Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1600441-The-Striking-Beauty-of-the-Wind
Rated: 13+ · Draft · Action/Adventure · #1600441
Two orphan siblings must fend for themselves in an uncaring, unloving world!
[NOTE: When reading, please keep in mind that this is only a sketch, so please excuse the multitude of errors: grammatical, syntactical, or otherwise. Otherwise please enjoy this for now and wait for the full y formed novel to be released! Thank you!]

[When reading please listen to this music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN685dYg4OY]

There was once a little boy , who stumbled upon an ancient ruins in search of sanctuary from a world of troubles. He lived with his younger sister in the ruins of an ancient castle, a fortress which bore silent testament to the glories of a mighty empire from a forgotten bygone time... The name of the young lad was Gallan.

From a very young age,he had no parents, or rather there was none around for him to remember. Thus as he barely had the power to fend for himself, so too did he have to fend for his younger sister Grarya. Even from a tender age, Gallan's face was worn with woe, his hands torn with endless toil and labor. As orphans, there was no one who offered help, not even a kind word or two to them. As it was, they barely managed to survive with the meals Gallan won for all his hard labor. And so Gallan took a bold step and choose to abandon the townships and cities, there was no refuge for them in such unforgiving places... They journeyed to the countryside, and still no one would offer the siblings any aid or kindness. And so when winter came, they were out on the streets, in the freezing cold, with no food, no blankets, and no money. They very nearly starved and froze to death that winter. It was then that Gallan gave up on humanity, gave up on hoping for some kindhearted generous soul to give him and his little sister shelter.

When spring came, he thanked his good fortune for their survival and thus ventured into wilderness for the first time, not turning his head back once, not holding any regrets, not yearning for the world of men. Not long thereafter, they stumbled upon the ancient ruins, it seemed a place to stay for the barren hill upon which it lay seem to be well avoided by the wolves and bears of the outlying forest. There were some chambers and rooms left intact, untouched by mortal hands for perhaps many a millennia. There was a single solitary tower that remained with an collapsed roof. It was in this tower that Gallan started to act strangely. Often when he had finished collecting food from the forest and tending to his sister, Gallan would walk the crumbling stairwell to the top. He would then gaze out longingly toward the sky and stare with unblinking eyes for long durations of time. Grarya soon discovered her brothers odd behavior and on such occasions ran up to him and tried to shake him for she was fearful that he had died. Gallan's eyes were glazed, as if ensnared by some enchantment... it was as if his soul was no longer in his body, but instead was out there, up high in the sky dancing about the clouds... in this way he meditated upon the beauty of the sky.

On one such meditative experience, while his sister tried desperately to bring him back to reality he blurted out, "Oh Sky... what I would give just once to sail about you with the wings of a bird! What I would give for that sweet scent, the wonderful gust of the wind upon my face... up there, in your warm embrace!"

As he said those words a small black dot appeared in the sky, almost like a blemish to its perfect form.
Gallan's "trance" was broken for he was intrigued by the small black dot. He tried to discern what it was, but failed as the sun shone brightly and blinded him. He squinted, pained by the bright effulgence of the sun. For an instant he closed his eyes, for he could bear the glare of the sun no longer. But he was certain of it! The black dot was getting larger...

As he opened his eyes again he caught a brief glimpse as the object smacked him squarely in the face. It was quite a starling incident and his sister panicked as Gallan fell to the ground.

"Wh-what was that?" He spoke out breathlessly

"It was that thing over there... b-but..." Grarya stuttered, " I don't know what it is! Oh, it just moved! it must be something hideous! Throw it away Gallan, throw it away now"

He sat up and tried to see, but his vision was blurred it was then that he saw it... blood was flowing about all over his face. Indeed, that "thing" was dangerous it had injured him. He sprung to his feet and without word signaled for his Grarya to step back. Once he knew she was off a safe distance he turned his attention to that "thing". Slowly he arched his foot forward... slowly he got himself into position. Minutes passed without any moment from either him or the thing and his sister stood behind the wall peering through a crack breathless waiting for it to be over.

Without warning Gallan sprung forward, and before the thing could move he had pinned it in his hands. But what was it? Grarya could not tell, her heart raised at a ferocious speed with a mix of dread and curiosity. She could take the pressure no longer and thus cried out, "Brother, are you alright? What is happening?"

