Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1597959-A-lovely-suprise
Rated: · Fiction · Relationship · #1597959
A girl falls in love a students boyfriend, but she gets into more then just a crush.
Well where should I begin? Like most books I’ve read the main character is always asleep for some reason only to be awakened by their ever so pesky alarm clock. Well happy to say I am not a fictional character and my day does not begin with an alarm clock ringing off in my ear.

“Ms. Smith would you like to share what you’re thinking about?” My irritating math teacher asked me. I was never really bright when it came to math, that including trigonometry. All the numbers and formulas just never registered with me. Now Lit, History, and Science any day! I rather have two hours of history then one hour of math.

“No Mr. Landberg.” I said looking down. The class burst out in laughter and I felt my cheeks burn.

“Well then I guess you wouldn’t mind telling the class what the answer to problem five is.” I felt my hate for the man grow with every second, no make that nano second. I looked up very slowly at the board and scanned it looking for problem five. After a minute the class burst into another round of fits. I looked around confused trying to figure out why they were laughing.

“There is no five.” Fiona, my friend of three years in this hole of a school whispered to me. I closed my eyes and looked back down.

“Sorry Mr. Landberg, but I don’t believe there is a number five.”

“I do believe you’re right Sophia.” He said grudgingly. I guess he didn’t like me as much as I liked him. The bell rang and everyone crammed out the door. I gathered my stuff slowly knowing I would get stuck in the mess and what not, so I took my time which I guess wasn’t the brightest of ideas.

“Sophia do you mind staying for a minute?” Mr. Landberg asked.

“Please call me Sophie and sure.” I said. Fiona looked at me from outside the hallway as I walked over to his desk. She nodded her head and leaned against the wall.

“Sophie, I’m not going to lollygag. You’re failing.” Well thank you captain obvious. “There’s only one way in bringing up your grades for the next semester.” He said eyeing me. I nodded letting him continue.

“I would like you to make a little chapter book of all the chapters we have covered. If you do so I will be able to give you extra credit which will really help boost up your grade. Likewise you would have to get at least an 85 on your next exam. This will ensure you an eighty.” He said leaning back in his chair. I slowly let the information sink in.

“You want me to make a book?” Was the only thing that came out of my mouth?

“Yes now go if you want the credit, tell me tomorrow morning in class. Now go along to your next class.” He said shooing me off. I didn’t want to be there anymore. I walked out into the hallway and smiled meekly as Fiona.

“I heard.” She said smiling back.

“Ugh, this is going to be horrible!” I groaned while looking back down, at the tiled floor. I looked back at Fiona. She had long golden blond hair flowing beautifully to her torso. She had bright green almost electric eyes. If guys were having a conversation it almost was always was about Fiona. As for me I have the usual dirty blond hair, if that’s usual though. I have dull brown almost honey colored eyes. Nothing really special about me, just the quiet girl who is only loud around her friends. I looked back up at Fiona when I heard her clear her throat a little. I looked at her confused and cocked my eyebrow. She scowled sending her beautiful features into distress. I looked back in front of me just in time to see my obstacle. Before I could stop myself I collided with a boy who I surely wished would disappear from my life.

“Ow.” I said rubbing my butt.

“Oh Sophie I didn’t see you there.” Max smiled gently offering me his hand; oh he knew he knew exactly where I was. I guess you can say Max doesn’t have to usual crush unless you count being stalked everywhere and never having a minute alone to think then yes you can say that’s usual. The boy had my schedule memorized and where I would be for God’s sake!

“Hi, Max.” I said ignoring his generous offer to help me up. I glared at Fiona hopping she would get rid of him or we leave but she just stood there holding back fits of giggles. Listen, you think I’m being mean don’t you? Well I think I have to be mean over these three years now. When this all started three years ago in freshmen year, I kind of liked it, I won’t lie. Max was the only guy who showed me any time of day. We hung out once, and that one time sealed the deal with me not liking, no more like loathing him. At that time Jay was the cutest, sweetest, nicest guy ever. Jay was on the varsity team and every girl practically worshipped the ground he walked, on waiting for him to notice his one love. In sophomore year when we heard Jay was moving to California, it was as if someone died. Everyone was either wearing black or gray, and I have to admit it was pretty funny. All the guys wore whatever they wanted and every girl was gray and gloomy. When Jay came to school he promised that he wouldn’t leave this school without a memory for a lucky girl. Long story short when I thought I was an inch away from making all my dreams come true Max flew into the picture. He was no small guy he was actually a little bit taller than Jay. One thing led to another and Jay didn’t even spit my way when he left. I know it’s a stupid reason to be mad at Max but something about him just didn’t feel right.

“Sophie, are you doing anything tonight?” Max asked, just like every time he saw me.

“Yes.” I said lying for the hundredth time.

“Oh well, then I guess another time then.” He said turning away. Yes leave, please leave! “But I can still walk you to class right?” He asked smiling. I sighed in defeat and nodded.

“Great.” He exclaimed walking on my right as Fiona flanked my left. The late bell rang when we were almost by the door.

“Ugh, great.” I huffed. “Bye.” I waved off to Max and entered not bothering to see him wave back.

“Sophia, Fiona late.” Mr. Glantiz my chem. teacher mumbled sipping his tea.

“Were terribly sorry I had to talk with Mr.Landberg.” I said meekly taking my seat. Fiona was about to take her seat when Mr. Glantiz stopped her.

“Fiona would you mind sitting somewhere else for the rest of the semester?”

“Why?” Fiona asked cocking her head.

“We have a new student and I would like Sophia to help her out.” He said bluntly.

