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Rated: 13+ · Other · Dark · #1595032
An angel meets a demon named Cain.
This is my second attempt at capturing the stories in my mind. This story is the story of a character named Cain. However, the best way to tell this story is start with the story of a different character, because if I started from the beginning of Cain’s story, I would end up with a number of books. So for the sake of all of our attention spans, I will make this smaller. And I will do so by beginning with a character named Draco who was inspired by a friend of mine. He was named by this friend way back when Harry Potter books were first becoming popular.

“So Draco is this bastard angel; supposedly banished from heaven for some unknown reason. He travels the Earth looking for the reason why he was banished while knowing that his father, the Father, has turned his back on him. Draco knows the will of his Father, but has no other ties or connections to Him. So Draco’s much shorted history on Earth involves a lot of soul searching for him and is rather droll. Eventually, Draco finds a person who knows who he is. After a lot of ass-kissing, Draco gets the answer he was looking for, but it wasn’t the answer he wanted. No one to this day except him and the person who told it to him know what the answer was.
“During Draco’s stay in with that person, some of the townsfolk in the area saw Draco’s wings which he normally keeps concealed. These people start following him in his journey’s elsewhere, not knowing where he is going. Eventually, his followers start their own cult with him as they’re ‘second messiah’.
“Now keep in mind, Draco is a bit of a badass looking guy. He wears a pair of these black cop sunglasses, and a full black suit of Kevlar that’s got two slits in the back for his wings. He also has angelic marks all over his face. The most badass part of his persona is that he carries only one weapon on him, an eight gauge, double barrel sawed off shotgun. Not to mention that when his wings are out, that he has a wing span of nearly thirty feet.
“After a long time, Draco had this huge crowd of people following him; easily over a thousand people. Draco, not giving a rat’s ass about these people, takes them through all kinds of hell; they travel all over the place. For some forty years they follow Draco.
“Out of nowhere, though, people start disappearing. At random, people would go out of the group to get something, and then they would mysteriously never comeback. Eventually, the group, at least, the leaders of the group, starts noticing the disappearances and approach Draco for the first time. After speaking to him, they realize that Draco could careless, so they abandon the group as well. Eventually, the group fades to but a few fanatical followers.
“It was when the group was all but gone that Draco noticed that there was an inhuman follower amongst them. Draco, consumed in his own priorities, thought nothing of it. Soon after all members of the group were gone, Draco realized that he was being followed by a demon. Draco staked out a few nights in waiting to confront the demon, but the demon was wiser to it.
“For months, the demon followed him. Draco came to ignore the demon and, after a long time, forgot that the demon was pursuing him. That was when the demon, Cain, approached him first…

It was a cold night. Draco had found himself doused in his own thoughts setting at the top of a mountain. For days his memories had been chasing him and tonight he decided he would finally stand to them and meet them. As if to try and blow his memories away, he stood, stretched his wings, and with a mighty gust, created a mighty force of wind. The recollections of his past vanished from the back of his mind, leaving a mental peace in they’re wake. Now all that lay in his mind was his plans for the future.
With an almost irritated look in his face he began to fold his wings once more, but in the process a small being had leaped onto his back and began tearing his wing from his body. Reacting swiftly, all but in the blink of an eye, Draco had knelt down, un-holstered his shotgun, tore two feathers from his wing, loaded each into a barrel of his gun, shoved the barrels into the hand of the beast grasping at his wing, pointed backwards away from his wing, and fired both barrels into the beasts hand.
In this process, however, the beast had leaped backwards, off of Draco’s back, nearly twenty feet away, dodging the shotgun.
Draco, wings still spread wide, turned and faced his opponent. Taking a stance that would make the tallest of men look small, he holstered his weapon and watched his opponent.
The demon had taken a strange posture, standing with a slouch that looked as if the creature had a weight too heavy to bear on its back, arms dangling long enough to touch the ground when standing straight up. It was as if its arms were too heavy for its body. To Draco, the creature seemed almost human, if not for the horrible glint in its eyes and the grim grin that stretched across its face.
“Creature,” roared Draco, “what business do you have hear with my wing?”
