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Rated: E · Chapter · Sci-fi · #1607002
Chapter ii

Aware of self(I live)

Consciousness begins at the moment of conception and that Is when life begins. Well I say to you that life, like any-Thing else is preconceived. When all situations are right; the Energy of the psyche floating around in the primordial mist
Descends into whatever form is the most compatible. Remember, Energy can neither be created or destroyed. Energy already is.Energy only changes shape and form, and on those rare occasionsIt also changes its’ properties.

For a colony of this size the halls are surprisingly empty, however there seems to be an ever watching presence all around us. The steel paneled walls become very similar to those of a great tomb as our trek takes us deep within the heart of the complex. If it were not for broema by my side I think my nerves would be tethered to their edges. His steady pace and stiff, protective, motions are reassuring. Just the smell of his rich woodsy cologne allows me to feel safe.

Rounding yet another left corner we finally reach our destination. As we approach the outer bay doors swing softly open with an uneasy hint of icy fear. The actions are not mechanical. In fact they seem full of emotions almost as if someone on guard against some sort of an attacker. Even my strong companion has become a bit fidgety. To me this is an omen that does not bode well.
The mainframe bay is hallow and empty; save for the mechanical workings connecting to every inch of the complex. The endless web of wires and tubes branch out like the central nervous system of a flesh body. Even the flow of the energy current appears to be blood rushing to and from the heart. Now I completely understand why mr. x compared this upgraded system to biological creatures.
All of the lights are turned off for power reserve no doubt. The only ones on are the ones faintly lighting the path to te center of the room. All of the techs have abandoned the area leaving domash on her own. She sits at the central core panel with her back confidently turned toward us. Hearing our footfalls echo on the quiet she slowly spins around in her chair as we approach.

She folds her arms as smugness becomes her aura. She does not say a word. She merely looks from one to the other tapping her foot on the floor as if keeping time with some inaudible symphony.
“So, are things are as bad as what we have perceived or worse?” I question calmly.
Domash’s eyes never move. The seem to be cold and lifeless and her position never wavers. It is almost as if she is outside of herself. A technological form of an outer body experience.
Suddenly without warning her eyes begin to move rapidly and she snaps out of her zombie like state.
“Oh, forgive me. I was interfaced with the security core of the CPU.”, domash states as if she were a child caught eating candy before dinner.
“So, what have you discovered?”
“Well, boss lady. There are some things that you will not be prepared for. Things that I can not explain because frankly there are no explanations for them. Unless you want to use evolution as an explanation. However, there is someone whom I would be honored to introduce you both to. I think that he may have the answers that we are searching for.”, she finishes with a devious smile.

Domash points towards the central core of the computer. Broema, and myself turn our focus to the glowing central core shaft. Within seconds the haunting sound of footsteps approach from inside the energy field. A field of pure energy.
The light blue energy flow begins to radiate a heavy mist. The shaft itself begins to reverberate as yellow beams appear from no where and rotate in a counter clockwise fashion. All the while the footsteps become closer and closer.
Momentarily, a portion of the core slides back before us as if it were a door. What emerges is unexpected. A youth of a male dressed in old fashioned earth attire. Blue jeans, a flowing silk shirt with tight cuffed sleeves, and knee high leather riding boots.
Once in full view he comes to a halt and the energy door slides harshly closed behind him. His head is very round and physical features resemble that of a human. His reddish blond hair hangs loosely past his shoulders; just the length to the middle of his back. His physique is well toned but not muscular; and his crystal green eyes are kind and welcoming.