“But Mr-”

“There will be no buts Fiona. Now sit next to James.” He said pointing to the empty seat by James. There is a reason James always sat alone.

“Ugh.” She groaned in frustrations and smiled at me. A knock came at the door just as Fiona settled in.

A beautiful black headed girl strolled into the classroom. She had long curly black hair that silhouetted her body. She had soft features with a sharp straight nose and icy bright blue eyes. If it wasn’t for the teachers shoes hitting the floor silence would have still hung thick in the air.

“What is your name?” He asked knowing her name nonetheless.

“Jayne.” She said in a rugged yet soft tone at the same time.

“You’re hot!” James yelled across the room to her. There presents one of the reasons no one sits next to that child. Fiona slapped him hard across the head and shrugged back in her chair. As you might have guessed she enjoys being in every conversation, but I have feeling she might not be for at least a week.

“Well Jayne would you like to take a seat by Sophia?” Mr. Lanberg offered.

“Where would that be?” She asked scanning the room. I smiled and slightly raised my hand.

“Right there.” Mr. Landberg said. “I would also like it if Sophia would show you around today.” He said looking directly at me.

“I will if we have the same classes though.” I said still smiling sweetly as Jayne took her seat next to me.

“Sophie I would appreciate if you would show her even though you don’t have the same classes.” I felt my smile falter, and I would appreciate it if teachers would stop dumping their problem onto me.

“If I can.” I said looking down.

“Thank you.” He said and began on with the lecture.

“Hi I’m Jayne.” Jayne said looking at me.

“Hello, well as you know I’m Sophia, but you can call me Sophie.” I said.

“Great, so do we have any classes together?” She asked. Well I guess she isn’t the brightest in the bunch but then again who is?

“Well besides science let’s see did you get your schedule?” I asked.

“Yes, yes I did.” She said taking out the yellow piece of paper that held our junior schedule.

“Well it seems we have everything except trig.” I said.

“Aw, I hoped we would have had every class together.” She said pouting.

“Don’t worry; the kids in this school are really nice.” I wanted to snort after that but I held back.

“Well I guess we’ll see.” She said giggling.

“It’s going to be fine.” I said with a reassuring smile.

After science had ended it was a free period for us. Fiona walked over to me as the bell rang and glared at Jayne. I smiled at Fiona and she smiled back only to glare once more.

“Fiona Jayne Jayne Fiona.” I introduced the two.

“Nice to meet you.” They said at the same time. Jayne let out a slight giggle at the coincidence but Fiona didn’t even smile.

“Well we have a free period would you like me to show you all your classes now or would you like to go to the library and do homework.” I asked Jayne and also related it to Fiona.

“Can I see my classes now?” She asked looking at Fiona for approval. Fiona just looked at me and walked ahead.

“I’ll be in library if you need me.” She said walking.

“Oh, you’re sure Fiona?” I asked walking after her. She turned around and smiled.

“Positive.” She said in her cheery voice.

“Sure sure?” I asked feeling guilty for not going with my best friend but with Jayne.

“Just go already!” She said laughing.

“Okay okay geez.” I said. She turned the corner and me and Jayne made a left.

“Are you guy’s best friends or something?” She asked me after a minute.

“Yeah we’ve been friends ever since freshmen year.” I said.

“Oh, well if I’m in the way I don’t want to-”

“No don’t worry about it Fiona just doesn’t like it when the guys aren’t talking about her.” I said interrupting her with a giggle of my own.

“Why would they only talk about her?” She asked confused.

“What do you mean? She’s beautiful.” I said as we neared the history room.

“What I’m saying is guys should be talking about you.” I cocked my head in confusion.

“Oh come on don’t play the stupid ‘I’m pretty but I don’t know it’ act.” She said irritated.

“I’m pretty?” I asked touching my face then my neck.

“Ugh I hate your type!” She growled at me.

“I’m sorry. Okay well here’s the history room!” I chirped hoping to put this behind us.

“Hm, I’m sorry I wasn’t even remotely paying attention on how to get here.” She said smiling.

“Well its okay, just follow me I guess.” I said. “Okay let’s go to the library.” I said walking back the other way.

“Sure.” She said following close on my heel.

“Okay so that’s our Science room and to get to the library from here you would just make a right here.” I said turning the corner. “Then you would just walk all the way down to the last staircase.” I said as we continued our interesting journey to the library. I turned around to see if she was keeping up but she was standing by a bulletin board.

“Who is this?” She asked pointing to something. I walked closer and looked were she was pointing. I didn’t really care for that picture of the freshmen class. Jay was there though looking as good as always.

“That’s Jay.” I said.

“Does he have any classes with us?” She asked.

“No he moved before the last freshmen semester.” I said and kept walking. Why were those pictures still up there? That was years ago, dam freshmen memoires.

“Okay come on Fiona might leave before we get there.” I said laughing at the face Jayne pulled.

“She isn’t all that.” She said once we went up the stairs.

“Okay here we go the library!” I said making a left.

“Whoa it’s huge!” She said in shock.

“My first impression as well.” I said with a chuckle. I quickly spotted Fiona as always all the guys crowded in one space.

“Hey.” I said smiling. The guys parted only to stare once more.

“Whose she?”

“Is that Sophie?”

“Where is that sexy thing going?” Questions buzzed all over but one stuck out. One that I think Fiona would here from a light year away.

“Whoa dude she’s hotter than Fiona!” Someone shouted. Fiona stood up and walked away, she didn’t even look at me.

“Fiona.” I whispered. “I’ll be right back Jayne.” I said running after Fiona.
© Copyright 2009 Melissa (memeunique at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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