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Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1598540
This Choose Your Own Adventure was written on GameFAQs from August 6 to September 9, 2009

Rorschach's Journal
August 6, 2009
Confronted Veidt with Daniel. Discovered we were too late. Did it thirty-five minutes ago. Millions dead. Tried to get word out to public, confronted by Manhattan. Told him to do it. Thought that was the end. But when I awoke, where was I? Not dead. Or maybe this new world, the 21st century, is hell. Overconsumption. Consumerism. Liberals in office. Veidt's changed world is no better than the one I left. Bought new journal, will chronicle events inside.

You find yourself on a street corner in 21st century Manhattan with nothing but your mask, coat, gloves, hat, and journal. As it's broad daylight, you remove your mask. You head down to the intersection where you recall the alien being teleported, having seen it on one of Veidt's screens. To your surprise, there is no destruction; it has all been cleaned up in the almost 24 years since the explosion. Instead, a large, sprawling glass memorial is there, towering into the sky. It is the tallest building in New York City. You walk up to the memorial and notice elevators moving up and down inside it. You decide to go to the old brick house where Dan lived in 1985. When you get there, it's almost sunset. You knock on the door, but to your surprise, an elderly woman answers. "Excuse me, does Daniel Dreiberg live here?" you ask, rather embarrassed. "I'm afraid I don't know anyone by that name," she says. Confused, you walk to the Gunga Diner. You notice several objects that look vaguely like computers, but they have flat screens and clear pictures. You sit down at one and use your rudimentary 80s knowledge to access the "Internet."

You notice that the last person on the computer left open a site called "GameFAQs," specifically a forum called "Current Events." You figure since your mysterious time travel is a current event, you'll ask this group about it. After some difficulty, you learn how to make a topic. It's titled "veidt was behind the explosion" and contains this message: "explosion in nyc in 1985 caused by adrian veidt with genetically engineered squid tell everyone." You sit back and await the praise. Instead, the first response comes in: "lol@conspiracy theorists. You're telling me a humanitarian billionaire decided to randomly kill 3 million people?" You decide to explain. "veidt created giant alien on island used dr manhattan teleport technology to send it to nyc killed millions to stop war he must be punished." You wait for responses. "Lol tinfoil hats," says one user. "Yeah, and I bet he thinks JFK was a conspiracy too," laughs another. Finally, someone says something intriguing: "I saw on AboveTopSecret that there was a journal sent by that 80s vigilante to some newspaper back in the day, said basically the same thing." You quickly respond: "thats me im rorschach." You get several "joke topic" and "pics nao" responses. Confused about this mysterious "Internet," you stay on the computer all night (the Gunga Diner being a 24 hour Internet cafe) until the next morning.

Rorschach's Journal
August 7, 2009
Learned much about this new world. Learned no one took journal seriously. Planet still flawed, on verge of nuclear conflict with Korea and Iran. Costumed heroes fell out of style again after brief resurgance in popularity in late 80s. Mostly a joke in modern times. Must restore balance of good to Veidt's evil world.

Remembering you have no place to stay now, you decide to find somewhere to live, at least temporarily. You decide housing is unimportant and decide to Google "Dan Dreiberg." The results show that he allegedly died in the squid explosion. You know that's obviously not true. However, you also find a result on something called "Facebook." A person called "Sam Hollis" has Dan Dreiberg listed as an alias on his profile, and the guy's picture looks like a blonde Dan. You figure he assumed a new identity. Listed as his wife is "Sandra Hollis," whose miniscule thumbnail photo looks like a blonde Laurie. You go to register a Facebook account but realize you need an "email" to do so. Recalling that GameFAQs account you were posting with involved an "email," you go back and use that one to register an account. Having no idea how to fill out profile fields or add pictures, you just go straight back to Dan's account and ask to be friends. He accepts your request, but then leaves a message telling you it's cruel to impersonate a dead person. You leave a message. "daniel its rorschach. manhattan sent me to this year. need assistance. greatly appreciated. ask question if you don't believe me." You wait all day but get no response.