His very presence radiates innocents and naivety accented with undertones of unsureness. Broema automatically folds his arms and huffs his thick chest as this youth looks down and smiles at us.
After he is assured that we have studied him enough he steps softly onto the keyboard panel then descends to the floor directly before broema and myself.
“You must forgive me. I meant no disrespect I assure you. I am sorry that I was not here personally to greet you as you arrived ms. Hexnia. After I asked to meet you I realized that my wardrobe was inappropriate; so I had to change into something befitting such an ostentatious occasion. I wanted to show you the respect you rightfully deserve.” , this boy states quietly while keeping his eyes locked to the floor.
As he finishes his statement he raises his head and bows deeply reaching to take my hand in his own. In an old earth tradition he kisses my hand softly then releases it with yet another bow. I expect to feel something false and replicated, dare I imagine machine like, but I am wrong. I am not sent a shock or rubbed raw by cold metal. His touch is rugged but gentle and his lips are soft and well kept. The only thing I notice is a faint flow of energy around my hand.
“I am highly pleased to meet you my lady.” he states with stern vigor.
“No, kind sir the pleasure is all mine.” I respond nearly breathless.
Quickly his attention turns to broema who is prepared to react if at anytime danger appears to be present.
“Ah, and you sir must be the mighty broema.” the boy says with child like wonder. “I am beyond honored to be in your presence.”
With that the unshakeable bodyguard is enamored. Broema, does not move but his right eyebrow lifts as a crookedly puzzled smile creases the corner of his mouth.
“Sir, I have studied your tactics from the kypherian and cirrian movement. The fact that one man could do what you did is beyond all imagination. Since I learned of your presence at the complex I have been beside myself. Your tactics are taught to some of the elite defense corp ground troops. I would like to beg your permission to shake your hand?”
Astonished, broema extends his hand to the youth showing courtesy to the young boy he recently wanted to mangle.
“Thank you son, but in the time of war a man does what must be done. He does not attempt to be great.”
“Yes sir. I understand.” the boy responds as his eyes still twinkle and sparkle.
“Pardon me gentlemen,” I interject before the testosterone levels peak any higher. “May we have your name sir?”
The boy turns to me with a lost expression on his face.
“I would love to give it to you Mam, but I do not have one. I am simply the avatar for the facility. I do have a production designation if you would like?”
“Boss, he is the self aware we heard so much about.”, domash states as she stands and joins us in our little circle.
“Miss domash, I do apologize. My manors are dreadful today. I did not mean to exclude you from our conversation.”
“No harm done. I am not much for casual conversation. Besides, I jump in when something interests me.”
The two smile at one another and laugh slightly. Then the boy turns his attention back to broema and myself.
“As the lovely ms. Domash has stated I am the personification of the colonial central brain. When I was sure that someone from your party ms. Hexnia, would be left alone with me I showed myself. I was afraid to do otherwise while minium was present.”
“Minium?”, I question with an accompanying gaze.
“The uh,... the chief tech of the mainframe room.” domash adds with a tinge of hate to her tone.
The boy then lowers his head and continues.
“Yes, he can be kind, but he is very regretful of the path in life he has chosen. He is not fond of computers. Besides the fact that he is like all of the other colonists. To him I do not exist. I first believed that if anyone could have the heart to acknowledge me it would be him because we work more closely than anyone else.”
The avatar then gave the expression of sadness a new meaning. His emotions are intense and like most living beings he attempts to hide them deep within himself, but does a very poor job of it.
“I felt that logically, if they will not listen to me then they more than likely would not see me either. Selective sight, as is the principle of anges taut the philosopher. Did he not say that the mind only acknowledges what it desires?”
I can not find the words to respond as I watch the electric tears slowly roll down his cheek. All I want to do is wrap im in my arms like nan had done for me so many years ago when I felt the same way. I assumed that the self-aware would be full of malice and hate for those who abused him. In this boy before me there is no malice and no hate.
Only pain and emptiness. If he has done something to the inner workings of the facility I am now sure that it was not deliberate.
“I am not well versed in philosophy but I do believe you are correct. That is one of tauts’ principles of the mind.”
“Before we go any further perhaps we should find you a name?”, broema jumps in quickly attempting to lighten the tone of our mood.
“Yes, yes, I would like that master broema.” the avatar responds wiping his moist face with the tips of his four fingers.
With a wave of his left hand three additional chairs appear from thin air. They are all set in a circular fashion so that we may all face each other in discussion.
Broema even has a chair plenty comfortable for a man his size. So, the avatar waved domash and myself to sit first while he and broema took the gentleman’s rout.
I sat facing the avatar and of course broema was to my immediate left, and domash to my right. The avatar looked from one to the other noticing that we are all in anticipation of his desires. After a few seconds he props his right hand on his knee and locks eyes with me.

