Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1595329-The-Fallen-Mist
Rated: 13+ · Sample · Romance/Love · #1595329
My story =33 oh and somethigns arnt italics when they should be (vampire story)


As the owls hooted to each other I sat on the ground, more of in Lyndell's lap. He was my best friend after all plus he was really warm on this cold night in fall. All around us was a forest, but in front of me a couple feet to be exact was a bonfire. No it wasn't just us; it was my aunt and uncle, his dad and some friends. See my aunt and uncle took me and my little sister in after my parents died in a fire. My little sister was here to; probably play round close to where we were but in the forest. My aunt and uncle were very good friends with Lyndell's dad and his mom, but his mom had passed away a long time ago.


The crack of the fire came once and scared the living daylights out of me. I jumped slightly as the night went on, dark but beautiful, each star twinkled bright with the navy blue sky above. The moon shined bright tonight, but the trees that sounded the little clearing we had for the bonfire hid it, so we couldn't have a good view of it at the moment. It was absolutely beautiful out tonight, it was the last night before we had to start school, and I was to be a junior this year.

"Hmmm…." I heard in my ear before I felt a hot breath on the back of my neck. "What?" I asked.
"Just… Thinking," Lyndell's voice spoke. It was almost heartwarming and loving.
"About?" I asked.

"How good you smell now," he mumbled in my ear as his arms wrapped around my waist softly pulling me closer to his warm body. I could feel his shirt rub against on my skin, it was cotton for sure but it was very warm, I on the other hand wore a tank top that was cotton as well but a beige color to.

"Now? oh gee thanks…" I said glaring over my shoulder at him. He looked at me and gave me a sheepish smile. His chocolate colored eyes staring in to my blue eyes. "Your eyes look like they have butterflies in them you know that right? Like purple butterflies." He commented with a smile.

"No... I didn't know that… thanks for telling me?" I said as I looked back at the fire, as minutes went by, the sound around us seemed to grow as more people came to join us. My family and his have been here since about six, and it was now nine.

Without warning a scream was heard. It was very high-pitched yet loud to. Suddenly my heart dropped, and I froze…


My little sister's name ran though my mind; within seconds I was running toward I heard the scream with Lyndell calling my name from behind me. "Lilly? Lilly!" I screamed trying to figure out where she was. I loved my little sister, sure she got annoying once in a while but I loved her with all my heart. Another bone chilling scream was heard but this time it was much louder, I began to run toward the scream, stepping on twigs that snapped instantly as my weight pressed on them. "Lilly!" I screamed and I looked around. I closed my eye to blink but when I opened them, I couldn't see anything, it was like mist suddenly appeared. I looked up at the sky but only saw mist, all around me was just mist.

Looking around but seeing nothing, thinking I saw a shadow when I really didn’t. The mist was playing tricks on me. A low hissing sound was heard behind me… no in front of me… or was it to the left? Or maybe the right?!? I couldn't tell which worried me even more. Next thing I saw was a dark figure swiftly moves behind me looking just like a blur without a sound. I heard about two tree's crack and start to fall some direction.

Suddenly I was lifted by arms and carried; I felt the wind lightly brush over my skin, as hair pressing against my skin lightly as well. It seemed seconds before we were out of the mist and I was placed on the ground. I looked around to see seven people in the moonlight, two of them girls, four of them guys. On the far right was a man very short copper hair, next to him stood and older looking woman, maybe twenty-seven… she had long blond hair, her hands were place behind her back. Next to her stood a man that looked about twenty-eight that had longish blond hair as well. Next to him was a girl with shoulder length hair that was dark red and the guy next to her that had his arm around her waist had short brown hair.

The person that once carried me returned to them, it was a guy for sure, and black hair that was slightly long. The guy that was in the middle I now realized was holding Lilly; she was pulling on his hair making his head tilt to the right every time Lilly pulled it. "Lilly!!" I said a little louder then hoped. My little sister, Lilly looked at me and smiled, she was placed on the ground and came running at me still smiling. I felt tears come to my eyes as I dropped to my knees and hugged her once she was close enough.

"Thank you," I said as I looked up at them as tears rolled down my face... My sister was only six. Our parents had died when she was only three. They looked at me, except one, the one that had saved me; it was like he couldn’t look at me, his face was turned away. I picked up my little sister and looked at the guy that couldn't look at me. "What’s your name…?” I asked him.