Rorschach's Journal
August 8, 2009
Sent Daniel message on strange communication forum. Doesn't believe it's really me. Understandable. Believed dead by populace. Must prove identity.

The next morning Dan responds to you on Facebook. "If you're really Rorschach, you'll answer this: what year did we hold the first meeting of the Crimebusters?" You respond "simple. 1966." Dan replies back "Well, no one but us would know that date, so...is it really you? Why were you sent here by Jon?" You respond "don't know, need to meet to discuss business." You also add Laurie as a friend. Dan gives you his address. He lives in California now. "daniel, can't afford plane ticket, have no money. come get me in owlship." Dan responds "lol Rorschach are you serious? I can't go flying the Owlship around in public." "daniel have question. who/what is lol" you ask. Dan responds "ha, I forgot you'd be new to this. It means 'laugh out loud'." You leave another message: "will obtain money for plane to cali tonight. time to break some fingers." You walk out on the street as night falls and notice several people breaking the law. You put on your "face" and step out into the alley. A mugger is holding a woman at knifepoint and examining her purse. You walk over, clear your throat, and then lunge forward, breaking the man's arm, kneeing him in the gut, and decking him across the face before he notices what's happening. You hand the woman her purse and she runs off. But the real reward is the wallet in the mugger's pocket, containing more than enough money to get to California.

Rorschach's Journal
August 9, 2009
Boarded plane to Los Angeles. Daniel and Laurie live there. Got strange looks about appearance. Figure must appear unkempt in new modern day. Arrived shortly after noon.

You get off the plane into the airport. You stroll off through the airport. Having never been on a plane before, you don't know where you're supposed to go. Suddenly, you notice Dan himself standing with a sign that says ".}{." on it, your famous insignia. You stroll over. "Hello Daniel. Good to see you again," you say. "Wow, it's been over two decades!" Dan says. "Yes. You still have crimefighter body even in older age. Still Nite Owl?" you ask. "Nah, I retired. But advancements in consumer workout technology have allowed me to stay fit." You shake your head. "Daniel, cannot retire just because you are old. Comedian and Hollis Mason never stopped fighting until dying breath. Literally." "Yeah Rorschach, that's easy for you to say. But try being my age. I can't just go running out fighting criminals anymore. Say, we should get something to eat, it's almost dinnertime."

You go to Dan's house to eat. He and Laurie live in a large home, not a mansion, but not average sized either. Dan explains he and Laurie inherited all of Sally's money when she died a decade ago. You enter and find Laurie sitting at the table with her back turned. "Uh, Laurie, we're home..." Dan says. "Hi Dan. Hi Rorschach," she says curtly, as if she just saw you yesterday. While you three are eating, Dan flips through the channels before finding a conspiracy theory channel. "...and even though police reports confirmed Kovacs was presumed dead in the catastrophic incident, the victim, who says he is familiar with Kovacs' voice because his father was apprehended by the vigilante, insists it was really him." You just shrug as Dan and Laurie look at you.

Rorschach's Journal
August 10, 2009
New York criminal populace probably living in fear at news of return. Should make visit with Daniel quick. Can't let underworld have time to prepare.

The next morning, you wake up and think you hear someone in the shower, but you really need to go to the bathroom. You decide to barge into the bathroom anyway. Laurie peeks her head out from behind the shower curtain. "Rorschach?! What the hell are you doing in here?" she screams. Dan comes running in as you stand there like a confused dog. "Daniel. Just needed to use bathroom," you say casually. "Dan, this rat has been in our house for less than a day and he's already causing trouble!" Laurie screams. Dan quickly shepherds you out of the bathroom. "Rorschach, you can't go around doing that." "Daniel. Have idea. We can make money by selling a sex tape. I sleep with Laurie, you film it. Is that okay?" Dan just stares. "Rorschach, that is...well..."


