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Rated: E · Other · Dark · #1596619
A question to ponder~
How many things are there that you do on a daily, weekly or monthly basis that are for pure, untainted, unselfish motives?

Do you feel or believe you are paying a daily tribute to your Higher Power or Your God with heartfelt, true honesty? Is your idea of giving thanks simply a Holiday venture? Everyday do you give thanks for the world in which we live, the air we breath, the grass we walk upon, the birds flying across the sky, the life we have been given?

So many dreams, and plans and adventures imagined; how many are actually fulfilled?

Your dream could be shopping in Paris, dining in Greece, boating in Venice; one of a million things.
In all honesty, just how many people actually have the opportunity to live their dreams and make them into reality?
What prices do they pay in order to achieve them? Are loved ones left behind?
Is one dream abandoned in order for another to be a success?
In some circumstances I am sure that some are able to juggle all their dreams and have them land perfectly in place. Others are not so lucky, working and slaving to achieve just one of their dreams, one of their goals. Who decides which one’s are the winners and which are the not so fortunate?

So many questions, there just do not seem to be enough answers.
In order to actually find true happiness and feel fulfilled in our lives, what sacrifices must we make along the way in order to achieve all we desire or feel we are due?

Some work day to day ….slaving over machinery, balancing on beams washing windows towering 40 stories in the air, digging foundations and laying brickwork for houses that other’s will begin their lives in; sweating and toiling away each minute of every hour whether it be in the blazing hot sun or the biting cold of winter.
Others may work for large conglomerates in little cube type offices and have higher-ups that will crack the whip and bestow demands and the repercussions that we may face if their directions are not followed to the letter.
The hired will then bow, and bestow grace upon them as subservient for the simple hope that they will indeed be recognized for their services rendered, and in return, be provided with the monies needed to supplement incomes for mere survival.
Then we take chances, perhaps the thought of winning overcomes all other more logical reasoning.

Why do we make life such a gamble? We gamble our future, savings, our lives and our children’s and relative’s future for an instant of self gratification.
Human beings seem to thrive on this, fore who wants to have to wait, to have that instant fulfillment of joy, money, praise?

Most of us spend our entire lives trying to earn the afore mentioned things and move forward in life; and sometimes for many of us, we make a small miscalculation somewhere and end up going backwards instead.

But, what would we do if everything was taken away whether by another’s hand or a natural disaster, and we as individuals were left with nothing but the Earth itself. Would we be able to survive and carry on? Our minds, bodies, and the spirit within us would be at risk as well.

Do you believe that you would actually be able to complete the task of survival?
Here you would be, on a planet where nothing was given to you, or handed down to you by anyone other than God or your own version of The Creator?
Could we sustain …and could we actually bring forth a world in which we were proud to live in?

Do you …as a human being…believe that you could survive and restore the Earth again; do you believe in your heart of hearts you could actually feel the raw….unspoiled feeling of true love? Giving to your fellow survivors and human kind, with no self centered interests or selfish tendencies?
In your belief system, do you feel that you would be able to help rebuild and give in to your natural inner instinct and un-influenced basic need for growth. Would you have the mental strength to help and share with others as they grow and plant seeds of knowledge on an equal level where there would be no need for a human to be of a higher power than yourself.

Prior to anything as devastating as what has been described happening, take stock of your life. Do you have your heart and soul where you wish them to be, are you the kind of person you want to be. Look deep inside of yourself and picture what you see and then determine what changes need to be made in order to see that picture in a way that would make you proud and eternally happy.
Believe in yourself and your fellow man and inner twine the two and beyond in order to make the world realize that the simple natural things in life mean so much more than the complications and destruction which entitles greed to prevail.

© Copyright 2009 Clementine (clemie3106 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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