Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1598680-Woman-Bewitched
Rated: E · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1598680
Work in progress romance story. A freelance writer falls for a witch.
                                                                        Chapter One

Autumn fell back on the bed with a deep sigh of satisfied relief. Man, she was so tired and so glad to be home. She turned her head and looked at the still packed suitcases sitting by the closet. Another thing she was beginning to hate about traveling was the unpacking. It wasn’t that she didn’t have a good time. Visiting London with her parents had been a blast. She had fun but she was glad to be in her own space.

She rolled over, deciding to ignore the suitcases for a bit longer. Since she wrote freelance articles her time was her own till she got a story lined up. Right now though, she was just gonna take a breather for a few days, then she could get back to the grind. A small smile lit across her mobile lips as she pondered whether or not she should call Dana.

Autumn rolled over and faced the small light oak night stand. She looked past the pretty lace that covered it lightly, past the telephone and then on to the picture of her and Dana taken at graduation. Both of their faces were flushed with youthful victory at having graduated into the life of adulthood. They stood there in their shiny gowns grinning at the camera.

Life had been good then simple, easy even, both knowing without a doubt what they wanted out of life. For the most part they had got what they wanted out of life. Dana was the proud owner and editor of a small but flourishing magazine called Spotlight. She was still single but usually had a date whenever she wanted just by giving a flirtatious smile. She was still scoping out the husband material though.

As for herself, Autumn had figured she done pretty well for herself. She was doing what she wanted. She became a freelance writer. A job in which she adores for the simple fact that it gives her freedom. Freedom to write what she chooses, to travel and the best of all…freedom to pick her own hours. Although it hadn’t at first, it now pays well enough to avoid having to dip into her trust fund.

Autumn was intensely proud of not having to use her trust fund to survive. A lot of people thought she was just a pampered socialite with more money than brains. She would be the first to admit that it felt wonderful to prove them and the doubts she had about her own abilities, wrong.  Of course she would also be the first to admit that her apartment and its furnishings hadn’t all come out of her paycheck too.Autumn laughed out loud at the thought. Picturing what her little two room apartment would have looked like if she had furnished it with her first checks. She probably still be sitting on crates and using blankets for curtains. She was too used to creature comforts that money provided she supposed. She liked her little luxuries and didn’t see any reason why she couldn’t make the most of them.

Autumn slid a hand across the silk coverings on her bed. Yep, she liked her luxuries just fine. She stretched lazily and glanced toward the phone again. Her slim tanned hand reached for the handset even as she gracefully came off the bed. Ignoring the blinking answering machine she moved into the kitchen and started preparing a pot of coffee. That done, Autumn picked up the handset only to drop it with a muttered curse when it rang unexpectedly. Putting a calming hand to her chest she picked it up once more and stabbed her thumb at the talk button.


“Hello?” She said into the receiver breathlessly.

“’Bout time you get back.” Dana laughed. “Did I interrupt something by any chance? You sound a bit breathless.”

“No. You just startled me. I was about to call you when the phone rang.”

“Hmm, maybe it’s starting to rub off.”  She said half to herself.

“What’s starting to rub off?” Autumn drummed her fingers impatiently, waiting for the coffee to finish dripping.

“Never mind. I’ll fill you in later.”  Dana chuckled to herself. “Got a new project for you.”

“Dana, I just got home.” Autumn protested, filling her cup to the brim. “No way you’re gonna send me out again.”

“Oh yes I am.” Dana replied. “Besides, you’ll dig this one…”

“OK, tell me about it, and then I’ll decide if I want it.” Autumn sat at the table and folded one long lithe leg under the other.

She looked around her apartment idly as she heard papers being flipped through in the background. She knew that Dana was looking through her ever-present folders of dossiers on possible subjects. She let her eyes drift over the soft hued colors that were reflected in the pastel blue walls and ceiling, the mixed pastels of the furniture and various throw rugs. The room was a flood of soothing greens, pinks, blues and soft hints of orange. The theme was complemented by the lacy and sheer white curtains and white wicker tables. All in all she liked the effect.

“Ah, here we go. Subject; Sloan Ballentyne, age 29, single, height 6’5”, eyes are blue/green/gray, hair is wavy dark brown with chestnut highlights…”

“Geez, what did you do interrogate his mother.” Autumn said laughingly.

“Nope. His sister.” Dana replied with just a hint of humor in her voice.

