Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1595620-Gloria
Rated: E · Non-fiction · Family · #1595620
A Chance meeting A dream come true
This was the dream of all dreams as far as I was concerned. It was not a chance meeting like so many you hear about. Of course I did not expect it to turn out the way it did, but I am sure happy as a lark that it did.
         Let me start at the beginning and  you will see what I mean. I had left a thirty three year miserable marriage. I moved to Idaho from Oregon. I had moved to Pocatello and was living with a gal called Linda who I had met on line. Everything was going OK for awhile until I really got to know her. I found out that she had fed me a bunch of lies. She had a 13 year old son who was trouble with a capital T and a little gang banger. He pulled a toy gun, holding it to the back of my head one day,  I snapped, I had spun around grabbing him by the throat and I literally  pushed him through the wall. That same day, I packed bag and baggage and moved out. I headed straight to the Salt Lake City VA. I checked into the Psyche ward. I started the PTSD program, after six weeks when I finished the program, I moved to Boise. I found a place to live for a couple of weeks. I could not get into the program at the VA there for a couple of weeks. This was a 6 month program. I was on an out patient program until then. Once there, social services at the VA set me up for housing.
         I went through the drug and alcohol treatment program first then the PTSD program. I  had a heart attack during the first phase  of the program, I was afraid I was going to be set back but fortunately I was not. I met some people that I thought were going to be friends and we got along well. I eventually moved in with one of them his name was Mark he lived in Meridian, he had PTSD and we were in the same group. We did a lot of things together until he started drinking and that did not set well with me so I moved out.
         I moved in with another guy called Steve he lived in Cascade a beautiful little town in the mountains. I loved it up there. I got on the computer one day and put an ad in for a pen pal just some one to chat with. It was not long when I got a answer back. It read that she was interested in the same things that I was. I told her that I was not looking for marriage nor interested in playing any games life is to short.
         But the more we chatted the more I needed to hear from this women. I knew that we were going to be together one day and that it was going to be for life. Against all my plans, but it was going to happen.
         We could talk about anything and everything it was as if we were in each others heads. I could finish her sentences as she could mine. I asked her if she wanted to come out to Idaho to visit. I would send her a round trip ticket and if she felt unsafe she could fly home anytime she wanted to. She said yes. I was so happy.
         I was like an expectant father at the airport the day she was to arrive. I had my boots polished. My beard trimmed, paced the whole airport sixty times. And then the plane landed 1 hour late, seemed like a life time, people started coming off, no one looking like her yet. Then there was a lull in the departing passengers then another group and again no one resembling her then finally there she was and what a sight The most beautiful women my eyes ever set on came walking towards me I was so nervous yet so comfortable I knew that instant that was my wife. She was Gloria McKay. I was looking love straight in the eye for the first time in my life and I knew what love was finally, and this was it.
         I don’t know what our first words were but holding her in my arms was the most wonderful feeling I have ever felt and I always love that feeling, holding the love of my life, every time I hold her it feels the same. I love her as much today as I did yesterday but not as much as I will tomorrow.
         I know that no matter what happens to me I will always have the memories of my love with the most beautiful woman in the world. Let no man think he can take her away from me, I will fight to the death for this woman.
         There is only one woman in this world who can make me do anything and that is Gloria. I will do anything she asks me to do no matter what it is. I love her so much that it is worth my life to make her happy that is my job my journey my goal in life. That is why I was put on this earth to make this woman happy. 
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