Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1605539-Lesson-4-Assignment-1-2
by Lani
Rated: E · Assignment · Writing · #1605539
I am a camera
Assignment #1, Lesson 4

This lesson is designed to stimulate your own creative picture/visual/sense for the rest of the class

1. Create 15-20 examples of your own sensory sentences, incorporating the 5 senses listed above.
Use at least three examples of each sense in your assignment.
You are welcome to create a series of related sentences including more than one sense.

2. Label the sentences to show which senses you are using in each.
You must add the labels noting which senses are in each sentence or you will not receive credit!
Do not use any of the examples of sensory details listed above in your own assignment!

When we include all five senses
touch sound taste smell sight
our stories truly come alive

1. The afternoon sun put the school in the shadows as the building emptied itself of children.

2. The neighbor’s dog’s lonesome howl interrupted my comfortable sleep.

3. The full moon rose, playing hide and seek with the clouds.

4. The bilious coating on my tongue and pounding headache alerted me that morning had come too soon.

5. The annoying buzz of his seatmate’s phone startled James.

6. Flowers, reaching toward the warmth of the sun, herald the arrival of spring.

7. The low, steady beat of the heart monitor gave Grace hope as she held onto George’s rough workman’s hands.

8. Fondling my cat’s velvet ear always starts her quiet purr machine.

9. The rich aroma of hazelnut coffee could not mask it’s bitterness .

10. Forbidden fruit is nowhere near as sweet as forbidden chocolate.

11. The cabin reeked of equal parts sweat, fish guts, and stale beer.

12. Marion’s Chloe perfume announced her arrival before she entered the room.

touch sound taste smell sight

Scenes from work

The whoosh of the automatic doors notified the nightshift that the day team had arrived.

The bright lights and conversation at the nurses’ station warred with the dimness and quiet of the babies’ alcoves.

Tendrils of Starbuck’s coffee wafted from the break room.

Terri’s low voice and efficient reporting of the night’s event’s contrasted with her rumpled scrubs.

The baby was wrapped with a fuzzy pink blanket and given a sugar sweetened paci. Taking the prepped area in his hand, Ross pricked the heel and waited for the blood to form.

As rich red blood flowed into the vial, Ross heard an “Aaahh” coming from behind him.

Pale and shaken, the baby’s dad sat in a recliner with his hands covering his bowed head.

The telephone’s shrill ring demanded an answer even though all hands were busy.

The delicious aromas of roast beef and clam chowder coming from the cafeteria belied the cardboard meat and salty soup that awaited us.

Gack! The housekeeping crew had used too much bleach in the dirty utility room as Kathy could hardly breathe.

The tiny naked baby was lifted from his Isolette and place onto his mom’s bare chest. He quickly nuzzled between her breasts as Heather covered him with a warm blanket and hat.

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