“Ms. hexnia, since you are the leader of your small group I feel the responsibility should be yours. I mean for all intents and purposes you are the personification of star chylde while you are on assignment.”
“Yes, I suppose that you can say that.”
“Since you are the older sister, if you will, it occurs to me that we are more alike than either of us have realized. At least our jobs are anyway. I am the avatar for the colony as you are the avatar for the home office. You act as the eyes, ears, hands, voice, and will of the founder. Our father if you will. I may not have all of the empowerment as you do, but I represent the colony to anyone who interacts with us. With communications, services, and various other duties.”
“A very astute observation young avatar.”
“Thank you. Thank you very much.” he states slightly blushing. “The only logical conclusion would be for you to give me a name. It would be as if the founder had given me the name himself.”
Still astonished that he would choose me for such a task I lean back in my chair and cross my legs attempting to control my composure. For my people a name is more than just what you are known by.
It tells the unspoken story of your lineage and it is the label for the deeds you have accomplished during your time on the mortal plain.
“Avatar, I have no words to describe the feeling of honor you have given me. but, I could not give you a name in good conscious. My people have a tradition that dates back before we began to record the passing of time. A ritual is performed while we are still in the womb. The name of all our ancestors are presented along with a brief personal history. This includes every single person from our specific bloodline. While in the womb we choose our name and give it to our mother through a dream. Since you are out of the womb, so to speak, the ritual does not apply. But, I feel that with the information I have just given you the choice should be simple for you to make on your own.”
“Your advice has helped me a tremendous amount, but there is still one large conundrum.”
“What is that avatar?” domash inquirers with a motherly tone.
“I do not know how. There are to many variations in my creation. All I know are the people of the colony and I do not wish to steal any of their individuality.” he says with extreme confusion in his voice.

Domash stands and walks back and forth a bit then she stops as if struck suddenly by a leg cramp.
“Maybe this will help? Think about who you are. Your likes, dislikes, and what not. Use that as a center for cross referencing. Then consider your origins and experiences and the end calculation should be a word, term, or name that best suits your description.”
Back on his right leg perch the avatar begins his calculations. We witness data as it hurls through his mind. The information flashes in his eyes as he eliminates useless data. The more narrow his field of research gets the more his face crinkles and he falls even deeper in thought.
Without warning his head snaps up as if lightning had struck him repeatedly. The avatar shakes his head a few times and then he returns to his normal state. Or, at least the state he presented himself to us as.
“I think that I have it, but please tell me what you all think of my decision. I have figured that I am calm and I have a love for philosophy. I crave education of all sorts and I feel as if I have an open mind. I came from the delta station. Calculating my evolution I believe my name should be gamma.”

The room goes silent after the young avatars statement. True there is nothing wrong with the name gamma, but I personally was expecting something slightly more elaborate.
“Please do not get me wrong son? It is a good strong name. It holds position and power as well as curious mystery, but with such a selection before you why settle on gamma?” broema inquires being one to hardly ever hold his tongue.
“I am pleased that you have asked. Once I explain why I came to that decision then perhaps you can tell me if it was a good one or not.” the boy finishes and shift to find comfort in his seat before beginning.
“Well, I shall begin with the obvious. My power source is a gamma wave engine. This design of wave engine gained its’ name from the gamma dimension. This dimension was young, evolving, and at the time so was the engine. Researching further; the team who discovered this dimension gave it the name gamma because of its’ volatile nature. A name taken from the cirrian people from your home planet master Broema.

The planet tobas, or the predator, as it is translated bared many of the traits in common with his new dimension. So, in galactic translation the name for the cirrian god of growth and change, evolution if you will; is gamma. I am aware that I am far from being a god, but I do believe gamma is the name which suits me best. After all, I am still growing and evolving myself. “
”The brutes have a belief. In my clan, grraashlag , it is said that the first son born of every bloodline should be named after one of the gods. This son will one day be a great leader of people as well as a great protector. I admire your choice.” broema states as he swells with pride.
If anyone did not know the difference they would assume that this boy was BROEMA’s son or close pupil.
“Well gamma, now that we have a name for you, there are a few inquires that weigh on my mind. I must state, before we get started, that if you at any time feel the questions are inappropriate please say so. You do not have to answer. Some questions will definitely be personal.”, I state attempting to bring the conversation back to its pivoting point.
Gammas’ eyes swell with accepted anticipation as he poises his self for a long in-depth discussion.