"Its okay Grarya, it is definitely alright. We had no reason to fear after all." Gallan said in a spirited voice.

"Eh? What are you talking about?" finally curiosity won over and Grarya ran over to see. As she approached Gallan she looked over his shoulder to see what the "thing" was.

"Do you see? This is what they call a hawk!

I have seen them long ago in the city. They use these birds to help hunt, and sometimes they are used to carry messages... Wait! Now, now... Good Lord, Grarya! They are very noble creature, you should not run away from them." As Gallan was speaking Grarya was slowly backing away from Gallan as she caught a glance at the eyes of the hawk. It glared at her with what appeared to be fuming hatred and it scared her immensely...

"Keep that scary chicken away! It will kill me!" Grarya screamed.

"Huh? You are acting very strangely today sister. What has come over you..." Gallan said as he walked over and attempted to get the hawk close to Grarya, "Don't you see? This hawk is a gift for us from the sky! It has answered our prayers, with this hawk we will never starve and we will have company... This fellow will also be our first friend! Come now, don't be shy! Pet him." Gallan said sternly. He would not have it any other way. Grarya had always desired to cheer her brother up, but he so rarely asked of her anything, instead giving up so many of his own comforts for her sake... so if it was for his sake, she would look past her own misgivings... yes, she would definitely do that much! She would bear to touchthe filthy creature, if it meant he would be happy!

Thus she extended out her and began to pet the hawk, she cringed as she did so for when she stared at the eyes of the hawk vehemence was fuming. She knew in an instant that she would pay the price for touching it. Before she could withdraw her hand the hawk let out a loud shriek and the pierced her hand. Blood instantly flowed as sheering hot pain ran through her hand... the hawk had pierced Grarya with its beak. Gallan for a moment stood there shocked, but then he recovered and then took swift action. He place the hawk gently upon the ground as he did so he noticed that its shape was even, "Ah... so that was why it hit my head, its wing is broken!" He thought momentarily. He then picked his sister from the ground who sunk down with the pain and agony and ran carrying her down the stares... Hold on Grarya, I will take you to the river so hold on, for now tie your hand with a cloth so you can stop the bleeding! Hurry!" He yelled out as he ran nearly missing every other step in his frenzied panic...

They managed to reach the river in time to wash the wound and find some herbs that they learned helped keep cuts and scratches from getting worse... When Grarya was healed they lit a torch quickly as night was fast approaching, if they did not get back in time to the ruins, they would most likely have to face off against some wild beast. If that was the case, their only chance of survival was to have fire with them, for the animals of the forest here seemed to be instinctively afraid of it. As they walked Grarya finally spoke for the first time since the incident,

"Gallan... I want you to promise me you will not be angry."

"Hmm?" Gallan responded, "Is there something on your mind? Do not fear, speak up sister."

"Brother... I-I want you to get rid of that bird. That beastly thing nearly took my hand and I nearly died. I tell you, it is out to kill me! I am sorry, I know you like it, but-"

Just as she spoke she heard a snarl from behind, she froze up for she knew what was to come.

Gallan quickly pushed his sister behind him and took a firm stance, readying himself for the pounce of a hungry wolf. Just then he heard another sound come from behind. The rustling of the bushes told him what he dreaded the most... "Damn, its a whole pack of those beasts again! ...Listen Grarya, when I give you the signal make a run for it... did you hear me?"

Grarya who was quivering in fear suddenly panicked and wheeled to face her brother. "No... no you can't mean...? No! Please do not be foolish brother! It is too dangerous! Run with me, together we can make it back to the hill together, together we can run for the ruins!"

"Grarya!" Gallan said in a snarl, "We have no time for this! Do as I say! I will definitely come and follow you. But if you don't listen to me, I can't fight these hungry beasts and protect you at the same time... Leave this to me! Go!"

"No! I cannot leave you to die here!" she cried.

"Damn! You are such a silly little girl sometimes. Just Go! Go already!" he yelled back.

Just then a swishing sound came from the thickets as the pack of wolves descended upon the siblings. Gallan pushed Grarya aside instinctively. He knew that his time was up, he knew that his focus was divided, he knew that the leader of the pack was behind ready to pounce on him and rip him apart the moment he was engaged in a desperate struggle for survival... But was it really over? Was all lost? he closed his eyes and rushed forward. As he did so he heard from behind the hunger-crazed leader of the wolf pack rush out readying to pounce upon his unguarded back. But he cared no longer he would give his life so that his sister would stand a chance to survive.