Rorschach's Journal
August 11, 2009
Made sex tape with Laurie. Didn't enjoy it. Daniel filmed. Don't know why he needed to be naked too. Anyway, preparing to distribute tape on Internet under title "Who Watches the Watchmen ****?"

Having successfully filmed your sex tape, you decide that it's time to actually get down to business. Sneaking around Dan's kitchen that night, you find a door. Sure enough, it leads to a secret basement, much bigger and fancier than the one he had in New York. The Owlship is there, his costumes are there, everything's there. You poke around the shelves and grab some Owl-rangs and night vision goggles, then slowly slip into Laurie's form-fitting latex outfit. Making sure no one saw you, you leap into the Owlship and take off. As you fly over the city, you notice a disturbance down in the street. You leap out onto a rooftop and slide down a pole. Two men are buying drugs from another man. "Hello there. Cocaine? Going to have to confiscate that," you growl menacingly. The men just stare in shock at the bulge between your crotch. You suddenly start dancing seductively and pulling at the latex costume. The men stare at you, confused and horrified. You rub yourself and peel the costume down to your waist, shaking your ass. "Oh god man, just stop! Here, take it!" the drug dealer screams, throwing you the drugs and racing off down the street. One of the buyers quickly leaps in his car. The other buyer continues looking at you. You stare at each other in awkward silence for a moment before he snaps out of it and runs off too. You get back in the Owlship.

You decide to continue prowling for drug dealers. As you stroll down the street in your form-fitting costume, you come across something unusual. It's a piece of paper: "Rorschach. I know you're here. Come to [address] and we'll talk." How did the person who wrote the note know you'd be there? That's not important. The real question is...should you go? You go to the address, still in your hat, mask, and yellow latex outfit. It's an old warehouse on the LA docks. You walk inside, carefully checking all around you to make sure it isn't a trap. Suddenly, you see a person in the shadows. "Hello Rorschach. It's good to see you. I'd advise not approaching any further or you may get injured," the person says. You do the only thing that makes sense: you start unzipping your outfit seductively. "Rorschach, I really don't have time for this," the man in the shadows says. "What I want to discuss with you is the fact that you're the only one who knows the truth and is willing to talk." "The truth about what?" you growl. "You know. The incident in 1985. The alien. You know who was really behind it. And now you're going to get your chance for revenge." The man slides a folder across the floor towards you. "Inside that folder is the identity of your hit. When you take him out, everything will be as it should be." You open the folder to see none other than Adrian Veidt as the target.

Rorschach's Journal
August 12, 2009
Given assignment by mysterious benefactor. Must hunt down Veidt and bring him to justice. One problem: whereabouts unknown. Will question Daniel for information.

The next morning, you come downstairs, having returned and replaced everything you took in the middle of the night before anyone noticed. After Laurie leaves the kitchen, you approach Dan. "Daniel. Have question. Where does Veidt live?" Dan freezes. "Why do you ask, Rorschach?" "Just curious." Dan shakes his head. "Rorschach, I know what you're thinking. I've only spoken to Adrian once since 85. He doesn't live in New York or in Karnak anymore. I have no idea where he lives now." You have a suspicion Dan is lying to you. You slam your fist down. "Daniel. Don't believe you. Tell me where he lives." "Rorschach, why would I even keep in contact with him? Why would I have any reason--" Desperate for answers, you grab Dan and bend him over the chair. "Head is upside down. Blood flowing to brain. You'll lose consciousness any minute now." Dan tries to spurt something out, but can't. Suddenly, Laurie walks in the room and sees Dan bent over on a chair with you standing behind him. "Laurie. Was interrogating Daniel for Veidt's location. Not what it looks like." Laurie shrugs. "You should've just asked me. He lives in a reconstructed version of Karnak out on Mt. Everest. Pretty reclusive now. Go **** him up if you want, I don't care." She walks off and you start to leave the room. "Hey Rorschach? How are you planning on getting to Everest?" You turn back. "Daniel. Please. You must help me with this. Vengeance is needed." Dan thinks for a moment. "Fine. I'm going to hate myself for it, but if it'll make you shut up, then fine." As you enter the basement, Dan fuels up the Owlship.

