Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1598684-Woman-Bewitched-Chapter-2
Rated: E · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1598684
Writer falls for witch.
                                                                  Chapter Two

Autumn edged the speedometer back towards fifty-five. She was just on the outskirts of Monterey. She was relaxed and enjoying the ride and the passing scenery. The air smelled sweetly of the surrounding trees, blooming flowers and the hint of the ocean. The tang of the ocean became stronger the closer she got to Monterey.

She wore a contented smile as she breezed through the streets and pulled up to a stop next to the resort’s manager’s office. It was headed by a cheerful brunette that explained the rules and told her what the resort offers.

“Your cabin is the closest one to the beach. You can park your vehicle where ever you want just as long as it allows other people to get past.” She smiled pertly. “Enjoy your stay with us.”

“Thank you.” Autumn smiled back and took the key from her.

She sauntered out the door and jumped back into the Jeep. It wasn’t long before her cabin came up. Number thirteen. Autumn laughed dryly. Didn’t it just figure. She juggled her things and opened the door. It looked nice. The feature color was beige, the theme followed through out the cabin, shades of beige and white. In any case, it would do. She didn’t need much.

Autumn set her suitcase down on the bed and wandered back out to the living room and stared out the windows at the ocean below. It looked calm enough. She could see the docks too. They weren’t very far away, a ten-fifteen minute walk maybe. Autumn turned away from the windows and  walked back to the bedroom where her suitcases laid.

Autumn flipped the black lid up and sighed, she hated this job. She pulled out all the clothes and hung them up, occasionally brushing out wrinkles here and there. She then, filled the dresser drawers. Soon as everything was more or less neatly put away, Autumn perused the selection. Just what did one wear to meet a witch?

In her mind’s eye, she pictured Sloan Ballentyne standing on the cliffside. His dark hair blowing wildly in concert with the wind. His eyes deep and mysterious and his sensuously curved lips grim and unsmiling . She pictured him wearing a pure white flowing shirt, with laces crisscrossing his massive chest, tucked into tight leather pants and knee-high black leather boots. All of that topped off with a silky black and deep purple cape and dozens of winking medallions.

Autumn shook her head and grinned. Surely that was too romance-book-cover to be true. Anyway he was supposed to be a modern day witch. Of course that could mean anything nowadays. Anybody that had the imagination to be convinced they were a witch, well, they just about had to live up to a certain image didn’t they?

She pulled out a pair of fashionably faded blue jeans and a white dress shirt. A silver snake-belt encircled her slim waist and casual black shoes covered her narrow feet. She twisted her hair up and clipped it. Autumn pushed the posts of her favorite silver earrings through her ears and gave a satisfied glance at the mirror before walking back out the main room.

She swung her denim jacket on and slid sunglasses on her nose. Autumn double checked carry-all, for her cell phone, extra batteries and all the trappings of her trade. Satisfied she had all she needed, she slung the strap over her shoulder and pushed the door open to warming sunlight.

Autumn’s step was jaunty as she started in the direction of the docks. It felt good to be outside for a change. Especially after the trip back from London. Autumn smiled as she looked around. There were craft and specialty stores everywhere. She’d have to stop and see if she couldn’t find some presents for her parents and one for Dana. She smiled wickedly as she spied a store with a big sign reading, Pure Magick, in big bold letters over the top of the door. Maybe she’d stop in and get her a love potion or something. Autumn snickered, maybe then Dana would be plagued by so many men that she wouldn’t have enough time to send her out on ridiculous assignments. Yeah, she thought, like potions would actually work.

Autumn by-passed a couple men that were standing on the sidewalk arguing over something or other, not even noticing when they turned and watched her walk away. She stepped up onto the dock and looked around. Her footsteps thudding hollowly on the planking as she walked up to the only person that seemed to be around. He was bent over a motor attached to an ancient looking and what she assumed was a boat. Although it looked more like a tinker toy next to the other bigger vessels.

“Excuse me, I’m looking for the owner?”

“Yup, that’d be me.” The man slowly turned around and rose to his feet. He looked eighty if a day.

“Oh, well, hi. I’m Autumn Ramsey. Dana Ashley hired someone to take me out to Ballentyne Island…” Her voice trailed off as she realized that since they were the only ones here, he just might end up being her ride.

“Yup, that’d be me too.” He scratched his whiskered cheek with a gnarled grease stained hand, leaving smears of blacks in it’s wake. Wrinkles wreathed his eyes as he squinted at her. “Name’s Gus Scott.”