"You beasts, you dare come before me, again? I will teach you a lesson, here is what you get for daring to think you could ever make a meal out of my little sister! Yahhh...!" He yelled as he charged forward and pounced and swang his torch before the ravenous pack. He heard the flame dance madly and the frightened yelps of the wolf pack as they retreated, fearful of the flames. He also heard the rhythmic thumbs of the giant wolf as he came from behind... yes, it was really the end, he was certain of it now.

"Dear God, I have lived a good life. Take what you have given, but please let Grarya live. Nothing was her fault...nothing at all..." said a silent prayer awaiting the for end of his short life to come. He cringed closing his eyes tightly awaiting for the scorching pain to come... but it never came.

Just before the giant ravenous leader of the wolf pack pounced Gallan heard a uplifting sound. The screaming cry of a hawk echoed through the air. All stared up in time to see the image in the flickering torchlight as a blurred figure swooped down from the heavens. It sped past him just over his head. he span around and saw that the hawk was heading straight for the wolf! Within an instant, the wolf pack leader was rolling in the ground, his eyes scratched by the talons of the hawk. Angrily the ravenous wolf struck at the hawk which became limp and fell to the ground...

This was the chance Gallan wished for, he sprung quickly into action. By now the wolfpack behind had regrouped and recovered from their fright, he would soon be faced with their attack from two sides again. But not if he attacked first! he would eliminate his foes strategy by a simple divide and conquer maneuver. He charged at the dazed wolf leader striking a direct hit between the eyes of the ravenous beast with his torch. This absolutely terrified the wolf leader despite his immense size he quivered and yelped backing off from Gallan. Gallan lunged at the wolf pack leader with his torch sending the wolf with his tail between his legs yelping back into the safety of the dark forest. Just as he had succeeded in routing the wolfleader, his pack emerged from behind howling ans snarling, indignant at being made fools of. They came at full charge with gaping mouths open readying to rip apart both Gallan and his sister... Gallan lost no time and swiftly ran forward torch ablaze and with not a moment to spare stood before his sister in full defensive stance. He waved the torch left to right, sending panic again into the hearts of the wolves. But they did not flee this time, they encircled Gallan, attempting to try and trap him... they were determined to make of meal of the two humans even if tey had to lose one or two comrades. Hunger completely ruled their senses. Within an instant they charged from all sides, Gallan this time stood confidently and took the time to speak to his completely terrified sister, "Calm yourself Grarya, we have spent many long and hard hours to ensure our security. We will not fall to such a simple trick. These wolves have no brains at all, you just watch and see."

Just as he said those words all the wolves that had attacked from behind instantly vanished. Their comrades did not notice this, they continued their futile charge into the waiting flames of Gallan's torch. When they were in range, he took out a block of some stone from his pocket and struck it with his torch, large sparks began flying about madly before the wolves who screeched to a halt in sheer terror at the horrific apparition of raining fire! he struck again and again, each time more vigorously more swiftly. He built up momentum, causing the sparks to grow larger and more dispersed. The wolves backed away fearfully, unable to summon anymore courage for the hunt. Gallan than charged at them and they all yelped and ran. He pretended to give chase but cut off before he ran into the thickets. he waited there for a good long time to make sure they had run away. Once we way sure they were gone, he turned around to his sister and gave her a great big smile, "Haha! No fear, they are gone now."

With this Grarya released her breath and sank to the ground, completely relieved. "Thank God... its over!" She finally said after a minute of trying to recover her breath. She then heard barks and yelps form behind and immediately she cringed and ran forward to her brother and held his hand firmly. "A-are you sure they cannot harm us like that?" She asked her brother with great insecurity. "We should be safe for a while, they will not be able to climb out unless they dig some earth and make a gentle slope to escape. But that will take some hours, and unless if you want to see them again, I think we better leave." Gallan assured her.

"Oh! Please do not tease me brother! You know I am scared, i definitely do not want to see those horrible creatures again!" She moaned as she heard some snarls emanate from the pits. "Alright, let us go already, please!" Grarya implored.