As Dan prepares the Owlship, you go to Laurie. "Would you like to join us? Taking down Veidt likely requires multiple adversaries." Laurie laughs. "Me? In that costume? I'm almost 60 years old, yeah right!" You shrug. "Perhaps provide alternative assistance. Prepare food items or--" Laurie cuts you off. "Are you suggesting I should tag along and be the personal cook? Times have changed. Women aren't house maids anymore, and you're mistaken if you think I'd come along to be one. Women these days are women of action. I'll get my suit." You pause for a moment to consider the strange irony you just witnessed, and then pile into the ship with Dan and Laurie. "Coming out of retirement, act 2," Dan says. "Here we go."


Rorschach's Journal
August 13, 2009
Have arrived at foot of Mt. Everest. Are refueling Owlship at covert location. Once again I find myself writing an entry before possible certain death with Veidt. Seems just days ago this happened before.

You choose not to leave a cryptic message again, much more confident in your ability to take on Veidt. As the ship takes off again, you hear a distinct rumbling. You decide to look out the windows and see what the rumbling is. A huge avalanche is occuring! "Daniel, I--" "Yeah Rorschach, I see it!" Dan yells, annoyed. He tries to pilot out of the way and misses most of it, but several huge chunks of snow and ice fall right on the ship and send it into a tailspin. Dan is forced to put the ship down on a cliff. "Daniel, it is imperative we reach Veidt immediately. Should start climbing now." Dan turns. "Why? Are we on some deadline? We can't wait until tomorrow?" "No. Must do it now." "Alright. Laurie, stay here, your costume won't survive these extreme temperatures anyway." Laurie glares but decides he's right and stays behind. The two of you begin climbing while Dan uses some gizmo to try and detect energy signatures. Eventually, you notice a glimmering gold structure on a cliff. "Daniel, how will we get over there?" you ask. "Seriously? I'm the Goddamn Nite Owl, I can get us over there," and then he fires a grappling hook and swings the two of you across. You are now at the base of the structure.

You ring the large doorbell and wait in the searing cold and wind. Eventually the door opens. "RAAAAWR VEIDT!" you scream, lunging at the man. "Uh, Rorschach...that was the butler," he says, gesturing to the unconscious man with a broken arm. "Uh, just being cautious," you stammer, brushing snow off your shoulders. The two of you walk into the main foyer. "I bet Adrian knows we're here, somehow," Dan says. As you prowl down the hallway, you hear televised laughter coming from the next room. You and Dan sneak past the room with the TV and check the dining room--after all, that's where you found Veidt the first time. But no one is there. You continue up the stairs and find one of several bedrooms. Again, nothing. Finally, you choose to enter the room where you heard the television...and again, find nothing but a TV set to a channel. "Hurm. Where is he?" you ask. "Maybe he's not home?" Dan ponders. "No, I was just getting something to eat," says a casual voice behind you. Veidt, now in his sixties but still looking youthful for his age, strolls into the room with an apple. "I feel like we've been in this situation before," he says. "Yes. We were in situation 25 years ago. This time it ends differently," you growl. "Really, Rorschach? You think even in my older age I couldn't take you on?" "You are mistaken, Veidt. This time it ends WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" you scream suddenly. Veidt looks over his shoulder and you grab a PS3 off the table and chuck it at him. He turns around and gets hit in the face, falling to the floor. You race forward and start to jump into the air, but Veidt's foot kicks out and sends you smashing against the table.