“So what’s so special about this guy that he deserves a spot in your mag?” Autumn blew lightly on her coffee and took a small sip.

“He’s a witch.”

Autumn took another drink just as she said that and immediately started coughing. Tears ran down her cheek as she gasped for air.

“Are you ok? Dana inquired her voice now rich with amusement.

“Fine.” She croaked. “He’s a witch? Is that what you said?”

“Yeppers. I’m faxing you his photo and bio right now.”

“So, I’m still not understanding this. I mean, the guy is obviously insane. Why would you want him connected with your magazine?” Autumn asked incredulously. “You print something like this Dana and it might damage your credibility as a serious business woman.”

“Actually I thought about that and I came up with the idea that could just pass it off as one of those human interest-slash-post-Halloween-things. It might not come off and we don’t have to print it but just think of the interest it would generate. Just about everybody is into this new-age spiritualistic stuff. Maybe you can even get some herbal remedies or love spells or something.” Dana’s words crowded over each other as her excitement grew over the new project. “Oh, and find out if he dances naked under a full moon or deflowers virgins on a sacrificial alter. That would be an awesome touch.”

“Oh no! No way am I asking him about his sex life. You are out of your mind girl.” Autumn was really beginning to think she was out of her mind for buying into this. She rolled her wide hazel eyes and pulled the phone away in disbelief. “Look, I’ll…”

Autumn’s voice trailed off as the fax came through. His picture plopped face up on her little desk next to the table. Oh. My. He had to be without a doubt the sexiest man she’d ever laid eyes on. He wasn’t staring directly at the camera but slightly turned away from it. Dark hair waved away from his high forehead, followed by a straight, narrow nose. Sharp slanting cheekbones gave way to a strong jaw and stubborn square-ish chin, lightly covered with a five o’clock shadow.

An almost sharp sense of disappointment stabbed at her as she tried in vain to see his eyes clearly. She could see their shape and the ridiculously long black eyelashes but the color eluded her. Autumn let out a slow sigh.

“Still there?” Dana asked, half-concerned, way amused.

“Uh, Yeah, I’m here.”

“Sexy beast isn’t he?” She chuckled. “Hell, his picture alone will boost sales.”

“No doubt. I’m not sure I want the assignment though.” Autumn told her still staring at the picture.

“Well, you’re my best writer. You have to do it. And you have to move on it fast.”

“Why?” Intrigued despite the shiver of apprehension that crawled through her.

“It took awhile to track him down. He’s been through three continents and I don’t know how many countries. This guy likes to move. But I finally pinned him down at the family island, a mile off-shore of Monterey.”

“Wait a minute. His family owns an island?”

“Read the bio, instead of staring at the picture and you’ll find out all the information you need start an outline.” Dana demanded. “I need you on this as soon as possible.”

“All right, all right, I’ll do it.” Autumn cried in exasperation. “When is he expecting me?”

“Uh…well, he’s not exactly expecting you.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean? Dana you know I don’t walk into these things cold. He has to meet me in a public place. Not to mention agree to the interview.”

“Calm down. The reason he doesn’t know is because he doesn’t have a phone, so I don’t have any way to contact him.”

“You expect me to go to this…this witches island an interview him without his knowledge. Are you crazy! We already know this guy’s cracked. What if he’s psychotic? I’ll be stuck out there by myself with this loony-toon.” Autumn erupted; she couldn’t believe that her best friend was suggesting this.

“Now, hold on just a minute.” Dana broke in soothingly. “Of course I wouldn’t expect you to go in there alone. You’ll have your cell phone, laptop and mace. Although I don’t think you have anything to worry about, his sister vouched for him.”

“Yeah, I’ll bet Ted Bundy’s family would have vouched for him…except they’re all dead! Did it ever occur to you the reason why he never sticks around long? Hell, he might be leaving a trial of bodies in his wake.”

“Oh come on honey. There are five other houses on there. If you start screaming I’m sure someone will hear you.”

“Yeah, that’s comforting.” She drawled out sarcastically. “What if he starts trying his spell-casting stuff on me? Then what I am gonna do?”

“Thought you didn’t believe in that stuff?” Dana said it like an open ended challenge. “You’ll be fine. I hired a boat out of Monterey to take you out to the island tomorrow and all you have to do is call him to pick you back up again. I rented you a cabin at Big Sur too. So you’ll have somewhere to stay until it’s done.”

“I don’t know Dana. I don’t have a very good feeling about this.” She said hesitantly.