She begin walking, but stopped as she realized Gallan did not flinch. "What is wrong now Gallan? Let us leave now!"

He walked over to where the wolf pack leader had first appeared and startled them. He then raised his torched as if in search of something. Gallan then said after sometime, "Wait Grarya, we must first find the identity of our rescuer. Hmm, where did he go?"

"W-what are you talking about? We must leave, make haste before more unruly beasts come to make us their late night dinner!" whined Grarya.

"Now, now! You should always thank your rescuer Grarya." said Gallan as he bent down after finding the fruit of his search. "Remember there was a a hawk earlier that came down and attacked the wolkpack's leader?"

"Not particularly!" snapped Grarya a bit annoyed and vexed.

"Hah! Watch your tone. If that is how you talk, you will never anyone who will like you and rescue 'Oh so fair damsel from distress'." Gallan sneered back a bit coyly.

"Oh! You idiot! Do not slander my good name for the sake of your jokes brother! Nobody would like you because... well because you are an idiot!" snapped Grarya back.

"Hahah! Idiot, am I? Say, should me and your rescuer leave you to the wolves next time his happens? eh?" Gallan responded back coolly.

"B-brother! There is a limit to jokes, please don't say that!" implored Grarya in a tearful voice.

Gallan arose once more to his feet and turned around to face her, he walked towards her carrying torch in one hand and a strange object in the other.

"what's that?" Grarya asked.

"Your savior my dear sister, your savior." Gallan responded. Grarya looked down as Gallan extended the hand that carried the strange object. Instantly her eyes widened as she finally discerned its identity and she thus recoiled back.

"Get that, that thing away!" screamed Grarya. "I do not to ever see it again!"

Gallan frowned and said, "I owe this noble creature my life, and as I owe her my life, so do you. Grarya, I do not understand what you hold against this creature, or why you are so hostile. But if you only open your heart to the fellow, he will definitely show you likewise his love.

"A beast is a beast is a beast! You are crazy to love such a thing, its the same as those wolves! Throw it away for God sake, its bleeding all over you!" yelled Grarya.

"No... I am sorry sister. If you are disgruntled with Gale, then you do not have to ever get near him. But He has saved my life. I also consider that he is a gift from heaven. I will not part from the fellow, my first friend... Please understand my feelings... at the very least let me keep Gale till he is healed." said Gallan.

"Friend? Gale? What are you thinking brother!" Grarya yelled again, "Have you lost you mind? You're giving the thing names and calling him a friend! No! Just say this is a horrible dream! Just say it will all go away!"

"Silly little girl, don't you see this hawk is born of the wind. The wind is free, it dances all about the sky shaping the clouds, shaping the mountains. In many ways it has shaped us as well. Gales the prevail up high above our heads, the waters of the great arial ocean embrace us, lingering upon lips, in our lungs! it gives us life! Gale has suffered for me, and preserved my life. Therefore like the wind of the beloved sky i hold so dear, I will treasure him, for he has freely given me life..."

Grarya was speechless unable to rebuke the strong sentiments Gallan held for the lofty percher. After sometime she came to a decision and turned to walk back to the river. "Well are you not coming Gallan? We have to clean up the wounds of our "precious savior" afterall." she said with a tinge of anger. Gallan smiled, saying, "Thank you, dear sister! I promise you that you shall not regret this. Soon we will all be friends... you'll see!"

And with that they ventured off to the path that lead to the river, moving swiftly whilst exercising extreme to avoid other packs of wolves. The finally came out into the open. Along the banks the reflect of the halfmoon shimmered and danced, as if slithering and sliding off the river's surface. In the light of the moon Gallan and Grarya could discern a gathering of deer just ahead. The deer sprung upright as they saw the Gallan's torch. Fearful of the strange light they dashed away into the thick of the dense forest, disappearing within mere moments just as if they had never been there in the first place. Gallan stuck the torch firmly in the ground and walked toward the river bank. It was decided that he would be the one to wash the wounds of hawk while Grarya would fetch the herbs that grew along the shore of the river, for she was still dreadfully frightful of touching the "beastly thing". Thus Gallan bent down, attempting to wash the wounds of his new friend. But as he did so the cheeky hawk started to thrust about and squirm... the fellow appeared to not like the water it seemed.