You pick up a chair and chuck it at Veidt; he dodges it and then lunges toward Dan. Dan swings his foot out and kicks Veidt in the knee, allowing you to grab a plate and smash it over his head. Veidt rolls away and then jumps up, punching you in the face. He steps back as you and Dan corner him. "Boys, wouldn't you like to hear about my amazing new invention?" he says. "Not really, Adrian," Dan growls. "Fine. Tell us about invention," you snarl. "Well, it was quite simple. After mastering genetics, I decided to master time. I spent the last two decades investigating the means through which tachyons--" you suddenly chuck a vase at him. It smashes across his face and he falls to the ground. As he struggles to his feet, Dan suddenly becomes useful and kicks him in the face as he stands up. Then both of you grab him and pin him to the wall. "You were saying?" Dan asks conversationally. "Well, I've created a means through which tachyon particle movement can be replicated with human beings," Veidt continues with a bloody lip. "And what does that mean for those of us who aren't physics majors or Dr. Manhattan?" Dan says, sounding annoyed. Veidt speaks calmly: "Quite simply, I've developed a way to go back in time."

"Machine. Take us to it," you snap. "Well, it's not that simple. It's not a machine. It's an energy sphere contained in a--" You cut him off. "Just take us to it." Veidt leads you down the hallway to another room. It's empty except for a small black sphere that is glowing blue. "So what were you planning to do with this?" Dan asks. "Why Dan, I was planning on going back in time and observing various historical events. Imagine, I could even meet my great hero, Alexander himself." Then Veidt does that knowing grin. "But I know what you're thinking. You want to use this device to go back to 1985 and change things, don't you?" You and Dan say nothing. "Once again, I'm ahead of you. There is an attachment device that controls the tachyons that will be sent back in time first. If you ever hope to use this invention, you'll need the attachment." Dan sighs. "And let me guess. You already did that thirty-five minutes ago?" Veidt laughs. "Nonsense! I did it just now!" And then he lunges out and presses a button. The black sphere disappears in a blue, Manhattan-like flash. Thinking quickly, you grab a large metal bar attached to a frame and whack Veidt upside the head with it, knocking him out cold. Then Dan accesses the computer module. "The attachment has been sent back to the year 1959," he says, then pauses. "Why would Adrian be going back to the year Jon had his accident? Is that just a coincidence?" He shrugs, and then you both stand on the platform. Dan hits a glowing red button, the room starts shaking, and then the two of you appear in a laboratory. "I think we're in Gila Flats, and there's the Intrinsic Field Subtractor..." His voice trails off as you see Jon Osterman himself wander into the room, with Janey Slater and Wally Weaver standing nearby.


You decide to do nothing, hunching behind a computer monitor with Dan. You see Jon walk up to the Intrinsic Field Subtractor to get his watch, then see the door slam behind him. Sitting on a nearby desk is the time travel attachment device, the black sphere with blue energy radiating from it. As the Subtractor starts lighting up and Wally tries desperately to deactivate it, you deftly reach out and snatch the attachment. You tap a touchscreen on the attachment and the room starts spinning; the last thing you see is Jon disintegrating before you reappear in Adrian's room in 2009. "Alright, we got the attachment. Now we can time travel anywhere, or anytime..." Dan's voice trails off as he notices something. "Where's Adrian?" "Forget Adrian. I have an idea," Dan says slowly. "What if we reversed everything that happened? What if we went back to 1985 and stopped Adrian from destroying New York? We could save three million people." You ponder this. "Fine. Where is the device?" Dan produces the sphere and types "11/1/85" into nearby console. "How do we determine where we end up?" Dan asks. "We'll find out. Must leave immediately before Veidt returns," you say in a hurried tone. Without further ado, you slam the button and the room spins again. You find yourselves standing in a hallway in Karnak, Veidt's Antarctic fortress. "Well, that was convenient," Dan mutters.