The demon seemingly giggled which Draco took to be very strange but remained wary, and the demon sat cross legged on the ground, arms folded into its lap. “I wanted to fly,” replied the demon, slurping the drool seeping from its mouth back in, “and I assumed that with your wings, this might happen.”
The demon again laughed and Draco again began to fold his wings and sat across from the demon, as well, cross legged. The demon sat staring at Draco, as did Draco set staring at the demon, when the demon began to speak again, “Where are my manors?! I have already begun gazing into your thoughts and I have yet to introduce myself.” The demon spoke this in a thick foreign accent and continued, “I am Cain, the abomination.”
The chill in these words was only matched by the chill in the night. Cain, with his grin still stretched wide and head cocked to one side, stared at Draco. Draco saw the sick humor in Cain’s words; he knew of the intent against tearing Draco’s wing was not for flight, but for food, and he knew that this demon, Cain, was not just any demon, but that he was an abomination. A demon banished from hell, for whatever reason, and a demon hated by all, even its own kin, attempting to seek redemption, through God’s will.
“So you are a servant of the Father, no?” Cain spoke, in a peaceful tone, to the angel before him “Or are you a fallen angel simply not consumed by hell yet?”
Draco, staring cautiously, spoke, “I am a servant of the Lord, yes.”
“Then where is your destination?” asked Cain, curiously.
“It is in Hell. I am looking for a man named Jason Andrew. He has decided that neither Hell nor Earth truly suit his tastes. The Lord has given me the command to take him to heaven, by force, if necessary.”
Cain’s grin faded, “The man you look for has yet to be born, and I too, search for him. God has given me the command to make sure his body remains unharmed and that his soul remains on Earth for eighty years after he is born.”
“So it would seem that we have crossing paths. It would seem that God himself has colliding desires and that our goals are now defeating each other.” Cain said, very coolly.
Draco, with one brow cocked, replied “I don’t believe that there is any need to conflict. I’m not sure of our Father’s intent, but I am sure of mine. I do not wish to bring an end to your life, however, you intent to keep me from serving my Lord, you will fail and I will succeed.”
Cain smiled a weak smile and blinked, “Child,” he started “I am a very old demon. I have no desire to end you, but your arrogance precedes you. Your words are very unwise. You are very young. You have not served many purposes, and for that matter, the one that you hold now, serves very little. You seem to be in a very tight predicament. I am almost disturbed at how our Father is treating you. But in no way do you have my sympathy, or for that matter, my mercies. If you stand against me, I will be eating your wings.” Cain finished with a small but calm smile on his face, “And we all know how good that will taste.”
With this, Draco stood, wings folded behind him. He pointed one finger at Cain and said, “He have worn your welcome on this Earth demon, and tonight, I will send you back to where you come from. You will not ruin my chance at Heaven. This Jason, child or man, will be ended by my hands.”
Cain laughed, looked up at Draco, and gave him these last words, “You are a puppet and a fool, and I come from where I am setting.”
Draco pulled two feathers from his wings, tore his shotgun from his side, and pointed it at Cain. But before he could fire, Cain’s palm had met Draco’s face. Taken aback by Cain’s intense speed, Draco just stood there and recovered from the impact. Cain’s fist was like stone, and speed was unspeakable. Draco’s next move was again countered and met with Cain’s intense speed and stone palm.
Cain, now standing twenty feet away in his hunched over posture, arms dangling low enough to the ground that he could touch it, was watching the angel in its daze of confusion.
“I warned you child, you did not listen. I will give you two options, you may leave here in peace, or continue and I tear your wing off. Which will it be?” Cain asked, in a dangerous tone.
Draco stood before him, in a dazed look, and replied as fiercely as he could muster “You realize I have not been using my second and third sets of wings, and that I have many more after that, as well?”
“And you realize, child,” replied Cain, “That had you been using them, I would have torn them from your body as well, do you not?”
Draco, nearly embarrassed, stood silently. Cain, as impatient as he could tolerate of himself, stood silently.
Both stared each other for a while until Cain sat again on the ground and spoke, “Leave, child, I am not hungry.”
Draco realizing the danger of staying, left, taking with him his destroyed pride.
© Copyright 2009 Bob_Joe (bob_joe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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