Shh! Its okay little fellow, you are safe in my hands. I will not dream of harming! You are very dear to me, so please allow me to wash your wounds here... Come now, please stop struggling, I definitely will not drown you, I swear!" Gallan said as he stroked the head of the hawk as he tried to calm his new friend down. It appeared to work for just as he finished saying those words, the Hawk slackened and began to coo softly, as if to give Gallan its consent.

"Haha! That's a good fellow. You know how to listen unlike some people I know." said Gallan as he turned his head toward Grarya who was at this point, a shillouette off in the distance. "And you know, that makes me very happy, I am glad to have such an agreeable companion such as you.You do want to be my friend, right?" asked Gallan.

Again the Hawk cooed as if to answer Gallan. Gallan smiled and then gently dipped the hawk into the water. As he did so he felt absolutely blissful, "You know what Gale? You are a true friend. We just met and you risked your life for me. And don't think I have forgotten your broken wing. You bore great pains and came to the aid of my sister and I..." said Gallan. The hawk remained silent as if to listen, as Gallan began to speak again the hawk craned its head off the water as if to listen, "...No human, not one other soul from the world of man, had ever a drop of compassion, a drop of consideration, a drop of love for us. We have always been suffering from a time before I could even remember, my sister and I. But just as things looked the bleakest, the worst, when my life was meaningless, devoid of purpose, you came and brightened my horizons with your presence. I thank you not only for saving my life Gale, I thank you for giving me the knowledge of what is like to have joy in your life. Thank you! Thank you kindly my friend! I am in your debt... from this day forth, I swear I will always be by your side!"

The hawk shrieked as Gallan accidentally dipped it deeper in the water, it seemed a little vexed and it ruffled its feathers to express its annoyance. Gallan laughed merrily at this, saying, "Sorry! Sorry! Hahah...! I did not mean for that to happen Gale. You know that, right? We still friends?" asked Gallan.

The hawk after a brief pause cooed ever so softly, as if to forgive him. Gallan laughed heartily at having such a forgiving friend. All the while Grarya, who had collected the necessary herbs, walked towards Gallan and the hawk. She saw how much joy Gallan had upon his face at just being with the hawk. Somehow when she saw this, her blood began to boil.

"I do not like this!" Grarya angrily hissed beneath her breath, "I definitely do not like this! That pigeon must go! Oh yes, it must!" she mused whilst transfixed in her fit of rage.

Gallan looked up and saw Grarya off in the distance. He waved to her and said, "Hurry up slowpoke! Let us dress the wounds and then get out of here, this spot is very popular for the ravenous beasts. And with the moon like this tonight, we shall not be safe even if they come off from a distance."

Her thoughts disrupted, Grarya snapped back into reality. "Ah? Y-yes brother! Coming!" She shouted back.
And so they cleaned the wounds of their brave savior, and made their way swiftly back to the ruins without any further fuss that evening...
[still sketching]
And so there was a new addition that found a home in those remote craggy ruins that stood atop the lone barren hill amidst a luscious sea of green forest. Gallan, Grarya, and now Gale as well spent their days together foraging and hunting for food, ensuring "security", improving their shelter, and sometimes just enjoying the company of each other. It would be important to note that Grarya never became affectionate towards to Gale, while the noble hawk grew less hostile and neutral as time went on. For Gale had developed great attachment to Gallan. The noble hawk would never go against Gallan's wishes or harm anyone who was close to him.

Often the hawk and its falconer would venture off into the forest without the company of Grarya (as she was always the one busy preparing the cooked meals). Gallan from the remnants of wolf hide fashioned a gaunlet which Gale found comfortable. This was not the case when he first started to try. Gallan had not been in the city for many years at this point, however from his childhood he remembered how leatherers used to fashion fine garments and even armor using secret blends of herbs, rocks, and fire. He experimented for a good and long time shortly after Gale came, for everytime he tried to call Gale to him the hawk would fly over and unwittingly sink its talons into his arm. So all in all, through a painful process of experience and elimination, Gallan learned to train Gale without suffering any further injury.

When they were a distance in the thick of the forest...
[still sketching]

Excerpt #1: Are we dying?
"Is this the end? Oh God, if it is... Please, please ensure Grarya goes to Heaven. She does not deserve this... nothing to deserve this!" prayed Gallan, as he tired to light a fire with refuse off the roads.