“Nice to meet you Mr. Scott.” Autumn smiled.

“Just call me Gus Missy. Well, I reckon you’re ready to go, climb aboard.” Gus waved towards the little boat.

“In that?!” Autumn drew down her sunglasses, eyed it, then him. Her expression was a mask of disbelief. “Nuh-uh! . You’ve got to be joking. It looks like it’ll sink just sitting there.”

“It’s seaworthy.” Gus chuckled and shook his head. “Look Missy, it’s either that or nothin’.”

Autumn sucked in her lower lip and stared at it doubtfully. She couldn’t very well not go out to the island. Even if Dana was her friend she was still also her boss in a matter of speaking and she couldn’t just ditch the assignment. Still, the boat didn’t look very safe.

“Are you sure it’s safe?”

“Safe as the dock you’re standin’ on.” Gus grinned when her eyes shot down to the dock as if she expected it to disintegrate under her feet. “You game to try it?”

She sighed, mentally picturing Dana reviewing the different ways she could torture her. “All right. I’m game.”

Gus handed her in and took a seat himself. Autumn grabbed the sides of the madly swaying craft with a small squeal of alarm when he opened the throttle and pointed the bow towards the open water. She kept her bag clutched between her knees to keep it from touching the dirty floor and hands in a white-knuckled grip on the sides. Although it wasn’t particularly rough, it wasn’t a smooth ride either.

“You’re lookin’ a mite green around the gills Missy, ain’t you never been in a boat before?”

“Of course I have. It’s just that they weren’t the size of a bathtub.”

“Ah, now be nice to good ole Bessy. She ain’t never dumped anyone in the drink yet.” The old man chuckled, watching her with shrewd mischievous eyes.

“It’s the yet part that I’m worried about.” Autumn muttered.

“So, you’re going to interview the witch huh?”

“Yeah, do you know him?” Autumn asked curiously.

“Sure, just about everyone knows Sloan and his kin.” Gus bobbed his head and adjusted the course.

“Do you believe he’s a witch?” Autumn loosened her grip on the sides, fingers almost itching to get hold of her notepad.

“’Course I do. Didn’t you know this place is lousy with witches?”

“May I quote you on that?” Autumn grinned.

“Yup. There’s been witches in Monterey as long as I can remember and I’ve lived here my whole life.”  Gus bobbed his head towards the growing island. “That island has always been in the family too. Lot’s of them slick fast talkin’ real estate fellers have been over here always tryin’ to talk the Ballentynes into sellin’ but they won’t have any of it. The boys just chase them fellers’ right back where they belong, an’ they take off like the hounds of hell were after’em.”

“And how do they do that?” Visions of men running for there lives chased by demonic wolves flashed through her mind. Autumn shivered. “Do they use their magic to get rid of people?”

“If you’ve ever seen the Ballentyne brothers’ you’d know.” He chuckled. “As big and mean lookin’ as they are they don’t need to use their magic. One nasty glare from them is enough to do the deed. Here we are.”

Autumn craned her neck around and looked at the more than impressive sight. Her wide hazel eyes traveled from the dock to the small sandy beach, to the high cliffs above it. Then finally on her first glimpse of the house itself. The thing was massive! Four stories high. She couldn’t even guess at how many rooms it held! It’s exterior was a pristine white with dark green trim that surrounded huge windows. They must have one hell of a view, she thought.

“Wow!” Was all that came out.

“Yup. That’s about everyone’s reaction when they first see the place.” The old man chortled.

“So how do we get to the house?”

“Well, you take them there steps. See’em off to the side? They lead right up to the front door.”

“Oh. Ok.” Autumn sucked her lower lip in her mouth and stared back up at the house, seemingly drifting into a trance.

“S’cuse me Missy but I gotta get back.”

“Oh, uh, yeah. Thanks for the ride.” Autumn said, still staring up at the house. “You’ll come back when I call?”

“Yup.” A few seconds drifted by. “Are you getting out or are you too afraid of the witch?”

“Me? Afraid? Ha! That’ll be the day!” Autumn shot back, getting riled just like he intended. She snorted indelicately.  “Why would I be afraid of some crack-pot who thinks he has some sort of mystical, magical powers!”

“Well, then what are ya waitin’ for? Go interview your witch.” Gus demanded, trying to spur her along.

“Damn straight I’m going! He’s not my witch!” She added over her shoulder as she crawled awkwardly out of the skiff. She straightened up and brushed her pants free of dirt and looked at him archly. “Thanks for the prodding by the way.”

“Not a problem.” He grinned as he took off again.

