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Rated: 13+ · Novella · Young Adult · #1596379
Warrick Gray Part 1 Chapter1: I'm not one of the lucky ones.
Part 1

Chapter 1: I’m not one of the lucky ones

I live in a place where nothing turns out great and sometimes when someone is lucky, slightly good. I’m not one of the lucky ones. What can I say? I live a tough life that my parents don’t give a shit where I am or what’s going on, the only thing in their heads is “How do we pay the bills?!” I breathed in and sat up.

The sun was beautiful glowing orange; its dawn and the calm spring morning had taken its toll on me. I exhaled deeply. I have never noticed the beauty of life until now. I guess that saying is true ‘you won’t notice it until it’s gone’ and for me it will be my life. I can’t blame death if he wants it, I mean I didn’t respect it that much I did just a bit but I haven’t even thought of how much value it was to me. The life of Warrick Gray will be taken this morning, my life, because of my love for my messed up family or more likely because of my stubbornness that got me into this mess. Plus I haven’t even lived it fully! I’m 17 years old.

As the sunlight beamed painfully into my eyes I covered them with my hood. I am wearing dirty blue jeans and a grey sweater; when they came to my house I didn’t have much time to grab anything when I got out the window.

I guess I could say they’re like mobsters or dealers, basically I kind of owe them money, and surprise, surprise I don’t have it. Why did I stupidly make a deal with them? Because I’m a stupid boy a stupid dumbass boy, well add it up, parents, bills, poor, unemployment and TA DA! You have a boy who’s overly stressed worrying over money, and he needs it fast before his parents tear each other’s heads’ off = dealers = problem = death.

I sat on top of the hood of a broken down car. The metal under me is cool, and I guess you’re wondering why am I not hiding from definite painful death? And why am I in the junkyard where they know I’m most likely to be?

Well first of all I’m tired of this life; it’s rough, being me I was bound to end up dead in a ditch someday. I accept the fact that I won’t see my family one last time, even though they aren’t such a family to begin with.

I’ll simplify it for you I am committing what is called a suicide. I expect my murderers to be here in about a few moments, I don’t know how but in this city they always have a way to find someone so quick. And in my years of knowing them they will find me. But I accept life as it is now and there’s no point in running.

I guess I got really caught up in deep thinking while looking over the landscape when a big hand slapped across my face and took a hold of my neck. The back of my head got slammed to the metal stunning me. I made a weird grunt sound. I kicked at the air.

They’re here and like I said there’s no point in running. “Be gentle with the kid” Lonnie said with that European accent of his. “He’s a kid”

The Messer-upper who’s also called Bob smacked my cheek. Recovering from the small blow I yelled “What the-” SLAP “Ow” He’s a huge guy and a huge dangerous, scary looking guy doesn’t seem fair to me that he deserves to be called Bob. What a name, hence calling him Messer-upper.

He gripped harder around my throat; my skinny fingers desperately stabbed his without effect.

“Bob would you let go, you’ll have your fun with him when I’m done...have patience.” Lonnie threw down his cigarette and pushed Bob aside.

I gritted my teeth as he did what he was told; it seemed as if he scratched my neck because it was burning. I gasped sucking in air. “Jeez” I blurted out.

He slapped me one last time. Congratulations Bob you graduated from dick to asshole.

Bob moved to the back and Lonnie stepped up, he smiled weakly. “Well it was easy to find you kid” he said his eyes soft. “Because I made it easy” I said shakily laughing.

Lonnie’s face expression changed to ruthless as he smacked my cheek. Pain. “Ow” I said caressing it. Lonnie I decided that I don’t like you anymore. There was silence for awhile.

I stared at the ground knowing the end of me is coming. Just around the corner.

Lonnie sighed deeply before continuing “Ricky, kid, we made a quick deal, and you didn’t fulfill your half. I gave you the money for your family’s bills, and I gave you time to owe it back to me and...” He paced side to side obviously trying to control his anger. “I made a payment didn’t you get it?” I said quietly. “Don’t speak! Unless I tell you to!” he shouted. I jumped slightly.

“And yes I got that pathetic envelope of a payment” he muttered. My body tensed.

My fist clenched and shook. I watched him closely it seemed as though he was having difficulty to calm himself.

My stomach churned. Damn it I just picture my bloody body lying in a ditch somewhere. The hair in the back of my neck stood up. As I thought of how Lonnie would hide my body and none would find it, and what if I came back from the dead as a ghost because I had unfinished business and I would roam this lonely junkyard for eternity. Well...that would suck.

I saw some movement in the corner of my eye, shutting up the inside of my ridiculous head babble. I met eyes with Lonnie.

He continued. “Kid, I knew you since you were a toddler riding your tricycle in the neighbourhood. I trusted you to pay me back, I know your parents had some money problems but I knew your mom Greta when we were younger and I knew she needed it. It was your responsibility to-“

Something crashed on the side. My eyes went to where the noise came from, and even though there was sunlight outside I couldn’t catch anything. It sounded like a window being smashed, and then another one...and then another one. Bob went in front of Lonnie to protect him, but the sounds came from all around us. Something growled. It sounded so un-animal and so un-human-like.