“What? You’re turning physic too?” Dana replied laughingly.

“He’s not physic too, is he? Please tell me he’s not.” She begged. “Judging from his picture I don’t want him reading my mind.”

“Relax. That’s his sister’s thing. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Oh…” Autumn stared at the phone, feeling a tad bit dizzy with the turn of events and the quick disconnect.

Autumn set the phone down and shook her head slightly. Her wide hazel eyes had a dazed gleam to them and her lush lips were parted slightly. She drug a long fingered hand through fiery auburn waves and stared blankly at the wall. Slowly her gaze drifted back to the photo in front of her. Instantly she was drawn back to the eyes and what she couldn’t see, her imagination took her from there.

She shivered and set the photo face down. Autumn picked up the two sheets of paper that made up his background information. Well, well, he sure had a big enough family, two brothers and three sisters. Plus an assorted amount of aunts and uncles. Parents still among the living. None of the kids were married though. That seemed a bit odd. Six of them and not one that has been or is married. 

He had more businesses on the side than anyone she had ever heard of. She scanned down the list rapidly, noting that most of them he never took an active interest in. For the most part, in all of them he was just a silent partner. Autumn narrowed her eyes at the paper. So there was his fatal flaw, well besides the whole I'm-big-bad-witch thing, he liked owning things but never took responsibility for them. Of course, if you had as much money as he and his family seemed too, you really didn’t have to work nine to five if you didn’t want to.

As Autumn continued reading, she noticed, as always, Dana’s report was detailed and concise. She always did have a way of cutting bull-puckey. Briefly a grin twitched at her lips as she considered the chances of Dana having connections with the FBI.

Autumn pulled her leather bound notebook closer and jotted a few notes and questions, then went back to reading and memorizing pertinent details. She blindly reached for her cup and took a drink of rapidly cooling coffee. Absently she stood and went back to the kitchen for a refill, eyes still glued to the papers.

Sitting in the chair she started to pull one leg up to cross over the other. Her whole body jerked with the shrill jangle of the phone.  She cried out with a foul curse as her knee slammed against the sharp edge. Autumn glared at the phone before picking it up. Damn, talk about being jumpy she thought.


“Autumn Ramsey?”

“Yes, this is.”

“This is Breena Ballentyne, Sloans’ sister.”  The voice introduced, for all the world sounding like tinkling of a mellow stream.

“Oh, uh, hi. What can I do for you?” Autumn raised naturally arched eyebrows, wondering what this was all about.

“Well, I know this might sound a bit odd but I just wanted to reassure you that it was perfectly safe on the island.” Breena grinned. She could feel the nerves from the writer jangling.

“Do you live on the island too?” She asked curiously.

“Yes I do. In the next cabin over. I’d be delighted if you could stop and visit.”

“Maybe I will.” Autumn smiled. Her nerves dissipated at the kind tone she heard in the other woman’s voice. She thought that if Sloan’s sister was this nice, he couldn’t be all bad. Even if they all were crazy. A thought occurred to her. “I thought there wasn’t any phone out at the island?”

“Oh there isn’t” Breena chuckled, knowing exactly what she was thinking. “I’m calling from Monterey.”

“Oh.” Autumn flushed. “Sorry, it’s just that…”

“Yeah, I know. It’s ok.” Breena reassured her.

“Does your brother know that I’m coming?”

“No, well, I’m sure he has an idea but I haven’t said a word about it. I thought it would be better if you just showed up that way he wouldn’t hide himself somewhere. Trust me, you don’t want him to get much of a warning otherwise he’ll dodge you for sure.”

“Thanks for the tip.” Autumn hesitated again. “He’s not going to be too upset that I’m there is he. I mean I’ve battled unwilling interviews before and it’s not something I care to do again.”

“You’ll come to no harm through my brother or our family. Sloan is just too used to getting his own way. Don’t take no for an answer ok?”

“Oh, I can be as stubborn as the next person.” Autumn grinned. “Besides I’m not afraid of him because he thinks he’s a witch but I have seen his stats and he is a big man.”

“But not the violent kind.” Breena smiled as she thought of the surprise she was sending Sloan. Her mischievous glint appeared in her unusual eyes. “I’m looking forward to meeting you.”

“Yeah me too. I think despite the unusual circumstances, this will be fun.”

“I have to go now. The boat is ready. Blessed be.”

“Uh, yeah bye.”