Autumn glanced around and looked up at the high cliff. She saw a man standing at the edge but when she blinked he was gone. Sighing and thinking he was just a product of her vivid imagination, Autumn moved her reluctant feet towards the small strip of sand.

“Get ready for the encounter with the strange kind.” She mumbled to herself, as she trudged to the wide steps cut into the side of the cliff.

Sloan threw a shovel-full of dirt off to the side and checked the hole for depth. He picked up his shirt and swiped at his chest, wondering briefly, absently if she was another real estate agent. He could find out if he chose but didn’t see the point. He’d find out soon enough. And as soon as she reached the top of the steps he’d just send her back down again. Easy and simple as that. Simple and easy.         

      He pushed aside some more rich dark dirt and decided it was deep enough for his sugar maple. He felt good, as he always did when he worked with the earth. It made him feel revitalized, gave him a sense of peace that he seemed to crave these days. Sloan braced his jean-clad legs and wrapped strong hands around the base of the maple. With a soft grunt he set it gently in the hole, started smoothing the dirt and moving sunwise around it, while chanting a softly spoken charm.


Autumn panted lightly as she topped the last step. Her abandoned jacket hung limply over her carry-all and her sleeves had long since been rolled up and pushed out of the way. She rolled her eyes as she thought of the gym membership she had canceled weeks before. She might just have to join again, she thought with a weak grin.

Autumn glanced up and every cell in her body seemed to freeze, then lurch madly. Her breath caught in her throat as she stared at the most beautiful body she’d ever seen. Her eyes widened as they traveled the path of wind-mussed hair and tanned, bulging muscle. He was gorgeous and she was just seeing the rearview. Her eyes darted down and Autumn grinned. Oh yeah. Nice rear view.

Autumn watched as, sinewy muscles rippling, he lifted the tree with seeming ease and set it delicately down. She watched silently as he smoothed the dirt around the tree, while muttering something and then stand. She took a step forward and fixed a cheerful smile on her face. Which abruptly slid away when he turned.

Her lips parted on a soundless gasp as she seen his eyes for the first time. Deep pools of ocean blue. They seemed to have layers of shades. They had an intensity to them that looked at, through and deep inside all at the same instant. It was disconcerting to say the least.

“I…uh…” Autumn blinked and tried to gather her tattered composure. “Hi. I’m Autumn Ramsey.”

“What can I do for you Miss Ramsey? It is Miss, yes?”

Sloan stared at her directly, having noticed she seemed to fluster easily. He crossed his arms over his chest, leaving his shirt right where it was. He noticed her eyes travel over his body and the light flush it brought to her high cheekbones. If seeing a naked chest was all it took make her uncomfortable why not take advantage of it. All the better to get rid of her, he thought with a grim smile curling just the edges of his lips.

“Ah, yes it is Mr. Ballentyne. I’m sorry if I had come at a bad time but I understood you would ready for me.” Autumn noticed how he straightened and loomed over her. A determined smile slid across her lips. The old intimidation game. Well, he was going have to do a hell of a lot better than that if he was gonna see her backside outta here, she thought. “You are ready, aren’t you?”

“Exactly what do plan on doing with me?” Sloan asked with a smirk and an arched eyebrow.

“Your interview of course, surely your sister mentioned it.” Ha, very cute, innuendo isn’t gonna get me either! Autumn smiled coolly. “If you’d like to get cleaned up first I’d be happy to wait.”

“No. No one mentioned anything about it to me.” He glared down at her. “I don’t do interviews. And you won’t talk me into one so just toddle back down and go back to the mainland.”

Toddle?? Autumn stiffened and glared right back at him. ‘I don’t do interviews!’ She mimicked mentally. Well, we’ll just see about that Buster!

“First of all, I don’t toddle. That is reserved for babies and women that can’t walk in stilettos. I am neither.”

“Mmmm, you definitely aren’t a baby, honey.” Sloan commented almost musingly, his intense gaze taking a leisurely stroll over her curves.

“Don’t call me honey! And being interviewed for Spotlight magazine should be considered an honor, not something to be sneered at. It happens to be very well respected.” Autumn sucked in a calming breath and released it. Some of her ire died immediately. She smiled and looked left. “However, if you don’t have time for me today. I can always gather background for now. Your sister’s house is down this way, yes?”

“Keep my family out of this!” He growled and swooped closer till he was nose to nose with her.

Startled, Autumn gasped but didn’t move an inch. Her eyes sparked fire. She held her ground even as the voice in head screamed retreat! He was too close. All she could see, feel and smell was him. The heat off his body seared into hers. Autumn shook her head and smoothed her facial expression into one of indifference.