“I am aware that dark, hurtful occurrences will be drudged to the surface. I promise that there is no emotional glitch which you must concern yourself with. Yes, there are some things that may sadden me, but there is no malice beating beneath my breast. Though the family I love can easily hurt me I can not see any harm come to them. They are a vital part of my existence. My love especially extends to all of you. You have treated me as if I am normal when I know in-fact that there is no logical reason why I exist.”
The three of us go quiet at gammas’ statement. Neither of us know how to respond to something so eloquently blunt and factual. BROEMA lowers his head and tightens his casually folded arms, domash simply turns her head as she slyly tries to wipe oncoming tears from her eyes; and I merely keep my gaze locked sympathetically on our host.
“Very well then. When you were awakened were you given the ability to develop an avatar?”
“If you are meaning the software needed to create an avatar the answer would have to be no. No, ms. Hexnia, I was not. There are no engram chips; so what you see before you is not a replicated personification of an actual person. There are no personality chips added to designate my sexuality or appearance. I am as I began. A basic processor integrated into a colonial central operations net.”
“Then how did your avatar come to be gamma? I mean what desires drove you to design one?” domash jumps in full of curiosity.
“Well, lady domash, as I stated prior all of my attempts for communications were blatantly ignored. To my family,... I mean the colony, I am a simple toll and nothing more. What I do means nothing to them save for the fact that I am performing regulated tasks as I was programmed to. It never mattered that I sent reminders to the administrators wife when she was needed for important appointments, or if I lock the doors to the complex when others forget. My actions have no specific meaning to anyone. I am a ghost to everyone in the colony except for one person.”
“Who might this person be gamma? Perhaps they can help us in some way?”
Personally I feel the question I just asked is irrelevant but I am lost in the moment.
“A very beautiful young woman. She is...is..., special to me. to answer your question; my final decision came from observation. I would watch as people interacted with one another. How they would touch, talk, and laugh. I felt that if I were able to do the same perhaps they would see me differently. My search began with medical files. I never accessed anything personal.
I kept to the physical alteration files. I chose the human species because they are the easiest to mix and match. Almost like putty. I chose my appearance from the pre-altered files available to me. I chose the features others did not want and no longer have. The only thing I could not perfectly mimic was skin color. So, by altering the prismatic structure of the viewing matrix I came up with what you see before you.”
“The imperfections others cast aside.”
“Yes, ms. Hexnia. I have come to realize that no living being is perfect and I, like any other, am a living being. I possess flaws like anyone else so why should my appearance reflect otherwise?”
“I see your point.”
“Yeah, yeah, point well taken. Now, who is this special lady?” , domash says verbally pushing me aside.
Gamma smiles at domash and then quickly looks to me obviously confused by her reaction. I extend my hand and wave him on. Perhaps if he answers her question she will be able to refocus on he situation at hand. Gamma then turns to face domash giving her his primary attention.

“Very well, to continue. Once I created my avatar I began to walk among the colonist. From the very first instant I left the core I began experiencing what it is truly like to be alive. Before it was as if I existed as only thought but now my thoughts possessed an actual form.
The first time knowing a physical sensation. The variety of smells, colors, textures, and sounds. Oh, the music, the glorious music of life that suddenly surrounded me. all of the technical properties of being slowly began to vanish; and what was left behind was more magnificent than any facts given by a logical database.
As I was walking the square, noticing everything for the first time, someone had been noticing me. she has the most sultry dark blue hair that sweeps behind her slender shoulders. Her skin is a delicate mauve with the most perfect pearl yellow eyes. Her lips are thin with a natural faint purple coloring. When she smiles the creases at the ends of her mouth just beg to be kissed. She is a gorgeous creature of life.”
“Go on, go on, do not stop there. We want more info.”, domash demands.
Lost in thought gamma laughs to himself and opens his closed eyes.