“Uh Lonnie...” I stood and went closer to them. “Maybe we should-” Bob pushed me down and I fell hard on my butt. Mann, he’s such an asshole.

Bob looked around actually looking scared, and Lonnie too, he was frightened. And I confess I was scared shitless as well.

“It’s your lucky day kid; you get to live a little while longer...” he said without making eye contact. “We’ll continue this conversation later”

They went away and along with them the noises vanished, more likely who ever or whatever made them.

I stood up still shaking I rubbed off the dirt on my legs. My eyes hesitantly searched the area. I wasn’t sure if a big ugly monster would still jump out and take a bite of my little dirty ass. I started to walk in the opposite direction of where the dealers went. My legs felt like jell-o.

Suddenly a man with a black suit stepped out of a stacked pile of broken cars. Startled I stepped back too fast and tripped over...a stick. Damn you freaking stick! My butt smacked yet again on the ground with stabbing rocks, I groaned. Not a feeling you want to feel.

The man smiled trying to show he was friendly. I could believe it but when a big guy stepped to stand beside him wearing the same kind of clothing, I knew something was definitely wrong. He didn’t seem as enthusiastic as him. The big macho man had his gaze locked on me, quickly examining my physique.

“Mr. Gray, I take pleasure in meeting you” The guy with the slick hat said. I’m guessing they’re cops because how else would they know my name. “Oh please call me Rick” I sat up feeling pain on my bums, and as soon as I stood I felt like the blood in my brain just drained out. I groaned feeling a major bitching headache coming on.

The strange guy with the hat stood there smiling and the big guy in the background looked at the area minding his own business. As soon as I found my balance I said “Oh let me guess” I pointed my index finger at them as if it was a gun. My pointing went to the big guy in the background “You’re agent Moulder and...” Then I moved to Smiley. “You’re agent Scully”.

The smiley guy laughed, and the guy in the background didn’t seem to pay any attention. When it went awkwardly quiet again I said “well, thanks but I got to go some-“

He interrupted me “I’ve been told about you, by a friend” He smiled even widely. That’s when my stomach formed a knot again. Mann, he’s creepy.

“Uh huh” I said confused.

I turned around and started for home, limping. Someone grabbed my shoulder and it was...a mountain. I looked up surprised at Mr. Mountain aka the big guy in the background. His face expression was stern and yet threatening. Listen to scary mountain man.

He gripped my shoulder while leading me to a hood of a car gesturing to it. I sat down carefully. I pictured myself as a little kid being disciplined by a school teacher. That’s how powerless I felt against this guy.

He stayed beside me I guess he was thinking I would run. Ha like I would.

“Well first of all, young man, how are you, physically?” Smiley asked acting all nice like a child’s doctor.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Physically?”

I shook my head. “Well...I feel like a refrigerator named Bob tried to choke me.”

This time both of them laughed. I seriously felt uncomfortable. As soon as they stopped Smiley spoke “Rick...My name is Prolix and this is Bronte” gesturing towards the mountain beside me. “I believe your obscure valour saved your life this dawn” he smiled softly and he looked into my eyes.

Prolix? Bronte? I never heard of names like that. They must be foreign.

“Uh I don’t know what you’re talking about because I was scared shitless back there.” I confessed to them. My voice seemed far away. My sight was captivated with his eyes, they were...I can’t explain it. I couldn’t take my sight off of them. They were light blue like the ocean. They said he’s sincere and protective. He wants to protect me, like my father never had. The bad stuff will go away if I just listen to him. Everything will be alright. Its ok now no one will hurt me, Prolix is here to help me. WHAT AM I THINKING!? I ripped my eyes off of his, and I imaginably slapped myself to reality.

“Woo that was weird” I blurted out loud. Bob must’ve bonked my head hard.

The big guy Bronte seemed confused and sent Prolix a WTF look.

Prolix ignoring it came closer to me, and bended his knees to face me.

“Rick are you ok?” Prolix looking into my eyes more deeply, I felt...weird again and I shook my head. My eyelids felt pain and rubbed them gently with my fingertips. “I think I’m having a headache...” I said unsure. I stood up. “I think I better get home pops got to be worried.” Bronte pushed me back down. Well Plan A obviously didn’t work.

When I opened my eyes to see Prolix & Bronte standing over me my stomach churned. I feel like I’m about to puke out a chocolate Sunday...emm, chocolate Sunday.

I stared at the ground confused. “Well I guess we have to do this the hard way then...” Prolix said still smiling. Bronte went slightly behind me. “Huh...wait...what are you guys doing?” I said panic rising.

I panted, and then Bronte took a hold on the arms in a lock and turned me over face down on the car. “Stop look...I’ll do whatever you want...wait...let go...please” I struggled against Bronte’s hold.

Prolix walked over to face me; he still had his friendly smile. He pulled out a syringe out of his pocket saying “This will hurt a little bit, Rick but I promise you won’t die...yet”

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” I closed my eyes, wishing they would disappear.

Then I felt a small sting on the side of my neck. Like I said I’m not one of the lucky ones.

© Copyright 2009 KAg3 WeiRdo (wabinjuksh_16 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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