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Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Horror/Scary · #1603500
I apologize if I have misused terms. Please tell me so, if I have.
Dear Ella, it's hard to speak when you've witnessed someone losing their life. I see your mouth, dry and shaking. Turned white, and hanging open, trying to wrap your tiny head around the concept of my suicide. As if it was some nightmare that couldn't be real - that I will shake you awake at any moment. I imagine my inexorable death will be coming expeditiously, and in this case, you've just watched the life whisper away from my body. I have to tell you, it was not you that caused my insanity. It was the technological singularity. I was, as some say, the first superintelligent human being. One who has a computer superimposed to their brain. Due to accelerating change in technological advances, this was actually installed to me when I was 16 years old, in 2057. What they didn't realize was the imposition this would have on me in life. An intelligence explosion emerged. Suddenly I craved information. I couldn't hold down a relationship, because I made people inferior to me. I became a super-being. I remembered formulas I'd only glanced at, and been able to apply them to senseless real life equations with variables I barely understood how I got, and received answers I didn't need to know. How far away that building is from right here. How fast the car has to go to get to my destination in 2:59:32. The scientists locked me away, not wanting to show me to the world yet. Little did I know, they were afraid of recursive exponential growth. My brain becoming so intelligent that life here was in grave danger. As if I was some weapon, my brain becoming an incredible threat to humanity. But they didn't factor that I was not complete computer. I had emotions, feelings, care. I was one of the few to have perpetual faith in humanity. If my computer brain told me that life was lost, and to save this Earth by destroying its predator, my reasoning and human brain wouldn't have batted an eyelash at the idea. Computers have no need for love, compassion. But humans, we are different. We need it. We strive for it. We come up with tales, legends, myths about it. So inside my white walls, I was lonely. But I couldn't stop learning, even within the walls of my prison. Soon, because of Moore's law, I knew how to escape. Soon being the comparative expression for a computer. 3.4 years. So I walked the streets, aging and learning. They forgot my existence. They moved on, assuming me dead after a few decades. But the accelerating change was still implicated. So I met a man. A man designed to come find me. A more-robot-than-human man. While I only had a computer in my brain, he had computers everywhere. His feet, to feel better than any human. His ears, to hear better than any animal. His eyes, to show him targets and stay connected to his computer brain. His heart, to keep his pace in check. He found me, and I thought I found my love. The only one who could hold a conversation about the universe and be able to follow my thousands of formulas. And at first I thought I had him. Until he brought me back to the room. But they thought we were dead, like I said. They made him after my escape, and released him a short 5 years later. Incredible, really, since it took 15 to make me. But Moore's code was at it again. Exponentially growing human intelligence year after year. So we were alone. He had no purpose anymore. And what does a computer do when it had accomplished its mission? It thinks like a human, is what. So we fell in love. But I was getting older. As was he. I was near 158 now, and he decided he must make me young. So he switched my brain, with this body as surreptitiously as possible. As a new girl, only about 24 years old, he should have a new body as well. So he taught me how, though I had already figured out most of it. So I replaced him with a boy, only 30. Just his brain. And he became more human than even I, after this. No more eye computers, feet computers, heart computers, or ear computers. They gave him smaller brain computers because they didn't want him to run free and realize how terrible humanity actually was, and change his mission. So as a new couple, we decided to have a child. And her name was Ella. Bad luck turned to the horrifying death of your father. Little did he know, his body was the son of your second grade teacher's friend. So she called the police, and as they came, they brought something special. Magnetic shields. And when they stepped in the room, your father's was confounded, his brain being warped by the magnets. In the confusion, he tried to run, not thinking properly. He was shot with a tazer gun. And his brain was destroyed. As the last superintelligent human on Earth, I found that my existence is abnormal... unorthodox. And yours is immaculate. So with my last human emotion, I kill myself for you. So you don't grow up in the shadow of a monster. Of a robot. Of a machine. For I cannot love you nearly as much as I could if I were human. And you deserve more. So with a last goodbye, I leave you on this world of humanity. You, being the only one that knows... The singularity is come.
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