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Rated: E · Other · Comedy · #1602129
Typical Kitty, Chapter 3

Who’s shouting me?
Let me sleep it’s still early…
“Kitrina Ann Watson!”
Oh darn it, there goes my lie in.
“Yes mum?” I am trying to be polite…
“Aren’t you at work today?”
“What day are we on?”
“Then yes” It’s so hard to think straight when you’re lying in a warm snug bed….
“Well it’s ten o’clock!”

I’m rattled, ten? I’m meant to be at the shop for nine and I’m still in bed!! As quickly as I can without falling over the side of the bed, I make a break for my phone, my godsend, my one true love, causing me to knock over the alarm clock and an empty glass in the process.

Without looking at the screen I tap in some well known numbers and all I get is a constant annoying ringing being drilled into my head! Hanging up I run into the bathroom and take the quickest shower I have had in my life, I’m one of those people who adores the hot water pounding on my back and my shower usually lasts at least half an hour- no wonder mum complains about the water bill…

Still rushing around I dry my hair, dress in a light pink skirt and white vest top with pink sandals and put on a heap of makeup. With finishing touches complete and half a bottle of ‘so…’ perfume on me I grab my handbag and phone before banging into the door without pulling the handle down. Pillock- is all I think as I focus again and open the door, then walk out onto the landing. The first thing I notice is the TV in the front room downstairs, isn’t that looney tunes? But Ashleigh and Lucy are both at school…. Then I hear the toaster pop and the kettle boil, my tummy suddenly seems very empty.

Downstairs I find mum in the kitchen laying out a plate of toast and jam across from her own and two cups of tea. I peep around the second doorway and both my sisters are sat on the sofa watching cartoons in their uniform. It suddenly dawns on me that I might not actually be late for work and the clock on the kitchen confirms that for me, half past seven. Wait… half past seven? I don’t get up until half past eight!!

“Morning love”
“Morning mum, erm… why am I up so early?”
“Well I thought it would be nice to see you before you go to work Kitrina, I don’t see much of you at the moment between work, friends and sleep.”

Now I know the thought was nice and everything but still, I didn’t want to be up so early! However there was no point of going back to bed now, might as well grab some breakfast and a cuppa and have that natter mum wants so badly.

“Here you go sweetheart” She pushes the plate towards me and my tummy takes over! So you can imagine the first five minutes was not really hard work- just a case of listening really… As soon as I’ve finished I look up and she’s laughing at me! What ever is so funny in this instance I’m not sure of but what I am sure of is that she looks quite insane…

“Mum, are you ok? You’ve not poisoned my toast or anything have you?” She’s stopped laughing but I can tell she wants to start again,

“Honey, have you got another one of those tops?” I have but if she wants to wear it she’ll have to prise my hands away with a wrench, it’s my favourite style top (hence why I brought two) plus, mother and daughter relationships, no matter how close, does not mean they share clothes or wear the same ones on the same day- it is a big fall of reputation when someone passes by and asks you if that’s your sister. Either she looks young or you look old and that brings me onto the fact that people should wear clothes to match their age, thirty something mothers do not wear teen style vest tops.

“Why?” She opens her mouth to answer when screaming erupts from the living room. I haven’t heard screaming like that since Ashleigh ripped of Lucy’s Barbie dolls head when Lucy hid Ashleigh’s encyclopaedia and they ended up having a war that I titled: headless Barbie vs. Ashleigh’s book collection. Needless to say Barbie lost after being buried underneath a cluster of books about animals, dolphins and dancing.

“Girls!” Mum calls, looking at me with a deep sigh she makes her way to the living room and two minutes later when the screaming still hasn’t finished amplified now by mum’s shouting which I can’t make out, I follow. Ashleigh and Lucy are jumbled together in a ball on the floor looking like they have been playing twister and got caught up only now I can tell Ashleigh is trying to tear Lucy’s hands away from her mousey brown hair where they are clamped in some death-lock grip.

“What’s going on?” I ask the mum who is stood on the side-lines daring not to intervene but shouting at the two like they were going to stop mid-fight, stand up straight, salute and say yes mother, anything you like mother- as if that would happen, these are my sisters here and the problem is that when one of us has a disagreement were all pretty stubborn.

“I don’t know?” She says, frowning.
“Don’t frown mum you’ll get wrinkles” I tell her and suddenly an idea occurs. I pick up the remote control of the sofa and flick channels finally landing on the one I want, my lucks in.

“Hey girls! Hannah Montana’s on!” Instant silence. They pull away from each other, move back to where they were sat before on the sofa and both grin like Cheshire cats at the TV. I head back to the kitchen to grab my cup of tea and realise the postman has been. Collecting the letters I find one addressed to myself in neat writing and allocate myself a chair at the kitchen table to open it, ignoring my tea.

‘Dear Kitty,
It was nice meeting you yesterday! I got your address from your friend Ellie, she lives next door and when I told her about the girl I’d met she knew instantly that it was you! I got my dad to drop the letter of as he’s been given your area to do today! I don’t have a phone yet but I am getting one later otherwise I would have got your number and save writing a letter. Oh well, the old fashioned way is sweeter I guess. Say, did you want to meet up later? I’ll be at the coffee shop next door to where you work at 5pm so pop in if you do! Or just to say hello… Or if you would rather not and think I’m a creep then don’t worry about it 
I look forward to seeing you again!
Sean xx’

© Copyright 2009 Chelsey Cartwright (angelc at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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