Autumn set the phone down and booted up the computer. She had a feeling she’d better do some research on this whole witch thing before she met the witches of Ballentyne Island. She typed in the key word and whistled silently as thousands of web pages popped up.

She thought longingly of the warm afternoon outside and wished she could spare some time to get out for a quick walk. The weather was perfect for it. With fall here and winter soon on its way, the hotter days have faded into a mild warmth perfect for being outside.

Autumn sighed and did the next best thing, opened every one of the tall windows in the kitchen and dining room. Next she went to the bedroom changed out of her slacks and blouse and into cotton shorts and T-shirt. She hauled all of what she considered to be the tools of her trade. The notebooks, voice activated tape recorder and switched the small coffee cup for the biggest mug she had in the cupboard. It appeared she was going to be here for awhile.

Hours and many pots of coffee later, Autumn looked up from the computer screen. She had no idea that there was this many people interested in witchcraft. Or that there were so many different kinds for that matter. All the information seemed to collect and mix together until she was more confused about the subject rather than enlightened. Each answer just seemed to lead to more questions.

Autumn rubbed her tired eyes and looked out into the darkness that bled through the city. She got up and locked the apartment down, deciding to get her answers from the source she was going to interview. There was simply no other way other than to find out what type of magic he thought he could manipulate. She still found it a bit hard to swallow. A full grown man, rich, sexy as all hell and believes he’s a witch.

Hell, she was willing to believe there were aliens. Why not? After all, space was an awful big place; it had to have more in it than just the people on earth. But witches, no, that stuff is reserved for the Disney Channel. And it was going to take more than Walt Disney’s magic wand to get her to believe that witches are real.

She once interviewed a pretty famous magician and while she couldn’t figure out how he did his tricks she knew it was just an illusion. Smoke and mirrors. And that’s just what this guy is, an illusion where the only magic that exists is in his own head.

Autumn crawled into bed, switching on the lamp and clapping to turn the main lights off. Having set the alarm for six am, Autumn slid down the silky sheets, sighing as they caressed her skin. She figured she could make it to Monterey within a half an hour and be at the island by at the latest, seven-thirty. That would leave her plenty of time to do the interview and get back to the cabin before dark. No way was she gonna be stuck out there after dark.

It was late, around midnight when she finally fell asleep. Much to her annoyance, every time she closed her eyes she saw his face. His strong features seemed etched in her mind. She could clearly see the way his unruly hair waved around that too handsome face. She drifted to sleep feeling the imprint of the sculpted curves of those lips pressed against hers.

The lamp light played across her features, beautiful in sleep as she was awake. Her hair mussed by the constant turning, it tangled wildly under her. In her dreams Autumn only felt the wind catch her hair and tease it gently. She was standing cliffside, staring out at the churning waters of the Pacific Ocean. She smiled, content right where she was at. The sun was strong and bright, with a few puffy clouds hanging around. She couldn’t have imagined a more perfect day.

She smiled once more, her lips parting softly as a man came up behind her and wrapped strong arms around her waist. Sloan’s name sighed through her mind. They didn’t speak. She just enjoyed the hard warmth of his body pressed against hers. Then a shadow passed over the sun and a chill swept her length. Autumn shivered. She turned to Sloan about to suggest that they go back inside.

He looked down at her. His face shadowed and grim. Where his eyes belonged, she could only see darkness. His lips, that once before touched hers so tenderly, were moving with no sound. He seemed almost viscously angry. Autumn felt her heart tremble and crack just a bit. Then suddenly he pushed her away. Instead of falling into the swirling, stormy waves below, she fell into a pit of darkness. She couldn’t see anything but it kept pressing at her. The dark. How she hated and feared it above all other things.

It started to smother her. There was no smell, no sound, only everlasting pitch black. Her chest heaved, trying to draw in air. In her panic she clawed out seeking some outcropping where she could pull herself out but again, there was nothing. Whimpers of terror and despair scalded her throat, begging release. Her eyes, wide, darted frantically. There was no way out! No! Sloan please help me! She screamed.

Autumn’s body jerked abruptly. She scrambled out of bed, eyes darting around the room. The nightmare still clinging to her. She choked in a few calming breaths and ran a hand through sweat dampened hair. Her body still shook and trembled as she sat on the edge of the bed. She buried her face in her hands, trying to calm the churning of her stomach.

