Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1600684-fantasy
Rated: E · Other · Teen · #1600684
just a fantasy of what i'd like to happen
I need a getaway. Someplace far where there’s no internet, no mobile phones,

no means of communication with the outside world.

Maybe I’ll head off to an island. I’ll stay in a posh but secluded resort.

I’ll sleep in a room with a poster bed, a bay window, and lots of scented candles.

The walls would be in shades of yellow, accompanied with the cosiest furniture.

The balcony would have the perfect view of the sea. i would sit outside,

and indulge myself in my favourite novel, take in the cool air

and wait for the stars to come out.

When night falls, and the sky settles into a deep blue color, single stars

would appear. The sea would glisten, reflecting the sparkle of the sky above.

I would listen to the waves of the cornish sea crash into the bedrocks below,

and maybe, just maybe i'll sleep a dreamless sleep.

I would wake up to the sound of the seagulls at twilight. Breathe in the

salted air, and head down to the beach. I would walk barefooted, feet sinking

in the sand..

i’d sit and watch the sun make its first appearance of the day.

thin clouds pillowing through the sky without obstructing the main attraction.

Unlike the many things in life which we get accustomed to, watching the sun rise never

fails to take my breath away.

I’ll close my eyes and feel your presence.

Your fingers running through my hair, the warmth of your body next to mine.

I’ll trace your arms with my fingers, lost in thoughts of you ----

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