Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1605066-The-Se7en-Deadly-Ghazals
Rated: 18+ · Other · Dark · #1605066
A series of seven poems, each dealing with a sin. Ghazals are a form of Persian poetry.
The Se7en Deadly Ghazals.

Ghazals are a Persian poetry form, consisting of a series of couplets. Each couplet relates to the rest by referencing the overarching theme mentioned in the poem’s title, but is otherwise detached. Thus, the leaps of subject matter in each poem are intentional. Also, it is common for the author to reference himself in the third person within the final couplet. This device can be used for judgements of character, self-reflection, or in this case, as a word of advice to oneself.

Ghazal of Pride

Do not take pride in your numerous years,
They are candles lighting the path to Death.

Wilfully lifting your head above the rest,
Exposes visions that linger when you slumber.

For boundless ambition builds an Empire
Of ashes, cloistered in a smooth clay jar.

Hubris has always marked the fall of a Hero,
What arrogance to label yourself as such.

Jeremy, be mindful of your fluorescent halos,
Eclipsing the diamonds scattered in the inky darkness above.

Ghazal of Greed
An upturned palm waiting for empty blessings
Fingers curl slowly, to form a hardened fist.

The pink petals of your hand unfurl,
A flower grasping the white hot sun.

Coins clink metallically in heaps,
Gleaming inside your gilded coffin.

Diamonds and rubies support your feet,
Their cold hard teeth biting tender skin.

Jeremy, understand that a heart of gold
is a lifeless, heavy burden to bear.

Ghazal of Jealousy

Your eyes betray covetous intentions,
Darting like silverfish towards your desire.

Green orbs flash in the velvet dark, illuminating
a hand creeping towards another’s possessions.

Restless nights frozen in shallow sleep,
Floating in the dreams of your idols.

A tenuous link of shimmering silver,
Finally sundered by the weight of want.

Jeremy, learn to appreciate the things around you,
Even as your mind wanders to your neighbour’s house.

Ghazal of Gluttony

That oil-soaked morsel resting in your gaping maw,
Is a thief, stealing away the weeks of your life.

The sweetness balanced on the tip of your tongue,
an antidote for the bitterness at the back of your mind.

We all marvel at the transience of food,
Can you remember the taste of last Sunday?

The wine sloshing inside your glass goblet,
empty promises to slake a thirst for knowledge.

The delicacies spread out before you beckon
but Jeremy, choose first to feed your imagination.

Ghazal of Lust

Forked tongue flicking out to moisten,
luscious lips that promise blissful oblivion.

Fingers tracing your every outline
Drawing out the limits of your conscience.

Bodies intertwined in a tangle of limbs,
with nothing but darkness for a blanket.

Soft gasps escape your parted lips
Mingled sweat glistening under the moonlight.

Jeremy, do you remember your first true love?
Cling tightly to it, before you fall into lust.

Ghazal of Sloth
A thin cord lazily looping around your neck
chokes the last desire for new experience.

Hands made to build and destroy,
content to languish in dormant sleep.

Fantasies alone are a fool’s crutch
the pursuit of dreams entails happiness.

Arise from your slumber and ignite
the desire to forge a brand new future.

Be careful, Jeremy, lest the uncaring world
tramples you beneath its rushing feet.

Ghazal of Wrath

Raised voices echo down abandoned hallways
Disturbing the shadows hidden in dark corners.

Fists clenched into tight balls of violence
Fingernails digging deep into your palm.

Your eyes are narrowed into tiny slits
Oceans of hate distilled into that white hot tear.

Two bodies dancing a macabre jig in silence,
Purple bruises blossoming as each moment passes.

Stay your hand, Jeremy, and restrain the beast
Lest you inflict an injury that does not heal.


Ghazal of Redemption.

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