She hadn’t had a dream that strong in a long time. Autumn laughed weakly. Obviously reading about witches was not the brightest thing to do before bedtime. She glanced at the alarm clock. 5:45. Close enough, she thought with a shrug. She flipped the alarm, gathered some clothes and took them into the bathroom with her.

After coffee was made she went back into the bedroom to repack her suitcases. Which she probably should have done last night. And would have if she hadn't been consumed with web crawling. She packed up her laptop, cell phone, voice recorder, and extra pads and pens in her black leather carry-all. It took several minutes to locate the keys to her sporty red Jeep since she hadn’t driven it since before she left for England. Frowning, she carried her things to the elevator, wondering if there was still some gas left in the tank. 

The basement parking garage was dark as usual but this time it gave her a pause. Her jeep was parked in the farthest row, deep in shadow. Autumn hesitated by the elevator doors and peered around cautiously. While crime wasn’t a big thing in Calverton it was better to be safe than sorry. Her hand slipped inside the pocket of her light jacket and gripped the mace.

She was gonna have to have a word with the garage attendant. Either he was going to have to add some more lights or park her car next to the elevator. And, of course he wasn’t in his little booth either. Autumn cursed and took a small step towards the Jeep. This is so stupid. Just go get in the damn vehicle. Small beads of sweat collected on her upper lip and between her shoulder blades.

She could hear the harshness of her breathing and thought it sounded awfully loud. It echoed back at her in the nearly deserted garage. Terrified, she focused on the gleam that caught on the front bumper. A couple more steps, she chanted to herself.  Almost there.

“Hey! Miss…”

Autumn let out a shriek that could’ve woken the next few blocks. She whirled around, simultaneously dropping her things to the ground. Her hands flew up to her chest. Her breath whooshed out of her lungs as she realized who was behind her.

“Damn it all to hell, you scared me Billy! Don’t ever do that again!” She demanded shakily.

“Sorry, Miss Ramsey. I just thought maybe you could use some help.” Eighteen-year-old Billy Jones hung his flushed freckled face and stared at his feet.       

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to bark at you.” Autumn said ruefully. “It was nice of you to offer. I’d love some help.”

Billy’s head shot up and a pleased smile crossed his face. A bad case of puppy love was forever in this boy’s eyes and had been ever since Autumn had moved into the building.

“Geez, Norman sure parked your Jeep far enough away from the elevator.” He offered softly.

“I wish he wouldn’t park it back here. Maybe I’ll let you park it instead.” She agreed her nerves calmer now that she wasn’t alone. They threw the bags in the small compartment and she crawled into the front seat. “Thanks for the help Billy. It was real sweet of you.”

Billy blushed and stammered out a ‘your welcome’ before backing towards the little cubicle in front.

Autumn drove towards the exit, giving Billy a little wave as she passed by. He was a nice kid but she wished he’d get over his crush on her. Of coarse, she was the only single woman under thirty so maybe that was the reason he’d singled her out. Maybe she should shove him gently in the direction of that Miller girl in the next building. She chuckled at the thought of her turning matchmaker. She couldn’t even find her own Mr. Right let alone find the perfect match for someone else.

That’s not to say that she didn’t date. She did often actually. It seemed as if all the guys she dated just had no...sizzle. She wished she could have fallen in love with any one of the guys she dated in the past two months. For the most part they were really nice. Steady, dependable and responsible, all of which were important to her. All of the things she respected but as much as she hated to admit it, they were also boring. Like, three-hour-meeting boring. Like, eating-oatmeal-every-morning-for-the-rest-of-your-life boring. And she really hated oatmeal!

Autumn sighed. While her head was totally into them she just couldn’t make her hormones get into the groove. Shoot, they all wore three-piece suits to everything. Their idea of casual was to loosen their ties. Autumn snorted indelicately and shook her head. None of them had even made a pass until after the third date and that was usually just a chaste kiss. 

  It was enough to make a woman want to tear her hair out. Granted she wanted a good safe man but she also wanted one that knew how to have fun. And she did not think discussing the stock market was fun. All she wanted was a man like her mother found. Warm, compassionate, funny, intelligent and responsible. She decided early on that she wanted a marriage like theirs and she wasn’t about to settle for less. Her parents, Seth and Evelyn, had built on a whirlwind romance and made it into a thirty-five year commitment. That was her idea of marriage. If she could find a love like that, then she’d have everything.

© Copyright 2009 crystal.blue3030 (crystal.blue at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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