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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Dark · #1603381
A fantasy roll play short story.
DragonElf Castle is large, dark and foreboding, much like her Master, Emperor Dragon
Nightshade. Admired , respected and yea, even loved throughout his Empire he is known
as being a patient man, with a sharp wit, and a quick mind, respected for his 2450
years of life's experiences and wisdom but his persona often is dark and his humors
are tragic, even Machiavellian at times. "Every silver lining comes with a cloud" he is
often heard saying, and tonight is no exception.
Enter the Dragon.....He is tall, lithe and well defined bigger than his High Elf blood
yet not quite as big as the Dragon can get.. His face is hansom to the point of beautiful,
as is with most all High elves. His skin is a soft peach and their is an easy blush on the
cheek although this face tells the story that it is not one given easily to blushing. And
then there are the eyes...(as with with all elves), his eyes glow a bright Sapphire blue to a
Blue -green color, seemingly lit by some preternatural inner fire, a by-product from
the saturation of great amounts of magic by the blood. His hair is a deep Auburn and
very long, usually kept up in Royal High Elf style. Over all Dragon Nightshade cuts an
extremely becoming figure, a half-ling between Red Dragon and High Elf. He moves
gracefully through the castle, deep in thought, heading for the Royal Bed Chambers and
his beloved wife Seleah, where he can unwind from the days events. His mind
continues to race on the nights events...
"She's come back! She's come back!"is all he can focus on. Seeing Ice Majix again has
been a shock. He knew she blamed him for her sister Dark's, death but never dreamed
it went this deep."She cursed my soul" he mutters out loud. "my beloved estranged
daughter-in-law cursed my soul" He rounds the corner of the hall, moving easily in
the near complete darkness, the way lit only by an occasional torch on the wall.
Reaching the Outer Chamber door he finds it locked. (?). "Not tonight Seleah,"he
calls out loud. His booted foot comes down with powerful boom and the massive doors
slam open. His temper once again fueled, he quickly walks through the outer chamber,
his long legs gobbling up space with each stride, till he comes to the doors of the Inner
Chamber where once again .... his boot comes down hard on the doors and he enters
quickly and with the speed of movement of an elf, he moves toward the bed and his now
fully awake wife.
Seleah is tall and delicate of frame, with a shock of bright auburn hair that flows
like thick, waving, silk down past her buttox. Her alabaster Vampire/Elven skin stands
out in stark contrast to the hair. Her face is of a beauty unparalleled, even by Helen of
Troy. Everything about Seleah speaks of softness, kindness and gentility, belying the
tremendous, dark magical powers housed within her small frame .But at this moment
she is not concerned with her magic, which is her favorite pastime, she is more
concerned with escaping that fierce gaze on the face of Dragon.
"Dragon, please let me exp...." " You'll not shut me out tonight wife..." Seleah moves to
try to dodge Dragons grasp, but he is too quick and she is suddenly and fiercely in his
arms and he is set upon her. She knows all too well when he is like this he is in the grips
of the Dragon and can not be reached or reasoned with. She only fears how far it will
go this time before he comes to himself and stops. He grabs her by the hair in the back
of her head, bending her neck back hard and kissing her deeply. She melts into the
kiss knowing if she fights him, he could possibly be brutal. Though he never has been
before now, but then she has never seen him like this . He reaches up with
the other hand and grabs her white silk dressing gown by the neck. the delicate material
offers little resistance and is instantly shredded. Dragon lets the ruined garment fall to
the ground and pushes her to the bed. He quickly disrobes from the waist down and
rips open the leather Jerkin top he is wearing as if it were made of parchment. Seleah
looks upon her husbands powerful body; muscles rippling, skin glisten with sweat in
the dimly lite bedroom, sporting an 8" "spike" and despite the present circumstances
feels the passion , nay lust, for her husband rise. Dragon picks her up and throws her
on top of the bed and as quickly as she lands he is on top of her. In a last ditch effort
to halt the on slot she whispers in his ear "Amin mela lle"..... it works ...... Hearing the
whispered elven words of love Dragon hesitates and looks into Seleah eyes and collapses
into her. He gathers her up into his arms and says "Oh my god , my love , what have I
done" " I believe you were getting ready to make love to me, my husband...and if you stop
now I will be very disappointed" she says taking hes face in her hands and kisses him
deeply. Dragon melts. He reaches down and taking his shaft into his hand gently glides
into her body, entering slowly so as not to hurt her. His rhythm and demeanor kitten
gentle and slow paced. Her soft moans fuel Dragons passion and he is hard pressed to
maintain. His slow gliding motion turns to gentle thrust. Seleah kisses Dragon down
his neck to his shoulder, while digging her long nails into butt. The pain heightens his
pleasure and his cock-thrusts become harder , more urgent. Seleah feels the moment or climax
about to arrive: all he need do now is hit jusssst the right spot,.... there ..... in a moment
of shear ecstasy, ears ringing, and lights appearing to flash before her eyes, feeling
herself slip over the clift once more , she bites into Dragons neck, carrying him with
her into the land between life and death, where lovers peer into each others souls and
bond eternally. Their bodies are rocked with spasm as they climax together, Dragon
spilling his seed into Seleah, to mix with her juices, which now flows from her body
spilling onto and soaking the sheets. After the final shudders fade away Dragon collapses
onto Seleah's body, his massive frame covering her. There hearts, beating in unison,
slow and the breath that is coming in hard gasps, relaxes.
After a while, as they are both laying in each other arms spent and satisfied, Seleah
says "Dragon what happened today?"
"You always know, don't you?' "Of course I do. Your my soul-mate"she replies "Now tell
"Ice has returned and she wants revenge for Darks death . She still blames me; When she
knows it was my son, Jace that caused her death, by trying to destroy my body so I could not
be resurrected and he would have Nightshade kingdom to dispose into the hands of that
....wife ... of his."
"Ice?" Seleah says "What did she do my love?"
" To make the long story short, she has been feeding on the dark arts. She came in and
used an ancient dragon ritual curse on me. She cursed my soul to endure great pain
and suffering to answer for our daughter Darks death ...she doesn't want me dead nooo
....thats too easy . I am to suffer an eternity of damnation.. The spell was powerful and the
guilt and pain was too much to bear and I was preparing to kill my self when Zados
stepped in and offered to take the curse from me. But there was a price...I had to die!"
"Oh My GOD Dragon NO ,,,,I wont let you die..there's got to be a way to....."
"Shh shh shh my love. Its taken care of ,,,, Zados had to kill me ... my soul had
been touched by Ancient Black magic and had to be destroyed and then RENEWED. Zados
did that. I just need to be careful and rest for the next few days as my soul settles
and "stitches" itself back in" he says. "Now tell me, my wife, why you bar our door against
your husband and what is rightfully his" He teases
"Remember the threat we received from that fanatic Dragonslayer group ...Seven days
after the birth of the twins we will lay waist to the Royals of the House of Nightshade?"
she asked "It has been 3 days now. I'm worried:" she says.
"Mm mm, I do remember... well no matter love " he throws his arms around her "Well cross
that bridge when we get to it ...but good thinking my Chev . Fore warned is Fore armed!"
he muses thoughtfully "But now enough of business. I came to see my wife and to get some
sleep if possible although, right now I seem to have a very pressing problem," he say with a
smile, taking Chev's small hand in his and guiding it down to my very hard erection and
placing it on the shaft, "Do you think you could help me?"
Seleah giggles and starts stroking her husband passionately..
"If you beg sweetly I'll see what I can do............"

(to be continued )
© Copyright 2009 Red Dragon (dragon123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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