You go and hide in the TV room, where you notice your 1985-selves, trudging through the snow, on a monitor. 1985-Veidt walks in, sits at the TVs, records his thoughts, sees the intruders, and leaves the room. "What do we do now?" Dan hisses. "Should find mechanism that teleports alien. Shut it down before Veidt uses it." "What if we waited for our 1985-selves and ganged up on Adrian? That'd be surreal," he ponders. You shake your head. "Could cause more harm than good." Suddenly, there's another flash of light, and none other than 2009-Veidt appears in the room. Dan jumps out. "Adrian? What the hell are you doing here?" "Daniel, I live here," Veidt chuckles. "No, I mean how did you get here? There was one time machine." "Did I say there was one time machine?" Veidt asks with an evil grin. Dan approaches Veidt. "Adrian, listen. You know what you did was wrong, no matter how the world improved. Nobody has the right to decide who lives or dies. Not even--" Suddenly, you rush past Dan and tackle Veidt against the wall. To your surprise, he knees you in the chest, lifts you by your collar, and throws you through a glass window into the next room. "Interesting. Being in the vicinity of my youthful self has given me renewed strength," Veidt says, brushing dust off his shoulder. Then he leaps into the air and deals a spinning kick to Dan's face, sending him flying into the next room with you. Then Veidt walks into the room, stepping over the broken glass. You leap up and kick him in the stomach, but he barely moves. Suddenly, 1985-Veidt runs into the room to see the commotion. "What...who are--" 1985-Veidt starts to speak, but 2009-Veidt shushes him. "Go to the room with the device and activate it. Now." "But the device is set to go off at midnight--" "No. You must activate it 35 minutes earlier or the plan will fail." 1985-Veidt leaves the room. "Don't you see, Rorschach? We're going to cause a paradox! We're going to cause the reason we went back in time!"

You push past 2009-Veidt and race out of the room, Dan right behind you. In the next room, you see 1985-Veidt inputting coordinates. "Stop now, Veidt," you growl. "Rorschach, I was under the impression you'd be a little while," says 1985-Veidt, still confused as to your sudden appearance. Then Dan walks in. "Daniel, why do you look so much older?" Veidt asks. "Adrian, you'd never believe us if we told you, but regardless, it's imperative that you don't activate that device." "Really Dan? I'm going to be saving this planet from nuclear war." "No, no nuclear war is going to happen. Everything will be fine without your intervention. Just don't do it. Trust us." 1985-Veidt looks suspicious, but slowly moves his hand away from the console. Suddenly, 2009-Veidt bursts into the room and shoves 1985-Veidt out of the way, reaching for the panel. 1985-Veidt falls through the doorway into the next room. "Ow!" 2009-Veidt says suddenly, staggering back with pain. "Rorschach, don't you see?" Dan says, excited. "If we hurt the past version of Adrian, it hurts his future version more!" Without further ado, you rush 1985-Veidt and kick him in the shins, knocking 2009-Veidt to the floor. With both Veidts on the ground, Dan approaches the computer console. 2009-Veidt grabs your ankle and manages to topple you to the ground. "Daniel!" you shout as 1985-Veidt sneaks up behind him. Dan spins around and decks him. You kick 2009-Veidt in the face as you both struggle to stand up. Dan starts typing at the computer. "I think I can disable the device, at least temporarily," he says. As he hits more keys, you see 1985-Veidt getting up again. You grab 2009-Veidt and shove him into his 1985-self, knocking them both over. Suddenly, the room starts flashing. "I did it! It's deactivated!" Dan yells happily. Suddenly, 2009-Veidt starts chuckling.

