise into the sky.
Clint entered the house silently. How stupid was Hailey? The door had a chain and a deadbolt, but only the knob was locked. It was easily jimmied with a credit card. Despite his size he moved catlike searching every room. He came to the bedroom slowly, but no one was home. He cursed. Where was the whore? Which one of her low life boyfriend's was she with this time? He went through her things, he found it near impossible, that there were no male items. There were a few pictures scattered about of a group of men with her. He seethed. There in the office, (the bitch actually had an office,) he found financial records. She had a job, bills, and a life without him. He began to see red as he came across the laptop. The background showed her dressed in a half shirt and short shorts playing football with two guys, he'd noticed where shown more often than any other in the pictures upstairs. Both men were bare chested, younger, and more fit than he. The one attempting to tackle Hailey had rock star hair, it was down to his shoulder and he had a few tattoos. He hated him instantly. The other was not as muscular and had a more thoughtful look. He was probably one of those special types. He was not a factor. He would wait for the whore and her scummy boyfriend to come in and then, then they would pay. He was damn sure going to make them regret the day they'd been born.
Section 7
Jake and Jenna were in good spirits when they woke late in the afternoon. Walking arm in arm, I felt like I was walking on air. Every time Jake looked at me, I felt butterflies flutter in my stomach. I was all giggly when he smiled at me. Jake seemed to be a lot more cheerful as if a weight had lifted off his chest.
Jake couldn't stop smiling. He followed Jenna around: touching, kissing her. He couldn't imagine being any happier. He told her all of his commitment issues. She told him her fears. Now he didn't want to be away from her. He was amused to find that they were comfortable enough to tease each other. Jake was pleased to see that she positively glowed when she looked at him. He'd seen that look before, but he never really believed the whole chick flick bull about happily ever after. Now, he understood that it was possible, however, rare it was. He had it. He knew it and he'd never do anything to lose it. So he thought nothing about asking her to move in.
Clint grew enraged as the hours passed. Where were they? Maybe he made her wait hand and foot on him, even at work? She was starting to be more of a looker. Maybe, he was using her as the business. Clever. Perfect for the whore, she probably loved every minute of it. She'd be lucky if he didn't cut her all up before he killed her.

It was cold an gray when the happy couple emerged into the snow. Alex had happily agreed to help move Jenna. He also offered to see if he could scare someone else up to help. Jake and Jenna decided to walk the short distance. Alex's extended cap Tundra was big enough to carry the few big items she had. Eva had moved into her grad school dorm and had let Jenna sublet her place. The changes weren't much but Jenna had been able to explore her own decorating style. Jake hugged her to his side and a new idea popped into his head. “I think you'd make a great mom.” She had been afraid to she'd be unable to have a baby and he didn't know why he hadn't asked about it lately. Curious, he wanted to know more since he was now in the picture as the prospective father.
“I told you, I...” He spun her around and placed his mouth to her's. It was cold and soft. Her lips parted slightly at his questioning tongue.
Jake leaned his forehead to her's. “Baby, don't be afraid. You told me the doctor didn't find any prolonged damage or complications. What did the doctor say at the last visit? Did he ask any questions about possible injuries or anything?”
“No,” she whispered. He stroked her cheek.
“Have faith, baby.” She laid her head on his shoulder. “Things are already looking up for us. Who'd have thought we'd get so close, so fast? I'm not saying now, but I want to have a family with you.” He knew he sounded pathetic, but he was trying to get her to understand that he would be there for her, and in the off chance she couldn't, then he stand by her in that aspect.
She smiled. “It'll be great to try for a baby.....I want your baby.”

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