Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1600316-Unspoken-Hate
Rated: E · Other · Romance/Love · #1600316
Ok, I am new to this site. So, uh, yeah. Hope you like this story!
"Lyn, Draco is a nice boy!" My Mom said.

"He tried to kill Harry Potter!" I screamed back. Why did parents never understand the important things, but they understand the little things? How is that possible?! Seriously, how?

I hate Draco with all my guts, and Mom knows that. So why is she making me marry him? That is such a good question! Lots of times I understand my Mom's decisions, but sometimes - times like this one! - I honestly didn't understand! They can be so cruel! And why do they try and torture us like this? Do they think we are "little" and "immature" and "don't understand"? I mean, we can make out own decisions, thank you very much! Why don't they get that?

"It's people like Lily and James who destroy the Wizard world! It's people like Harry Potter who trust muggles and tell them the secret! And then there is people like Lucius, Narcissa, your father, I, and Draco who preserve magic for magical people!" Mom ranted. I always hate when she gets like this.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron are my three best friends. This will be my seventh year at Hogwarts, so, of course, they are leaving me. (Honestly, I wouldn't mind if I were completely confident that they would actually catch Voldemort, but I am a generally negative person. Plus, how would they find all the pieces to soul?) Mom and Dad suggested that I hang out with "Draco's crowd!" Like that was going to happen! Even if I tried to hang out with Draco - which I would never do because I am way too loyal to Harry - they wouldn't let me. Crabbe and Goyle would eat me for breakfast! And, rumor has it, that Draco has a crush on Pansy Parkinson. Like I can compete with that! (She is sooo good looking.... It would be hard to believe unless I had to look at her everyday....)

So how in the universe did Draco agree to this? Didn't he know I was good? Not evil? Maybe he was forced into this like I am being.... That would make sense, if his own mother wasn't a pushover.

"Mom, I won't marry Draco!" I half-heartedly fought. I knew I was losing.

"You are going to marry Draco Malfoy and you are going to like it!"

"But Mom-"

"And that's final!"

Dad walked into the kitchen. I shot him a dirty look and ran to my room, where I owled Hermione.


Oh my gosh. I cannot believe my parents! Their newest stunt? I am going to marry Draco Malfoy at the end of the school year! Ugh! Why are they doing this to me? Do they think I'll like it? Well, they are very wrong! They obviously are wrong! Jeez! And they won't listen to me whenever I say he's evil! Ugh! Why me?


I put the letter in Freak's claws, and told him to go find Hermione. Hopefully she hadn't left with Harry and Ron yet, but you never know.

I sat on my bed and pouted for a little while (my head between my legs is how I pout) while thinking about how mad everyone would be. Would Harry or Ron be jealous? Or would they just be really mad that I was marrying a traitor? It was hard to tell. Maybe they would just pity me...

Then my Dad walked into my room.

"Haven't you heard of knocking?" I asked sarcastically.

"It's my house, therefore my rules." Dad said, quite harshly actually.

I hate when my Dad uses old words such as "therefore" and "thou," which, believe it or not, he does much often. Way too often.

"Well!" I shot back.

"Look, Lyn-"

"Makaylyn." I corrected. (I only like people close to me - such as Hermione and my Mom - calling my Lyn.)

"Look, Makaylyn. Draco is a nice boy, and he comes from a nice family. It would be good for you to marry him." Dad said, working to calm himself down. I appreciated the not-screaming part, but he could have at least tried to smile, or not have his eyes get all red. I mean, really?

And what world was he in? "Draco is evil!"

"No, Draco and Lucius are not evil!" Thats why I am worried about you! Harry Potter is evil! You are going to marry Draco, and you are going to love it!" Dad screamed, losing what little cool he had at the end.

I sighed in defeat. "Ok. I'll marry Draco."
© Copyright 2009 Em[ily] (toxicoddness13 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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