He just ignored me before in a blink of an eye… they were gone… "There you are!" I heard. It was Lyndell, I smiled then nodded and I walked back with him to the clearing with him.

"What time is it?" I asked curiosity had taken over me. "oh it’s only Midnight," he growled almost angry with me. "How did you find Lilly any ways?" he asked, he had caught my curiosity.

"You see, This man stopped this mean man from attacking me, and the man that saved me took me to some other people they were all friendly but one, the one that wasn't didn't say anything… the man that saved me carried me and the not so friendly one suddenly just started to run in to the mist. it was funny and random, but before he like disappeared he mumbled the s- word. Then we waited for him to come back and he had sissy!" Lilly giggled and I put her on the ground she ran over and hugged our aunt's leg. Our aunt had picked her up right away and hugged her so tight.

"Was that true?" asked Lyndell. I nodded softly and smiled once again... "Starr, let’s go home now, you start your new school tomorrow remember?" called my Aunt. I quickly hugged Lyndell and caught up with my Aunt and Uncle. My uncle was carrying a sleepy Lilly who looked so adorable. Once we got to the car, I placed Lilly into her car seat and strapped her in. by now she was passed out. The car purred to life as it only took a good ten minutes to get home.

Once home I took her out from her car seat and placed her on my hip leaning her on me. My Aunt and Uncle were already inside waiting. Once inside our home I immediately walk up the stairs and in to Lilly's room that was the second door on the right. Her room was a soft pick color, right when you walk in you see her bed, a small white dresser to the on the right wall, and a small closet to the left. Softly and slowly I undressed her and put her in her Pj's and tucked her into her small bed, to me it was small but to Lilly it was huge. Normally my Aunt would do this but I knew she was tired so I just did it.

I walked across the hall to my room; I flipped my switch that turned on my lights that hung around my room. My room was clean for once in three years. The walls were dark blue, my bed was set away from the walls but the head was against the wall next to the window. My dresser was in the corner of my room, I never really used it though, I had a desk but it was located a couple feet away from the door to the bathroom.

I walked over to my dresser pulled out a blue tank top and blue shorts. I walked in to the bathroom, switched on the light and changed. Minutes later I stepped out of the bathroom that connected my room to my aunt and uncles. The bathroom was pretty big; it was a full bath after all.

Right when I stepped in to my room, a wave of sleepiness came over me as I slowly made my way over to my bed. I pulled my blue covers away from the bed and slipped in to my bed. I lay down in my bed, getting comfortable right away before I realized something… I left the light on.

"Not again," I mumbled. Of course I didn't want to get up but I did. I ran across the room turn off my light and ran back to my bed, stumbling in the process. Once back in bed I tried to get comfortable, I was able to but it felt like it took forever. Once I was comfortable I felt something like pushing me slightly.

"Sissy… sissy…" a small voice called. I opened my eyes to see it was Lilly. I smiled and looked at her. "Yes Lilly?" I asked. "Can I sleep with you? I had a bad dream and Aunt Kelly and Uncle Luke aren’t in their bed," she asked almost begging. "Awe, come here Lilly, it will be alright," I said as I let her crawl in to my bed.

"Oh yea, Sissy…" her soft voice said as she snuggled in to my chest, trying to become as warm as possible.”Yes?" I asked as I looked down at her and smiled. "There was a man standing over you as you slept." She said before falling sleep. Fear struck me once again but I pushed my fear away as best as I could and wrapped my arm around Lilly and held her close, almost protecting her if we were to be attacked.

Morning came to fast. The semi bright light shined though my window. It lighted up my room and I let go of a certain little one who woke up, jumped out of bed and ran to her room to get ready for school. I slipped out of my bed and stepped on to the floor. I made my way over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of jeans, a bra, some clean underwear and a long sleeved shirt. The long sleeved shirt looked like a tee shirt with some tight shirt under it; the tee shirt part was black and had a little lion on it and the tight long sleeved part were little lions in different positions. The jeans were a dark blue, my bra and underwear matched and they were black. I picked up my things and walked in to the bathroom, locked both doors and turned on the shower.

After I finished my shower, I dried off and dressed, by the time I got out it was seven o'clock. I walked out of my room, fully dressed, with socks and shoes. I grabbed my dark blue backpack and walked down the stairs as I ran my other hand though my dry dark colored hair. "Starr, Can you take Lilly to school for me? I have a job interview," called my aunt from the kitchen. "Sure," I said before I had a little cry of excitement from Lilly.