“Look, we got off to a bad start.” She slashed her hand through the air, frustration rising once again. She gave a wry smile. “I’m not usually so…”

“Aggressive? Manipulative? Uptight?” Sloan supplied helpfully.

“I was going to say impatient.” Autumn gritted out through her teeth.

She stepped back and paced and few times before coming to a stop, wondering with a frown how Dana was going to take this outright refusal. Well, there was only one way to find out. Reluctantly she dug through the carry-all and located her cell phone. Autumn had turned her back to him but she could feel the heat from those intense eyes. Shoulders squared she resolved to ignore him until she and Dana figured out what to do next.

Sloan stood back and watched as she paced and muttered into the cell phone. He kept his little grin to himself, knowing full well she wouldn’t appreciate his amusement. He had to admit though he was enjoying himself immensely. She was quite the little fireball with a temper to match that beautiful hair. Beautiful hair, beautiful face and one helluva body. Sloan made one negative motion of his head. Nope, he wasn’t even gonna go there. He didn’t have the time nor the inclination to start anything. 

“Whoa! Dana, it isn’t my fault he doesn’t want to do the damn interview! He has to be the rudest most uncooperative man I’ve ever met. No, I didn’t say anything to make him mad.” Autumn protested in a loud whisper, then mumbled. “He was mad before I even got in the picture.”

Autumn walked a bit farther away and was now standing at the edge of the cliff staring out at the chopping waves while Dana ranted in her ear. A nagging sense of déjà vu skittered up spine. She peeked over her shoulder at Sloan standing there arms crossed, expression impassive, not angry exactly but not delighted either. Autumn turned back to the water with a slight shudder that had Sloan wondering what was going through that pretty little head of hers.

“You wanna what? Ok, ok.” Autumn sighed and turned to face Sloan, brought up short when she found him directly behind her without having heard him move. “Dana wants to talk to you.”

Sloan took the phone watching her intently. She was beginning to wonder if he ever just looked at someone without trying to look into them. Autumn crossed her arms and stared back feeling very much put out. Irritation was starting to rush back full force as she watched him chat with her best friend and boss about her. Which of course she thought was extremely rude. In fact, he’d been nothing but rude ever since she laid eyes on him.

She swallowed convulsively as his whole expression lightened considerably as he chuckled into the phone. Her eyes darted to his lips. She watched fascinated despite herself as a sexy little grin curled at the corner of that sensuously curved mouth. Autumn sucked in her lower lip and turned away.

“So she’s always had a hot temper? Ah…” Sloan grinned at the stiff set of Autumn’s shoulders. “And people actually like to be interviewed by her? Uh-huh. Well, actually my refusal has nothing to do with her personally. I have no desire to see my name in print. Sure, I guess I can do that. Ok, here she is.”

Autumn nearly jumped a foot when his hand landed lightly on her shoulder. Fearing she would lose her balance, Sloan tugged her back against him. Autumn stiffened against the heat and the little zips of sexual awareness that chased through her. She took the phone from him and struggled to ignore him, all while wishing he would move.

“Yes? But…ok, I’ll try. And dear friend…We’re gonna have a conversation when I get back so don’t you take off anywhere. Got it. K, bye.” Autumn shut off the phone and shoved it in her bag. She had to tilt her head to look up at him. “Dana tells me you agreed to give me an article if we leave your name out?”

“That is only one of the conditions.” Sloan swallowed thickly as he watched her pouting lower slip into her mouth to be nibbled on by small white teeth. He fought the sudden craving to do some nibbling himself. “There are a few more conditions.”

“Such as?” Autumn watched him warily, then glanced back at the cliff and to him again. Remembering her dream, she skirted around him until his body blocked hers from the cliff.

“Come on, let’s go into the house while we talk about it.” Sloan saw the brief flash of alarm in her eyes and wondered at it. And gave thought to linking with her but decided against it. He wasn’t sure if he even wanted to be inside her head for even a second.

“Why? Can’t we talk out here?” Autumn demanded warily.

“Are you always this suspicious of everyone?” Sloan was laughing at her and made no effort to hide it. The glint I his eyes said he was enjoying it too. “Or is it just me you’re frightened of?”

Just like he expected she bristled and glared at him. Despite his reservations he was having fun. Not that he thought it was nice to amuse oneself at the expense of another but she was just too damn entertaining. Sloan held out one hand, waiting for to take it. Which she didn’t of course, so he took it upon himself and entwined their hands together. He paused, picked up his shirt and slung it over his shoulder, blatantly ignoring her futile tugging to free her hand.