"G-gallan... I am scared!" cried Grarya.

"What is it? What is wrong!" asked Gallan as he drew his sister closer to the minuscule flames of the fire he lit.

"L-look! My toes are turning black! Is that what happens when people die?" Grarya fearfully asked

"...What? Who told you people die? Death is just a joke to scare little children! Don't worry, people don't die! Hahah! Come sit near the fire, it will warm you up and shoo away all this silly talk of death." He smiled as he guided her near the flames, "Ah! Be careful, not too close or you will burn yourself! ...There you go, that is right, not too close."

[still sketching]

Gallan and Grarya, two young siblings lost and alone admist a sea of people in the city find it hard survive. They move out in search of a place which is more hospitable. Along the way they find nothing but evidence of human cruelty. Gallan the elder sibling, eventually finds living amongst humans to be so distasteful that he can no longer bring himself to look upon them without throwing up in disgust. Suffering from his disillusion in the fate of the "good in man", he strikes out for the woods, as he views, "the stronghold of Nature" in which he hopes to find a good home for his sister and himself.

Along the way they befriend many animals of the forest. Naive and ignorant of the situation Gallan and Grarya assume Nature to be a magically wonderful place, devoid of any suffering. They thus settle in the forest, but when night comes, they are surrounded by a pack of ravenous wolves. Grarya nearly dies from the experience, but fortunately Gallan finds the weakness of "the hungry monsters" - fire!

Feeling once again disillusioned Gallan resolves to never place his faith in other living being... save his sister, whom he feels an instinctive need to protect and harbor. He rushes through the woods trying find a means to save his sister's life. Running forward, Gallan carries his wounded sister, desperate to find a means to save her life. He unwittingly runs headlong into a river and falls unconscious as hits his head against the craggy rocks. He reawakens in the morning to discover that he is lying upon the shore his sister all healed and preparing a meal. This bizarre and miraculous event leads Gallan to place his faith not in man or in any living force, but in the elemental powers. After that experience, he often dreams of shedding his putrid human skin becoming one with the elements.Soon thereafter he spokes a solitary hill jutting out of the forest barren and devoid of life. Some structures appear to rest atop the hill. Seeing that night is approaching once more, he leads Grarya to the hill. He spends the night awaiting the wolves, but none arrive. By morning he feels confident about the ancient ruins and thus determines that "this place shall be out new home".

Gallan discovers that he feels a natural affinity for the sky, mesmerized by its sublime and simple beauty, its vastness, and its colors. While adjusting and learning how to live in a hermit's life, Gallan always tries to make time to gaze up upon the sky. On one such skygazing day, a hawk spiraling from the heavens falls smack directly upon his forehead. Taking it to be a gift from "The Generous Sky" he befriends the hawk and names it Gale. This displeases Grarya who finds herself getting unnatural feelings of spite towards the bird. As if to respond to those feelings Gale assault Grarya wounding her. Gallan rushes to the magical river to heal Grarya's hand.

Once Grarya is healed, they start to head back to the ruins. However, they are attacked by ravenous wolves. Just when things looks the bleakest, Gale swoops down and rescues Gallan from certain death. Gale is wounded in he process, but this selfless act moves Gallan as it is the first time a stranger (albeit a bird) has helped him. Thus Gallan, normally a distrusting fellow, opens a place in his heart for his bird friend. Although he recognizes that his feelings are somewhat unnatural intense. Just as he thinks this he dismisses it as mere "overthinking".

Now that Gallan and Gale have established a strong bond Grarya feels even more hostile to the hawk. However she cannot bring herself to reveal her "bitter and hateful face" for the brother who thinks the world of her. She struggles for a time, trying to live up to the ideal person that Gallan thinks her to be. In the end she gives in to her jealousy and vehemence, desiring to have the times where it was only she and Gallan to come once more. With the veil of the night she snatches Gale and stuffs the hawk in a satchel, then throwing rocks into the bag, she runs silently through the forest, hiding her scent from the wild beasts with mud. She tosses the helpless hawk into the river bag and all, hoping to kill "the damned pigeon". Gallan suddenly awakes as he feels a piercing panic rapture in his heart. His thoughts immediately turn to Gale, he runs to the tower to confirm his fear, his friend had disappeared. Without dressing appropriately he ran into the woods, searching everywhere all night, calling aloud for Gale. Nothing distracts him from his search not even the fear of wolves. Along the way he stumbles into the midst of a den of wolves. This time without a torch he cannot defend himself and thus flees.