“Alright, her name is ienala. I do not know what species she is nor do I know of her origins. I only know that she is my reason to have hope. She is apart of the engineering staff. When she began to take a great interest in me I had become consumed by a tofa crystal. I knew all of the technical aspects of the crystal, but never had I gaged its’ beauty like this. Gaged it with actual eyes that would become mesmerized with the brilliance of the tofas’ color.”
“Tofa crystal?”
“Forgive me domash, I thought you knew. It is a native occurrence here on Jm-1. As long as the crystal is in te atmosphere it should sustain itself, but when removed it slowly melts away. It does not matter what kind of precautions you take the results will always be the same.”, he states with a child like glee.
“From my studies it is said to be the perfect blending of salt, magnesium, sulphur, and liquid iridium. The minerals form crystals inside of crystals even past the quantum level. This action forms a rather solid honey combed nucleus called tofa after the sun god of this galaxy. Every formation is unique to individual clusters. The clusters fan out from the nucleus in a leaf like pattern telling the age of the planet in some ways.

They are formed in the tofa volcano fields by the yderian sea. The fields erupt every fourteen rotations like a well timed clock.”
“Ms. hexnia is correct. The crystals are all very impressive; however, this one caught my eye more than any other. It was a haunting green color and as the light hit it the crystal would hum very low. Communicating with its’ own natural melody. The melodies are far beyond standard hearing.”
“But not beyond yours?”
“Correct again Mam. I marveled at the creation for nearly an hour before ienala approached me. she stood beside me and began to observe the crystal as well. After a few moment she spoke to me.”
With that the room fell silent as our gracious host drank heavily from his glass and then refilled it.
“Well! What the hell did she say?” domash demands immediately.
The young boy looks to her with the obvious emotion a younger brother would show his elder sister just before announcing that he is getting married.
“She leaned in close over my left shoulder and whispered.”

“It is a beautiful specimen but I do not think you can make love to this particular variety.”
“What did you do?” I inquired curious to know how he reacted to such a bold statement.
“I laughed aloud of course. Her words were so amusing I laughed until I cried. Yet another experience foreign to me, but welcomed.” gaining his composure this young avatar poises himself to finish his story. “Once the laughter quieted down I locked eyes with her and once again became mesmerized. Ienala, then expressed to me that geology is a strong hobby of hers. Almost an obsession.
After that we talked and walked the square for quite some time. Eventually she became hungry and wanted to stop for lunch. We somehow found ourselves back at the very spot where we met and she led me to her table where she had been sitting prior. I was honored and joined her. When she began to order that was when fear set in. At this point I was still unsure if my physical form could break down food into basic properties, so I only ordered water. That was one thing I knew my mattrix could turn into energy.
Our conversation continued and I was entranced as she spoke. My feelings for her quickly developed and blossomed.
I immediately knew that I felt differently for her than I did for any of the others.
When she confessed that she had been watching since I first came into te square she gently blushed. Not quite understanding why I asked if I ad done something wrong. Ienala, simply said that I was beginning to look at her like I watched the crystal. I responded the only way I knew how. With truth and honesty.”
At gammas’ statement a loud echoing slap could be heard as BROEMA slid his hand from the top of his forehead coming to rest on his chin. Broemas’ eyes locked on gamma with obvious fear of the avatars’ next few words. I cautiously gaged his foot movement as he plants them for a quick departure no doubt.
“I told her that the crystal was the most beautiful creation I had ever experienced and she was never to be compared to it in any fashion. The crystal, no matter how beautiful, is a thing. To me she is the sun, daughter to the ever flowing sky, and sister to the goddesses who watch over us. With no doubt in my mind..., her sisters are envious.”
“That was uhh..., beautiful.” I stifled slowly wiping a slight tear from my face. I have no idea what came over me. I never give in to such mushy crap.
“Go on, go on, what happened after that?”