Laughing softly to myself, I watched as Lilly finished eating her cereal and quickly ran grabbed her jacket, and started to put on her shoes at the same time. "Lilly, I'm not going anywhere," I said as I walked over to her, kneeled down and helped her with her shoes. Once she was ready I quickly put on my shoes and walked to my green jeep. It was her first day of first grade and it was my first day as a junior. Oddly we had to switch schools because of the 'law' no student can live more them twenty miles from the school they said. The schools we used to go to were just twenty-one miles away.

My jeep slowly came to life after a couple of tries, Lilly kept giggling every time I got aggravated with the engine. Once it started I put it in reverse and drove out of the drive way, once out of the driveway I shifted the gears and we were driving forward now. After a couple of minutes Lilly seemed to have gotten scared by the look on her face. "Lilly… What’s wrong?" I asked as I looked at her for a split second.

"What if no one likes you at high school?" she said. What… She was worried about me? This is silly, why should she be worried about me? I thought as I raised an eye brow... "What do you mean, Lilly?" I asked softly as I tried to understand what she meant. "Well, Sadie Is going to the same school as me. She even has the same teacher as me, but none of your friends are going to that school. It’s like you left them or they left you friendless! Aren't you scared you'll have no friends for the next two years?" Lilly stated, almost over exaggerating it. "Lilly, Lyndell will be there, he's my friend, and his friends will be come my friends" I said as I smiled.

"But Lyndell is a werewolf" she stated, almost pleading for me to not be his friend. "Lilly don’t be silly, there's no such things as werewolves" I said as I stopped the car in her school's parking lot. "Yes he is Starr! I've seen him change!" she claimed. "Alright Lilly, I'll believe you when I see it for myself… ok?" I said smiling. She nodded as she undid her seatbelt and hopped out of the car and ran over to Sadie who was walking with her mom.

I sighed and reached over the soft seats and pulled the door closed. When I sat back up I started to drive to my school. I looked at the clock and it was seven-fifteen. I most have been driving slowly. I quickened my driving skills and made it to my school in five minutes. I smiled softly and took a parking space. I grabbed the hoodie I had in the back seat and put it on then zipped it up. It was baggy on me but I liked it.

By the time I got in to the school it was seven-thirty, school started at eight am. I walked into the school with my blue backpack on my back; I walked to find my locker, turning corners and after a while I found my locker. Placing my new books in there I smiled, locker twenty-four, twenty-four and my locker combo was eighteen-four-eight. Once I grabbed my English book I moved down to the basement and entered the classroom that said 'one' on it.

Every one seemed to stare at something, maybe it was me they were staring at, but they sure looked mesmerized. I walked in and sat down in a seat. It seemed like hours before class really started. Such a long time just being stared at, it was awkward really. When class started the teacher began to speak. I now realized the desks were different, there were about six rows and in each row were about five desks. I sat in the third row the last desk. The teacher was young looking, long blond hair, looked about twenty-seven. She looked almost like the girl from that night I found Lilly… or those people found her.

Once that class was over, the classes went by quite fast. It was lunch now. 'Oh joy' I thought as I watched as the cafeteria became filled with students. I sighed as I got in line and once I got my piece of pizza and milk and looked around for any one I knew but I knew no one so I walked over to an empty table, sat down in the plastic chair and started to eat my food. The pizza was pretty good but I've had better. I got up and turned around to see some girl in my face.

Long brown hair, bright blue eyes, dark eyeliner, pink eye shadow, she wore a short skirt and a small pink top. Heels of course were on her feet. "Trying to steal my boyfriend are you?" she snapped. I blinked a couple times and laughed softly. "I'm Sorry I'm not interesting in to some guy that would like… you," I said plain, simply, and straight to the point. The girl had two friends to back her up, one blond and one had dark brown hair. "Now take your little… prostitute-gang and go bothersome one else," I said as I walked around them and threw my stuff away, including the tray, it was one of those disposable ones any ways.