Grarya who all the while is returning back to the ruins gloats gleefully as she has succeeded in ridding herself of her hated nemesis, the "blasted pigeon". She hears the screams of pain of Gallan in the distance as the wolves began to overtake him. Grarya quickly lights a torch and runs to the aid of her brother. With no energy spared she succeeds in rescuing her brother, who is sorely wounded by the assault of the wolves. His consciousness ebbs in and out as his concern for Gale the hawk turns into absolute obsession. Grarya, is pained to hear the feeble mutterings of her brother as she races to take him to the waters of the miraculous river. She plunges him into the river and while he is healed by its magic, she races to the spot where she had done the "fateful deed". Throwing shoes aside she dives head first into the river swimming to the bottom where she finds the satchel. She takes it back into her arms and races back to the surface. Taking it to her brother, she admits her crime to him and opens the bag, miraculously the hawk swoops out and circles about Gallan who is both relieved at the reunion with his hawk and hurt at the betrayal and vehemence of his sister.

Little words are spoken between the siblings after that as Gallan struggles to retain his image of Grarya as the "sweet little innocent sister" he had always thought her to be. To mask his grief and doubts he partakes in sport with Gale as they hunt for wild beasts in the woods. Grarya follows them in the forest watching jealously as Gallan's and the hawk's grows ever closer. Grarya in grace frustration screams to the heavens, "Enough! Enough! This is all I can take, I would give anything to be rid of that damned pigeon. It is in my way, and I want it gone!"

As she uttered those words, mist gathered ensnaring Grarya within. She felt unable to move. A lone figure dressed in green emerges from the shadows, a figure of a mysterious yet graceful woman. She seems like a forest spirit, beautiful and radiant with natural charm. The woman is cloaked and veiled and thus even without the mist, it is hard to see any facial features.

This mysterious figure speaks to Grarya with slow, purposeful words, accentuated with a rolling echo, "Hmm? What is this? A lady here in my forest all distressed? No, no! This will not do! Oh, and do you really mean that, young maiden? Hmm? You said you wanted to be rid of this, "pigeon" was it? Perhaps I can be of some assistance? Hmm? Would you like that? Is that really what you want?"

"I-I don't know... what you mean?" Grarya replied in great fear, "I don't even know you... who are you?"

"Hmm? I am sad that you cannot tell. Really, why can you not see? I am your well wisher, someone on your side. I am here to serve you, young lady... Now then! What do you say? Surely you know what you want! You want the creature gone. You want to be with your brother. Yes... just you and he... Is that not what you want? Hmm?" the cloaked woman smiled.

"H-how did you...how did you...?" Grarya tried to ask stunned and terrified.

"How did I know?"mused the cloaked woman, "hmhmhm! It is my duty to serve all young maidens whose hearts are vexed with woe. You need only ask and I shall fulfill your wish. Now then... do not be shy, tell me what you desire... hmm?"

Grarya tempted with the prospects of getting her dreams fulfilled immediately threw caution and reason to the wind. Driven to intoxication and madness by the flowery words of the cloaked damsel of the forest, who claimed to bring joy to the hearts of young maidens, Grarya thus said with a wild look in her eye, "Yes, please do! Kill! Kill the vermin in my way, the pigeon must die!"

The cloaked woman smiled slightly at hearing this and bowed as she laughter merrily, "Young maiden, rest easy now! On the thirteenth day after the full moon, go to the tower where the bird resides you will see a sight that will be quite thrilling!"

And with that as instantly as the cloaked woman appeared she vanished, as did the mist that lay about her. Grarya was too engrossed in joy to even question the events that occurred, she did not even think about what consequences might lie in making heinous dealings with mysterious unnatural beings. All she could find herself thinking (and saying) was, "Heheh...! Now we will be rid of you pesky pigeon! You may have escaped from the river, but you cannot escape from this!" Grarya danced and hummed throughout the day merrily while her thoughts were engrossed upon wicked deeds...
© Copyright 2009 AWanderingTraveler (homersdisciple at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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