You clock 1985-Veidt in the face, sending 2009-Veidt to his knees. "What's so funny, Veidt?" you snarl at him. "Don't you get it, Rorschach? I always have a backup plan. All you did was deactivate the main generator, which was already powered up hours ago. And I'm not telling you where the real main control panel is." Dan thinks. "Let's try the basement." He grabs a metal bar from the power conduit and whacks 1985-Veidt upside the head, knocking out both him and 2009-Veidt. The two of you head to the basement, where you find Veidt's own Intrinsic Field Seperator. "We better deactivate this before he ends up using it on Jon," Dan says, turning it off. Just then, you hear movement upstairs, followed by voices--it's your 1985-selves! You elect to stay in the basement and continue looking for the control panel. You notice a panel along the wall with a glass window behind it. As you peer into the window, you see a huge object. "Daniel. Found creature," you say. Dan observes the squid through the window. "Damn, that thing's big," Dan says. Dan fiddles with the controls. "We have to be careful not to accidentally teleport the thing ourselves," he laughs. Up above, you hear 1985-Dan calling out for Veidt. Finally, Dan manages to reach a menu with only two options: "Do it" and "Don't do it." "Well, that's an interesting menu," Dan says, before reaching out. Suddenly, he stops. "Wait...what if it's a trap? Reverse psychology, that kind of stuff."

"It's too easy. I'm going to try 'Do it'," Dan says, and he presses the corresponding touchscreen button. In the next room, the lights shut off in the squid's chamber. You both breathe a sigh of relief. You walk back upstairs to find your 1985-selves inspecting 1985-Veidt's unconscious body. You and Dan hide behind a pillar. Suddenly, 2009-Veidt appears around the corner and kicks both of you out of your hiding spot and into plain view of your 1985-selves. "Alright Adrian," Dan says, "let's finish this." You decide to attack 1985-Veidt as your own 1985-selves look on in confusion. Just like Veidt, you find yourselves getting stronger in the presence of your past selves. You clock 1985-Veidt so hard that he literally flies through the air and smashes through a concrete wall, laying dazed on the floor. On cue, 2009-Veidt collapses in agony at your voodoo doll-like actions. Your 1985-selves approach 2009-Veidt. "What's going on here?" 1985-Dan asks. 1985-Rorschach studies you while prowling around menacingly. "You're probably not going to believe this, but we're your future selves," Dan says to 1985-Dan. "Nah, I believe you. You look just as lame as I expect myself to look in the future," 1985-Dan quips. 1985-Veidt struggles to his feet. "Come on, let's finish this," he growls. 2009-Veidt approaches and stands next to him.

You and Dan rush forward, followed by your 1985-selves. You leap into the air and kick 2009-Veidt in the face as 1985-Rorschach decks 1985-Veidt. 2009-Veidt runs downstairs to the Intrinsic Field Subtracter and looks at the console. "What...you deactivated the squid teleporting mechanism?!" he asks, enraged. You, Dan, your 1985-selves, and 1985-Veidt come running downstairs too. Suddenly, 1985-Veidt whips out a large metal pipe and swings it toward 1985-Dan's head. "NOOOOOOOO!" you yell dramatically, leaping forward. You grab the pipe from his hands, twist his arm, and shove him toward the Intrinsic Field Subtracter just as 2009-Veidt activates it in hopes of having 1985-Dan knocked inside by the original attack. 1985-Veidt is vaporized. "What?" is all 2009-Veidt can say before vanishing in a puff of smoke, erased from existance. "Can't Adrian reform himself like Jon?" 1985-Dan asks. "No," Dan says to his past self, "only Jon possessed the knowledge and luck to reconstruct himself. Adrian's gone for good."

Rorschach's Journal
November 2, 1985
Stopped Veidt's plot after going back in time. Veidt is now dead. World is once again free to go about its sickening daily routine, unaware of how close to destruction it came. I step back into the glow of the streetlights without regret.


You close your journal and sit next to Dan. Suddenly, there is a blast of blue light, and none other than Dr. Manhattan appears before you. "Excellent work, Rorschach," he says thoughtfully. Suddenly, everything turns white. When your eyes adjust, you're back in the warehouse in 2009 without Dan. "Daniel? Where are you?" you ask with concern. Suddenly, the shadowy figure reappears. "Wonderful, Rorschach. I knew you'd eliminate Veidt and save the world." "Who are you?" you growl, stepping forward. "Ah, of course. My identity should no longer be a secret. You've won your reward."

Bernie the newsvendor steps forward into the light.

© Copyright 2009 BlackDoomShadow (ultrabds at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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