“I don’t bite ya know.” He chuckled and pulled her through the open doorway. “Welcome to my home.”

“That’s not what I heard.” Autumn muttered under her breath.

“Did you say something?” He asked.

“When can we get started?” She interrupted quickly. She wanted to get this over with as fast as possible.

“Can I get you something to drink?” He asked politely. “I have coffee, wine, beer or tea, if you prefer.”

“Do you read the leaves?” Autumn butted in again.

“I can if you wish.” He grinned. “Come on in the kitchen.”

Autumn was all eyes as she looked around his house, not bothering to hide her curiosity. It wasn’t quite what she expected. It looked…normal. It was comfortable and cozy but with expensive furnishings, which she did expect given the family wealth. The kitchen itself was a masterpiece with dark blue tiles, a big center island, light oak cupboards and the countertops were pristine white. She also noticed the French doors  that led out to a large patio.

“Nice.” Almost instantly most of the tension drained out of her body, she wasn’t sure why but she felt a bit more relaxed.

“Thanks.” Sloan dipped into the large fridge and pulled out some iced tea. He figured that was safe enough. “Please make yourself comfortable.”

Autumn sat down at the wide oak table with a sigh of relief. At least he was being more civilized. She pulled out her notebook, pens, recorder and the list of questions she came up with. She accepted her glass with a smile and poised the pen over an empty page.

“Do you mind if I use the tape recorder? I like to keep everything as accurate as possible.”

“No, go ahead.” He chose his own chair at the table and looked at her gravely. “Don’t you want to hear my conditions first. I don’t want to be accused of tricking you into anything.”

“Ok. What’s the dish?” Autumn glanced up only to be snared by those mesmerizing eyes again. She had to say they were more blue now than green or gray. The changes in them were odd. Clearly one color and then changing in an instant. “I want to say, just to be fair to you, that I don’t believe in any of this magic mumbo-jumbo. Not that I won’t write an objective article, I just want you to know where I stand on the subject.”

“Fair enough. I’m not going to try and convert you. I’m just going to answer your questions…provided I can ask my own.” He qualified before taking a sip from the large glass.

“Why would you want to ask me questions?” She frowned into her glass as if looking deep for answers there or just so she wouldn’t have to look at him.

“Don’t you think that’s fair? Just consider it kind of…a truth or dare type of deal. I’ll answer any questions you want and give you the choice of answering truthfully or taking a dare.”

Sloan figured it was a good thing his sisters weren’t here. They had been on the receiving end of that mischievous glint in his eyes many times. He smothered a laugh, she was gonna have to work for her assignment. For some reason he felt compelled to pull her chain. And as long as she was interrupting his rest and relaxation, he might just as well have a good time getting her goat. So to speak.

“Is that it?” She asked dispassionately.

“Nope.” He looked at his hands lying flat on the table. He did what he needed to, then lifted his hand and presented her with a small silvery chain with a delicate fairy hanging from it. “It’s for you.”


“Is that one of your favorite words by any chance?” Sloan smiled and folded it into her hand.

“Gee, how did you guess.” She responded with a grin. She traced the fairy with a finger tip, outlining it’s delicate wings, touching the little blue-violet stone she held in-between her cupped hands.

“That’s called Avonlite.”  He informed her indulgently, pleased she liked it.

“Never heard of it.” She fingered the green stone. “This one’s a Peridot, right?”

“Yeah. The Avonlite is a form of Chalcedony. It’s good for promoting a sense of security and helps with psychic awareness, among other things.” He leaned across the table and brushed a finger over where hers rested on the Peridot. His eyes darkened and swirled. His link was brief and light but enough to get what he wanted. And more than he expected. “This one guards you against illusions, enchantments and nightmares.”

“Nightmares huh?” Autumn frowned and pulled her hands back instinctively.

“It might help with that temper of yours too.” He added with a light smile, trying to ignore the flashes of pain, fear and the sizzle of attraction he felt as soon as he touched her.

“Well, I doubt that but it is pretty enough.” Autumn sighed and reluctantly tried to give it back. “Thanks but I can’t accept it.”

“It’s for you.” He repeated, not moving to take it back. “Along with a promise…An oath I can not break. No charm or spell will I make. Through wish or thought. No binding shall be wrought. By my will it is done. With harm to none.”

© Copyright 2009 crystal.blue3030 (crystal.blue at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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