"Nobody walks away from Summer!" she growled at me. "I'm sorry summer, was your mom a hippie?" I paused "Because this Starr just walked away from the Summer the whore," I said as I walked away from them. "How did she know?" asked the blond friend and I just laughed. There was like ten minutes left of lunch and there was nothing to do. Until I heard a familiar voice,

"HEY! Starr!" I heard. I turned to see. Lyndell I smiled as he caught up to me. he came to a stop next to me, he wore a beige shirt with a brown jacket over it, and jeans were worn as well. His shoes I could barely see because of the length of the jeans but my guess was they were Skate boarding shoes. "Hey, what do you have next?" he asked still smiling. "Oh, I have Gym," I said smiling, he grinned with excitement "So do I! Whom do you have?" he asked very curious.

"I have Mr. Blaine," I said smiling. "Me too!" he said even more excited and he hugged my tightly and like spun me around. I laughed softly as he put me down; he smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head. "Here let me take you there," he said as he got on his knee expecting me to get on his back. "I'm not getting on your back," I said plain and simple. He laughed as he stood up and picked me up, half of me on over his shoulder and the other have in front of him.

"HEY! Put me down!" I demanded and I started to kick and hit his back but it seemed to do nothing. He just laughed at me and continued to walk; I sighed and gave up as he started to walk up stairs. After a couple minutes of walking we were on the third floor. The whole third floor was the gym, cool huh? No not really, seeing after this class I have to go back to the basement. Lyndell opened the door and walked into the gym.

"Mr. Blaine, Starr is just a new student." called Lyndell. I sighed as he walked over toward the teacher. “alright, hand her over to Dawn" a strong male voice said. I could hear a low growl in the back of Lyndell's voice and he placed me down. "Dawn, Mr. Blaine wants you to take care of Stella for me," Lyndell spat. I growled and wanted to kick him but I didn't want to get in trouble my first day.

It was that girl from the other day, long dark red hair. Her complexion was pale but she looked perfect. She grinned and skipped over to me, grabbed my hand and skipped off toward the girl's locker room. "I'm Dawn, as you already know. You must be Stella," she paused. "Starr," I corrected her. "oh then… Starr wear this for gym and we can share a locker… we are going to be such good friends, I know it!" she said grinning. I smiled as I took the cloths and changed.

When we walked out of the locker room. It was just like first hour… every one staring at me. I hated it! it made me feel like I was the center of attention! Something I didn't want! "I think they like you" Dawn whispered to me that scared the living day lights out of me. She made me sit next to her, she continue to chat about random things, like how she thought the light above us were trying to fry our brains so the teachers could fill them with knowledge.

Gym wasn't interesting; I don’t even see why we had to change, we just learned how to stretch the 'right' way. Of course in the locker room, Dawn wanted to wait till everyone else was gone, so we did, I waited with her because she was going to show me to my next class. So once every one left we changed and started to walk toward the doors.

The bell rung and every one hurried out; while dawn and I took our times as well as some other people I thought were stalking me. I brushed it off as we walked; there was a railing that leads us to the stairs, so there was a set of stairs, then a path that turns when you walk down it then you go down more stairs. She stopped walking for a second and waited for me to catch up, but when I did, there was someone and they were waiting for me.

"Stupid slut!" I heard right before I was pushed over the railing. It felt like slow motion for me as I fell to pretty much my death; I know my neck would be snapped like a twig. I didn't not scream I just was in too much shock to do so; I closed my eyes, waiting for my death but when I didn't hit the ground I became a little… concerned.

I opened my eyes to see Dawn, wedged between another railing and the floor. "It's alright, I got you Starr," she said grinning as she tried to pull me up. I took a deep breath in and smiled. "So maybe I will live for another day," I mumbled with a smile. We had a deathly grip on each other... but somehow… I started to slip? "Or maybe not," I mumbled again and sighed. Our grip became tighter, but our hands became sweatier and slipped more.

Horror and Fear struck my face. My new friend would do this much just to I would be alive? How odd… seconds later, my hand left hers and I began to fall once again; I closed my eyes, waiting for the ground to come... This time I was sure I was to hit the floor, but seconds past and I didn't hit the ground, but I did hit something. I opened my eye to see a guy. Dressed in dark colors, and black hair, that was slightly long. It was him; he was the one that saved me the other night too. I was studded by his perfect face and body when he let me down.

"What’s your name?" I asked softly. His face was pale like Dawn; his pale turquoise colored eyes stared down at my bluish purple colored eyes. His face was almost as hard as stone. He stepped away from me, still staring in to my eyes.


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