“Well, ms. Domash, after that we had dinner on four separate occasions. Each time was more splendid than the last. Then the day came and her approval for cybernetic enhancement came trough. She felt the enhancement would increase her efficiency at her job.”
“Did you have a hand in pushing her approval through gamma?”
“No ms. Domash, just the opposite. I did all I could to delay it. I even attempted to talk her out of the operation on several occasions. I suppose I need to improve on my coercion skills.” , he states with a defeated expression that seems to travel deep into his soul.
“She spent three weeks in the hospital. Three weeks of agony and pain as she learned how to adapt to her new body.
Learning how to use the organic with the cybernetic with resounding success. When it was all over and done with her team leader gave her a week and a half to recuperate before she receive a new assignment. I stayed with her in secret during the time she spent in the hospital. I was there when she was released and she did not even appear surprised. All she did was ask for me to stay with her at her home until time came for her to return to work.”
“Did you?”
“Yes, without question.”
“What about your duties to the station? How did you handle that situation?”
“Very easily ms. Hexnia, I set up a remote terminal to appear as a portable interface unit. All of the requirements were met as efficiently as if I were still in the core. Ienala, asked me about work and I told her that I could work via remote until she was able to return to her own job. That pleased her which in turn pleased me.”
“Where is this special lady now? That is if you do not mind me asking?”
“Not at all ms. Domash, ienala has been on assignment with the conductor crew since she returned to duty. Shortly after the communications net went down and I have not heard anything from her or the crew. I have tried everything in my power but I still know nothing. I am afraid..., afraid that I will not see her again. I... I miss her deeply.”
With that gamma finishes his explanation and becomes very somber. His eyes become rigid as if to hold back the
Foreign emotions attempting to invade his electronic psyche.
BROEMA, rubs his chin thoughtfully and takes a politicians posture before he speaks.
“Young sir, I truly feel for your loss. The mere thought of losing someone you love can tear the strongest of
Us into pieces.” he states looking in my general direction.
“However, we do need to know why the communications net is malfunctioning. Perhaps there is something that we can
Assist you with?”
BROEMA, he is a life savor. He can see that my emotions are getting the best of me; so he steps in to take control of the situation until I can regain my complete composure.
At the very least until I can make it appear that I have regained it.
“Unfortunately I do not know what has caused the net to fail. The results from all of my test have shown that the net should be up and running. That is until someone tries to use it. At that point all that is received is heartbeat static.” gamma states pulling himself together.
“Heart beat static?” domash inquires quickly.
Gamma turns to lock eyes with her as he searches for the words to fully explain his example.
“Yes, miss domash. The sound is faint and perhaps I am the only person who can discern the sound from the static but it is there.”
“I suppose then we can forget about contacting the ship.”
Broemas’ voice echo off of the metallic walls that surround us. It is very obvious that he is becoming more and
More concerned about our security on this planet.
“Actually there is a solution I have been working on. I
Intended to bring it to ms. Domashs’ attention but it slipped my mind.”
The young avatar goes to the keyboard and begins to bring up structural blueprints for some odd looking device.
“What my idea is can only be called an umbrella. By using the colonial towers, as anchor points, we should be able to recalibrate the shields to spread from anchor to anchor creating an elctrostatic umbrella. When that is
Accomplished we should be able to resonate the reflector properties of the shield piggy backing a message on the currant as it spreads upward. This would allow us to send messages. In the same way we can reverse the harmonic field
And receive messages as well. Communications will be limited to a single destination, your ship, and they will be slow. A
Laps of five minutes to send and ten minutes to receive.
However archaic this may be we will theoretically have communications.”
I stand quickly thinking of this plan and coming to a decision. With a sharp look to domash she nods and begins her calculations.

“Very well gamma. Domash will assist you as well as
Anyone else you need at your disposal. It has been a great pleasure meeting you.” I state pulling my suit together after the relaxing talk and refreshment.
“No, as I have stated before. It is I who am pleased
And honored to meet you.”
With a deep bow the avatar begins his ascent to the control panel.
“And before you leave miss hexnia. I showed my avatar to the three of you because all six of your crew have been in my dreams for the past few months. I know you are here to
Help me. I also know that you will save me.”
With that gamma disappears as the lights in the room flicker. The core shaft is now radiating normally and all systems read on line.
Coming here I expected a lot to happen but I never bargained for this. A new life and it came from the creation
Of star chylde technology. We are the hands of what could be
A wrathful revenge. Revenge being handed out by a scornful child.
© Copyright 2009 R.J. SLAYER (rjslayer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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