Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1607011-AWAKEN-THE-GOD--PROLOGUE
Rated: E · Other · Sci-fi · #1607011
Beyond my control


The flow of time has come to an apex that she cannot pass. The old days were simple. Back when it all got started the balance rested in the hands of the knights and the huntsmen. Now that they are few, and the time line has changed so dramatically, the balance is already tipped. There is too much harmony and that is not as good as others would like to believe it is.
That is why they came to me. the ones born of the mother and father and not those chosen by mortals. I am a traveler of the chaotic order zentaga. My purpose is the same as others in my station. To serve the true gods of creation. We travelers regulate the time line and all of its’ branches in order to keep the balance. All controlling powers must be equal or oblivion will consume us all. Now, the time has come again for chaos to be spread, and as leader of the zentaga order it is my duty to insure that the chaos is controlled.
We have all been existing in a repeated time line. We were on the brink of oblivion before the watcher recalled the current events and took us all back to the beginning. Her efforts were not in vain because the wrongs were corrected. However, we are now entering a period of unwritten time. There is an unpredictable blackness on the horizon. A tilt in the chain of events yet to come. I have found a way to bypass this tilt and make things right.

The trick is that the hand of fate shall not be guiding the unsung heros I mentioned prior. The hero to save all existence will be a most unlikely character. A simple business man who brought this euphoric peace to most in the universe. A simple mortal will now decide the fate of all existence. With my help everything should be kept on track.
He simply goes by the name of mr. x. time has been very kind to him and his company. I knew it was appropriate to make my move when he recently signed a contract for twenty three new colonies. In addition he has gained the exclusive rights to explore skullion free space. When all is said and done he will petition the galactic houses to begin construction of trade mark center four. Another extension of his mother company.
Since his push into the skullion region many species have begun to prosper. 4800, separate societies have freed themselves from poverty, disease, and political upheaval. Now the houses of state are in congress to establish the laws of the newly colonized regions.
These thoughts race through my mind as I watch mr. x from the darkened shadows of his office. He treks to and fro going over stacks of a paper work a few pieces at a time. Though the lights are kept low, as always to hide his identity, I can still make out subtle facial gestures showing approval or disappointment. Because of his condition the low lights also prevent cering pain from the bright artificial light provided.
Looking around I realize that his office is the perfect sanctum for serenity. The design and decor eases ones mind and relaxes the body. The storm black carpet, matching walls, curtains, and furniture speak of pure controlled power.

The whole room is accented with the deep dark golden bronze tint of tiranium. The most precious and versatile metal in all existence.
He pours himself a glass of harpy’s blood wine a drink not made since 2 b. c. of earth. I dine on silence as he sips from the glass elegantly. A sudden bone chilling cold fills the room as he finally catches a glance of me on the far side of his office.
“You are a brave man sir.” x, states as he sits his glass down on the nearby wet bar. “Why have you intruded upon my privacy?”
Stepping foreword my shroud of shadows disappear and I am fully revealed.
“ to be perfectly honest I believed that you would have detected me much sooner. Given your abilities.” I respond humorously.
“If I had would it have made any difference. After all, you are a traveler. That is if my researchers discovered the correct information.”
With that mr. x makes his way back behind his desk. A comfort zone for negotiation no doubt.
“I am impressed. Not many of this modern time remember people such as myself. To most we are simply mythology or bed time stories for children.” I state boldly.
“As you are quite aware sir, I am not the common man. Though I may live in this time I am from many. Many years prior. So, please do not waste my time or insult my intelligence.”
X, then sits in his rater large leather chair and swivels around to face me. I move towards the desk making sure to keep my distance as not to show any aggression. My right hand rests comfortably on the hilt of my sword and my left I keep loose by my side.
“Well sir, if we are to conduct business I should have your name.”
“Khann, I am called khann, lord high traveler of the zentaga order.”
“Well, khann, if we had more time there are many questions I would love to ask you, but I am in the middle of a situation as of this moment. So, how could I help you?”
“Mr. x, I will be blunt. I have come on behalf of the gods. You are needed to do something for the good of all existence.”
“Go on. I am listening.” x mutters as he poises himself in the executive power position.
“I understand that the mining colony on Jupiter moon 1 is ordering some new components. I would like you to make certain modifications to the design yourself. No one else can know of this.”
Waving my hand a very small void opens and I retrieve the blue prints and hand them to mr. x. the expression on his face is less than surprised. As a matter of fact he seems to have been expecting something like this. He takes the prints from my hand and begins to look them over.
“This has to be a joke.” he responds with surprise in his voice.
“No, I do not have time to joke. Is there something amiss?”
“What you have given me can become something very dangerous. Separately there does not seem to be a threat, but if they were ever combined we could be looking at...”
“Precisely, this is only the beginning. Some years from now there will be an incident on Jupiter moon 1. The second part you must play is the concerned C.E.O. you will send a team to investigate.

This team will be lead by someone very close to you. Someone who is a well kept secret and a link to your past. You know the young girl of which I speak.”
“Khann, you can not ask me to include her in this. I sent her away to spare her from the evils that follow me.”
“X. If you do not send her she will die along with the rest of us. She is key in the temporal spectrum. If things are done as I instruct then she should be fine. This all depends upon the decisions you make from this point on.”
For the first time in millennia the great mr. x appears to be defeated. His head drops and his body nearly goes limp. Though he belongs to the second Devine race, the immortals, his life still hangs in the balance.
I open a portal a few feet behind me and begin to back away slowly.
“Take solace x, I am not an angel. I do not come to deliver a message and leave you on your own. There are many like me and those who are on my side will be there to watch her. I will personally be in contact with you as I watch things from my station. I give you my word.”
Now that I am nearly consumed by the light of the portal I realize mr. x has raised his head and locked his gaze to mine. In that split second I felt what he felt. I felt the ice cold hatred for someone who has appeared to turn your life to shit and take someone you love to the battlefield to die. At that moment I became what I most hate. A destroyer of life.
© Copyright 2009 R.J. SLAYER (rjslayer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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